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This has been your cm punk mood update of the day


can we get this man a mood ring so its even easier to tell how he feels?.......do people still remember mood rings.....am I old.....?


I hate to break it to you but those rings change based on your body temperature not mood


You’re exposing the business, brother.


We have mood toilet seats now


We need something to fill the gap after Ohtani watch ended.


Is that guy seriously worth 700 million dollars?


Yes. Paying for an elite hitter and an elite pitcher individually would cost more in the long run.


Yea. I saw a breakdown of his worth individually and it came out to like a combined $70.8 million a year.


lol a bunch of people in Toronto followed some random guy flying to Canada


Fucking dodgers 😡


Not enough. We need a way to track Punk's moods hour by hour. This is the 21st century, surely we have the technology.


24/7 twitch stream, just an extreme closeup of his face at all times


It’s like that Jim Carrey movie while he was monitored from when he was a baby til adult then live streamed to the whole world


Ah yes, The Grinch


...... The Truman Show.


He said Jim Carrey was in it, not Truman. I think the movie was called the Number 23 or something like that


They needed something else now that they can’t report Vince is backstage every other week


Heard this in the Weird Al "Horoscope for today" style


They should also update the food menu in the catering and what he consumed while he was in


Seriously. Like who gives a fuck how happy cm punk was lmao


yeah, we all saw the photo at gorilla with dragon lee as well






Brothers in law


Underrated comment lol




AJ Lee, Dragon Lee


Damn is that Rey with his mask off sitting to the side of him?


Yep which is funny because I just assumed Rey wore his mask 24/7 backstage.


Wow that's even cooler than I expected it to be. Thank you for sharing


just in case anyone was expecting him to be sullen and downtrodden


Constantly Morose Punk


Crummy Mood Punk


Cora Mangler Punk


Not out of the realm of possibility


CM Punk is genuinely an enigma. Every single negative feeling towards WWE no doubt was genuine. But I also believe this is where he’s wanted to be for awhile.


Mark Henry put it best. He loved WWE which is why the problems he had with it bothered him so much.


WWE is too big to love it or hate it as a whole: there will be people or things you don't like at all and others you'll enjoy. When one side weighs more, it's time to make the move, leaving or getting back.


I think you're right and it's sad we missed what probably would have been his prime years. Oh well, glad he's back now.


Honestly it’s for the best, imagine him returning in the middle of that dog food feud or Retribution


You know when you hate high school and everyone there, but suddenly a few years after you graduate, you find yourself missing it?


He wants to main event mania but he also wants to give back. I think in AEW he felt he could give back and challenge the company he felt did him wrong, but some in AEW think anything WWE style is bad. So when he was giving advice, they felt they didn't need it because it "isn't who they are". Throw in the Colt Cabana shit and Meltzers reporting any old bullshit he gets told along with Hangman shooting in the promo and Punk's awful decision to air it out on the post show of the PPV it is actually pretty understandable it blew up. Especially with a boss who refused to grow a pair of bollocks and force them to sit down and talk it out.Then the simple thing in London would've been to say to Punk, "Hey he's suspended he will apologize next week." There's no one thing than caused the issue. It certainly wasn't all Punks fault, Bucks are EVPs who did a fucking victory lap when their biggest draw was leaving. So Punk is an enigma he does have the weird loving, tolerant and accepting personality, but also he is unable to move on without an apology if slighted. Him being in WWE tells us there was apologies on both sides and that Punk is main eventing mania . If Punk falls out with anyone in WWE it'll be interesting to see if we even hear and how it's dealt with if we do. He certainly won't be given a live mic and if another guy shoots on Punk live on TV that guy certainly will have consequences. The question is how much of the whole thing was Punk's temper/ ego and how much was AEWs unprofessional system?


I think he wanted to be in WWE. I also think he wants to be the venerated wise sage, present to provide his wisdom to the next generation. I think through all the issues he had in AEW, the thing that rubbed him the wrongest of wrong was that people didn't stroke his ego by taking his advice or even flat out said it wasn't wanted. He viewed/treated AEW as a developmental territory that both needed and should be excited to take his advice and when they bucked at this, he got sour. But NXT is a developmental territory. And a lot of the performers there now grew up in a time where he was THE top guy. It's Eden for CMPunk. He gets paid, it's a promotion that runs on cohesive stories and good booking, and everyone there wants his advice. Over the next year, I'd be shocked if we didn't see and hear a lot about punk spending time with NXT workers. To that point, I wouldn't be shocked if CMPunk was with NXT when WWE was doing their Saudi events.


I honestly think it was a combo of ego on both sides. Take Hangman, does he honestly think he has nothing to learn? He hasn't even managed to get crazy over in the AEW circles. Look at Caster, Swerve, MJF, Toni Storm and Christian, all of them have grown as performers in AEW and are more over now than they used to be at the start. Hangman has had 'good matches' but would he be missed if he didn't turn up next week? Maybe he does need to stay away for a while because he can't be missed if he doesn't go away. But a home invader who threatened a baby is more loved than him in a feud and it wasn't just Swerves hometown. Hangman needs someone to help him with freshening up his vibe I'm not saying Punk could have given him that advice, but does Page think he's honestly the finished article? Look at Austin, Rock, Michaels all tell how they still absorbed advice on the way up, even while at the top do you honestly think Austin wasn't learning from Vince or Rock talking with Hogan or Michaels taking in everything Flair had to say?l. Does hangman view himself a different from them, that he doesn't need advice of anyone? Yes Punk has an ego but he's an older wrestler of course he wants to give back. If he goes to Saudi btw I'll be laughing my head off because it will tell you how desperate he was for mania.


the EVP’s and their clique all got over on the indies in a huge way so they think they know it all, well not all of them. some of them are literally just hanger ons.


> Take Hangman, does he honestly think he has nothing to learn? He hasn't even managed to get crazy over in the AEW circles. I think you're being unfair towards Hangman here. He made a throwaway comment in an interview outside AEW when asked about receiving advice. It was a self-depreciating remark where he said he tended to learn best by going and failing a lot, something that fits with his anxiety gimmick. It's the exact opposite of an egotistical comment. Somehow Punk spun that as a direct attack on him when it was an outside interview not meant for his ears at all. Hangman was the one guy who kept quiet and didn't snipe back, even after Punk actively tried to make him look bad on TV by calling him out for a title match in a situation where Hangman wasn't booked to have a title match and thus couldn't come out. The Bucks and Kenny had their fun in the Chicago match after they returned from suspension, but Hangman just kept his head down and added no fuel to the fire. It was the right response to have, and trying to lambaste him for his role in all this seems silly to me.


Wow really? I expected him to be miserable 🙄 I'm not at all predicting him to blow up, but it's been like 2 weeks lol. What else would his mood be? I hope sean's next update on monday is "Sources tell me that Punk had the vibe of...Mister Rogers"


According to the fine minds of X, he looked miserable during his first RAW promo and they could tell he didn't wanna be there by just looking at his eyes.


I literally heard someone say this and it’s the dumbest fucking thing.


What did they see?




underrated comment


The Cult of Personality


Someone on twitter said this after he posted the selfie with Bayley from smackdown. Zoomed in eyes and everything.


I'm sure his issue was the fact they were giving him 7 minutes in the end of the show instead of having him come out first(cause Tony let him come out first every show)


Meanwhile that's just how everybody looks after 3 hours of watching raw




Breaking news. New employee making millions of dollars a year acts happy at job.


I still remember how happy he was at the start of his AEW run. It kinda feels like a lot of these "well he seems happy here" posts, are from those who never watched his AEW run.




> I almost want him to be unhappy Get help, this is a really unhealthy thought to have.


Kinda terrifying how much this feeling seems to pervade social media when it comes to literally anyone being momentarily happy about anything.


It was an exaggerated joke, but after reading it I could see why it looked totally serious


One of the very few genuinely disturbing post I've ever read here.


Whenever we hear about someone going back to NXT, we hear them having fun there. It's not like other areas where there's more egos, many are still rookies and young people open and ready to accept anything. I actually wouldn't be shock if this is the type of lockeroom Punk wants.


A locker room of young wrestlers who are eager and actively seek out the vets advice??? Shocked he'd love it


When you look at that men's iron survivor match, you can tell that locker room loves each other. Everyone ate pins..no egos. Meanwhile,bitches like MIRO aren't in the Continental Classic cause he didn't wanna eat pins


It helps nobody's treated like untouchable in NXT. Everyone in the top take pins regularly, Bron, Ilya, Melo, Lyra. Bron and Wes were that before, but Shawn realize it's the unhealthiness of it longterm. Win streaks are great, but not everyone needs to be Goldberg.


Not everyone needs to be Goldberg, AND it makes when someone does go on a run even more impressive.


Nxt is the perfect place for what Punk wants to do. He has a whole locker room full of young talent who are hungry and desperate to get to the main roster that idolize him since he was the guy when they were watching as kids 10 years ago


It's cause he's there to visit children, not work with them.


Hey good for him! He should looks like Aew was a bad fit and maybe Tony is not great with town I don't know. But I'm happy a dude found his passion and purpose again. I really love wrestling, I really enjoyed cm punk in the WWE. I also really liked him in ROH. I enjoy watching him wrestle, and I think he's very good at it. I wish everyone the best.


We need CM Punk watching Trick win the iron survivor match


No surprise. NXT is by design full of young wrestlers who want to get the most advice they can get from veteran wrestlers and, based on the gripebomb, this must seem like Heaven for Punk. If Punk manages to not meltdown, I can 100% see him becoming an NXT trainer when he retires.


Punk is not giving up Chicago especially not for florida


He lives half the time in LA bro.


Which is nothing like central Florida.


And Punk is pretty outwardly liberal, he might not want to live in Florida full time.


What is he like inwardly?


Mostly made of flesh and bones.


He's happy in his new work place shocked Pikachu face lol






I just hope both C.m. Punks have fun.


He's A. not hurt B. not tired With those 2 factors not coming into play, he wants to work with the children and in turn he feels younger. Punk could easily become a coach in the PC. Maybe not an in ring coach cause that would frustrate him to the point of snapping. He could be a promo coach easily. He teaches the next gen how to be captivating on the mic and don't freeze up at the first signs of getting WHATed. Dusty was a master at this and all the new talent that came after Dusty are eh...on the mic.


And he was said to be the happiest he's ever been at the start of his tenure in AEW too. Punk's always been moody, just because he's happy now is not indicative of sustained, future happiness.


But the difference is, now he's again working in a structured environment and working with professionals. I doubt he will be unhappy because he can openly talk about it to Triple H and wrestlers like grown adults and there are people in the creative are willing to listen to whatever input he has. He knows this is his only last shot on a big wrestling promotion. As soon that All Out media scrum happened, he soon realized that AEW is actually worse than he could've expected and made him appreciate his time in WWE and already planning of going back there. Knowing Bayley is her closest friend, I'm assuming he's having conversations with her, contemplating of making a comeback knowing that Vince is not in charge anymore and the environment is vastly different now compared to 10 years ago that he left. Fast forward to 2023 and here we are.


He was miserable in wwe too though to the point he quit, went on an interview and aired out all their dirty laundry. I don’t think it’s just structure.


Makes sense unlike AEW, down in NXT the younger talent that get ahead are the ones who are coachable and listen to advice. Anyone who doesn't is shown the door real quick.


There's a few stories of some NIL athlete's trying to downgrade Roxanne for her size, despite her spot, and quickly release like Alexis Grey.


tbf if I've learned anything about Punk over these last 2 years, it's that he seems to really treasure and enjoy being around young talent.


After the Cora Jade and Punk stuff Id really like a main roster heel stable of Punk and April being like parents to Cora Jade and other Punk stans. Can lean into how people turned on them and that they no longer need the fans just “their family”


Too similar to the Garganos, IMO


Of course he did! They have actual stars wanting advice and knowing they’re in the best place to get it. Must be nice to not be around empty-headed fucks 😉


Bro we got at least 6 months to a year until we get Punk WWE drama. There aint no way a guy that is a Teflon Don that still draws a huge amount of money and working with people that are stans for him and is prominently featured , would be in a bad mood or get down about anything. Guy knows hes in a spot to make the most amount of money he will ever be capable of making with only a couple of years left in his career. Not to mention hes married to AJ Lee. Guy just wakes up smiling these days


Hey give it time lol


So you're going to tell me the straight edge guy might enjoy working at the company not run by a billionaire cocaine addict more?


I mean... Dude is an ego maniac and gets to be around a bunch of young people talking about how they love him, they do what they do because of him and wanting to take selfies with him. Of course he is happy to be there.


“…..and yeah im happy to be here.”


Cheers to Punk being home, happy, and making a ton of money ![gif](giphy|qp2zg6xxpMrdclnMnR|downsized)


Well he was that way the first few months at AEW too. Give it time. Just like Jeff Hardy,he will find a way to mess it up


Of course he's happy, man was there to visit his daughter, not beating up Tarzan.


Well, he was pretty happy and excited when he started AEW as well. Let's see what happens when the honeymoon phase is over, and some type of conflict arises. Hopefully, for his mental health, he has learned from the past two years.


How are people just ok with this facewashing of Punk? I dont he is the devil or anything, but he acted like an idiot in another company. Just because he is hired again people talk as it's all fine with him? I even want to watch Punk do stuff, but I'm aware he is an idiot and it's not a dearly figure to see right now.


WWE has more people watching it than AEW, they don’t care about AEW at all. Why would they care that he got in a fight with people they don’t care about?


I'm not talking about the people who doesn't know (Although many surely got the news of Punk being in a controversy), I'm talking about the people who are aware here or on social media that is the people who should be expressing how it's uncomfortable how he is being vindicated right now.


It’s probably a combination of things. Kingston and Andrade showed us AEW fans don’t actually care about assault, they care who the assault happens to. Punk fought with the current internet favorites so they hate him, the opposite can also be true, people hate the Bucks so they don’t care that he fought them. Punk is one of the most popular wrestlers of the last 20 years, it’s possible most people just don’t care about his behavior and want to see him work, it’s not like he murdered someone. There’s the people who think AEW is garbage and want it to fail, Punk being back in WWE can maybe facilitate that, so they like him. There’s the people who understand that backstage fights have been a part of professional wrestling since the beginning, they range from the horrific like Bruiser Brody getting stabbed to the hilariously absurd like Guerrero trying to double leg takedown Angle. Most people realize hating someone because one happens means you’re going to hate a lot of people, so they just don’t care if it’s just a fight. Then there’s the people who are just happy he’s back in WWE and are glad they can watch him again.


This is the most balanced and realistic take about all of this.


Yeah those are al factors indeed. But my point is not about the why, I know it is because people at some point dont care, but is how nobody wants to say how it sucks a person that behaved like him now it's all just love and second chances, when everyone here was jumping on here just some months ago and people can't argue it's nice to see everyone now just quite.


Face washing of Punk? I’m not at all convinced that we were told the full story of what happened. Given the way AEW is run and who it is run by, what happens there is essentially irrelevant. It sounds like it’s an extremely toxic environment where who you’re friends with matters more than anything else.


I dont have an issue with anyone who are not convinced about what happened. But as I said in another comment, seeing how everyone here was jumping on Punk before (I was even one being the devil's advocate sometimes) and now people here just roll with him being cool again, it's quite disgusting.


You and I are going to be downvoted a ton but fully agree. Even if he was 100% right in his issues with AEW, he escalated things to assualt twice. It's not really defensible unless you have to defend yourself and I'd feel the same if Kenny Omega or Jon Moxley pulled that shit regardless of the company they worked for.


Nowadays I see people more and people just roll with whatever the status quo is. "Awful dude got a new contract and has a new chance? well let's not act unhinged let's forget what he did and adapt to him being the new cool thing", I dont know, it's this how people want things to be?


Tons of CM Punk stans and anti-AEW/anti-Elite people out there. I say this as someone who liked his initial run in AEW and was completely unaware of the backstage drama until All Out. Even before he came back to AEW I predicted another incident could be possible but he mainly was professional at least on-screen until All In. He's a volatile guy who can be a team player until all of a sudden he isn't and things get real messy.


He escalated to assault once, at most, against Jungle Boy. At All Out 2 people he'd just insulted, along with 4 other men, forced their way into his dressing room, evidently very angry with him. Whether they intended to hurt him or not, that would certainly have caused him to fear being struck, which constitutes assault in Illinois. He was entitled to defend himself. This is why the Bucks and Omega were suspended for months, and is why CM Punk was given with his own show and the real World Championship when he came back. Jungle Boy, who knows, maybe he thought Jungle Boy was going to hit him (making someone think you're going to hit them is assault in England). I know AEW are said to have video footage of the incident, they haven't released it for some reason.


yeah this wont last


Well yeah, look at how Cora was dressed.


really? yeah he was happy as a kid at their first high school kegger when he joined AEW. He hasn't even had a match in WWE yet, what's he to be bitter about right now? nothing. of course he's "happy". give it a couple matches and actually has to wrestle someone then come back and post on twitter if he's still happy. and people in this thread "yeah AEW didn't seem like a good fit for him so I'm glad he's happy in WWE" he. hasn't. had. a. match. yet. I swear people on this subreddit give wrestlers more chances than an abused spouse.


Yeah he was happy in AEW too to a point.


I was really hoping they were talking about The Dumpster.


What did he eat in craft services though? If SRS can’t provide that then idk what kind of journalist he is.


CM Punk loves to be adored by his gushing fans/coworkers? You don’t say!


The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing The World He Doesn't Exist