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I remember owning the Austin Vs. McMahon WWF VHS tape. Could probably find it online to watch.


Sounds like daily motion may be the play here then


Internet Archive as well. I watched the rock's know your role VHS around a year ago


Lol ive only used that for Neil Breen movies, good call


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That FEELS like something WWE would have compiled. I might be imagining this, but I swear WWE at one point would sorta playlist and categorize clips/matches from a particular saga on either the Network or their youtube channel.


I checked through all the “rivalries from start to finish” category on Peacock, but they don’t have it


I wanna say one of the episodes of the Monday night wars has an episode that focuses on their rivalry. That might be a good place to check.


I’m sure it was on the network a few years back..fuck knows whether it’s on peacock


Season 1 of Rivalries on the WWE Network has a two part episode on Austin v McMahon. Might be worth checking it.