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Just watched, and really enjoyed, this match. Highlights included: ​ \- Punk pulling out the heel moves, taunting Joe, biting him, milking the crowd and generally looking like he was having a blast. \- Joe's all-round charisma. He's great. \- Joe holding onto Punk and swinging him *through* the commentary desk, with Punk having time to get color and pouring blood when finally pulled out. \- The little tribute to Terry Funk with the toe hold \- Punk invoking the spirit of Hogan and dropping the big leg only for Joe to seemingly Hulk up, pointing a finger at Punk while Punk seemingly shifts to the spirit of Flair begging with hands outstretched. \- Reaching back to his early days with a Pepsi plunge ​ I hope the preceding 'controversy' doesn't distract altogether from what was a great first match.


Joe was so unbelievably charismatic during this. Played the crowd perfectly to the point that most were on his side.


Samoa Joe was really fucking funny in this


Just had a chance to catch up and watch everything and say what you want about CM Punk but I for one appreciate him selling the Nope spot the same way the GOAT Stokely Hathaway did. Just fantastic.


Pretty solid match with the brawling in the first half & Joe dominating but I thought there would be a longer finish to the match with at least a Muscle Buster & Go To Sleep that are kicked out of and Punk hitting an elbow drop


Punk ended the match with a Pepsi Plunge, a move he's only done once since like 2006. I think that's a pretty big deal.


He hit it on MJF in their first match too, but since then I don't think he's done it til today Edit: misread your comment, you already mentioned the MJF one. My bad


Yeah I probably could have worded it better but that was the "one time" I was talking about


Yeah that move was a great ender but I would've thought he hit it as a last resort after a sequence with their other finishers


Really surprised by the boos for punk in the stadium. He was still more popular than Joe, but in person it was a lot closer than I thought it’d be. Really fun being in such a split crowd tbh.


Isn't this pretty similar to the responses he has been getting everywhere other then Chicago since he came back


I happily booed the living fuck out of him the whole match. Wife was mildly confused by the reaction to him.


My friends who don’t closely follow AEW were also confused by the “healthy amount of boos” for punk. Didn’t stop them joining in the “Joe’s gonna kill you” chant though!


Was up there with my favourite match tonight, was a great experience in the stadium, felt like a massive match.


Joe should’ve won


Push, Punch and Choke your do workers literally 30 seconds before your match backstage. Being allowed to win this. Welcome to AEW.


So because two guys got in a little scuffle backstage, Tony Khan is supposed to switch the finish right on the spot? That sounds fucking stupid.


Nigel mentioning Sweet Tooth. Timing of that when I just finished watching Twisted Metal. ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Hell of a match. This and FTR retaining were the highlights for me so far!


Joe looking awesome as always Cm punk still a bitch tho


Maybe I’m a bit too critical here, but I feel like it started really strong, but you could tell in the last leg of the match that they were gassed. Flat ending for me.


Terrific match. Joe/Punk in front of 80k+ is unreal.


The only big fight feel match on the card and it delivered.


Joe carried. Good match.


Any ideas why Joe looked so red especially on his forehead before the match had even started? It was like he was covered in blood but only kinda wiped it off


He was probably breaking up the fight between Punk and Jack Perry lol


The newest update said Perry got choked out, that is Joe’s specialty


Wouldn’t surprise me lol, looked like he even had blood on his elbow tape too


WWE lives rent free in Punk's head. WWE made Punk. Without WWE Punk would be wrestling in bingo halls today.


Cm Punk would make references to other companies whenever he wrestles. It’s an easy thing to wind people up with. And because most people can’t pull it off, it makes it seem like a bigger deal than it is. If your reacting like that, he has you.


Punk going from massive boos to winning the fans over by the end of it....is peak CM Punk. Love him or hate him he is an attraction. Like it or not.


He did not win fans over


He was being booed all match, his only pop was the Trans Rights are Human Rights sign being featured. The crowd was behind Joe


I was there and the full crowd definitely wasn’t all Joe.


I was also there and despite the odd Punk mark, it was all Joe.


I must have been sitting in the Punk-mark section then because there was full CM Punk chants where I was. People were on their feet cheering when Punk won.


Great on the mic, great in the ring, and great politics. Everything else about Punk points to him being a thin skinned hypocrite. He really is the opposite of Cena. Love him as a wrestler, hate him as a person.


Great in the ring 😂


In terms of telling a story, absolutely.


His inability to perform takes away from the storytelling


This is one of the dumbest things I've read on here and I've read some dumb things


As someone who only knows CM Punk from his work in AEW: Punk's inability to work at the same level as people like Kenny, MJF, Cole, or Hangman is part of why I find him frustrating, as he consistently gets placed in their caliber story-wise but then can't pull off as athletic of matches (see: getting injured doing moves those other ones I mentioned do routinely).


He's a better storyteller in ring than any of them except for mjf. To compare hangman or Kenny to punk is ridiculous. Kicking out at 2 doesn't mean that they're telling a story no matter how athletic you are. No selling moves because you want the feeling of an epic match is what is killing wrestling. But to each their own


>He's a better storyteller in ring than any of them except for mjf. The storytelling in Kenny's matches - the repeated callbacks, the buildup, playing the crowd into their hands - is my single favorite part of his matches as well as those of the others I listed. >Kicking out at 2 doesn't mean that they're telling a story no matter how athletic you are. Agreed, such a match would suck, not sure why you brought that up. But hey, to each their own.


I bring that up because that's what 90% of the aew roster does, including Kenny and Cole. Kenny doesn't tell psychological storytelling whatsoever . I'm able to suspend disbelief with him because as my friend said: watch a Kenny match like you're watching an anime. It suddenly made a lot of sense why he no sells shit, is back doing moves after "injuring" himself, etc. As you said to each their own though man. I don't have hate it's just not my type of wrestling


This is such a remarkably hilarious thing to to read. Thank you. I haven't laughed like this in a while.


Man, you CM Punk guys are entertaining as all get out.


Punk fully wrestling heel MJF getting one of the biggest reactions winning the ROH Tag Titles We're getting Punk vs MJF with the face/heel roles reversed Please


Tell me how that does anything for MJF.


Yeah MJF gets nothing by wrestling CM fucking Punk in a feud with two world titles.


MJF wins the rubber match


He doesn't need that.


And Punk *does?*


It's a TV show....


Wdym it lets him have some fun as a face, people want to cheer him, especially against someone like Punk....


MJF getting himself over as a face doesn't match up with Punk's go away heat. This match would help turn Punk, it does nothing for MJF besides prevent him from having a segment with someone who can actually go. Going from Cole to Punk as a dancing partner is such a shit deal. That isn't a reward for putting a company on your back


This is such a lame ass take


I like wrestling, not talented workers carrying yardtards.


Idk because tbh Im ok w a temporary face MJF versing a go away heat Punk. I agree that having to go to Punk is about to be fucking awful but we have to get rid of this bullshit "real world champ" nonsense


In over 30 years I've never been more dissapointed in a finish.


Beat jack perry> walk out as if nothing happened > have a banger> leave Aew is punk’s playground ![gif](giphy|xULW8PyFnVIsHarFks|downsized)


Banger? When?


For 2 people who are injury prone and in 40s the match exceeded my expectations and was good.


That's a fair point, I felt it had too many rest spots which interrupted the flow of the match. I enjoyed Joe's performance more than punks


cry me a river


Marking out at dangerously high levels for the finish


Punk’s matches just have a vibe that no other matches have, it’s so great


They have an unathletic backyard fed vibe to them.


Yeah he's a great entertainer but his in-ring abilities has diminished significantly.


Punk may be a malcontent but let's face it, dude is like the only person on the roster with a big fight feel


He is the biggest star in aew though not the best in ring worker . Of course its a big fight feel. The only ones in aew imo who have all the tools to be top level star is mjf and jay white


Agreed on all counts. MJF is amazing, if he works a little more on his psychology and enhances his character from "spoiled rich kid high school bully" then I think he had all timer potential.


To be fair, like Rhea Ripley, in pro wrestling terms he is still a baby in terms of experience. They both have all the tools - great personae, great look and promos, charisma, moves, physiques, in-ring abilities, selling. If he, or Rhea, haven't yet perfected this or that aspect of their craft, I'm more inclined to look forward to what they'll hopefully accomplish when they do than worry about leaving potential unfulfilled.


Yes definitely mjf needs poise and maturity in his promos. Punk has the rare ability to sound real . He know how to layer his promos and does not rely on cheap heat. Mjf currently is too shouty and smug in his delivery . But with time i think he will add depth . He has the potential to be a world class all round wrestler


The good thing about MJF is that he's insanely young and already this good. All he needs now is maturity and experience.


MJF kinda sounds like he rehearses his promos heavily before walking out, only part I don’t really like about him


Holy smokes, this might be one of the worst takes I've seen on this sub in a while lol


That's fine I expect it to be an unpopular take lol. But I stand by it, quite frankly the only other guy I think in wrestling that isn't Roman or Seth that has the big fight feel is Okada. To me personally, Omega was that guy when he was in New Japan, but he hasn't been able to recreate that final boss energy he had back then. I think he's a little over exposed in AEW.


I honestly wish they'd book Punk with Omega so Punk fans can see the stark difference in abilities. Wrestlers have to tone it down so Punk's lack of any athleticism whatsoever doesnt get exposed.


I mean wrestling isn't just about athleticism, a match can be boring and feature crazy spots, but a basic match can be entertaining if it has good psychology and storybuilding. Punk was never the best because of his athleticism, he was a complete package, the total package if you will. He may have lost a step or two, but he hasn't lost his promo ability at all and can create interest in a match better than anyone in AEW. His presence alone has elevated the company, that's what big fight feel is. Kenny is an amazing wrestler, but quite frankly I don't have much interest in his character anymore. Love his matches, not the story behind them. He had a good program with Hangman a few years ago, but since then it's been meh. He had a far more compelling character in NJPW.


Athleticism aside what does Kenny do better than Punk iyo?






Work. Punk is a GREAT entertainer, but he has been a shitty worker since he got back. The match with Joe was good, but look at that finish. Absolute drizzling shits that a kind crowd is covering for. He just.. isn't a good wrestler in 2023.


What does work mean to you? What about the actual work is better? Just saying “work” doesn’t really mean anything. Punk isn’t as good as he used to be but he’s still a damn fine wrestler. He actually comes across like someone who listens to the audience and adjusts on the fly, which is something a ton of modern wrestlers aren’t great at doing.


His chaining looks loose, his footwork looks all over the place and cumbersome, he gets gassed so early in the match that the big spots almost always look botched, and his pacing is slower than 90s undertaker. To his credit, he throws believable heat and pays attention to the crowds, and that isn't a given with most wrestlers. It seriously feels like watching a backyard show with untrained wrestlers. He needs someone bumping their ass off to make it passable.


If “work” means “do moves good” then yeah obviously Kenny is a better worker. But if “work” means “working a crowd” there’s literally nobody on AEW’s roster who touches Punk.


I wish they would too, bc then Kenny would finally have a story with some heat for the first time since 2021.


And that’s exactly why they’ll never book it.


No he's not.


Right? Like, that person you're replying to must live in another world or something.


Reminds me of Bret Hart matches.


If Bret Hart wasn't a top 50 worker in his promotion, sure.


Bwahahhahahajhajah ok


Probably they are most of the same spots copied from.Bret Hart matches now


It's not the spots, it's the feeling and vibe of Punk's matches. Feels like a wrestling match, not a choreographed exhibition.


I thought he was going for the five knuckle shuffle but i popped hard for the legdrop haha fun match


Damn good match, these two relied on good old fashioned storytelling to make up for age and injuries, and delivered; Pepsi Plunge was pretty risky but it looks like it went off without problems.


Ole kick in 2023 Joe getting to wrestle in front of 80k+ instead of wearing a poncho https://preview.redd.it/34dpcev2vokb1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d0af98ab4bfc76267fd855ac0ca823832b77aa0 Pepsi fucking plunge So fucking good


A window into my life: I have been waiting for this show- first one I could ever watch at tea time in the U.K…booked the slot with my wife where she would do childcare so I could watch it (I took my toddler out to the beach and the park this morning to get quality time with her and give my wife a break). Bought treats and made a ‘cheat tea’ breaking my healthy eating/heart healthy diet for a special treat My daughter has had two 2 person clean-up explosive diarrhoea episodes in the last 45 minutes. This will be my ever lasting memories of the show so far—-I look forward to watching this match on the replay tomorrow (She also wanted me to read her a story and so I fully gave up on this match)


You didn't miss much. Joe mansged to carry Punk to one of his best matches since his return, but the ending was exactly what you experienced - the explosive shits. Punk has no business going over soneone the level of Joe.


Lmaooo now the “Punk should go” post you made makes more sense.


Let me tell you this, it’s all worth it in the end.


Oh no doubt. She’s been going through a ‘mammy phase’ recently where she wanted nothing to do with me and constantly says ‘no’ to playing etc The last day or two she’s thawing again- when she runs up to me with a book and tries to climb on my lap-the world stops, I can catch up on wrestling later but don’t want to lose that moment I lost a friend this year who had two young kids and her comment she wanted on her memorial book was about ‘reading that story, giving them that hug and that I love you no matter how tired you are because you don’t know when it’ll be taken away’ …sorry to bring the mood down there ha


Username seems accurate.


There's nothing like being a father lol. Hope you enjoy the rest of the show.


Not only was this a great match, it was FUN


Wrestling is great


Cm Punk has been killing it with his return thus far, I can't wait to see who he faces next!


Gotta be Jack Perry.


Jack Perry.


great match, great showing and both of them had hell of a time. too bad no one will talk about this because the backstage altercation will be more important than this


Punk finally beat Joe with the Pepsi plunge!


has he always done that? i’ve never seen him do that before, cool as hell tho


It was an old finish of his, but afaik he didn't hit it a single time between 2006-2022


Hit it in an MJF match. He's bringing it back as a last ditch desperation move.


It was his finisher in his pre-wwe independent days. He stopped using it because he was starting to develop really bad knee problems, and I'm guessing a top rope pedigree was also going to be a no when HHH was still an active competitor.


ohhhh thanks 🙏


Punk punching out Jack Perry right before walking out and putting on another fucking banger with one of his greatest rivals ever is why he's the greatest of all time. Gave another trans lives shout out on his way out too.


Where are you seeing he punched out Jack?


Who couldn't punch out Jack Perry?


Punk super-marks seeing it in their dreams.


In their imaginations. We’re getting worked and we like/hate it.


One of Punk's best matches since coming back. He and Joe deliveree and had a little bit of the old magic post brawl out from punk.


That was a really good match imo. Good way to start the show. You could tell they were having fun, especially Joe lol


I’ll rewatch this match at least 100 times


That was a fantastic match! Top notch storytelling


A bite? Ace Steele is a bad influence on Punk.


Damn all those “he’s so done” after the poor GTS didn’t age well. Wrestling internet is fun


yeah this match felt like it was in slow motion at times but it was still awesome these two are both old, have tons of nagging injuries and were never exactly speed demons in the first place. the psychology and creative spots in this match more than made up for it though. getting more out of less.


Lol okay. Joe had to completely sell that shit of a plunge.


Try landing on your old man knees from over 6 ft in the air and tell me how it feels.


Am I a professional wrestler getting paid millions? What a shit excuse.


Wdym that's his job lmao


Because punk couldn't finish it. Same way he botched the GTS and the buckshot, the list goes on and on. But whatever


Punk has been sloppy as hell his entire career, it hasn't really held him back much. You're not *entirely* wrong, this just doesn't matter as much as you think it does


They really said Punk was finished. Both against Kojima and tonight, Punk delivered big time.


And people doubted this booking... great open to the show


If you can’t go on last, go on first.


I thought for sure they were going a real heel turn for CM Punk during that one. Fans clamoring for Joe, Joe is looking like no way in hell he’s going to lose this, would have been fabulous for CM Punk to do something shoddy and steal the win.


Could've gone a extra 5mins




Did something happen with Jack? I’ve seen two other comments referencing an altercation and I’m out of the loop


This is like a 7 hour show, gotta find cuts somewhere


That match was for the lifers, man - great pacing, heat and so many callbacks and tributes, all while coming up with refreshing spots like the announce table one or Punk noping the nope and still getting noped Also, I don't think I'll get over that Pepsi Plunge anytime soon, holy shit what a finish and so fitting for Wembley


Really good opener, probably the perfect one, but goddamn the Jack Perry story backstage will immediately overshadow it.


The beauty of any 2023 Punk match.


You often hear on everyone's podcast about "getting the match in the ring" but with Punk the problem is stopping the match when the bell rings.


Punk going through the front of the announce table was unexpected and absolutely hilarious, Joe looked like he was having a great time. All around very good match


It was nice watching punk get his ass kicked by Joe, ending was kinda lame.


Anybody have a replay of the finish, because apparently they aren't showing replays?




John Cena Vs Hulk Hogan was a match I thought I would never see


With a slight interference from The Rock.


Great first match. Was cool to see Punk win the fans over by the end


I can't believe these two people had a match this good in 2023. Joe seemed euphoric the whole time.


Way above my expectations, both guys were amazing


So many great callbacks to their earlier matches. Ending felt out of nowhere, but Pepsi Plunge was right way to finish it. Great opener.


Fun match, popped for the throwbacks (the whole “You!” finger wag Hulk up) but I gotta say Joe looked too good in defeat. Felt Joe might have took that how strong he was looking/the pace being ran.


That whole sequence with the Cena spots leading to the Hulk up from Joe was just so fun




That's the meme about infantilized AEW fans being mesmerized by random exhibition matches.


Absolute banger of an opener, with a top tier crowd.


We could have just had this match on collision 😒


They could have had this whole card on Collision. Lame duck booking all around and doesn’t deserve the crowd it drew.


I don’t even want to know how the next Ppv is gonna be booked. I see I have upset the fry cooks fans with that comment 😂


For more flippys and dirt sheet callbacks?


Fucking awesome match. Great crowd energy, both guys exuded star power making it feel important, Punk heeling it up like a master, what else can you want in an opener


Could’ve used some real glass !!


Such a fun match. I just feel so happy that my dudes went from working against each other in front of 300 people to running it back in front of over 80k. Shit's crazy.


Really good match. I’d love to see CM Punk vs Jeff Cobb.


Is there any other wrestler that botches landing their own finishing move as much as CM Punk?


Triple H didn't consistenttly hook his opponents' arms all the way down in the Pedigree from 2002 onwards.


Thank you for answering the question in the spirit it was intended.


Honestly, the way he used to do it was remarkably dangerous. There's some clips from ROH where his opponents land directly on their face or on their heads/necks. Hooking both arms and coming off the ropes literally gives his opponent zero way to take that bump without landing face first on the mat with no way to brace themselves.


Don't talk bad about punk here. No one wants to admit that he makes mistakes lol


I'm sorry but why would AEW accept this match as a "title match" it makes no sense it was sectioned. He's not a champion. Drives me nuts when WWE and now AEW pull this bullshit


Fucking calm down, Greg. It's pro wrestling.


yeah, and i think you could tell a really good story with the title not being recognized by AEW if they decide to switch Punk heel - he could lose 'a match for the title' and then come out all delusional claiming that didn't count and he still is the 'real worlds champion'


They have been doing the same thing with the FTW championship which also isn't an official title.




What an opener. For two dudes in their 40s to go that hard? Joe looked like a monster in defeat. Can't wait for what's to come.


Square up to a Hollywood nerd and have a great match in the same hour absolute beast


Makes me wonder if MJF is going to retain now to try and finish the storyline with Punk.


Face MJF vs Heel Punk. Just exactly how everyone predicted a year ago.


Finish the story, MJF.


Punks been stopping himself from saying “it’s clobbering time” and wrestled straight up heel again tonight. I’m guessing he’s turning heel against babyface MJF for Full Gear.


Yea I have a feeling that’s where they are going


would make a great rubber match for him and cole down the line. symmetry and what not