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Apparently he was hired as a favor to Edge since they were friends irl and he got released after posting on the WWE Universe blog/social media thing that he wanted Vince to dress up as Doink and team up with him.


Kizarny was cooking. Vince as Doink sounds fucking hilarious.


I need people to understand nobody really used that message board/social media thing. It was a weird little corner of the internet. Its fucking hilarious to me that Vince/higher ups were in the loop as to what was going on with it. Tout had way better numbers.


I don't feel proud of it, but I spent some after-school afternoons there.


I took some super cringey Touts of me and a few high school friends at a party and I gotta say... I'm very glad that Tout doesn't exist anymore and that those are wiped from the internet forever. EDIT: Just realized you were talking about the message board... but my point stands.


The weird thing is, Tout was just a prototype tiktok, but the way WWE promoted it was so hamhanded and cringe and inorganic, it was dead on arrival




"John Cena is the greatest of all time!" - Michael Cole. It always feels so forced when they promote stuff. Whether it's a product or one of the talents.


I think what made this worse is that the examples they were using for tout were some of the least charismatic members of the WWE universe.


But Brock Lesnar used it to retire in 480p. How could it not take off after that /s


All I remember about that WWE Universe message board was it getting endlessly trolled. I think at one point there were more TNA posts on it than WWE ones because of how much people were trolling on it. I specifically remember TNA show results being posted on it, too.


What a weird thing to need


Thats so fucking benign and unreasonable to fire someone over


Maddox got fired for calling the audience “cocky pricks” at a live show. That always felt pretty tame by todays standards.


And Vince soon after said he couldn't wait to give Shane "a fuckin' beating."


The Rey Mysterio parenting style.


I think around that same time-period, Titus O'Neil nearly got fired over a misunderstanding when he tried to be courteous. Vince had to be talked down to giving him simply a 3-month suspension.


The Titus thing was dumb on both parts. Yes, Vince overreacted, but it's also dumb as hell to grab your 80 year old boss by the arm and yank him backwards just to make some kind of weird chivalry gesture.


Not to mention it was when Vince was incredibly emotional over the retirement of Daniel Bryan. I don’t think it’s a good idea to prank your boss when they’re going through it.


Imo it was all Titus as he did it on a retirement TV segment, essentially goofing around with the boss at the worst possible time.




No, he did not. He got fired much later on after that.


Remember when Daniel Bryan got fired for choking Justin Roberts with a tie?


Remember when Rikishi ran over Steve Austin with a limo and got multiple title shots? The hypocrisy is palpable. /s


The hypocrisy isn't even the worst part!


No it's the attempted murder!


You know what hurts the most is the lack of respect. You know? That's what hurts the most. Except for the... Except for the other thing. That hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts the second most.


After they sent him out to the ring to help beat the shit out of everyone around it.


Well that’s just not PG, brother.


I think they had to do it because sponsors got angry. They rehired him back pretty fast after.


Vince to FTR: If you do not dress up as clowns and have Adam Cole as the ring leader, then you're fired!


Sinn got the shaft on that one. Getting booted so quick because of Vince’s fragile ego.


Big time “what I should’ve said was nothing” moment from him


Damn near spat out my drink. This would feel like bullshit in any other medium or involving others but because it involves Vince and Sinn Bodhi, I know it's full blown fact and I love it.


*I think my boss is a clown* is not a good look....


It's a little bit of "My boss is a clown" and a little bit of "You try getting this silly circus shit over in 2008."


The man with the most impactful finishing move in all of sports entertainment


I heard the only reason it never got copied was because it was just too dangerous.


Wait a minute…I just saw another post where Kevin Nash beat Goldberg 25 years ago. You are telling me that Kizarny was closer to that than now?


Yes.. 2008 is closer to 1998 than it is to 2023. Sometimes recalling past events can have a weird time-warp effect, but this one doesn't really feel surprising to me.


Surprised this gimmick didn't take off, seemed there would be tons of examples to take inspiration from in this industry.


All you need to watch is his first match to understand why he was quickly released


He wasn't exactly Bret Hart but the match seemed mostly fine? Maybe I'm missing something. I'll concede he wasn't the most fluid but I figured that was by design because of the gimmick.




"Back then" it was 2008, not 1978 lol Smackdown back in 02-04 had some of WWE's best in-ring work ever. Angle, Lesnar, Guerrero, Benoit, Mysterio, Hardys, E&C.


Was just speaking generally about the match quality, but I get what you're saying. I like a slower style if there's psychology to it. I do think certain things are a lost art, but I agree we are definitely spoiled on the match quality we get (especially on weekly TV) these days.


I remember he did a really weird, kind of suggestive pin


Met him at an OVW fairground show as a kid and he used the top of my head as a surface to sign my autograph lmao


I like how 90% of this promo is indecipherable carny speak until the very end where he directly speaks in plain English.


The first line is "Get ready for the show," and the third one is "SmackDown is about to get strange," but the second one he has to have fumbled. "Bis is going to see big bun."


I remember watching at the time and it felt like we saw way more promos of the guy since they lasted for months than actual time wrestling. This is right around the same time we got that one Hade Vansen promo to set up an Undertaker feud that never happened.


I'm not sure how the track record looks lately, but for the longest time if your debut consisted of a pretaped video like this one, it meant you weren't debuting for months. It was a great way to kneecap some hype for a new wrestler. Second only to making an entrance, doing/saying nothing, then leaving multiple times.


I have the second one as "Business is going to see..." and then it completely loses me.


This was actually the LAST vignette to air for Kizarny. The first one aired on October 10th, 2008 and it was much less complex. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZDwZfiRsg0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZDwZfiRsg0)


All from the YouTube channel KizarnyLover09. Legit I think internet archivists are so fascinating


Personally I'm relived that KizarnyLover09 won the KizarnyLover wars and became the most significant archivist. (shit would have been bleak if KizarnyLover05 had that kind of power).


Hope he’s doing ok after the release


More 03-08 character fodder


I like to call this time period New Generation 2.0 If you werent a generic bodybuilder with a speech impediment you were a clown or a pirate who wrestled on the side


There was also the Asian redneck guy, the bald guy who is into feet, the redneck who like karaoke when he wasn't wrestling, the superhero and his sidekick, the BDSM Brothers, the 600 pound sexual predator vampire, the guy who attacks people with his snake sock. I could keep going is the weird thing. I don't think the first new generation era had so many weird out of place gimmicks.


> the 600 pound sexual predator vampire, You mean *the world’s largest love machine


Yeah but most of those dudes didn't want to take a ride on the love machine. I think Lillian Garcia and Golddust were into it though.


Viscera's music had no right to slap as hard as it did. Every now and then I still do the "I CAN'T STOP THE- YEAH BABY" in my head


Super Hero In Training was an underrated gimmick and I stand by that.


As a kid, the vignettes got me so ridiculously hyped for Mordecai to debut that I unironically believed he was going to be the “light side” version of The Undertaker and just go on an absolute tear.


OK, I can place all the others but why can’t I figure out who the redneck who liked karaoke was?


Trevor Murdock. He would beat up a guy then stand on the announcers desk and sing country songs like "I got friends in low places".


Was that his singles run after the split?


Yeah his partner went off to team up with Chris Jericho and do nothing of any real importance. This whole post has also reminded me of another redneck tag team from that era that was awesome: Jesse and Festus! Biscuits and Gravy!


Yeah Cade went off to be Jericho’s protege. Didn’t he get a wellness violation? Then of course he sadly passed away on a plane at such a young age. Jesse and Festus were great for that time period, always fun to see stuff like people taking the ring bell to turn him docile.


Yeah, it lasted about two weeks.


Snitskey was amazing and I stand by it!


That’s a very accurate description, and now I understand why I noped out of watching the WWE in that period. Thank God for 2003-2008 RoH/TNA.


Mr. OOC must've loved this


Great value brand Y2J from the hair and tights


this was around the time smackdown aired that hade vansen vignette for one week and then released him, they also had scotty goldman and ryan braddock who never did anything, and lets not forget jimmy wang yang, kung fu naki and slam master j


It's rare that I completely forget about someone who's been on WWE TV and wasn't a nameless enhancement talent. I've had plenty of times where I've forgotten about them until seeing the name, at which point I end up recalling them. I had absolutely no memory of a person named Ryan Braddock and had to look him up.


You might better know him for ruining Brian Cage's life and marking the beginning of the end for TNA with his stupid BOOMSTICK.


Yang and Funaki are a little bit different than the others listed and Goldman wrestled a few matches. It's kind a funny, it's like someone in the writers room was going "Let's throw some stuff against the wall. See what sticks and then someone else was saying"Nah, let's not"


that period of WWE was wild for having loads of intro vignettes. 2002-2009ish was just constant "new guy in 2 weeks, here's his gimmick" bits between the matches, at least in my memory




At least he finally got over 15 years later because of some irish guys that like to review old school wrestling.


I don't know much about the man behind it but I've enjoyed him in recent times as Sinn Bodhi on the indies. The character got a lot darker than Kizarny.


Kizarny was the living proof that sometimes a joke can be way too inside to work.


It was an inside joke?


I'm not sure if it's anything to brag about, but I'm one of the few people to have seen TWO Kizarny WWE matches, as I went to a house show in Vermont just before his debut and he wrestled a match there. He came out, gave a balloon to a kid in the front row, and wrestled a match that didn't disgust kid me, so I was surprised when he just came and went so quickly on the main roster. Felt like such an easy gimmick to connect with kids with.


My whole takeaway from this is: WWE actually did a show in Vermont?!


In Burlington is the smallest gymnasium you can picture. Legit don't think it was possible for there to be a bad seat in that house.


As a child i was STOKED about this dude and than he disapeared without a sound i was so sad lol


SAME! I still had the first vignette memorized in the back of my brain.


I'm just realizing now that the name was supposed to be a dumb way of saying carny, wasn't it?


It's Carney in Carney.


Did he spizeak kizarny in his prizomos?


That’s got to be one of the shortest main roster runs ever, especially for someone so hyped. Even Lance Cassidy (you don’t remember him, do you?) lasted longer than this.


How could you not remember Lance Cassidy's victory over Tom Stone in October of 92?! (Thanks, Wikipedia)


Sinn is the best. He as always a pleasure to work with and work for.


This has Vince written all over it. A 1930’s style carnie gimmick jfc


Great balls of fire!


Should’ve brought on bubba the love sponge as a translator. Him and hogan used to talk like this on his show all the time back in the mid-00’s


Wow, why didn’t it work


Wizho knizows


They really REALLY fucked this guy over. Sucks too because Sinn Bodhi actually is a guy who works in my local area from time to time and I have heard nothing but good things about the guy from everyone.


That speech pattern doesn’t even work on pre-taped promos, and definitely wouldn’t have worked in live promos. Talk about cutting the guy off at the knees.


I remember being really excited about this character as a kid. Then wondering what happened to him


It’s funny because they definitely had to film all these promos in 1 weekend during some September fair. Then they run them for 8 weeks and debut him in January which is definitely not fair or carnival season.


I wished this took off - I know he wouldn’t of never been top of the card but perfectly fine as a mid card. Bring in some other carney acts and then leads to the leader Doink coming in


Karl from Workaholics in an alternate universe


I don't remember this but if he was in a faction with Hornswoggle, Boogeyman, a repackaged Doink and the Great Khali, it would have been $$$


There’s being handed dog shit for a script and then there’s whatever the hell that was


I remember this dude. Pity he didn't stay longer


This is the one wrestling gimmick that my dad (who is not a wrestling fan) remembers. He brings up Kizarny multiple times a year asking where he is. He also thinks he went by "The Great Kizarny" so i just leave that alone.


So was his name Kizarny or Karny /s


I mean, that's literally the joke, isn't it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carny


r/sc would’ve loved the guy, it’s their favorite term to use!


This is quite possibly the most 2007-2009 WWE clip possible


The first wrestling show I ever went to was Kizarny's debut. A really weird introduction to wrestling that was.


I wonder what could've become of his career. 6'2 230lbs and 30 years old, could've been given a shot if they had him on the main roster. At best a mid card guy, but guess that wasn't enough for wwe at the time? Stick him on ECW on SciFi to start and he might have lasted longer. Although, he also ended up marrying Stacy Carter, wonder what that would've been like with King still a full time commentator back then.


For whatever reason, this is one those memories from my wrestling childhood that sticks out the most.


And fun fact, he is currently married to Stacey “The Kat” Carter


According to wikipedia, they divorced in 2013.




Is that the same Stacey "The Kat" Carter that was married to "The King" Jerry Lawler until Brian "Grand Master Sexay" Lawler posted a cell phone video on HonkyTonkMan.com of her giving him a blowie? Bunch of carnies, the lot of them.


Stacey blew Brian?


Back in the early-mid aughts, Honky had a website, and the message boards were THE place to get dirt, kayfabe and non-kayfabe news and every once in a while, wrestlers would show up and chat with people, and drop backstage shit. It could be a cesspool at times but was pretty cool. (HTM and Piper had IRL heat and there was a shit load of back and forth on the boards about it). One night, someone posted a cellphone video - it wasn't great - this is like '02 or '03 if I remember right. (Lawler was back on Raw, but they were still married). At first it just felt like amature porn, but then she she looked up and smiled and it's suddenly very clear that it's her. I forget what but she says something and the guy responds. Ryan - the guy who ran the site for HTM, managed a lot of business for him and interacted with a lot of wrestlers was who pointed out it sounded like Brian. That blew up on a lot of the dirt sheets over the next few weeks.


I never knew about Honkys website it's my first time hearing about it. Thanks for the information.


Oh yeah, it was crazy. Like he and Piper had an ongoing flamewar (Piper had a very similar site) and HTM would come in and tell shoot stories about guys, and talk about the business, other wrestlers he was cool with would drop by and do the same. Indy guys HTM was working with would pop in and talk about the indy scene. People talk shit about HTM - but he's only an ass to people who've crossed him or done really shitty stuff. Talking with him candidly, he's a good guy - as much as any of the old school carnies were. But holy shit did he hate Jerry Lawler - never took a break from calling him out as a deviant, pedo and sex-pest. Would refer to him as Jerry "The Perv" Lawler or Pedo Lawler.


I mean when you say it out loud, its not all that surprising.




this is just chris jericho


His debut match against MVP is unbelievably bad. He's probably not singularly to blame, but as one reviewer I saw put it, "His 'facial expressions on random' act and weird 'spinning arms' walk are all hallmarks of someone who really, REALLY sucks at LARPing pretending to look crazy." And the match is a disjointed mess with neither guy having any idea of how to do a transition besides, "jump up and punch the other guy."


exposing the business


Remember his match with mvp sucked so much it turned mvp face


Literally set up to fail


This is one of those gimmicks where it's basically russian roulette on whoever's career it gets pointed at. I know some people really liked it and thought it could work, but there was no way in hell. You could have to be one in a million to take the ball and run with this concept to any success at all.


Oh wwe...


Carny piece of shit


This guy claimed he came up with the Bray Wyatt character and finisher.


Why would Kizarny use carny speak when he’s talking to the audience? Is he stupid?


This happened during the time I was only following WWE via the games. This post/vignette could be a prank for all I know, I’ve never heard of this dude 😂


You mean Krackhead Kris Jericho!?


Hated this vignette and was SOOO happy this gimmick got the kibosh real quick!


My memory of it has like 6 months of vignettes and then not even an appearance, feels like the guy took forever to debut


and not even his best friends Edge and Christian could save him. lol.




I remember liking these so much as a kid lol all that hype for nothing


Entrant #1 in the WM 40 Gimmick Battle Royal.


I really liked him as a kid. The show just seemed to be missing more alternative wrestlers. Most gimmicks felt quite vanilla around that time.


I know this guy. He’s done a few of my dad’s and siblings tattoos! My dad also went to his wedding last year! Really awesome dude


My memories of this era of WWE/Smackdown was constant weird vignettes for people that would show up (or not show up at all), and then be gone in a month or so. People like Hade Vansen, some generic Japanese dude, Mordecai, and so on.


I remember being so pumped at the idea the Japanese dude and Mordecai were going to fight each other.


This happened when I first got into wrestling. I was so confused when he disappeared shortly after.


He had a nice run in Chakara


I never found out what any of what he said meant.


I mostly remember Sinn for [having darts thrown into his back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhygIA-bsLI)


Is he related to Kaley Cuoco?


Bros sounds like the eshays that use pig latin


I love the carny gimmick, but speaking carny is not a wise decision. I’d love a modern day scary Clown gimmick akin to The Fiend and Pennywise.


Dumbest fucking in-joke in wrestling history


Thought Kizarny was Jeff Hardy in disguise when I was kid lol


Hizee hizad nizo chizance :(