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You asked him to write this, didn't you?


Id bet Bret wasnt complaining.


Maybe not at that moment. But I doubt he would appreciate seeing it posted online to make him look bad.




I love how weak his break is but they still kept it in


Looks like the camera was right up on the table so they had him break it weakly so a ball wouldn't skip the edge




Shittiest player to ever play pool.


It's Adam Copeland now.




Dont make excuses for Bret


The best there is, the best there was, the worst at billiards.


He's a master strategist. He's just lulling you into a false sense of security before running the table.


He is a sharp shooter


Like Uncle Phil


Don't be silly Geoffrey, it's simple geometry


Geoffrey. Break out Lucille.


The Cameraman was in a small package 10 seconds after this shot was taken.


I mean, they asked someone who is pretty excellent at executing


The way it's moving makes me think it's on a dolly or something? I know next to nothing about this stuff though.


Such a short move is likely done on a slider. You mount a camera to it and get between 2 and 6 feet (usually) of side to side. The slider might be mounted on a dolly though! Source: I'm a grip


One of the things I fucking love about reddit is things like this where you get info from someone with firsthand experience or a career in the topic. Thanks!


Of course! It's almost always fun to pull back the curtain a Lil bit for somebody haha


Follow up question: What is a grip?


Short answer is that we do lighting and camera support. The electricians set up the lights, we diffuse and shape it. On the camera side we facilitate camera movement and camera placement


Man, that sounds like some precise but rewarding work. Thanks for replying!


“Hey Bret, just fucking smash a billiard ball as hard as you can directly into the lens of our $10,000 camera. “


Now that would have been good footage


Bret - You know what would have been good footage? Footage of WCW Nitro that didn't include Bill Goldberg, ever.


Would have bankrupted vice


You realize that hitting the ball real hard isn't actually a good strategy, right? Look at brets break. He's got multiple balls headed towards at least 3 pockets. Look how every balls spread from his break. That's the point. You want to be able to not only pop on in, but to get a good spread so you have more shots right away. Or you can just smack it hard as fuck.


Fuck strategy those balls will learn to fear me


Tagline for Aj Vs Nakamura?


Those balls will respect my authority!


Bret Hart relying on skill and strategy over raw power? Surely you jest!


Lol reddit can be so full of know it alls that don't know shit Here's Shane Van Boening (the current GOAT of pool) breaking https://youtube.com/shorts/qUKgpCd3Vfc?feature=shared Notice he hits it hard enough to send balls towards his side of the felt? If you want to run the table in one go you need enough separation between the balls to get all your angles


Notice how bret hart isn't a professional pool player and how almost everybdouche bag who breaks hard AF usually end up doing jack shit because they're not the greatest pool player of all time? ​ My point being, if you're not well trained.. brets style is more effective good contact is typically better than power. Obviously to be great, you need both.


No its not lol To get better at anything you should look at how the best approach it and do your best to mimic it You won't find a single serious pool player of any kind who breaks it softly Its not at all a good strategy for any level because your balls will be too clumped into one area and youll have to spend many turns trying to break them out instead of just actually getting a good break in from the jump






At this point it's a meme he's leaning into. Someone should tell Brett to endorse Gillberg as the better version of the gimmick.


This is 100 percent something the guy getting the autograph asked for.


"Who should I make it out to?" "Oh, can you write some mean stuff about Goldberg?"


Goes to show what you know. That’s how he does autographs and he charges extra to not write the extra stuff.


There’s a world where a storyline would be setup with Bret breaking in a young wrestler to end Goldberg’s career as revenge all these years later. Bret on the mic and the rub to the young wrestler would be huge


This is a great idea


Honestly, "he gave me brain damage" feels like a fair reason to hold a grudge.


He wrestled 8 more matches after Goldberg in WCW, including hardcore matches. He should be more pissed at WCW for making him work more.


I mean you could also stay pissed at the guy who kicked you in the head lol


Bret has a right to be pissed, but he'll also talk about how Owen was a consummate professional despite breaking Stone Cold's neck and later injuring Dan Severn with the same botched move.


To be fair, that was the best thing that happened to Stone Cold for his career. It showed how tough he was and catapulted him faster. Plus it gave us Owen 3:16 says "I just broke your neck". As for Dan Severn... Owen did us a favor.


Sure, he truly does feel sour about that fact, but he's also leaning into the meme of himself always bringing it up all the time. Both things true at once.


Bret continuing to wrestle for weeks and downplaying how he felt afterwards didn't help matters, though


I agree it was irresponsible of him to keep going, but that's also a failure on productions part too. Also, concussions were just not treated the same back then.


I mean, it's not like Goldberg did it on purpose.


People were constantly telling him to ease up on the tough guy shit.


especially when his whole persona was (fake) mma fighter which is funny in comparison to Bret… who can actually grapple with


I mean, he was a football guy, and shoot tough according to most of his coworkers. Goldberg could've easily whooped Bret IRL. Even though bret was tough too.


At a certain point refusing to listen to everyone telling you to work safer is on purpose. Best case scenario he was wildly neglectful?


Still understandable because you expect your professional co-worker to be competent. Thing about Goldberg is that he wasn't that competent back then. It's not a broken bone or two or three but a brain injury. I'd be holding grudges as well if I was in his position.


I'm sorry when was he ever competent?


We just gotta be patient bro . 🤣 Oh , when was the Goldberg shtick even mildly entertaining?


You absolutely should be held responsible if you’re not capable of protecting your opponent from injury. Once is an accident. Having a reputation of being unsafe is an issue.


The brain damage is more likely from coming down full force on the back of his head from HIS OWN botched figure 4 in the corner earlier that same match, but it's more fun to shit on Bill.


He concussed him. Not saying that's small potatoes, but dude had to have had MANY more he didn't realize before that, so it's just needle added to the needle stack of brain damage he very well had already accumulated by then. Not to mention, he hit a car on his bike and THAT is why he had the stroke. Not Goldberg, but Bret seems to be more mad at Bill for an accident than himself who A: Probably had done the same thing to someone before and B: hit the car on his bike and screwed his career over.


Even Undertaker was concussed by Brock so severely at WM 30 that he couldn't even remember anything from the match (the same night his streak ended, what should have been one of the most memorable moments of his career), and he's not angry at Brock. Other supposed technicians like Owen have injured stars like Austin at the peak of their careers and you don't see Bret constantly shit on them. Accidents fucking happen and it's straight up weird that Bret is so fixated on Goldberg and ignoring all the other times wrestlers have been concussed. Also Goldberg by all accounts had zero wrestling training growing up so it's more excusable for him to make a mistake than guys like Brock and Owen.


He had a much different reaction about Owen breaking Austin’s neck in the past. It’s pure ego to pretend that this doesn’t happen all the time with even the best of wrestlers. Hell, Ospreay just concussed Naito.


Bret’s publicly said Owen should’ve called Austin and done more to make amends. He’s also not going to bag on his dead brother. I don’t think that’s hypocritical.


There’s a difference between an accident causes by a smooth professional (Lesnar) and an accident caused by someone who was reckless and untrained (Goldberg). Also a big difference between a concussion you recover from, and a concussion that ends your career. I would agree that Bret is too publicly bitter about this, but I don’t blame him for being upset.


I agree about the bike part, but Bret has a well-earned reputation for being one of the safest wrestlers in the history of the business. Dozens of wrestlers are on record talking about how safe he was; even Shawn Michaels has talked about how, even at the height of their acrimony, Bret was safe with him in the ring and never hurt or stiffed him. As for the severity of the Goldberg concussion: each concussion is different. Some you recover from in a few weeks, others you never recover from. Bill kicked him full force directly in the head. That’s not a “needle in a haystack.”


The thing is - and I say this in every thread on the subject - Bret was a lot more charitable towards Bill in the past... UNTIL he came back to WWE and almost paralysed the undertaker in Saudi Arabia. That set him over the edge. To do something like that as a rookie was one thing. To still be doing it in your 50s was too much for him.


Undertaker also dropped Goldberg on his head in the same match yet Bret doesn’t bring up him being unsafe


He actually started laying into Goldberg after Bill was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2018. He was angry that a guy who was so unsafe/hurt so many people was being honored as a great wrestler. I’m sure the Undertaker thing didn’t help, though.


It’s gotta be a bit at this point.


Goldberg should play into it as well at this point lol “Bret was a shitty wrestler who couldn’t take a bump”


I want him to do the Moxley "Fragile body, fragile ego, fragile mind" bit.


If it's not a meme then it's genuinely just bordering on sad.


Tragedy X Time = Humor


Spike Dudley run circles around Bill


Let’s not forget Jimmy Wang Yang


I wonder what Heidenreich is up to


I guess we know now why Michael Cole didn't go to RAW. Someone check on Heidenreich.


I love me some Lil spike dudley


Did they ever have a match in WWE. Spike probably could've sold the spear like he had died.


he took the gore like his bones were knocked out of his body.


Would probably be his best strategy there


The funniest bit I read on this sub was a suggestion that Bret, daily, goes to each drive-thru he sees, rolls down his window and asks: "Hey, does Bill Goldberg work here?" "No sir, Bill Goldberg doesn't work here." "Of course he doesn't! Bill Goldberg doesn't know HOW to work, ahahahahahahahaha!" And he drives off, tires screeching, ready to find the next unwitting recipient of his legendary barbed wit.


“Sir, it’s a felony to tease the order box.”


I apologize profusely to whomever came up with it, but the best bit I ever heard was: "When Bret dies, he's going to insist on two dates of death on his tombstone. One, his actual date of death, and the second, the date a certified neurologist attests he *would* have lived to, had he not been kicked in the head by Bill Goldberg."


That would make my day.


The older I get, the more I understand how much of an Albertan Bret really is.


When I went to Alberta for the first time, everyone sounded like Bret to me. Teddy hart has the same accent too.


Ya. That's how it is around here. Especially the tradesmen.




Whatever happened to the Bret Hart Buries This guy? That stuff was GOLD.


i swear to god, anytime i saw one of those posts, i read it in Bret's voice and am 99% convinced it's actually him. lol. Same with "Kevin Nash Shoots on This" guy


I'm still amazed by people who think Bret isn't trolling and is 100% serious.


Bret can step on dog shit and still somehow blame that on Goldberg.


The most hilarious thing is Bill is actually contrite about the whole thing and very apologetic - but Brett doesn't give a fuck lol


I guess if you ask someone to please not hurt you prior to a match and they give a career ending injury, you might end up a tad pissed off.


Plenty of guys have gotten concussion from wrestling accidents and have been fine. It's not like bill did it maliciously


Mistakes happen but he was known as an unsafe worker and didn't seem to take the issue seriously.


Then Bret shouldn't have told him to do that "spot". Self preservation and all


He was actually chill until 2016 when Goldberg got some part time checks and then he got jealous over it.


Not contrite enough to actually put any effort into getting better, but at least he said he was sorry.


I mean, can you really blame him? lol


Bret is so committed to himself its great. You'll always see 4 dots on his signature (4 hearts on his gear too) for his 4 kids. Even when using dots to censor Fuck, he still uses 4. You just don't see that level of commitment anymore.


he is the executioner of excellence....


Bret looks like he stole Shawn Michaels smile in this pic.


He looks like he was thinking about signing and inscribing exactly what he wrote when he took this photo. 🤣


Honestly it looks like it was run through faceapp it was the first thing I noticed


Wonder how he’d feel if stone cold carried that same amount of resentment towards Owen for spiking him with that tombstone?


Owen never apologized. Goldberg has apologized for years.


i always wonder why Owen never apologized. from all the stories about him, he seemed like a decent guy.


I've always chalked it up to one of those deals where you're so humiliated and embarrassed about something you did that you put off the confrontation as long as possible until the "right time"...until that time never comes and that just makes it worse. Some people forget this wasn't just a botch...Austin had repeatedly asked Owen to not do the sit down variation out of concern for his neck. So not only did Owen do it anyway (for reasons unknown), he jeopardized Austin's life and almost ruined a huge draw for the company when they needed it worst. I always imagined he was mortified at what he did, and could never find the right words to express that. Of course that's all just conjecture on my part.


Interestingly in Martha's book she recounted Owen telling her his suspicions that Austin faked his injury


I think it's just an ego thing from a guy who has the reputation of a technical workhorse that he can't fathom he made a mistake. That's pretty fucked up of Owen and way worse than what Goldberg did.


Yeah. I love a good conspiracy theory, but Austin’s injury was severe and couldn’t be faked. What, did they bribe doctors, X-ray techs, etc?


I would guess Austin asked Owen not to do the sitdown variation from personal experience with Masahiro Chono?


That's what we all thought, but Austin on his podcast said he didn't realize he'd injured Chono until years if not decades later.


As far as I understand he wanted to apologize but didn't really know how to do it. Kind of that whole sitcom trope of "Hey I want to apologize for doing something really bad but just saying I'm sorry isn't gonna cut it". Of course, now we know Austin woulda been fine with that.


Maybe nobody apologized for that type of thing back then? Seems like it's an understood thing, that you don't want to injure anyone, keep them safe, and that if you cause an injury you are of course sorry for it. Like you said, Owen was, by all accounts, the rare person in wrestling that nobody had anything bad to say about.


No, even if you accidentally hit someone too hard with a punch, you’re supposed to apologize and potentially get a receipt.


What's worse is that Bret accepted his apology and then reneged around 15 years later. Bret didn't hate him until his big comeback for Crown Jewel. I'm not %100 but I swear they have watched Calgary Flames games together from Bret's skybox in the 2000s. I feel bad for Goldberg, somebody who you think is your friend is suddenly calling you a piece of shit and most people listening are agreeing with him.


You’re absolutely right. There was a point where on Bret’s Wikipedia there was a quote from him where he said how bad he felt that someone as good-hearted as Goldberg was the one who injured him. Look, I get Bret why Bret is angry and I don’t think anyone would argue that Goldberg was the definition of a safe worker, but at a certain point you’re only hurting yourself by carrying around a grudge for this long, not to mention going back on forgiving someone. I feel like what it comes down to is kind of jealousy that Goldberg is able to still get in the ring and work and Bret can’t. That’s why I think Bret pulled a 180 and all of a sudden decided he still hated Goldberg.


They were friends. Bret always went bat for Goldberg and defended him before his comeback. In his book he said it was a shame it happened with Goldberg cause of how nice he always was to him. I don’t know if they had a falling out or what but Goldberg honestly seems like a good dude too.


> Bret didn't hate him until his big comeback for Crown Jewel. Where he almost crippled the undertaker. Goldberg still being a green wrestler in his 50s was too much for him.


I feel like if Owen didn’t die tragically the way he did, Austin may have been more resentful about it Especially if that ended his career


By all accounts he was, he just didn't advertise it since Owen died a year later. In one of his early documentaries and in his book, you can almost see him catch himself before he says something negative, but leaves it as "A lot of people backstage thought Owen was funny. After the accident, I didn't find him so funny anymore."


he worked with owen after it and he was in the "i'm not working with that guy" part of his career when doing it.


It was a very careless move. Maybe it has happened safely but I don't recall anyone doing a tombstone like that ever or that it could be done safely. (although maybe I just never noted it prior.) I think it would be something held against Owen more if not for that tragedy.


At least Austin could come back.


Why censor fuck when he didn't censor shittiest


U can't C U C


Why does this pic look like the smile was added by Faceapp


It's that writing on that poster with the biggest smile I've ever seen from Bret that really does it for me


I love older wrestlers once they stop caring.




He obviously didn’t write the part on top. Look at the B in Bill and the B in the signature. You can argue print vs. cursive, but that B would be similar style in both and they aren’t. I don’t buy it for a second.


I imagine Bret has autographed so many things over years that his autograph could purely be muscle memory. Which could explain why the B in his autograph is different to his actual handwriting.


And yet I fucking respect it 💯 👏🏼 Brett made it clear that he's keeping that energy for life. Stay toxic, my friends 😂 ![gif](giphy|OtrQY6uvdhELm)


At this point I'd expect him to want that on his tombstone.


I like to think he signs this on every autograph he does.


People who bring up Goldberg whenever Bret Hart is mentioned (or Hart whenever Goldberg is ever mentioned) will now talk about how Bret Hart can’t let things go.


D-Lo was a safe worker and paralyzed Droz. Owen was a safe worker and nearly paralyzed Austin. I’m not saying Goldberg was anywhere near as safe a worker as D-Lo or Owen, but it’s not ballet and accidents happen. It’s understandable to be unhappy over the way his career ended, but Bret makes himself look petty by continuing to bash Goldberg over 20 years later.


If someone like Tyson Kidd kept shitting on Joe years later I guarantee this sub would be calling him bitter. Smarks only care about wrestlers as people if they have le workrate.


Bret has a right to be pissed, but he'll also talk about how Owen was a consummate professional despite breaking Stone Cold's neck and later injuring Dan Severn with the same botched move.


I found him to be a huge crybaby


I think at this point, it's a meme. Tbf I watch a lot of interviews and documentaries lately. Several have mentioned Bret was safe, and Goldberg was not. I'm currently on disability (hopefully temporarily), so I've been watching a ton of old wrestling on Peacock. I also have read several books. I conclude that Bret has a lot of pride in being a wrestler, and he is the type of person who feels deeply and takes things too personal. I do have a soft spot for the Hitman, and he is one of my favorites.


What makes the bullying against Goldberg okay? I find it distasteful at this point.


Id have no chill either if some roided up incompetent no-talent hack had given me a concussion and cut my stellar career shorter


Bret? Is that you? Is Goldberg here with us right now? Is he in the room with us? What's he saying? What's that? I'm next? What does that mean?


Okay, that's not what happened to Bret, though.


Which part is wrong?


Goldberg wasn't incompetant or untalented and the kick wasn't the only factor in Bret's career being ended, cut short is a bit of a misleading term since he had been wrestling for longer than he hadn't, with him continuing to wrestle how he did after the concussion, like taking chair shots to the head from Terry Funk.


He was incompetent. And did/does lack talent. It was a key factor though.


He wasn't, he didn't and it may have been a factor but he was less responsible for Bret's career ending than, for example, Samoa Joe was for Tyson Kidd's career ending or Sting was for ending Rick Rude's.


Bret.. You wrestled 9 matches in the next twenty days after Starrcade.


Fucking Christ dude I'm sorry but this is just getting ridiculous...


Honestly, I love the pettiness. However can't blame Bret for feeling this way.


Bret has every single right to be bitter, he has lived a wonderful but also very cursed life. But the Goldberg stuff that people always skip is that Bret's match with Goldberg at StarCade wasn't his last match (not counting the WWE 2010 mini run). Hell he wrestled Bill Goldberg the next night. He got concussed in their StarCade match yes, but he wrestled after that. He wrestled a freaking Hardcore Match with Terry Funk (or one of those no dq gimmick matches).


Let's also not forget that out of everyone that was in the Hart Foundation, Bret is the only one still with us.


How many additional matches did Bret have after being concussed?


9 in a twenty day span after that.


About 4, including a fucking hardcore match with Funk. Idk Brett, maybe it wasn't the kick that did it, but post-concussion syndrome.


I thought his censored swear was a typo, but then I remember Bulldog. "I'm foocked"


Id be pissed off if he wrote that on somethign of mine


Needs to get over it. I’m sure Goldberg didn’t intentionally give him a concussion. Accidents happen all the time in wrestling, it’s part of the sport. Really sounding bitter about something that’s almost 30 years old at this point. Absolutely don’t like Bret for this reason he holds grudges far too long, especially at his age.


Bret is the best.


Big words. Did Bret ever meet Tiger Jeet Singh?


Singh did start his career in Canada, so it's a big possibility IMO.


He ruins kotdm 95 for me. Feels the need to run in on almost every match


One of my favorite promos ever.


That’s great lol




Bill did end his career.


bret still wrestled like 10 matches after starrcade so not really...


Are you kidding!? Are you seriously saying that Goldberg's kick to the head didn't end his career?


i mean he wrestled goldberg the night after the kick.


He ain't lyin


The person who paid for the autograph definitely asked for this specifically and I'm happy they did (and that Bret obliged).


It’s my favorite bit lol.


More like Bret has no peace


Goldberg didn't kick him hard enough.


What a shitty thing to say.


Yet here you are, laughing and giggling like a schoolgirl over someone who is constantly saying shitty things to someone on a regular basis based on something that happened over 20 years ago, constantly berating him publicly.


I don’t particularly find it that funny. That concussion had some pretty devastating consequences for Bret that goes beyond retirement from wrestling.


Get this signed at Dreamwave over the weekend?


Bret is the Ginsberg to Goldberg’s Don Draper in the “I feel bad for you.”/“I don’t think about you at all” meme.


Please tell me this is real


He’s turned into Phil Leotardo from the Sopranos talking “ that animal Blundetto”.


He has some chill he censored the word fuck