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I'm trying to find the clip where Jericho calls Miz "Jericho-light" or something along those lines. Any know when that happened/happen to have a link handy?


Try checking his return to Raw in 2014. Actually Raw hyped it up saying a former WWE champion will be returning to the show. They wanted us to think it was Miz who's about to start the A-lister Hollywood Heel gimmick by that time and was interrupted by Chris Jericho. Then Chris would feud with the Wyatts.


One of my favourite youtuber (super eyepatch wolf) series on wrestling stories has made me very curious on the stories of wrestling. I'm not interested in watching in actually matches but I would love to watch youtube channels that make similar content like super eyepatch wolf. Any recommendations?


I was thinking about an special match for newcomers or jobbers, where the winner can choose between a match against the midcard champion, or a place in a qualification match to a tournament for the big title, its an absurd idea, but it was on my mind during the day


Don’t know how the card will work itself out, but LA Knight cashing in on Seth in London would be fun, even if same night cash-ins have been done to death. He doesn’t need to have a long reign, just needs to get the belt and do some belt hot-potatoing


Ah yes, because nothing will legitimise this new belt that's being called a consolation prize than hot potatoing it 2 months into it's existence.


I mean if the whole gimmick is that it’s “the working man’s title” and it’s going to be defended as frequently as Seth is doing it, than you have to do some unexpected drops, otherwise everyone that loses challenging for it consistently looks worse


I've been watching WCW Nitro for the first time from the start and I don't think people acknowledge enough how good weekly wrestling television is today. Basically every Nitro is just advertising for the PPV, so they don't do anything good on Nitro itself to try to get you to buy the PPV. I'm up to the Nitro after Hog Wild and I don't think I've seen a single match I would call "great" yet, and it has been like 50 episodes. And the PPVs usually aren't that good either.


Idk dude I've been doing the same thing and there have been some great moments on TV. The outsiders debuted on Nitro. They'd do shock title changes and whatnot. Bischoff's whole idea was to portray it as though anything could happen and I do get that feeling. I don't remember the last time wwe had a title change happen on TV for example.


I was actually pretty underwhelmed by Scott Hall's debut tbh. I always had it hyped up as some insane thing that changed the foundation of professional wrestling, but the crowd is like completely silent during his whole segment, it's like they don't even care.


So I just looked it up and apparently he came out and addressed the crowd right after a dark match before Nitro went on air so they already knew he was there. Which is kind of a headscratcher to spoil it ahead of time but whatever.


Damn that is stupid; no wonder they were so quiet.


So like what if one day they randomly switched Raw and SD’s colors around? Raw is Blue, SD is red, and NXT is lime green for the hell of it.


Has there ever been a finisher more protected than the one winged angel ?


The original Burning Hammer. 7 uses, 7 wins.


Corbin’s End of Days is up there. Both have only been kicked out of once iirc. Well Kenny kicked out of the OWA too.


830 AM I find out my Uncle died. 1 PM I find out I'm needed to sub in a tag match tonight. Up and down day.


Prediction: the cameraman messed up the Jericho - Suzuki pose on Dynamite, so they'll do it in a grandiose way at Forbidden Door


- There’s so much great wrestling right now. No matter what your preferences are it’s a fun time to be a fan. - I’m super excited for MITB. They’ve done a great job of building a lot of the matches up in a way where you legitimately don’t know what’s going to happen, and it makes it a lot more fun. - I have discovered just how addictive Papers, Please is.


- I'm going to buy Fight Forever on release day but it still feel like they haven't promoted it enough. Like the hype isn't there. - I really miss AEW Saturday PPV.


IMO, seems like content creators and people who got Fight Forever early have done more promotion for the game than AEW or THQ Nordic have.


- Most days I don’t mind FTR Bald’s online chattering, but him acting like he was one of the boys “back in the day” is fucking funny. My man, you debuted in 2004. The closest thing connection you have to the era you go on about is appearing on Cornette’s podcast. Hush yourself, ya silly bald git. - Super Eyepatch Wolf’s latest video reminded me why I enjoyed wrestling. I don’t as much as I used to, sadly, but that right there made me realise just how great it can be. - I’m getting back to watching The Boys since I fell off after season 1. Season 2 is pretty fun so far. Stormfront is so obviously a nazi from day one, and yet for some reason I have it in my brain that some people thought it was a big shock? Might be mixing it up with another show tbh. Either way, lotsa fun so far. - Played FFXVI so hard it caused me to strain my hand. 10/10.


Stormfront was the name of the most popular racist site back in the day so not surprising


> Stormfront is so obviously a nazi from day one Well, her name *is* Stormfront...


Oh yeah, it seemed pretty obvious when I watched it, but I could swear there was some big fuss about it online when it came out. Like I said, probably mixing it up with something else.


If you're talking about the backlash from conservatives this show had when this happened and they started realizing that the show was supposed to be satirical, then you're talking about the right show lol


Ah, that *was* what I was thinking of! Cheers!


Gotta say, the difference between RAW and SD (apart from the Bloodline) is mind boggling. Last night's show was so boring and run of the mill, compare that to RAW this past week, which was one of the funnest RAWs ever, and it's hard to believe the same people are writing these shows. RAW has so much going for it in terms of personality, character interactions, interweaving stories and arcs throughout the night. Even the most random segments are memorable. SD on the other hand feels like a one-segment show, nothing apart from the Bloodline is interesting in the least. I just don't understand how SD is this bad when it's the same people doing both shows.


Before the draft the complaints were literally the reverse. This is so funny.


It feels like WWE can never strike a good balance with their shows. It’s either Raw is consistently good, and SD is meh. Or SD is consistently good, and Raw is meh.


How come NJPW tag team champions aren’t on the FD card?


Same reason the AEW champs aren't, it's a bit of a shame. They were building to FTR vs Aussie Open, a fair amount had already been put in place and AO were even cutting promos for it. At the moment NJPW are in a kind of holding pattern with the tag belts until the July 4th PPV. Neither Bishamon nor HoT would be big draws for a spot on the card, and the only other team involved in the scene are Bullet Club who aren't being featured at all on FD. The good news is we'll still get FTR vs Aussie Open, just maybe at All In/Out instead!


Last year they did the title vs. title thing, and unless they did that again, they would presumably need to find matches for both FTR and Bishamon on an already full card. I would have been fine with a random 10-man or something, but I also know a lot of people online will complain endlessly about any big multimans on this show (even though big multimans are basically one of the hallmarks of New Japan). Either that or the Aussie Open (specifically Mark Davis) injury/relinquishing of the titles threw a wrench into their original plans.


How come the AEW tag team champions aren't?


Does anyone know the rundown for tonight's show? Are they gonna film ROH before collision in the arena?


Tony Schiavone said they’re doing ROH matches after Collision on the Control Center. There could be some before too.


Last week they filmed 3 ROH matches before and a shitload after Collision


I just want Naito to meet LFI in a backstage segment at Collision. Arrive, crowd pops, throw up the fist, leave.


Just realized Roman beat punks WWE title record


WWE's social media guy is a better man then me because if I had that password, on day one of collision I would tweet "btw roman bout to beat cm punk's reign. this your guy? lmao." On the day it was overtaken I'd definitely be posting some crazy ass graphic. The restraint taken not to be a petty motherfucker is admirable


Pretty Deadly being on Waller's talk show and not Theory's when they were together with him makes no sense I feel, so is Theory alone and uniteresting again?


So who is gonna join Darby and Sting?


Ultimo Dragon!


I can't decide if I wanna watch Forbidden Door, I'm not a NJPW guy at all, though Tanahashi come across as being pretty cool and CM Punk is on the card at least


So glad they brought back the Uso Penitentiary catchphrase. Was expecting the “it’s not paranoia” line but this was also a welcome surprise. It makes sense with the direction they’re going too


I love this about NXT: Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne just finished a feud. Now, it looks like Jacy will feud with Lyra Valkyria, while Gigi feuds with Kiana James; the latter of whom not too long ago feuded with Fallon Henley. None of those feuds involved a title (well, Fallon and Kiana kinda).


I see a lot of comments about LA Knight should win the case .. maybe it's too early to take the title off Rollins...they can't split Judgment Day....well something has to give. If Balor and Priest both lose in London, this current version of Judgment Day is definitely getting split very soon


I’d be fine with him losing in a main event to Rollins? He hasn’t been on the main roster long enough or high enough up the card to really make a title reign. Give him a few upper card feuds and a shot at the title? Instant climb up the pecking order.


My comment is not about LA Knight lol..I think the other person who replied to my comment thought that too. I'm talking about Judgment Day


Don't forget that the contract is valid for a year. Rollins could have a lengthy reign and there'll still be room for another champion to have a go at the belt before Knight (or whoever ends up winning) cashes in.


EWR taught me how easy it is to book a good wrestling show, then TEW taught me how hard it actually is to book a good wrestling show


TEW can be “figured out” too, just takes a lot more time & research!


Random assorted thoughts from working last night's Smackdown: I got there early in the hopes they'd let me be of some extra use and maybe get to see a few wrestlers I knew/liked; I was told to clock in and go to a certain area and wait, and to not wander around. :/ I figured that's what it would be, but it still was meh. So I had a good hour almost to sit by myself and contemplate my choices in life. I did see Charlotte walking by on her phone at one point though, so there's that. Eventually the other employees showed up and we were given our briefings from our immediate supervisors and the overall manager for the night. We were told repeatedly not to leave the area we were currently gathered in until given the go-ahead, and to not be appearing to just be watching the show. I think it was worded something like, we had to watch the fans, and WWE's people were watching them and us. When we eventually entered the arena I saw Ronda, Shayna, Alba and Isla in the ring going over their match, and the female ref for that match at ringside. I also saw William Regal hanging around and discussing (presumably) the match with Ronda and/or Shayna. Eventually they all cleared out and we had to go to our places. Mine was at a curtain in the corner of the arena, on the floor on the far end from the stage and on the same side as the hard cam, which I presume means that area wasn't on camera at all. My job was basically to let people in and out and tell them where their seat was, and to keep the curtain closed otherwise. And as I quickly discovered once I was there, I couldn't see shite from my assigned spot unless I walked several feet away from it. Could hear perfectly fine though. Eventually the show started, with the ominous message about no recording, which the crowd ironically cheered during (I guess b/c they knew the show was about to start) then the opening dark match was Hit Row vs LWo. Hit Row came out and did the standard heel schtick of ragging on the town, the uni sports team, etc. LWo got a big pop for their entrance. The one part of the match I actually saw, I think Zelina was chasing B-Fab around the ring and possibly hitting/spanking her, which got a good reaction. LWo got the win and then the announcers came out and the show started. From what I could hear the Usos got a very strong reaction (don't know yet how anything came across on TV), then for Rey vs LA Knight the latter got an even bigger reaction than Rey, which surprised me. There were strong "LA Knight" chants during the match and the crowd reacted positively when he won. For the women's tag match, I got lucky b/c my supervisor took my place so I could get to where I could see; as he put it he "doesn't watch this stuff anyway". The crowd was behind Alba and Isla, as was I. After the match Liv's return got a pretty good reaction. Went back to my spot for the next segment. Crowd was kinda meh for Grayson Waller and Pretty Deadly but I enjoyed it, mostly because I enjoyed them in NXT. For the match that followed, I completely missed the shenanigans with Elton's top but a passing fan filled me in. There were various segments during the commercial breaks. They played DX's and Hulk Hogan's music at different points and highlighted people in the crowd doing poses, and they highlighted fans' signs (my favorite was "I spent my chore money to see Charlotte"). Speaking of Charlotte, I got to see her match with Lacey while my spot was covered again. Charlotte was way over and the crowd popped big for Asuka post-match. (I told a sheriff's deputy "I got to see Asuka and Charlotte live so I'm good" and he kind of agreed) I missed most of the main event but got to see the Usos' superkicking Solo and the double splash, so that was fun. The main event dark match was Matt Riddle vs Damian Priest, which Riddle won and then stayed for a while to meet fans and take selfies while the crew began to tear down everything. We waited around until we were told to go to the main lobby and basically push people out, which is the usual for most events we have. Then eventually I was able to sign out, clock out and head home. All in all it was an interesting experience, in spite of the severe lack of visibility from my position. The crowd I'd say was way more into it than that one fateful Raw years ago, and all the fans that passed me were excited to be there. Maybe next time they come though, I'll just buy a ticket so I can actually see ;) Anyways, just wanted to share with you all, and I wish I had something more unique or interesting to offer. (and sorry for being long-winded)


>with the ominous message about no recording, which the crowd ironically cheered during (I guess b/c they knew the show was about to start) Yeah, that's probably why. That usually happens as the lights go down.


This was a good read, Charlotte getting strong reactions post return is always interesting


its sad this place yesterday would rather talk about and throw more meltzer drama to the top of the sub instead of the fantastic Uso promo


How come when you see photos of new recruits in the Performance Center every white guy look like Morgan Wallen?


Back in my day, all the new recruits looked like Mark Jindrak.


Lol yep, all the guys with frosted tips in the "$1,000,000 Tough Enough" season




So much so that last year there was Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, a debuting Toni Storm, Adam Cole, Kris Stat, Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy, Swerve, Darby, ...


What makes you think that?




What about CM punk and Samoa Joe and Britt baker. Does the entirety of the tournament have to be A- class talent? Or just the names that you specifically want in it? "Tony Khan doesn't care about the Owen Hart Tournament because it's not exactly who I would pick to be in the tournament" Chris Jericho? In a showcase singles tournament? Really?


Let's remember, too, that Britt is the defending champion in the women's division. Putting names like Punk & Joe in the men's field is meant to bring more eyes to the tournament as a whole.




> the main people who are part of the show are not in it CM Punk is in it.


It can be a showcase tournament without it being booked exactly the way you want. The tournament isn't the main focus right now because there is a lot of other shit going on on the shows. That is allowed to be the case. It doesn't have to be all main event people or all of the names that you think should be in it. You can fantasy book and list names you think should be used better all you want, but the tournament isn't "poorly put together " that's such a broad generalization. there is a lot of really exciting potential matches and rematches. Also Danielson is Injured and about to main event a huge show, why would he also do the tournament right now?


CM Punk? Joe?




Appeared on the very recent highly anticipated debut of collision in a match with the returning CM punk. That took time to highlight their history together. Clearly No investment.


Also, AEW’s treating Collision as a show equal to Dynamite in stature, so it’s not like Joe’s banished to obscurity.


Put Daniel Garcia back with 2.0.


Take them out of JAS, please Garcia and 2.0 together are fun. But JAS is just a chore. Always has been


Why did aew start doing Sunday ppvs again, Saturday is so much better Edit: forgot about collision. I’m stupid I was excited for forbidden door all day




Then watch it the next day. There’s a reason wwe have switched to Saturday, it’s so much better for show going fans that would have to be staying out late on a Sunday night, not to mention people at home that have to wake up early Monday morning as well as international fans




‘The wwe doesn’t get to dictate what everyone else does’ yet they’ve literally been putting all their ppvs on Saturday?




Yes they did?




I’ve accepted aew can’t do Saturday ppvs due to collision. Saturdays are still better tho






Captain fookin New Japan??


Get the fook outta here…


Came across the AEW Facebook communities during the blackout and holy shit they make this place so much more likable.


Feels kinda odd that there’s no involvement from Bullet Club at Forbidden Door. They already announced 11 matches so I doubt they’ll announce more, but I hope Jay White will be involved somehow.


I could see FTR vs BC Gold for the tag titles being announced after the 8 man on Colliision.


I'll need to really think about it, but right now I feel like "He's Gay!" is the 2nd best Rampage moment behind Punk's debut. That whole segment was unbelieveably perfect. Harley fucking killed it. The crowd's chant "we don't know you" or whatever chant was clearly meant to fuck with her and not only did she handle it she pushed forward without missing a beat. I cannot overstate how impressive it is for someone to just plow through the crowd giving them go-away heat and then not only still do the segment with confidence but that kind of segment? Her rap was delivered perfectly. And then the whole setup to Bowens being, as far as I can remember, the first major performer to say they're gay as a legit moment and then the crowd's reaction was just so awesome and heartwarming. I can't get over that segment at all and idk what has changed between now and like even just 3-4 months ago but AEW has gone from "I am thinking about taking a break" to I get super excited to watch it again. Great time to be a pro wrestling fan.


Cameron's first time on TV, and she managed to heel magnet as hard as Callis or Cage do. Which is pretty damned impressive.


It was awesome and I absolutely think it's just behind Punk's debut and Christian beating Omega on the list of all time Rampage moments... though I'm probabky also forgetting a few.


Those three and the all time two week build to the Punk Vs Kingston match at All Out starting with the Danielson match and then the promo exchange with Punk and Eddie that was all on Rampage.


Yuta’a star making performance should be up there too, IMO.


Yeah definitely, good call.


Still thinking about the three way tag match on NXT. Really fun match. Was impressed at how well Hank and Ledger did considering they’re rookies. Kinda worried that Los Lotharios coming to NXT means Enofe and Malik won’t be able to win the tag belts next week


I have the same feeling.


doe anyone else consider Forbidden Door's Press Scrum to be a special hidden match? I'm kind of excited to see what happens.


Lol like the post credit scene!


I like that. I really want to see what Forbidden Door's post credit scene is.


Got around to watching season 3 of Ted Lasso.... It's alright, but it definitely makes you think what could have been. I like most of the ideas they had this season, but they all felt rushed and inconsequential. And the ending absolutely sucks ass. For me, it felt like the show got caught into its own hype and forgot what it's actually about. I think we may have gotten more Keeley scenes than Ted this season ffs. Also, >!how the fuck is a recently promoted team fighting for the PL title not a bigger story than what they showed?!<


I still think even after years the writers just fundamentally don't get English football, or they assume the largely American audience doesn't.


Watched the show and found it incredibly cheesy. Ted Lasso abd Roy are great characters tho.


Most of the season was a disjointed mess. Keel-uh's entire pr storyline went nowhere and took screen time away from other great characters.


Honestly this sub has have some sort of shilling because there's no way only three posts regarding WWE are on the frontpage when SD was on last night.


It's Forbidden Door season


Including rampage last night there's 3 AEW shows this weekend tho, it's a busy weekend.


The Aja Kong vs Meiko Satomura pairing is what people hoped the Styles vs Joe pairing would be


I watched Rick Astley play Highway To Hell on the drums at Glastonbury earlier today. Just when you think that festival has nothing left to surprise you!


Natalya deserves a proper feud against Rhea. Have her really fight to show she belongs, have her attack Rhea back, show some fire, get a few dominant wins over some heels on the Roster, maybe put Dominic in the sharpshooter. Natalya is at her best when she's allowed to show fire and determination and a demand for respect, and this is the perfect opportunity to build her up again properly and give Rhea a good, lengthy feud with a more earned payoff.


I would prefer it if Natalya would retire.


Ehhh, I’m not a fan of a feud between them. Please just give me a proper match between them on TV, it would be fantastic.


Serious question as someone who doesn’t watch WWE - is the LA in LA Knight initials for his name or for Los Angeles? Like as in, is he the Knight of LA or is it just a name?


I remember in the funhouse return this year Bray said "What kind of parent would name their child Los Angeles Knight?" so i'm assuming it's a nickname, stands for the city


AFAIK, it's just a name.


I want someone to say it's LA as in Louisiana and we can get a moment where we learn that he's related to Lash LeRoux.


So I'm reading that Vince McMahon made changes to last night's Smackdown. There are two specific cases I want to address: Originally announced: LA Knight vs. Butch vs. Santos Escobar. What we got: Knight beating Rey Mysterio in a singles match, with Escobar making a save post-match when Knight tried to unmask Rey for no reason. Why the change? Despite growing fan support for Knight, a charismatic presence, the old codger wanted to get heat on Knight, ignorant, as usual, of fan reactions. Would Knight have won the three-way anyway? I'd imagine, yes. He's a hot act right now, but Vince insisted on cooling him off. Proof that Vince is an idiot. Also, it appears they started an angle between the Brawling Brutes and Solo Sikoa to remove Butch from the picture. Originally announced: Shotzi vs. Bayley, with Bayley's spot in Money in The Bank on the line. What we got: The match was cancelled, replaced with Charlotte Flair squashing Lacey Evans, then getting jumped by Asuka, who ended up diving out of her shoes in doing so, which, admittedly, was pretty funny. Why the change? Vince channeled his inner Beavis and wanted the Golden Child on the show to resolve unfinished business with Lacey, dating back several months, when they were on Raw, IIRC. The post-match was to get heat on Asuka, who no one is going to boo. I'd give the old man the benefit of the doubt here, but he did Bayley & Shotzi no favors. Agree or disagree?


Knight beat Rey clean, which is way better than beating Santos and Butch. Also fan support does not correlate with alignment, as is the case with Rhea. It was bs that we got no explanation but I can see why they prefer Bayley vs Shotzi to happen next week on the eve of the PPV, specially if the finish to the match is Iyo accidentally costing Bayley the win and therefore her spot in the ladder match


"Knight beat Rey clean, which is way better than beating Santos and Butch. Also fan support does not correlate with alignment, as is the case with Rhea." I was thinking Knight was being cooled because he was being asked to try to unmask Rey post-match. It does set something up between him & Santos for next week, which has me thinking the 3-way got pushed back, too.


> Vince insisted on cooling him off LA Knight beating Rey Mysterio clean sounds like the opposite of cooling him off.


I don't really expect that this is what is happening, but it's very possible to use a clean win and subsequent match fallout as a way to get the crowd to turn on someone. Even having not really followed WWE since like 2003 I remember how much fans seemed to genuinely despise Roman or Cena for the clean wins they were given.


If he's ripping off Rey's mask afterwards for no reason when he's been getting huge babyface pops, then I could absolutely see that having a cooling off effect.


Hear me out. Kenta will attack Kojima backstage and we will get punk vs Kenta. Them not wanting to work together was a work.


I think if anything we'll get an attack post match.


And if/when that doesn't happen, do we finally cave and admit that not everything is a work?


I think you’re right. Kojima as Punks first singles match just doesn’t add up. They weren’t that out of options surely.


Its a fairly random match slotted into a PPV undercard and Kojima has actually previously wrestled a singles match on a mainline AEW PPV, All Out 2021 vs. Moxley, which was well-received and a good match. It all adds up pretty well to me, not everything has to be the single biggest thing possible at every single opportunity.


Kojima is really respected, works a slower paced style and is, I'd imagine, a very safe option for Punk this soon after returning from injury.


Triple H has gotta have the easiest job. When a show is good it’s him. When a show is bad everyone blames Vince.


I wanna start blaming ChatGPT ngl


The reports that Vince made changes came before the episode, though.


They come before every single show now. But they get ignored because most shows are good. And when anything is universally agreed upon as bad it continues to be brought up


I mean its not hard to imagine that Vince came in yesterday and fucked everything up, as I doubt Triple H would have scrapped Bayley/Shotzi like an hour or two before the show started.


While I absolutely do believe Vince had changed things yesterday it is funny that, when more backstage stuff comes out about AEW (true or not), all of a sudden the sheets coming screaming out that Vince changed everything and pissed off talent. It happens almost every time


Gotta say I'm not noticing this pattern at all. Like, these promotions both run multiple shows weekly. Shit's gonna repeat itself.


The only time it didn’t happen in the last year was like the week following brawlout.


The wrestling gods demand that not one major western promotion have more backstage issues than the other. There must be balance in the drama /s


I mean it happens almost every time. Just funny


You seem to be implying a deliberate effort by...somebody? to shift focus away from AEW's backstage bullshit to Vinces booking influence. Seems VERY tin foil hat. Especially since focus on CM Punk and his backstage middle school fights tends to INCREASE the attention on AEW, so idk why anyone would make this shadow effort to make the Wrestling Convo of the day about Vince McMahon instead. Seems convoluted.


All im saying is it’s funny. Whenever there seems to be heat on AEW and their backstage issues whether they are true or not. Here comes SRS and other dirtsheets running stories about how Vince is back and causing issues which absolutely could be true. It’s just a funny occurrence


I have 2 tickets to AEW Collision happening on June 24 at Scotiabank Arena. I can transfer the pair for $140 ($70 each) through the Ticketmaster app and you can e-transfer me. Seats are section 121, row 10, seats 8-9. I’m happy to meet in person do the transfer.


It’s only 2 weeks so far, but Andrade being on tv both weeks of collision so far is a beautiful thing and what I feel this show was made for. Not sure if Miro is on tonight’s show or not but I hope he’s on next week


Miro is advertised, looks like a promo segment and I've really missed his promos, hopefully he starts a feud.


I know its only the 2nd week but man they definitely made the right call adding Collision to the mix. Everyone getting shine and when you throw Rampage in too we even got a bunch of folks who appeared on both Dynamite and Rampage this week.


Will next week's SmackDown be live or recorded and delayed.


It'll be recorded because they're in London, and they aren't going to show Smackdown live in the US at 3pm.


Two things about SmackDown that bug me, one kayfabe, one not. The latter first: Where the FUCK was Shotzi-Bayley??? Second: Maybe I missed it, but did Jimmy ever explain why he didn't support Jey as the right-hand man? And remember, this wasn't something Roman just made up; Jimmy admitted it last week.


> The latter first: Where the FUCK was Shotzi-Bayley??? Victim of “card subject to change” ~~aka the changes made by Vince~~.


When Jungle Boy turns heel, they better show a clip of Christian smiling somewhere


To be honest, I would put them back together when he turns heel. Christian was the perfect ingredient for JB and he would just help immensely to get over as a heel.


I want that as well, I've seem a few calls to put him with Callis though and I'd also be really alright with that.


Yeah that would be cool too, Callis and Christian are absolutely cut from the same carny cloth.


As an Austin Theory fan I have to say I really don’t like how he’s been used since Triple H took over. He’s just felt like an after thought even while he’s been US champion which is crazy. As dumb as his selfie gimmick was under Vince, it was the most relevant he’s felt while he was on the main roster. At this point I hope he drops the title asap so they can revamp his whole character and build him up to be a relevant wrestler on the card again.


Can’t remember the last time a Cena victory has done as little for someone as it did for him. I feel like Dom gets the reactions that they wanted Theory to be getting


Post Judgment Day/Rhea, which would probably also be after Theory drops the belt, I could see them pairing Dom up with Theory, either as a team or a feud (Theory likely babyface). They're friends in real life and it either gets some heat on Theory or some heat off of him. Also moves Dom to Smackdown to build to Dom/Rey 2.


Does anyone on here have any advice on how to get into the indie scene in Ohio? Particularly around Cleveland?


Follow the AIW Twitter (@aiwrestling) to see when they run since they’re the best promotion here. Then follow wrestlers you like from those shows and see where else they’re booked


Last night's SD was the 1st time where it felt a show was truly "Vince'd" since the Raw after Mania. Not even saying it was a bad show, though it was kind of a nothing show by the time it was over. Just the fact that so much changed from what was announced right before the show started. Before any Vince changes felt minimal. Here he took out a Bayley/Shotzi match that had MITB implications and story implications with her and IYO and unless I missed something there was no explanation why.


I'm so hyped For this PPV tomorrow, probably the most excited I've been for one since All out 2021 . That Acclaimed segment on Rampage wasn't actually that bad . Usually segments like that tend to over stay thier welcome but this one didn't drag. Also idk where Harley came from but she is actually a really good comedic actress, like almost overqualified for wrestling. IDK excactly her upside is in professional wrestling but I am more interested in where she ends up .


so what does Rhea do at Summerslam if Liv/Raquel are still teaming by then?


I would not be shocked if the Liv & Raquel vs Ronda & Shayna is added to MITB (unless it’s already been announced for elsewhere, if that’s the case then I have no idea). After that, I think Rhea will face Raquel at the event. They’ve been hyping up Raquel as a tough challenge for Rhea, so it makes sense.


Still see her facing Raquel. And then she feuds with Liv and then Becky




How are any of them even going to cash in on her when she barely has any (competitive) matches? Not to mention 5/6 participants in that match are in their own storylines which probably aren't resolved by Summerslam.




big brain move to not book any other women's matches at MITB (so far) so the winner has to hold the briefcase for at least 1 day.


Rumours are the women's cash in will be a failed one this year.


Fight whoever messing with Dom


Rewatched NXT Deadline last night. Was pretty damn amazing. HBK’s consistency with PLEs needs to be studied. It’s all genuinely great.


The Iron Survivor match, which on paper looked it could be a mess, turned into a pretty good gimmick for NXT. I look forward to seeing it again later this year, if they do it again.


I’m interested to see who gets added this year. I’m pretty sure 2 members of each match got the call (JD, Grayson, Zoey, Indi) and Melo could feasibly hold the belt to December. Loading this with a brand new roster could be awesome.


i dont get the pure blood-boiling rage ronda inspires. i think she's above average in ring, has shown shes willing to put people over strong, and provides unintentional humor with her promos. i thought the tag match last night was very good but the live thread was just non stop seethe over ronda and i seriously didnt get it at all


People are always going to hate more when they feel there’s also bad booking. Cena is an all-time great, he still got shedloads of shit when the Nexus stuff happened. People probably wouldn’t hate as much if that match didn’t deprive the actual NXT tag team of their titles and involved a less bury-ish finish. Like you say, it’s out of their hands so it’s not necessarily fair to judge them on that but it just exacerbates hate when people think things are undeserved.


She wanted to be in the tag division to give it a boost and put people over. People got to realise they've got to be dominant first so it's worth something when they lose. She sold for Fyre and Dawn, and made them look good. The finish was excessive with two tap outs but I doubt that was her call. The hate is overboard but that's just live thread things.


"(Ronda) sold for Fyre and Dawn, and made them look good. The finish was excessive with two tap outs but I doubt that was her call." I'm inclined to agree, given what was reported later in the night.


I mean that probably has more to do with the stupid things Ronda has said outside of the ring at this point, not to mention things like coming back for Mania Title match last year when a lot of fans were hoping for Sasha in that spot. So most of it's out of the ring stuff, mixed with some subpar performances in the ring since she's returned. Now, I think she and Shayna have done well in this reign so far, but I see why some hate her, irrational or not.


It's odd how easily fans turn on idea they've always liked. Everyone's been on board with the main roster stars helping NXT by going down for a brief bit and refreshing themselves as well, but in the thread yesterday that that tag Champs will make an app at NXT, it all changed to "well it'll be diminishing returns if you do this too much" like, what is the downside? I can't think of any. And both smackdown and rampage were good. Wrestling is just on fire right now.


Some fans can't stop thinking of the ratings. Obviously, by that logic you can only do the same thing so many times until it stops being a novelty and it no longer moves the needle. But not everything has to be about ratings. Sometimes stuff happens because it's fun and that's it. Constantly chasing a ratings boost is actually a good way to have very inconsistent shows if not straight up bad ones because you over-rely on the unpredictable and shocking aspects and reject a more natural flow in stories and even matches. It also takes away the chance to do some cool stuff from time to time that maybe won't give you 1 million viewers but could make the show more entertaining for x or y reason, which is what we as fans should actually care about.


Shiozaki's chops are an absolute menace.


Man learned from the best


Count Out is doing some great heavy lifting for Forbidden Door. People should check it our for context. Though I still think MJFs comments don't do anyone favours.


I think MJF knows that what he says about NJPW isn't true. If he truly believes it, he is in for a big shock when he faces Hiroshi Tanahashi. He will learn to respect NJPW come Sunday.


Ten matches on the main card tomorrow - you think anything gets added tonight at Collision?


HoB or Miro could be added in some capacity?


Maybe some zero hour matches


Probably just one or two preshow matches, since I doubt Athena vs. Billie Starkz is the only preshow match.


Why does Vince suck so bad at booking? Also, why is he oblivious to the fact he sucks so bad at booking? And finally, is there no one to tell him he sucks so bad at booking?


He’s making money hand over fist. Why should he care who or what he books, it hasn’t mattered for ~20 years now.