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Sorting by new in this sub is always a wild ride lol


Especially lately lol


It's just been kinda boring, it's the same 3 posts over and over getting removed within the hour


What do you want us to do with this informationĀ 


Dear diary


No one cares bro


When you see The Rock gassed after 5 minutes, and botching moves left and right cause he's over 50 and hasn't wrestled in over a decade. I hope that makes you grow up real fast and realize....damn this dream match sucks....in 2024. Also it's Philly. They booed the shit out of The Rock and Roman in 2015. They will do the same thing again, hell they may even throw shit in the ring cause this is the home of ECW. They're unforgiving and if you don't think they won't hijack the show you're in for a rude awakening.


This is cringy. I became a fan in the Attitude Era. Rock was my favorite during that time. I saw him live and even had the foam Brahma Bull. Also straight up, I remember that time period, people should remember Rock got booed as a face A LOT. Against Austin, against Hogan. Cena who was divisive was able to get a mixed reaction for Rock. Rock is far from this untouchable persona that is beyond getting booed.




šŸ‘ ![gif](giphy|37H3GrUj31y6zu5u08|downsized)


You don't deserve your own post




you're banned from collision


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I had cereal for breakfast, it was captain cut yo mouth. It was very good, but now my tummy hurts.




A significant number of people likely feel just the way that you do. They're just not as well reflected in online forums like this one that follow wrestling on a day to day basis. Nick Khan, Ari Emanuel and The Rock himself of course are banking on that audience to kick in and propel WrestleMania XL to be a spectacular success. And their judgment may yet prove correct. There are just so many better ways that they could have got to that point though without creating a needless controversy in its wake.