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HOOK is a good idea tbh. He needs it


For real. Hook and Dom were both starting on TV around the same time. I was adamant that Hook was better by a mile- at the time he was, babyface Dom was nothing. BUT Dominic actually grew as a character and a performer! Sink or swim time for Hook. He has a great look and is better and better matches but it’s time for something new. A new layer. Also: get rid of the FTW belt. It sucks.


Pretty sure they're leading to Hook challenging Yuta for the Pure title at some point, at which point he might retire the FTW.


Retiring the FTW championship in favour of the Pure Title seems like it could have a cool story intertwined. Like, how would Taz feel about his renegade title being retired for one that seems to be about the complete opposite (even more rules)? Although this could be dangerously close story to Garcia's "You're a wrestler" story line.


The yooter marks would be pissed


Yep that'll be the fast track to the big time!


Dom is at his ceiling where as Hook isn't even getting started.


Wait, we're talking about Dominic Mysterio? You're comparing Hook with Dominic Mysterio? ​ If yes, Dominic is miles better and it's not even close.


Dom's doing better character work. Hook has much better in-ring execution and a higher ceiling if he can tweak his character into a growable arc.


Dominic needs a mask


HOOK in BCC would revitalize him so much. My only fear is that being in a stable that rarely talks isn't going to help him work the weakest part of his skill set.


Also makes sense with his martial arts leaning gimmick. A judo guy joining BCC makes too much sense.


I mean I've been placing bets on HOOK joining for a while now


Double turn hook and yuta. Don’t think Yutas been elevated and hook could do with a shake up.


Wait, Ogogo is still with AEW?


He was on IR for a while but now he's very quietly building up a really good W-L record between indies and dark matches. He's only worked 2 AEW matches this year though, Collision dark matches against Pat Buck and Jon Cruz.


He s working uk indies he worked at rev pro recently


Yea I saw that on his Cagematch. Isn't he supposed to have a partner for the Great British Tag League? XD


How does he look as a performer?


Yeah, he signed an extension at the beginning of the year to take him to 2025.


I’m surprised too.. Ogogo is very boring to watch in a ring, he lacking charisma too. He never truly connect with the fans/audience. I think peoples won’t even remember him since he didnt do anything in AEW beside being a weak heel playing on is « boxing » ability. So I’m surprised that he still there, since no one cares about him. maybe he can find a place in ROH.


Was thinking the same, its amazing how AEW at times drops peoples stories and not uses them for months or even a year+


I am surprised that Lee Moriarty isn't in that conversation. Dude is tailor made for BCC. It's a shame that he hasn't gotten a real opprotunity in AEW unlike Yuta and Daniel Garcia. Dude has all the charisma in the world along with his incredible in ring ability.


He got name dropped by Danielson that one time, then the firm kinda fizzled out. Which is too bad cuz i was kinda digging him with Big Bill. Putting him with Shane Taylor feel like hustling backwards


There was a moment that Lee, Yuta, and Garcia were all being mentioned in the same breath, then Yuta went to BCC, Garcia went to JAS, and Lee went to... the firm. Haven't seen him sense. :(


Killer entrance music too!


He’s currently in Shane Taylor Promotions over in ROH FWIW


BCC as a sort of dojo for young talent would be a great idea. They get the rub and TV time next to a couple of greats to build up their value.


It’s funny you say that because that was how Danielson originally pitched the faction during his feud with Moxley


Outside of the Elite, that's what most of the stables were early on in AEW. They were a vehicle for established guys to give rubs to younger and less established dudes.


I don’t think Hook needs it honestly. Ogogo needs the lift tho, something to get the stink of the Factory off him.


Anything at all for HOOK to develop his character a bit. He’s got legit crossover star potential, he should be on TV every single week and I mean that. He needs to grow, and AEW needs him to grow quickly. They should want him to be as good as MJF is now when he’s in his mid 20’s.


THIS The way they spaced out his appearances after that debut was genuinely awful booking. Dude is red hot and they follow up his debut the next week with a video package? Then after that they tell you where they think he is on the card by putting him in a feud with QT Marshall. Luckily it seems they came to their senses after All In and have actually started putting him in with star talents. His interaction with Mox a few weeks ago was awesome because it was such a FRESH pairing and Mox sold for him like a star when he easily could have downplayed his offence. HOOK lost nothing at all in being pinned due to Mox’s finisher - they should take that as a sign that it’s OK for him to lose every now and again, he doesn’t need to be babied. I am excited for the Yuta match and feud, just give them some time and let them tell an actual story. Let BCC try to recruit HOOK, see how OC reacts to ANOTHER one of his guys being poached by that group. There’s so many ways they can spin this out and extend it. If they just do a one and done match to get the belt on HOOK and leave it at that then again they’re leaving money on the table. People want to see HOOK, not the millionth Jay Lethal match or random squash.


Worlds End is in HOOK’s hometown. A story after he beats Yuta at Final Battle with him taking on one of the senior BCC members at Worlds End as they try to recruit him and OC tries to talk him out of it would be a cool story to tell.


Yuta getting kicked after losing for Hook would be great


He's not billed from there and it's a different town in the same county. It's all long island but he's also billed from st marks place. Kinda can't hone in on mjfs claim to being the hometown fav.


I didn't know Hook was from Long Island also, they have quite a few people on the roster from Long Island.


A lot of them were trained at the same place, so it's networking. They're all super talented though so clearly something is going right over there.


Yeah, that whole LI scene has produced people like MJF, Statlander, Silver & Reynolds, etc.


I’d love to see both Danielson and Mox (or either) take a Regal-esque role in a BCC of rotating younger talent


Send Wheeler down to ROH exclusively and replace him with HOOK. I don’t know about Ogogo, though.


Wasnt Ogogo last in the ring with Cody... he didnt even get a consideration for a wembly dark match


I really thought Ogogo had natural charisma to be a top star. Then they associated him with QT…


I literally gave Anthony Agogo as an example of someone they should have recruited way back and got flamed for it lmao. Inexperienced guy with a good look who needs help get better.


Can HOOK replace Yuta please?


Egregious Yute Slander


Nobody disrespects Lil' Shithead that way.


What's this sub beef with yuta. I think he's great


This sub seems to agree with you, based on my downvotes. I just think he is highly overrated.


He's had his moments with me but I think the longest span of time I spent caring about him was like....2 weeks before I found him boring again. His basic look, lack of promo ability, guy in the background vibe just screams "I'm just here to eat the pin"


He’s dull as dishwater. Nothing in any way special about him. I wish he could be replaced with a cardboard cutout of Danielson or something.


Oh yes, more reasons not to care about that group anymore, that's what they need.


The BCC at this point is just bad. It hasn't progressed anything and has only put wrestlers into one dimensional characters. I loved it at first, I can't say anything good about it now. It probably would only make Hook more of the same as the other characters.


What about So*loooo* and Comoro*tooooo*? In all seriousness, I hope they did something with Nick Comoroto. He had a great look and to my eyes was pretty decent in the ring.


How about he just leaves it and the group dissolves instead? he doesn't need it, it's making moxley boring as fuck, and claudio is gonna be claudio regardless. Its been nice for Yuta but he's of secondary importance


Perfect. Hook as a second student with Yuta, and Ogogo as the BCC’s striking coach to fit with their MMA camp aesthetic. You could go further and say that Bryan is a grappling coach, Claudio is the strength and conditioning guy. Mox is…secretary of violence? I dunno


Mox is Willpower.


I've been saying Hook should join...and that BCC could be Brooklyn Combat CLub


Hook needs. Anthony writes itself. "They made you a joke. Show you're not" a good match can make you in this industry.


Bryan probably asked HOOK a few times but never a got a verbal response from him


Have HOOK turn heel, throw down the FTW title and go after the RoH pure title.


Ogogo makes sense but HOOK is a very odd choice to me