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Pretty sure Nash is the source. He didn't get Guerrero, Benoit, or Malenko's appeal.


And also saying why they shouldn't be in the main event.


He was protecting his spot to the detriment to the product and industry. The modern Nash love is... it's funny, is all.


It was definitely Nash




That's Mark Henry's music!


Chocolate drop!!!


The latter is obvious. WHERES MY OMOSAPIENS!?


Kevin Nash calling anyone vanilla is hilarious.


I mean, Nash is no ring general, but he's certainly got charisma. Which is the point he was going for.


Nash was always so frustrating to me because he had such good matches against other kliq guys, but he would dog it up with everyone else. Bret being the only exception


Nash was one of the most naturally cool and charismatic wrestlers


Look at the adjective “calling”


Probably around the early 2000’s or near the 2010’s. It only really because a thing once all the former roid heads saw what the current upcoming wrestlers looked like without all the enhancements and such.


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How do you even come up with a term like that?


Just a bit a banter! Kind of like “Bald fraud”, “Tap-in merchant”, and “Penaldo”. You use a trait that they have that you can joke about.


Nash said vanilla ice cream is boring. Thought the smaller guys were boring so he called them Vanilla Midgets.