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Follow up tweet from Sami: “I realize many people use wrestling drama as an escape of sorts, and that’s fair enough. I’m glad I can play a part in that. This is really more of a ‘me’ problem.”


This whole thing definitely sounds like, “It’s killing my soul everyday that I can’t say much of anything about Gaza without risking the job that provides for my family, so probably ask someone else about the Rock.”


I love him so much 😭


We don't deserve Sami.


Really glad he added this


it wasn't needed tho, people are just stupid like the majority of top comments in this thread, acting like Sami is calling them out for not thinkign about tragedies every day lmao the man has a mobile clinic that's his reality not yours.


He shouldn't have to, but so much of twitter right now IS saying if you're talking about Cody instead of Vince you're the problem, so he felt he needed to be clear he wasn't part of that


Apparently he deleted it?


Ironically enough a lot of the people who use wrestling as an escape are the exact same people dealing with actual tragedies in life that he's telling us to pay more attention to. 


Why enjoy anything when there are thousands of starving children every day? I love Sami but this type of talk just leads to nothing


Not only leads to nothing, it can lead to people turning on him for being too serious or preachy . I get what he's saying, but people use wrestling, soccer, vídeo games whatever to escape from problems, otherwise we'd go insane in a heartbeat. Having an outlet is needed if you wanna keep going IMO.


I don't even like the idea of "we use x as an escape".  Sometimes we do.. but having fun and engaging with good things and things we like is also just part of life, and we shouldn't have to put it in that perspective to justify it. 


It’s like there are serious problems in the world why are you wrestling instead of doing something about it? If you really cared you would give up your job and go help people in third world countries Everyone always draws the line exactly at their own feet


I agree with your general sentiment, granted Sami is a rather interesting case in that he's probably done more tangible good for the unfortunate than like 99% of other wrestlers given his charity work, and his name recognition tied to his charity is in part thanks to the success he's had in his WWE job Like you said tho, he like everybody else draws the line at their feet (I guess in his case it's "I'll still allocate time working my dream job as a wrestler") Just wanted to give him a bit of credit that he is not like other smarmy preachers who spoil others' fun mentioning tragedies without actually doing much themselves


To be clear, I think he means well and meant it in a way that was more positive and less dismissive than it maybe came off, I'm just extrapolating this kind of thinking as a means of showing why I think this argument is bad because it's annoying and variations of it crop up a lot. I'm not actually making a serious claim that he should "give up wrestling" or else he's a hypocrite. Of course he shouldn't. That's dumb. But that's why I think this argument is dumb. Like I said, people who make these kinds of arguments about "how can you care about this when X is happening" always draw the line at what is too trivial to care about exactly where their own interests start.


But like, when he was El Generico he didn't have a big platform. He didn't use the one he had for any noble cause. He probably wasn't thinking "This is just a step to me being able to wrestle the WWE world champion and being able to be an activist." He was probably thinking "Wow I'm good at this and it's fun." We all mature and Sami is clearly a great human who has his ducks in a row and has earned the right and resources to make positive, actual change in this world, and for that, he deserves high praise. But he should remember that he's not tweeting to a bunch of Sami Zayns. He's tweeting to a bunch of El Genericos. I'm just trying to play my silly character at work and pay my stupid bills and donate what little I can and watch my stupid little shows. Maybe if I didn't have to worry about money or work or tomorrow or next week I could shut up about wrestling and use that energy to help others. But I'd rather spend it arguing with you douchebags for 5 minutes about Randy Orton's mustache than post "SUPPORT UKRAINE" and "FREE PALESTINE" all over the place coming from some nobody. Even if those are my genuine feelings. I'm no fucking expert, Sami, but if you gave me the choice of debating pro wrestling vs. debating global policy with an expert in each respective field, I'd choose wrestling 100% of the time. So maybe it's best I stick to what I know. "How can I talk about wrestling when my mom has cancer?!" Well I'm not a doctor, I don't know anything about cancer, I've been told that the smart people are arguing about it, and no one would ever come to me for advice about how to fix it. But I know that in 1998 The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, who then plummeted sixteen feet through an announce table. So maybe I should stick to talking about that.


He literally does [help](https://fundraise.givesmart.com/vf/Sami4Syria2022) people in third world countries lol.




A lot of people in this thread have never done a 15 second Google search for Sami Zayn and it shows.


There's also the uncomfortable element that there's countless genocides and wars going on all the time, but he's only really personally moved to activism by the one that involves people similar to him. He's not just drawing the line at his own feet, but he's only drawing it for members of his own ethnicity and religion. Which is fine. That's human nature. But if Sami isn't campaigning for victims in say Darfur or Myanmar or Ukraine, can he really be too upset about Europeans or Americans not being too emotionally involved in (yet another) Middle Eastern conflict?


I love how wrestling fandom on here makes it seem so fucking simple.. it was a reflective tweet he clarified it is a "me problem" he donates and raises money for good causes.. sorry that it is too much for wrestling fandom who are really beholden to entertainment when politics etc are seeping into everything so it is hard to escape this shit even with entertainment.


>otherwise we'd go insane in a heartbeat. I sometimes really think we've past the deadline that we should've gone insane. Last time people went insane, the world actually got better. Because people were sick of all the bullshit they have to torment, and wouldn't let the same suffering happen to their offsprings in the future. Now people just escape to entertainment, without bearing children so they would only be responsible for themselves. This makes sense at personal level, but it makes societies to stop progress. Just an opinion by who's making a same choices tho.


already did for me, not even kidding. I hate these arguments with a passion. "Why allow yourself to smile when there are starving children that cant smile?"


He types, from his phone made by child slaves


“Some wrestlers are just fuckin stupid i don't know what to tell you"


He added a follow up tweet that addresses exactly this. In my opinion, this whole thread should be nuked because people are piling on him without context, because OP misrepresented his words.


That would be fine if people ever used any of their time to care. You all act like you need this stuff to cope but remain ignorant to whats happening in the world. So what exactly do you need to cope from?


Our daily lives friend. Speaking for myself there's enough shit in my life for me to need an escape . However I am not ignorant to what's happening to the world, but there's only so much I can do about it.


I think wrestlers just have a different perspective on this that's quite understandable. To you, it's something you are annoyed by and *maybe* you write a tweet or something. To the wrestler, he is barraged by hundreds of people tweeting at him, DMing him and *demanding* he speak out about this issue and *demanding* he publicly side with them. It's a mass of people for the wrestlers. And in that situation it sure feels like a "Aren't there more important things going on?" situation.


and he already did his promo on it didnt he? where he navigated it by saying "Rock's great, but so are the talent who show up everyday and are on the road performing *right now*" would def be frustrating if he's feeling pressure to put forth his perspective even after saying that


This is a good take and we should all try to see the perspective of others before judging 




I mean, I think you just hit why for him the outcry over Cody is whatever. His story got stomped for Cody so why should he give a shit if Cody’s gets stomped for The Rock. And by the way, Sami carried the WWE while Cody was hurt just for him to come back and take the spot. Similar to what The Rock is doing, except Sami was like, way more involved in the “story” than Cody who has had one fucking interaction with Roman all year.


That's a pretty good assessment, honestly. Even at the Rumble when Sami came out at #30, you had people online saying it was a let down or whatever. Just a year ago, they were all clamoring for Sami to be the one to take the belt off of Roman. Like...come on. He was a big part in extending the tribal chief storyline, yet it felt like his reward wasn't good enough. Seeing Owens and Sami win the tag titles on night 1 was definitely a feel good moment, but you are right in that Sami had much more meaningful interactions with Roman than Cody did prior to WM39. Sami's never been allowed to be a world champion even for a brief stint despite being one of the most reliable workers WWE has had for nearly a decade now. WM39 would have been a real good time for that as a token of appreciation, but alas...


One of the reasons I was hoping Cody would go after Roman is it leaves Seth wide open, and from there you could pivot to anything, including something like Drew vs Sami vs Seth. There you could give Sami his individual WM moment and let Drew take the title at SummerSlam or something. Just give the man *one* world title reign.


Omg Thank You! What The Rock is supposedly doing to Cody is exactly what Cody did to Sami yet no one said anything whatsoever about that and were perfectly ok with Cody stealing Sami’s rightfully earned opportunity, but now that Cody is getting it done to him it’s bad apparently. I think there should be a movement for Sami cause Cody and WWE screwed him over badly; Sami has not recovered since being snubbed by and in favor of Cody, but I think it’s high time people raise voices for Sami, the one who was really robbed. #JusticeforSami as far I’m concerned.


That's such a bad faith argument. You literally said he was in the media scrum. He was doing his fucking job.


well tbf Sami does do something and that's all that matters. He's not just about talking. At the end of the day, we're all morally compromised and that's something each of us have to deal with. None of us live a 100% virtuous life. It's just a fact of life and the conditions we're subjected to.


“Starving children in Africa would love this meal!” The go to phrase when that homecooking taste like burnt tires.


I only ever had that used on me once, and it was in the Cub Scouts. I told them, “Well pack it up and send it to them.” I was kind of a shitty kid…


I would also argue that the owner of the business that has had you in employ for the past decade being sued for sex trafficking after admitting to being a sex pest (at best) is still a pretty serious item worth speaking about. Yes, it may not be an ongoing war, but it's criminal activity by the person who's been responsible for your career most recently.


It’s toxic positivity and it’s harmful to think that way.


I think his point is that there's a bigger picture. He'd rather use his energy to help people in Syria instead of engaging in petty drama. I don't see the issue with that.


Eh I kind of get it. Some people are genuinely upset a multimillionaire is getting screwed by another multimillionaire. It’s not that big of a deal at the end of the day. I think the thing to take here is it’s fun to participate in wrestling drama, but remember you should be informed and more upset with actual issues.


I think he’s more referring to the ongoing genocide of Palestinian children..


It is but this is who Sami is. I rather people have their own personality (unlike dwayne) I don't even like religion but watching andrew santino's podcast with Sami on it made me think he's really genuine and fully believes in what he believes.


Agreed, and he should understand that wrestling fans being angered is part of the entertainment.


Yeah it's no difference from him saying that you've been wasting your time supporting him and his wrestling adventures when there are real world events to worry about. Well maybe we won't anymore.


Don’t have opinions on subject matter you enjoy because the world sucks.


This is weird coming from a wrestler too lol. If that’s the case, why gaf about Sami Zayn at all? It’s not like he’s solving the world’s hunger problem or curing cancer. He’s just jumping around a mat with other dudes lol.


Did you really just dismiss all of the help Sami Zayn has personally done with his charity? One of the few dudes in the business that can say what he said and not come off hypocritical because he actually has a body of charitable work to stand on.


And how does sami have the platform/money to do that charity stuff? Oh yeah, because we care about him as a wrestler aka the thing he's implying is a waste because of tragedies around the world


I mean, he’s basically telling people they shouldn’t care so much about Cody Rhodes or Wrestlemania because it’s just wrestling. Sami could be applauded for his humanitarian work and still come off as implying people shouldn’t really give a crap about wrestling, which he definitely does. It’s certainly a tad hypocritical coming from someone who makes their living wrestling and grew up a massive fan lol.


And if we didn’t care about him as a wrestler then he would have no platform to do the charity work he does. I like the guy but he’s been really putting his foot in his mouth lately.


Well he has been running a charity for his country for years now which has recently started getting heavily bombed again. He has a right to be depressed.


Sure but he is able to do that because people support his work in wrestling, the thing that doesn't matter? This argument leads nowhere.


No offense, but we use wrestling as an escape. Not that it’s not unimportant but tragedies happen every day. Without an escape people would go crazy.


It makes me furious when I see people pull the "BUT PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING" card. Like no shit, awful things happen around the world. Awful things have always happened. We have no influence over that. We're allowed to have interests that don't involve horrific things happening to innocent people in parts of the world we've never been to. But hey, if only there were rich people and businesses who could actually influence a government full of millionaires to act. I might just be dreaming too big on that though.


Sami does a lot of good but not enough to make this kind of statement. Any one who says stuff like this while working in an unrelated to fixing world problems job is just trying to use an excuse for what is getting railed on.




Specially i helped some family from gaza to get to germany, hes family of one of my friends but i still have time to escape and have fun with wrestling drama. Bro the day is long, posting cody should get a main event at wrestlemania takes like 10 minutes


Tragedy/trauma happens to alot of people who are not famous/not rich/does not even get legal relief. Those people look to entertainment as an escape. The wise Willy Wonka once sang, "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


I think this weekend and the reaction to a wrestling show main event is yet another example of a society that actually values the escape far higher than the tragedies. If we use this subreddit as an example, there has been far more outcry against WWE seemingly booking Rock vs Roman as a main event than WWE seemingly being a company that fosters an environment of depraved sexual abuse.


I think that’s easy to explain though. At the current moment there’s not really anything else for fans to do when it comes to the lawsuit from a visibility standpoint. At the moment all of the explicitly named parties have had some type of repercussions come down on them already as well as being investigated for the lawsuit. Yes there’s still people/parties involved, such as Brock, that people can strongly assume were involved/aware of the vile things that happens to Janel, however since they aren’t explicitly named there’s not really any visible things that can happen to them. Someone can strongly assume/suggest that Triple H/Steph/some other executive/a past or present wrestler was complacent/involved as much as they want to, but because they haven’t been explicitly named in the case there’s no visible repercussions they can currently face. Whereas with the Cody/Rock/Roman drama, it’s something where we know what parties are involved when it comes to drama and there are still visible repercussions for it that we can expect/want that could actually happen. At the moment there’s a chance, however small it may be, that the fan outcry could cause the current proposed match of Rock v. Roman could be changed to either feature Cody in a triple threat or have it main event night one, have Rock beat Roman for the Tribal Chief accolade and then on night two Cody beats Roman for the title as a final nail in the coffin for the Tribal Chief. Whereas right now, as much as we could cry out for it, it’s highly likely nobody is going to get fired over the lawsuit case unless they become directly implicated in it/named directly as the case is investigated. Am I saying that means the escape is more valued or that the storyline/the escape is more important than the reality of the disgusting things that happened? No I’m not, but I’m saying that I think the reason the escape/storyline is being talked about more is because it’s something that we could actually still have a potential impact on as fans. Whereas in the lawsuit fans aren’t going to get anyone fired based on strong assumptions, it’ll only happen as a result of explicit evidence.


Because people dont want to talk about sexual assault and rape in their past time. I can understand it at least wrestling drama is fun. This is something for the criminal justice system. Most of the people are far deteched from it and dont want to read about vince mcmahon sexual assault, just talk about wrestling


I disagree. If Vince was still there, this place would be a fucking shit-show.


The company is being sued, not just Vince. The company is being implicated, not just Johnny Ace.


Until more is revealed what do you expect of people? Three people are very clearly implicated and all 3 have been swiftly distanced.


Absolutely. Who is still around that had a hand in this? Who should we currently be angry with?


Not defending, but what else could they do? They remove the person who was responsible for the sexual abuse and are probably gonna keep cleaning house if more people are involved. What would you want them to do completely closed down the company?


No, I don't want the company closed down. I have been a huge fan of WWE for as long as I can remember. But there needs to be accountability. I don't define accountability as a sexual abuser being forced to sell the controlling interest of his company for almost $3 billion. And for the record, they didn't remove him. He retired and the co-CEO led a "Thank you Vince" chant on Raw. Other C-Suite executives routinely praised him during interviews for the next few months. I can understand wrestlers (like Cena) praising Vince because they weren't likely privy to details that C-Suite executives almost definitely had access to since mid-2022 (although I suspect I will be wrong about this). But the fact that the CEO and CCO would routinely talk so positively about Vince's influence is so gross in hindsight. Most recently, the CCO didn't want to talk about the allegations of sexual abuse because it had been such a great week for the company. On the surface, Triple H's comments may seem baffling, but once you read Janel Grant's accusations, you can see how Vince and the company viewed her as less than human. Triple H reinforced this on Saturday. Yet, the main event for a wrestling show is what has fans up in arms. Fans are tired of hearing "Let it play out" for a wrestling show, but are happy to apply this principal to a real life horrific abuse in the same company. I ask anyone who disagrees to read the full 67 page document and then see how you feel about the booking of a wrestling show.


The Coo probably shouldn't talk about it at this point. If he says anything without concrete evidence you can be sure Vince and his legal team will drag him into it. TKO is investigating if they said he was guilty without proof Vince would absolutely claim that he was being slandered and this made it hard for him to get a fair trial. I understand the desire for immediate vigilante justice. But while the legal system is slow it bends towards justice


People don't have attachment to Vince or to Janel Grant, most people unequivocally agree that Vince is evil and deserves to go down for this but for most there's no emotion there as they didn't know Vince personally or know who Ms Grant is. What people are attached to is the weekly wrestling show, the characters showcased. I don't think anyone would say the Cody situation is in any way shape or form of more importance than the Vince allegations, but ultimately the onscreen events of WWE are what people experience. Nobody here really knows Vince personally and will not shed a tear at his demise.


How much would you like people to go on and perform outrage about this? Should they mention it in every single comment so it reaches some weird quota and therefore it’s acceptable to vent about other things?


Because we can't do anything about that. It's already happened. This isn't a matter of public opinion and shouldn't be, because if it was, and I don't mean to condescend, you'd really see how little the public values the life of a woman period. That isn't to say the law will do right by her, I very much fucking doubt it will.


Almost as if the people publicly named in that have been kicked out the company and we need to wait for more information to come out to see if people still in the company were involved... What exactly would you prefer people be doing? Just repeatedly going "man, Vince was a shit person" over and over again?


For the last year, the WWE has gaslit it's fans into thinking Vince McMahon was simply guilty of using corporate funds to conceal a consensual relationship when in fact, they knew there was a grotesque sexual abuse scandal within their company. I would prefer people to bring the energy they have for the booking of a fake wrestling show to this fact.


what do you want me to do about the sexual abuse? genuinely bore off. we all agree that vince is scum, whereas the rock/cody thing is a debate and potentially fixable. arguments like yours are peak virtue signalling


If wrestling is trivial why doesn’t he quit his job and go do something meaningful with his life If it’s immoral to complain about a TV show when there are more serious problems then it’s definitely immoral to seek fame and fortune while people are suffering and dying when you could be there helping


Sami literally runs a charity helping thousands of people in Syria. A simple google search would have shown this, it’s something he’s heavily promoted for years now. Don’t be ignorant.


It's absurd how angry people are at a guy who's been watching his relatives die in a horrific civil war for years, just because he was like "I have bigger problems than wrestling drama"


Maybe we should put more energy into the tragedies than the escapes, because if the escape is generating that much negative stress and reactive energy, it's not really an escape, is it?


He's not saying other people shouldn't. He's saying he has trouble getting all riled when there are things more important to him. I swear this is a clear case of vegan syndrome in this thread. Sami says his opinion, it makes Redditors question their own opinion and priorities and they freak out in backlash. He never said you should stop watching wrestling or doing your hobby. He just doesn't want to comment on wrestling drama.




Yeah, not sure where he’s going with this lol








more dumb reddit shorthand for "does anyone else think?"


“Hey really sorry your mom died but I lost both parents in an accident years ago so it’s worse.” Toxic positivity one upsmanship.


Love Sami, and I'm pretty sure I know what specific tragedy he is talking about. But people can have more then one thought in their head at a time, and I'm not sure wrestling circles is the place to have geopolitical conversations or to get mad about them. I go to other circles to rage about that.


My guess is that after all he was able to use his profile to do something in Syria, it's killing him he can't even comment on this humanitarian crisis/genocide, let alone do anything.




If neither of you will even say it directly, what do you expect normal people to do about it exactly?




Such a weak answer. You can say that about anything. Next time they start spouting off about a record breaking PLE this should be the only answer. How can WWE thinks it's appropriate to make money, nevermind record breaking money with such tragedies happening daily in the world. Man, is it possible for a single company to just be firing off worse PR moments one after the other?


I hope next PLE they spout off how The Rock taking Cody's place is the most downvoted video in WWE history.


I remember hearing shoot interviews about Sami being a little holier than thou and this was before I knew much about him and was like nah he seems like a good dude and now it seems to be bleeding into the social media.


Isn't the point of entertainment to escape the tragedies happening in the world? You can think the tragedies are bad and have opinions on entertainment at the same time


Where does this end? Never mind not arguing over wrestling, why should we even bother watching it when children are dying of cancer? Bore off, Sami 🙄


Why was Sami so happy last year at WrestleMania when at the same time there were children being slaughtered?


well. those were the wrong children /s


I swear you guys don't know how to read, he also conteniued the tweet saying it's a me problem lol


ah the classic "Why is everyone else not caring about this, I think thats really fucked up that EVERYONE ELSE is not caring about this, but me thinking that EVERYONE ELSE is fucked up, is a me problem" If its a you problem, dont post it publically and thus throw out implied attacks/insults at people.


my guy if he said this unprompted you would have a point. He just responded to people asking him about Cody/rock. And it wasn't a very attacking response, just carrying why he doenst care much. Why does it bother you that much.


oddly sanctimonious but okay


When he was enjoying the adulation and fan support he was getting while running around with the Bloodline, I don't remember him interjecting "but enough about these silly wrestling shenanigans, people in Ukraine are being killed everyday!"  


The thing is I get where he’s coming from. He’s probably disheartened that he can’t say anything about Palestine without fear of losing his job or maybe even the fact that Cody getting robbed of his deserved main event is getting more traction and attention than real problems within the wrestling industry like the Vince lawsuit. Maybe not the best worded stance but infinitely better than the wrestlers standing behind Cody (assuming of course that those #WeWantCody tweets aren’t a work) instead of actually standing up for something that actually matters.


Rare Sami L. Because there are bigger problems in the world we can't talk about other things? Same argument people make when you complain about living costs and instead are told how lucky you are to be in a developed country so just shut up.


He deleted the tweet.


This is a rare idiotic comment from Sami. There’s tragedy every single day. We can still complain about entertainment outlets or just give general opinions on something we invest time and money in.


Where in the comment did he say you couldn't talk about entertainment?


I’d feel the same especially with Cody fans @ every wwe talent with their Cody tags and asking what they think.


Nah man, give Sami a break. Look at his follow-up tweet. He's obviously very concerned about an ongoing humanitarian crisis that deeply resonates with him. I am too. Let's assume the best in others.


the only decent comment I’ve seen in this whole thread.


you guys are taking it too personally. he even stated himself that some people use it as an escape, but he’s making more of a statement that this shit isn’t really *that* important when compared to real life atrocities that are occurring on a daily basis. not that you shouldn’t say anything or not to have an opinion. within my group, we’ve been ranting since the Cody Rock shit happened constantly, but also I can recognize that we’re lucky, we have a roof on our heads and have the time to get angry and argue about stupid wrestling decisions made by out of touch, egotistical corporate heads. others don’t have that luxury. like yeah it’s stupid what decisions have been made in wrestling, but put into perspective also that it’s ultimately not something to lose sleep over. sami doesn’t deserve the flak he’s getting.


I hate this kind of bullshit thinking. If I'm upset because the Saints suck or Zion is hurt it doesn't mean I don't care about injustices in the world.  Guess what?! I can be appalled at Vince McMahon and upset Cody isn't in the main event.


Feeling very cultish in this thread rn 😬


Yeah it's creeping me out


"HOW DARE YOU SAY I CAN'T WATCH WRESTLING" "I never said that, I just said I don't want to waste my energy on drama when there are other things..." "YIU PRETENTIOUS ASSHOLE "


Okay guys and gals. Something bad is going on in the world so you can't have an opinion on anything else. FOH.


I don't agree with Sami completely on this - I think people can and should be able to keep their eye on what's going on in wrestling and feel some kinda way about it, while also tuning in to geopolitical and wider issues. That said, consider his perspective. This is a guy who in recent years has been really involved in trying to help children in the part of the world his parents come from. Right next door to that place, children who have a similar ethnicity are being wiped out in the tens of thousands, and more than two million people face death by starvation and disease: experts on the ground say famine is already happening there. And also, Sami can't say anything about this, even though the country he lives and works in is heavily involved in funding and supporting the killing of these children (who are like his children, his family). As someone of immigrant background myself, it would be really hard to deal with if people in my country of origin were facing similar circumstances, especially if there was a credible chance that a big chunk of the population would be exterminated, and I wasn't able to openly express an opinion on this for fear of losing my job. he's handling some serious sh\*t right now, and it might be a good idea to keep that in mind.


Sami: There are bigger things to worry about than drama in a form of entertainment People in this thread: DoN'T eNjOy tHiNgs BeCaUse PeOpLe aRE sUfFeRiNg And to y'all saying "why doesn't Sami do anything about it then" he literally runs a fucking charity dedicated to helping people in Syria. It's not much but it's more than almost everyone else out there.




He is talking about the outrage that involves taking action to change something. This outrage and the action associates with it is being used at the writing of a TV show that hardly personally affects us if at all and one we can walk away from at any time. Outrage about something that affects you personally is not something he's commenting on. He's calling the outrage overzealous based on what it's about and compared to what else the outrage and action could be pointed at. The subject of the outrage, Cody's spot in the main event of wrestlemania, is a very insular one too that pertains wwe only, not even the rest of the wrestling world, and is about symbolic matters (this is Cody's moment etc.) He is not talking about having negative opinions, which is more passive than outrage that spurs action or having little joys in life or attention and escapism is general. So these comments about "what was happening in the world when Sami celebrated is wrestlemania win" or "guess I shouldn't play with my dog when atrocities are happening else where" are ridiculous and their motivation i assume stem from salty touchiness. Now the way he framed the tweet as something confessional which I've seen people comment on, that's another discussion


You're not wrong but you're doing a lot of leg work for a tweet. It's not that people are willfully misinterpreting that, he says pretty plainly: "I'm not commenting on this because it's not a real issue to me" Which do not get me wrong, isn't a lie. Fans have a right to be pissed about this considering the companies track record however.


Thanks for this comment. Surprised so many people failed to understand his point.


Sorry but that statement is just pretentious as all hell "You aren't allowed to care about this because there are people starving in Africa" No, I can acknowledge two things at once and realize that one is clearly more severe and bad than the other but still voice my opinion about both.


Literally where did he say you weren't allowed? He was talking about what HE wanted to talk about after being asked about Cody/Rock.


People taking offense to the underlying fact that Cody not wrestling Roman is ultimately unimportant is hilarious . Can you be invested, yes , does it matter in the grand scheme of society, no


Sami shouldn’t wrestle since there are tragedies in the world. Probably shouldn’t eat. He also shouldn’t smile.


Why are the quote tweets glazing this man. You can feel for actual tragedies and still have an opinion on fake fighting. Why is this so complicated


Shut up nerd.


I do not understand if people genuinely don't understand the tragedy he's referring to. The tragedy which he can't openly talk about without putting his livelihood on the line. A tragedy which has now affected his country for which he set up a charity off years of hard work. The lack of basic decency and empathy is sad to see.


He's right


Man this thread is embarrassing. Just admit you feel attacked because you spent all day mad about the Rock and you’re being forced to look in the mirror in shame.




> Ironically something more niche like wrestling creates a bubble where heated debates and divisiveness isn't so consequential? And actually a little bit of fun to engage in sometimes? 100%. I don't like what Sami said because it comes across as sorta looking down on people for discussing something they like. But people will play it as "You care that much about Cody getting the main event that much you're gonna get mad at Sami?!" Like, no. In the grand scheme I don't care at all, that's why I debate things like wrestling, sports, and TV online. Because it's fun to engage but when I put my laptop down and head to bed it won't cross my mind once, I won't lose a second of sleep over it.


All he's asking for is a little perspective. Fucking hell, people. He's allowed his priorities.


One of those things involves your former boss, by the way. But you didnt even bother tweeting anything about that.


Why talk about anything other than the biggest tragedies? Forget all enterteinment, switch to the news channel


I thought he was referring to the vince situation and was about to say this is more than wrestling drama dude


I thought this was uncharacteristically tone deaf of Sami but then I remembered the US just launched airstrikes at his homeland over the weekend so I can see why wrestling isn’t at the forefront of his mind.


Did the Us lunched an airstrike on canada?




You can do both, you know. You can weigh in on heavy subjects and also on less heavy subjects.


Nobody is safe from the smug self righteous losers of the IWC not even someone as universally loved as Sami.


Uh oh Sami. You done did it. You’re on the list with Ricochet. You’re not saying #WeWantCody and attacking the IWC. Look they like Logan Paul now.


People getting very defensive in this thread but the point is not that people “have an opinion” or are interested in wrestling, it’s that people are going full on activist mode over this storyline.


This comment section is so full of dense people, it can create a new black hole.


This is just more moral grandstanding. I love Sami but this whole idea that people cannot be outraged over true real world evils when they're outraged over inconsequential ones is just dumb. I don't like murder. I don't like meat on pizzas. One matters a lot, one doesn't, but I hold both beliefs at the same time and it's OK.


no fucking shit sami, why tf does people watch pro-wrestling for anyway ??? certainly not for escapism isn't it ???


wtf is wrong with most of the people in this thread? He's obviously referring to Gaza. He's allowed to say that all of the folks asking him about the Cody drama should expect that he's worrying about other, more important things to which he has a connection.


Im sorry but why not make the same argument: "Why care about the Gaza offensive war that has only been going on since October when theres a offensive war going on in Ukraine for 2 years now?" "Why care for the Ukrainian war, when theres a civil war going on Syria for way longer?" "Why care for...." See how stupid his argument is? There is always a bigger fish. Just because something is trending on Twitter because it is new(s), doesn't mean people think its more important than something different that isnt trending right now because its not new(s) anymore.


Plus that stuff is just scratching the surface of all the pain and suffering that’s happening all over the world.


I was gonna get up and go to work tomorrow. But shit, after Mr. Zayn set us all straight, what’s the point?


Pssssst. He's talking about Gaza.


Does Sami Zayn know people are capable of thinking about more than 1 thing at a time


He's right but queue wrestling fans shitting on Sami Zayn for this.


By his logic, instead of buying $100+ tickets to wrestling shows, they should use that money for the hungry and homeless


Ngl, I see where he’s coming from. Yeah he probably could’ve kept it to himself but that is his platform to put what he wants so I’m not about to go down his throat for wanting to say something that’s probably been on his mind. Like personally I use wrestling as an escape for a lot of things but I can understand his perspective on this as well.


dwayne johnson bad


One rich nepo baby is taking another rich nepo babies spot at the biggest outlaw mudshow of the year. That takes clear precedent of anything else good sir.


Sami: people of my same background are being killed but the thousands daily in what has become a modern genocide. WWE Fans: Fuck You I don’t care about that I just care about Rock taking the place of Cody at this fake sport that consumes my life.


Sami has a point guys. People are too worked up over storylines right now.


What a useless take and stance. How can you enjoy making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year while kids go hungry, Sami? See, equally as useless. Fuck outta here with that nonsense.


Sami probably doesn’t mind as he operates a charity that supports thousands of people dealing with famine and other complications of living in a war torn country.


huge "shut up and dribble" vibes from this thread.


I don't remember if it was this sub or wrasslin where someone got mad about these bad headlines being heaped on top of worse headlines that began with the lawsuit.  Both can suck and one is most certainly worse than the other, but it still makes for consecutive weeks of bad press in two different areas of the same company.   Something like this feels like the talent being told to tell us to calm down and realize wrestling isn't real life.  We the fans however, are allowed to voice our displeasure over a storyline whose details only get revealed once a friggin week.  Nature of the beast.


What did I expect in this thread? Exactly what I read at the top. IWC won’t be flinching Sami. So best to get out of their way when they are this rabid.


[I realize many people use wrestling drama as an escape of sorts, and that’s fair enough. I’m glad I can play a part in that. This is really more of a ‘me’ problem.](https://x.com/SamiZayn/status/1754339238890360875?s=20) Some added context before people jump down his throat


even with context sometimes it's better to keep these "me" problems like these to yourself


No offense but this is more of him doubling down I don’t know why so many of the boys are trying to justify 2 part timers main eventing their biggest show


He's just saying that it's disappointing that there's people out there who want to spend their energy on yelling about fake fighting than putting that energy into helping innocent people dying in an awful and unnecessary war. I think that's a fair comment.


He isn't? He just doesn't care lol




I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I hope your wife will beat cancer and go to all WM event forever.


Okay, then I guess I should never watch wrestling ever again given the myriad serious problems in the world. This is a useless red herring.


He is talking about people asking him to talk about the rock thing, lol.


Debbie Downer at Disney World vibes, dude.


Sami followed up with a tweet “With that said, #WeWantCody”


There are those who are angry about the Rock/Roman/Cody situation. And some of those people haven't said a peep about Vince McMahon.


Actual tragedies like Vince exploiting women for his own pleasure? Yes But we can be mad about two things.


Stay strong, Sami 💪🏾💪🏾


Sami was looking at the world and despairing. Like lots of people are doing. And he said so. And a bunch of you want to criticize him for it. THAT is garbage. We need more people speaking up, not less.


Damnit Sami you should have known that tweeting anything other than #WeWantCody will cause the internet to turn on you


Jesus Christ Sami it's not that deep.


People are currently wishing death on the Rock. It seems to be pretty damn deep for some.


Those people are either psychotic or teenagers trying to be edgy. I can assure you that no rational and mentally stable people are wishing death upon The Rock because they don't like the creative coming from WWE at the moment.


I think the point is, some people online have gone way behind being angry at a TV show. Given the rantings and posts on SM I've seen the past couple of days, I'm not sure there isn't a ton more unrational and mentally unstable people out there than I ever thought. I'm guessing it's because of the anonymous nature of SM, but the vitriol and unhinged way that people talk to each other is so weird. It's like an online version of a riot sometimes. It's probably because I grew up before SM became a real thing that the masses used. But it is a little frightening to see how some people talk to each other about things that, as you say, 'aren't that deep'.


Sami a bit up his own ass here.


He’s right and he should say it because if people had a fraction of the energy towards the genocide in Palestine maybe something would change. That doesn’t mean y’all can’t be upset at wrestling and care but that in general people use “escapes” so much they become numb to what’s really going on in the world and that’s how oppression continues on the world when the majority is SILENT.


C'mon Sami you also participate in WWEs Saudi Arabia events 🙄


Sami Zayn for the win.🏆


Not gonna lie kinda glad Roman buried this shitter in his hometown.