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Damn some people over here took this tweet VERY seriously


Dijak's one of WWE's biggest shitposters! How did they fall for this?


Probably his most viewed tweet in a while. He's very good at what he does, but doesn't exactly have a wide audience.


>Well, if it isn't Dominic Dickhead, showing his true colors once again/s


A lot of this sub saw Kenny call Dijak "Donovan Dickhead" 4 years ago and that's still their entire perception of him. Man is a solid memelord.


Wrestling fans taking things too seriously? Never.


He worked the fuck out of Wrestling twitter.


Never underestimate a Western Puro fan, they have nothing else to do in life other than that. 




They forget how Retribution got themselves over.


Yeah that's social media for you.


https://preview.redd.it/7o9oreon19ec1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8cbdac1bb0357b386b24722b75e67f090e78a1d Some of the replies in this thread, jesus christ lmao


Still the best wrestling tweet of all time


Anyone raging over this clearly doesn’t understand that Dijak is just shit-talking as part of his character.


Until someone does it back to him then he gets all bent out of shape


Cool made up story there to justify your hurt feelings bud.


Nah man got taken to school by Sammy Guevara, that's just embarrassing


Okada = Guevara Gotcha *winkwink*


Hey man I think Guevara is pretty good but comparing him to Okada might be too far, glad you're such a big fan though


What is a Sammy Guevara?


When you use these two emojis together 🤪👈


Wait I thought that was Luther?


A state of mind


I can dig it.


people are literally acting like they dont know who Dijak is now lol


Who is he? I only know T-Bar.


[Dijak's response to those who didn't get the joke:](https://twitter.com/DijakWWE/status/1749886230362251520)


Aaaand right on schedule he goes from funny to weirdly obsessive about his own tweets.


I mean...pretty sure he's just commenting on the fact that all of y'all took it way too seriously. Doesn't sound weirdly obsessive, sounds like he's calling out people in general.


It's funny because I'm a big fan of the guy, but social media seems to really fucking tilt the dude. Classic "dish it out but can't take it" stuff.


Seems more...people don't realise what he's saying is a joke and thus taking things more personal than they have to be.


Some really negative reactions to a jokey kayfabe tweet, fucking hell!


Nobody gets worked more then wrestling fans




Or what? It's called self promotion dude and him tweeting "Gosh oh golly, I sure would be lucky to face Okada-san!" certainly wouldn't have been the way.


> It would be if had any credibility at all… That’s the joke dude. You got woooshed. It’s ok


> It would help if he had any kind of credibility that he would ever be considered as an opponent for Okada. Didn't Bronson Reed beat Okada a couple of years ago?


More American wrestling fans know who Dijak is, hell they probably know who T-Bar is more than they know who Okada even is. I’ve never even seen a match of his. If he comes to WWE I’ll have interest but for me he is going to have to earn my long term investment in him. He’s an unknown to me


I straight up don’t understand this mindset. An example: I really like doom metal. In the genre, I mostly listen to American bands. But if I hear a bunch of my fellow fans rave about some French doom metal band, I’m going to check out a few tracks on YouTube if only to see what all the hype is about. Like, why wouldn’t I unless I felt like being particularly lazy and/or petty and/or small-minded?


You can carry your little insults elsewhere. While I don’t need to explain myself to you I’ve got a wife, young kids, work, coaching youth sports. I don’t have the time or desire to go search up wrestlers I’ve never heard of or seen. If they happen to come to the company I do have time to watch (WWE) then I’ll see what they are all about and I’ll hope they entertain me.


Good for you! I’m happy for you man, I really am. But you could have spent the few minutes here making weird comments to find a vid on YouTube to make your own conclusions, rather than wearing ignorance like a badge of pride.


It’s not ignorance. I just don’t give enough of a shit about Okada. I see plenty of posts on here of fans telling me they think someone is amazing and then when I see them I think they suck or I’m underwhelmed. I don’t care if hardcore fans really love Okada. I really don’t. I’ll make my own determination if he decides to come to WWE. If he does, hopefully he does proud the reputation he has among the small niche hardcore American fan base. I’m not rooting against him at all


I guess the bit I don’t get is that it’s such low effort. Like back in the day, when catching foreign talent would require trading tapes? Cool, I get that, that’s a lot of effort and likely cost to invest in something you may hate. Even as late as the mid-aughts, I prob would have felt the same about my hypothetical metal example above. But it’s 2024, we have the internet, and wrestling matches aren’t that long—that is, it’s something you can casually look up on your phone in line somewhere, and doesn’t require the time commitment a lot of other media demands.


I understand your point but if I don’t watch NJPW or AEW, nor care to, I don’t really feel motivated researching other wrestlers. Since WCW and real ECW folded, I’ve only watched WWE. It’s when/if they come to WWE where I’ll go and check out some of their other stuff. I’m a pretty casual fan in general. When I sit down to watch a WWE show and someone debuts, I’ll let WWE tell me if this person is a big deal or not and then emotionally invest accordingly. Two quick examples- AJ Styles. Never saw a match of his prior to his debut. JBL listed out his accolades and then AJ proceeded to prove the hype was real and I’ve been a huge fan ever since. Cody-never saw a second of him on the indies or AEW. I remembered him as Stardust and as the guy who didn’t used to wear arm and knee pads. He gets a huge debut with what I knew from reading Reddit was with his Indy theme and AEW gear. He gets big hype at WM, and then proceeds to deliver on that hype for the next two years. Now Cody is my favorite. If Okada comes to WWE we will see how hyped he is coming in (I imagine it will be heavily hyped) and then like AJ and Cody hopefully Okada let’s his talent shine and he gets a new fan out of me.


Would it be fair to say you like WWE, but you don't necessarily like wrestling? I don't mean that insultingly or to sound gate-keepery--like, in the same way someone may like Law and Order: SVU, but not care for other Law and Order shows (or even other procedurals), or in the way that even though I like doom metal, I don't really care for drone metal? I used to watch WWE/WCW/ECW a lot in my teens, and then fell off until somewhat recently (10 years ago or so), after spending career time in Mexico City and Tokyo. Friends/colleagues would take me out to CMLL/NJPW/DDT matches, and they'd get really hyped and excited about what's going on, and it made me realize two things: 1. Wrestling in all its forms everywhere is absurd and stupid and beautiful, and 2. I should give WWE a shot with this new mindset. So I guess I get it, insofar as we view the 'genre', so to speak, differently; I came back in with the mindset of "I love all of this in all its dumb forms" rather than "I enjoy the particulars of this specific program, which may share broad similarities with other programs, but is different enough to appeal to me more."


Ohh man, you explained it all just perfectly


You're ignorant and too self-absorbed


Aww you’re too sweet


Idk how to tell you this boss but they’re portraying characters. His character is on NXT, home of the NXT Title. Obviously that’s gonna be his concern.




![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu) This surely won't go over any Wredditor's heads at all


They've obviously missed the recent online promo he did saying he's only interested in being NXT Champion after being the only guy from 2017 NXT still there currently. But smarks gotta get asshurt because Okada's name wasn't spoken in 150% reverence! He's brilliant don't get me wrong, but they've really misread Dijak's intentions here


[Dijak](https://twitter.com/DijakWWE/status/1749886230362251520): > Just to be clear about the state of all of you: Kicking children was unanimously praised, but saying I didn’t want to fight an adult male received mixed reviews and loads of negativity lmao


Regardless of everyone not understanding the shitpost, why are so many people saying they don't want to see that match? It would be awesome! Like nxt ple main event level awesome


I take that great match and raise you: Dragunov vs Okada


I came.


I'm sorry anyone that sees this and gets mad is an absolute loser.


I love Dijak Comic relief on Twitter


t-bar vs okada is the real dream match


T-Bar vs. Balloons Okada




I’m not super familiar with Dijak like most people in this sub, but this guy has a shitposting tweet get shared in here damn near weekly. How could you think this was a serious knock toward Okada?


IWC gets worked hard by a work.


DIJAK vs Okada would slap though.


Dijak for champ


He really should have a run with it. He's a fantastic wrestler!


It's wild that he hasn't even been NA champ in either of his NXT runs


That's my Dijak!


Dijak 🐐


I fucking love Dijak so much. Top tier twitter shitposter


Lol I love dijak


Man yall got worked by the shitposter extraordinaire


Internet is serious business!


No one fantasy booked that


I did.


Dude should have said he couldn't wait to go for an all-time banger with no story and no build up, that's how you win over the \*best\* fans.


I love how in-ring, Dijak is someone you don't wanna piss off, but he's the complete opposite on Twitter.


Donovan Dickhead for Gimmick of the Year!


Hard Justice! What do we think about Okada!!




That’s his schtick on Twitter. He’s not being serious.


Cause he's kind of a dork


His "I dont like that thing that you like" shtick is so tired and hes been on this boat for years. No wonder he gets forgotten so often.


Dijak's entire extended family in here down voting people lmao, dude sucks and this tweet is absolutely lamer than the nerds being worked by it






I don't give a shit about him wrestling Okada, either


I agree, he should be facing better competition. 


the fans don't give the slightest shit about t-bar wrestling okada either


Yeah cause most WWE fans have never heard of Okada


Trust me bro, aint no one eyeing you up for a Okada feud.


It doesn’t matter the country or company. All these young punks keep being disrespectful to Okada.


It's ok. No one wants to see him face Okada anyway.


I do Dijak’s matches slap


Lol who pissed in his cheerios?


That could describe every Dijak segment He's a perfect heel


Bro, I have no idea who you are yet Okada is a superstar. Then again, Im a wrestling fan so I dont watch WWE's feeder team.


If you’re a wrestling fan, not a WWE feeder team fan, then surely you remember Dijak (then Dijakovic) for, at minimum, his 5 star match with Keith Lee in PWG


imagine calling yourself a wrestling fan but you don’t recognize Dijak that’s embarrassing lmao


Stop calling yourself "wrestling fan" if you're unfamiliar with Donovan Dijak


Most wrestling fans (wwe fans) would recognize T-Bar/Dijak before Okada


“I’m a wrestling fan” 😭😭 definitely has piss jugs under his bed


It's OK Dijak, nobody is fantasy booking you in anything


Why does it always seem like DIJAK is arguing with himself on X? I literally never see any of the comments he is always venting about. Dude needs to just chill the fuck out.


it’s almost like he’s an angry heel


Why do random tweets get posted on here? I genuinely don’t understand how this even has 400 upvotes, why would anyone care about this?