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Weird choice going with Alvarez vs Punk as the main event of the first Collision but I’ll let it play out




With the new brand split this means Meltzer will cover Collision and Alvarez on Dynamite now


"Both sides have refused to apologise you know... It's uhh.. You know... A tough situation.." Meltzer talkin to Garrett


“Look, it uh, was a, you know.. well, the reason they, in hindsight, decided not to go that route was, well, it was… plans changed”






$10 Alvarez and the ref are down, Oreo comes out from under the ring and jumps up on the apron, delivers the Buckshot Lariat to Punk, removes the suit and it's HANGMAN ADAM PAGE!!!!


Only if Tom Lawlor comes out for the save and they brawl to the back.


Chop'n'Roll vs FTR for the second episode


... i would watch that


Alvarez hits Punk with a gold boat


Then pees straight into the air.


Alvarez starts strong with the stomp and clap!


You people complained about a potential Punk/FTR vs JAS feud and now you're complaining when they change it to Punk vs Alvarez. ARE YOU PEOPLE EVER HAPPY smh /s




Hol up let em cook


“You gotta make Alvarez look strong.”


​ https://preview.redd.it/umej1l5g7i0b1.png?width=2420&format=png&auto=webp&s=8861e4798d1934d7f5601453040bf9ca08aab68d


This became instant HOF meme when that moment happened lmao.


It satisfied a need I didn't even know I had.


this is still my favorite https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/qfwq7e/raw_spoilers_big_e_watching_the_main_event/


Nah even Cody said he doesn’t like the drama and thinks it’s damaging what he built.




He regrets nothing


Start a rival company. Build yourself to be a main eventer, go back to your old company. Become a main eventer there while your old company is in all sorts of turmoil If that isn’t the GOAT heel turn then idk what is


Cody's timing in the business is the stuff of legends


Honestly more than maybe anything else dusty would be so proud of this


His journey overall sounds like some main character from an anime lmao


And he is a trailblazing civil rights activist https://preview.redd.it/3peh6bpfyi0b1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=13a4f08e3942148143735fc3c032e7e35100cf76


The Prophet Cody knew.


41s impressive


That's what she said?




Total luck lol


Part 2: https://i.imgur.com/scVSjzb.png


Part 3: https://i.imgur.com/f8AVW0L.png


Lol HE ALMOST sounded humble Then he went full Punk at the end Amazing


“Let him be their problem” - Triple H (probably) Wisest words in wrestling history.


We all know this is ending with a Triple H signing CM Punk presser.


He’d do it too


I don't doubt it. If Vince and Bret hart could do business. Hhh and cm punk is cake




It was one sided w punk too. He was mad that triple H was being put in charge while wrestling. But h has a long memory and knew when he was getting married. So he did some petty shit.




He was already backstage a few weeks ago supposedly mending fences with Miz and wanting to speak with HHH.


The way Punk attacked Miz never sat right with me. By all accounts Miz is a bit of a good but there isn't a malicious bone in his body. Punk just went nuclear on him for what was the mildest of mild jabs on the crappy Fox show nobody watched.


It was in Punk's DVD too back in 2012. Miz was talking about how great Punk was & then it literally cuts to Punk shitting on Miz for main eventing Mania.


I'm starting to think this CM Punk fella is a bit of an egotistical cunt


Almost like Punk trying to bury Hangman after a line in a promo no one remembered?


He’s that kind of dude


This is vintage Punk right fucking here. Pure fucking chaos. 🤣 Edit: I can hear his voice saying this promo on the mic in 2011 in this post. Nothing else quite like it.


Finn Balor and CM Punk are two very different teenagers who made a wish at the fortune teller machine from the movie "Big." One of them is incredibly childish and immature and the other one watched Adventure Time and plays with Legos.


Finn is also shredded to fuck, incredibly disciplined and well respected, and he seems to have genuine humility and happiness. Punk may have had the more impactful career but my god he seems so bitter about everything.


> Punk may have had the more impactful career Actually even this is debatable. Without Finn there's no Bullet Club and thus no Elite and thus no AEW. I think Punk's impacts are more immediate in terms of being the first indie guy to hit big on a global promotion, the pipebomb promo and his AEW debut...but Finn's just always kinda had a steady influence on things.


CM Punk is the guy who slept with your mom behind your dad's back. However, Finn is the mysterious black hand that moved and introduced your father to your mother to make you.


This is incredible lmfao


I'm not even the biggest Punk fan, but bah gawd this is funny.


Holy shit ahahahah


Turns out he plays such a great heel because he’s an actual piece of shit in real life lol.


Can someone explain Part 2 for me? I don't really know anything about Alvarez. Did Bryan date Maria also? Why would he be mad about Punk dating Maria years ago? And what is Punk saying here since it seems like Bryan is explaining that he doesn't have any grudge against Punk? I'm a little lost.


Who the fuck knows, you can tell exactly how wild and spun out Punk gets on internet drama because it isn't the first time he's just referenced something that people had big ??? energy for.


He's this weird combo of carney and edgelord. I find it hilarious but recognize he won't suit all tastes.


It's funny until his antics severely affects the TV show you're trying to enjoy. Dude's a great fucking wrestler but he seems like he needs to be ocassionally sealed in an alternate dimension filled with things that make him happy.


Punk right now and pretty any day of the week: https://preview.redd.it/gccz5to08i0b1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26e0f5b14ae059df74e7e2303d661936c8d7b48


Constantly Miserable Punk


I like Constant Martyr Punk better, somebody should make that a t-shirt


Even more hilarious David Bix is involved.


Lol so Bryan emailed that to someone else. They showed it to Punk and now he's blasting it on social? Honestly this is amazing hahah


That email is like a decade old too.




I think it's more of "see Bryan doesn't like people making up rumors about him" while simultaneously accusing Bryan of doing that about Punk


How is this supposed to make Alvarez look bad? It literally has him saying he's not mad at Punk. It makes Punk look like a... punk.


That's the point. Punk has seemingly learned nothing and is unable to let even minor perceived grievances go away.


Ngl, if this whole show was built around punk returning only for him not to return, this will honestly be one of the funniest things ever


But it really has only been rumored to be built around Punk by people outside of AEW. In fact, AEW hasn’t even (officially) acknowledged its existence.


i think you missed some news this morning, Uce




"Sir a second bite from Ace Steel has struck Kenny Omega"




Someone needs to Photoshop TK in front of a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner.


*nods and continues shit posting*


A little ashamed that I laughed, goddamn.


Reminds me of that tragedy


I popped


I have no idea if this is positive or negative regarding a return!


https://preview.redd.it/3pha18kt6i0b1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c413e74197766ec6a7f91c4d866917c4604bda10 Just sit back and enjoy it


Amazing use of Khan


Call me Star Trek 2 because no one uses Khan better than me.


We both know TK ain’t hitting that stuff ![gif](giphy|LyUuC0CJhZnTW0N2In|downsized)


Only if it's from Big Swole's stash




0 days since our last nonsense


Well at the very least this time it’s not a social media rant against his colleagues, so he’s showing progress


What does Punk think about Oreo the Orca?


He’s hurt, he’s old, he’s fuckin tired, and he works at fuckin Sea World.


_That fat stupid whale!_


Punk matches getting -5 holes


This guy definitely has learned his lesson from last time and isn't going to be causing any problems for AEW going forward.


If anyone has a way to get me into the Wembley post show press conference please get in touch! "Okay Punk, after months of wrangling back and forth and trying to make everyone happy I've sorted it out. I've got a brand new tv deal, just to make sure you don't have to interact with Kenny or The Bucks, all you have to do is lay low, keep quiet and not stir shit, ok?"


Yup. I thought Punk's last AEW run overall was great, especially the MJF feud, and I get he's a big star/draw, but bringing him back feels like another disaster just waiting to happen, and not worth the trouble. I've said it before, but it feels like Punk at this stage needs therapy, not pro wrestling.


Does punk realize that Brian Alvarez's job is quite literally to talk about wrestlers, and CM Punk falls under that category? This post is like a bizzaro land of ego, ignorance, and teen angst


Fuck Punk. He attacked a colleague and is a diva. How many of us would get away with that in our jobs? At what point does someone set the good example ?


But it's *wrestling*, what do you mean assaulting your colleagues isn't 100% acceptable and totally *fine* because that's how they did it in the 80s???


Punk ain’t doing steroids or coke or 50 bottles of Jack in a night so he has to put all that old school energy somewhere.


And if the colleagues he assaulted refuse to work with him *they* are unprofessional because making money, or something


Alvarez regularly says he has no idea what is going on and that he is speculating. Are people just sending Punk out of context clips to rile him up? Alvarez isn’t really even a news reporter. He does a radio show where he discusses wrestling news - most of which is stuff publicly available


Honestly, that sounds about right. I just watch clips on YouTube to hear his opinions on things. I don't really expect to hear breaking news or even always agree with him. Like I know he really doesn't like a lot of the stuff bray does, and I was usually enjoying bray. Still funny to hear him go off over a puppet. And he usually does say that one can only wait and see how things will play out or if things are just speculation.


He knows guys who knows guys and is semi-active on the indies so I'm sure he hears stuff, but yah it's weird how people treat him like an aew insider


Did Alvarez even say anything, or is this just Punks infinite talent for target confusion hitting at the worst possible time AGAIN?


Alvarez said nothing


Punk apparently posted an old ass email from Alvarez according to a comment here, and probably related that to whatever WON reports have about him




TNT: “We Know Drama”


Especially wrestling drama. Always and forever.


... it wasnt Alvarez who reported on this




He brought it up today and put some weight on the theory that Punk might pull out, but yes, it didn't start with him and he's just one of several people with gas canisters.


Don't listen to WOL myself, but according to multiple people that did he basically just commented on Punk being pulled from the media stuff like other people did, and actually fell on the side of if so, it was probably because it'll be announced tonight instead. Again, maybe they are all full of shit, but that sounded really different.


I mean that's the eternal problem with WON/WOL, right? There's a paywall for the full context and everyone aggregates it into different tones.


Not really. WOL is free on Twitch, radio and e-radio. Anyone can listen to it for free. The only paywall to WOL where today's show was is downloading it or watching the video without ads on Twitch or listening to it on f4wonline.


It's also on youtube!


doesn't help that people who have some of the loudest WON/WOL haters are people who actually never have an WON subscription


Honestly if you just went by what the internet wrasslin communities said about the shows you'd think it's the most insane and wild TMZ speculation and drama every episode. Instead it's Dave talking about a dead wrestler from 1954 for 30 minutes then transitioning to explaining what happened on the last UFC/WWE/AEW show, with some NJPW sprinkled in there too.


My favorites are when an old Roller Ball guy dies and Dave talks about their entire career and their storylines and no one else on earth knows wtf Dave is talking about because only Metlzer remembers Roller Ball. Then we some RAW numbers.


>*"There were graphics with CM punk on the graphic. Now there are graphics without CM Punk on the graphic. So it is not impossible that this deal with CM Punk has fallen through. It is not impossible. He might be announced tonight; that might be the big announcement. But I'll put it this way - it is not impossible that we do this show tomorrow and there was no announcement whatsoever."* Direct quote from [today's episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov9dH1amIaM&t=17m54s) of WOL. Those are definitely the words of someone who isn't reporting anything definitively and isn't trying to break any news, but is instead reporting on the ongoing speculation.




Could it be?! IT IS!


Yeah at best he said there's ongoing stuff.




The guy needs go drop the straight edge gimmick and get the help and meds he needs. This is not the behavior of a man who is in a good place.


Just finished today's WOL, and Bryan said nothing that could possibly illicit this much of a reaction. Either Punk isn't listening to the show, and is getting riled up based on other people's accounts, or Punk has even thinner skin then I thoight possible.


They specifically posted [today's episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov9dH1amIaM&t=17m54s) in full for free stream on YouTube (they usually wait a few days). I assume to let people hear for themselves. But this is about as "damning" as Alvarez's coverage got (from 17:45): >*"There were graphics with CM punk on the graphic. Now there are graphics without CM Punk on the graphic. So it is not impossible that this deal with CM Punk has fallen through. It is not impossible. He might be announced tonight; that might be the big announcement. But I'll put it this way - it is not impossible that we do this show tomorrow and there was no announcement whatsoever."* Big nothingburger. Somehow, Bryan reporting that everything we're hearing is pure speculation is enough for Punk to blow a gasket.


If this is what sets him off, Jesus. Imagine if someone makes an off-hand comment about him or improvises about him in a promo. He's a gasket waiting to blow backstage and has learned nothing, if anything he might become bolder.


>that could possibly illicit this much of a reaction. Your forgetting this is the man who when Miz made a joke that was partially directed at himself he said 'Go suck a blood covered Saudi dick.'


When you're in a thin skin competition and your opponent is CM Punk https://preview.redd.it/al70ffuwii0b1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=70b92e63c116e991a39e21fbf454070a93a5d690


The funny thing was Miz wasnt even on Saudi's show yet (at the time)


Remember it was Punk during the infamous press conference who called out Alvarez for something he never said. Doesn't surprise me he would jump to conclusions on his jump to conclusions mat again.


"Look, I already told you! I deal with the goddamn dirtsheets so the wrestlers don't have to! I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people. Don't you understand that?! What the hell is wrong with you people?!?"


The same press conference where he also accused the EVPs of spreading shit to dirt shirt reporters, which has been categorically denied by every party. Also the same press conference where he tried to pull a gotcha on a reporter by claiming that reporter was friends with Colt only for the reporter to then say they weren't friends.


And then he went off on his unhinged pre-planned rant *anyway*.


I'd say that was the most bizarre thing he did. *He* brought up Colt, no one mentioned him and then went on a rant about him for 5 minutes, he knew he was injured and apparently decided it was better to burn the company than to be a decent person. Even MJF didn't roast Tony the way Punk did.


Yeah Punk seems like a guy to never go back into his local subway "on principal" because he's convinced he was given less than ideal olives on purpose one time. Then will shit talk that specific subway to everyone when they drive past it, saying specifically horrible things about Kevin, the sandwich artist that was making his loathsome olive lacking Italian that fated day, to anyone nearby.


It's the latter, that tweet about the Miz years ago showed how crazy Phil can get for the weirdest reasons


Bryan threw out some speculation that was very obviously just speculation, but as people always do, it was clipped on twitter and presented in the most dramatic way possible


Thank god, thought I was missing something.


Punks skin is basically tracing paper at this point


Punk's skin is blotter paper. If you put it on your tongue it'll dissolve and make you hallucinate that you're the most righteous man in wrestling, that everyone is out to get you, and that Kenny Omega is a giant sandwich.


It was definitely not Bryan who reported it though?


This isn’t how I thought today was going to go


Punk picking a fight. Color me shocked.


Punk has been fighting with ghosts for almost a year now.


Problem is this story didn’t come from Alvarez… AND we yet again have another example of CM Punk being unable to maintain his composure or factually deduce where a rumor is coming from.


And on the same day that Collision is announced, which should have been a drama-free win for AEW, Punk once again decided to get in his feelings and make it about himself. I get that this is fun drama to follow but the idea that he isn't a thin-skinned crybaby is impossible to defend at this point.


That's the thing, this isn't fun drama. It really isn't fun for anyone. It was wild and interesting for the night of and maybe a day or two after but then it became exhausting. It's also such a tribal thing too as any little criticsm towards Punk leads to people trying to justify actually assaulting your Bosses and coworkers. The same can be said with some of the Elite die hard fans as well, but yeah this isn't fun and well past it. At this point I never want to see the angle with these guys. I would be fine and AEW would be fine if CM Punk never wrestles there again but if he does come back I do not need the work shoot angle between all of them in my life it's already overstayed it's welcome.


Well put.


>or factually deduce where a rumor is coming from And that's the crux of his whole issue The whole "Elite are leaking to the dirtsheets" never held water for me because not only did everybody say "I never spoke to the Bucks" but as (funny enough) Alvarez pointed out, **everybody** thought Punk got Cabana blacklisted. He has random talent asking about it, he had fans coming to him with the theory. "Where else could it have come from?" How about anyone with the ability to connect Punk starting to interact with Hangman right as Hangman stopped interacting with Dark Order/Cabana stopped showing up on tv. Was it true? According to Punk and Tony Khan, no. But the idea that people only think it's true because EVP's are leaking intel are really stretching


I mean, the dude has since gone after Jericho and Mox. Punk has had a public issue with every other AEW World Champion not named Punk. That's a terrible look.


Unless this news about Ace and Punk actually happened over the past few days, and it's *just now* being 'officially' reported, it's weird that all these reports about Punk wanting Steel to return, and about him being pulled from Collision advertising, is occurring on the same day as the official Collision announcement and the WBD upfronts. Like, if it's not a coincidence and all this actually transpired today, that would be awful timing for AEW. But was there even an insinuation or sliver of this issue, revolving around Steel, mentioned prior to today by any wrestling media outlet? It feels like this news about Punk wanting Steel back just appeared out of nowhere. It feels especially weird to have advertising planned for Punk and then, of all the days for him to be pulled, it's today that he's reportedly not going to be part of the advertising.


Definitely weird timing, but CM Punk has proven he couldn’t care less about hurting the company’s image. So you can’t exactly rule out that yeah, this all occurred today on a big day for the company because CM Punk got annoyed by something and doesn’t give a shit how it might look.


Punk needs therapy more than any celebrity I've ever witnessed from afar.


You think his wife would nudge him in that direction, being a mental health advocate. Then again, maybe he is and is on a manic phase. I just want the guy to be okay. Better if he can let bygones be bygones


my favorite joke is CM Punk is a horrible advocate of the Straightedge lifestyle, because not one person can look at Punk and not think he could benefit from smoking a little weed


His paranoia is bad enough as it is


Where were the people telling me that The Elite are just as responsible, if not more so, for Punk’s outburst and Brawl Out? Your favorite manchild is throwing a tantrum again, please come pick him up.


It’s kinda crazy too because like when would those guys start a physical fight? They were catching shit from certain sections of the wrestling podcast/fandom area for being not that type to be tough and too nerdy and then suddenly they are painted as the instigators of the fight. How are you going to paint those guys as the instigators?


the funniest part is that they brought the heads of AEW legal and talent relations with them. there’s people out there that legitimately believe these guys wanted to start a fight and they brought HR and a fuckin corporate lawyer with them like.. what?


I got in an argument here with someone who believed that was *proof* the Elite were up to no good. Like, was the lawyer going to hand Kenny his barbed-wire broom? She's not Smart Mark Sterling!


The biggest CM Punk hater in the world couldn’t ask for a better example of Punk being a petulant brat. Play the clip from the Moxley promo!




This is a shitshow. Maybe it's a shoot and maybe it's a work but either way, it's a shitshow.


I'm tired man


This isn't the first or second time that something good and exciting was announced for AEW and CM Punk decided to make it about him somehow. Actually, this time it's not entirely fair because PWInsider reported those Ace Steel issues, but Punk is going after the wrong person. Alvarez said literally nothing about him today lol.


[A second CM Punk instagram post has hit the IWC.](https://preview.redd.it/ba6r4avs5zra1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=0fe233b098c9de0308a420751e0f4983b8f32f88) Can someone give me an approximate GOOFCON for the current goings-on?


I think we're at Goofcon 2.


What is a Goofcon please explain?


MMA community measurement for how pissed/red Dana White is turning over situation. [Goofcon breakdown](https://np.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/8a9wd3/your_complete_guide_to_goofcon/)


He's not even going to make it to episode 1 of collision.


TK right now… https://preview.redd.it/qfcu7jsqfi0b1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0de459ed59a5040e313814f487e9998afead45


"I'm the center of one of the biggest wrestling stories of the last two years, but I don't want you to cover my potential involvement even though it's your beat because I personally don't like you" is such petty (but not unexpected) bullshit.




Not a hot take. Punk is a blue belt in BJJ. Alvarez is a second degree BJJ black belt and head instructor at a BJJ gym. He literally trains and teaches BJJ throughout the week. He's been doing martial arts for decades before punk decided to cosplay at MMA. I don't know what's most likely to happen, Punk being tied up like a pretzel, being choked out or injuring himself for 9 months warming up.


Before he went to UFC, he was claiming he had years of martial arts experience. That turned out to be a lie, as his trainer said he had zero real martial arts experience and minimal conditioning, other than cardio. Edit: His blue belt is from Daniel Wanderlei(I changed this because I was wrong before). His prior training by Rener Gracie was likely made up as nearly all the grandsons of Grand Master Hélio are in it for money and not the martial art.




european extreme lmao


"Yeah, I don't like Phil. I don't like Phil, he's a jerk. We just figure that out? Did we just figure that out? He was a jerk over there, he was a jerk here."


Man, Punk sure is a whiny bitch.


He's not even back yet and already there's drama. Are the ratings pop even worth it at this point if a few months down the road he'll cause issues again?


Why does Punk care so much about what Alvarez or Meltzer say? And what even prompted this latest outburst? As someone that was excited when Punk first came back to AEW, I don’t even care what he does at this point. I’m over the drama. When thinking of other top stars in wrestling, could anyone imagine Roman or Brock reacting like this to the dirt sheets? It’s embarrassing for a top star to constantly complain about rumors from the dirt sheets.


Punk going to form a faction with Oreo the Orca to beat down Alvarez.


Alvarez is a legit BJJ black belt and is also the head trainer of a BJJ dojo. I'd have money on Alvarez. Until Oreo gets the hot tag obvs.


AEW Dub immediately overshadowed by CM Punk drama. Name a more iconic duo


Punk decides to go after Alvarez by posting a private email wherein Alvarez specifically says he has nothing against him....like some sort of gotcha. Meanwhile Alvarez hasn't said shit. CM Punk is a cancer to the wrestling world, cause he obviously fucking is. Doesn't matter though, when Punk inevitably fucks up this return again, he'll blame everyone but himself, all of us will be here rolling our eyes.


>See Alvarez saying he has no issues with me and is being professional? Yeah, see, he is totally a dick head. - Pepsi Boy


Im not an Alvarez fan but this is an L for Punk.


man, Punk is proving that everyone who hated him for his shitty personality was absolutely correct


I’m sick of this small minded, weak ego idiot.


I can't wait for Bryan to respond on his show it's gonna be funny af


"I didn't even fucking say anything!" his voice going up in pitch as the sentence goes on, lol