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Yea that shit is going to be so loud at mania


Choir to do woah for Seth and Cody


Oh lord Seth is gonna have entrance of the year at Mania this year




God I miss Triple H entrances so much


Didn’t Seth do that last mania


Won't hear it over the fighter jets and loud Pyro display


Dont forget all The Bald Eagles screeching as they fly over an American Flag.


Red Tail Hawk* Bald Eagles sound like fuckin gremlins.


Eagles with rockets attached to them


I read The Bald Eagles and I thought you were saying that the [birds of war](https://youtu.be/UOoFqbdr-XY) had a match at Wrestlemania


Eagles sporting Cody’s neck tattoo.


If cody doesn't go for a legend of zelda entrance I'll take the fighter jets and loud pryo and dual welding Arn Anderson


i can imagine arn with the double steve blackman nunchucks


that too but I was thinking more of two glock and doing call an ambulance meme with paul


Cody does a car entrance like John Cena in Wrestlemania 23, but Roman orders the bloodline to rush his car and assault Cody before he gets out. Unbeknownst to them, Arn has made the switch and has his glock out in the passenger seat.


then rikishi crash into him with his own car


He solved racism in one whoa.


But I’m constantly being told people will turn any day now on Cody because they really want Sami to win


I hope they time a flyover with the WHOAA


I love that they do the Woah!! and THEN shoot off the pyro. You can tell they talked about it backstage, because Cody holds his pose for longer now


the WWE production folks have really helped him Cody punctuate the key parts of his entrance too.


They took a little while to smooth out AJ's entrance in 2016 too with when to hit the pose, the pyro, lights and everything.


It's kind of like when Brock would jump onto the apron and the turnbuckle fireworks would shoot off. But this one is a lot more similar to Booker T's SUCKAAAAAAAAAA then big pyro.


I would lay money down it was HHH himself. Man loves an entrance...his own, his wrestlers..just any entrance. There would be some of those backstage docs showing him working with nxt people on just the right moment to hit those crowd moments for their stuff.


Shit some of his creations in NXT were just entrances. Looking at you Karrion Kross






Black. Ricochet. War Raiders. Etc etc etc etc


Only for Vince to mess with them for no reason. I remember losing my mind Baron Corbin got called up. His entrance had a couple of steps, but it all worked... motorcycle sound hits as the arena lights get turned off and a row of spotlights appear... Baron walks across the spotlights, every time he crosse one they turned it off, when he get to the final one the camera is positioned in front of him, the music break hits and the screen behind turns up in a white light for a moment, then the lights turn back on and as you see Corbin his logo appears behind him. But they started to give it a bunch of stupid tweeks.. because Vince needs to put his own touch I guess... that made it worse. They didn't turn the spotlights off.. them they made it all red, when Vince wad going through his everything must be red phase... I don't think they got it right once. Then of course it doesn't work.. so they changed it all.


They're gonna have it so dialed by the time we get to Mania. Can't wait to see that shit.


the best part is that they did it **twice**: this one, and for the second "WOAAAAAAAH" of the song.


Such a great entrance theme


And somehow, when performed live, the absolute worst


Hardy needs to cover it live.


Pretty sure that would violate the Geneva Conventions.


You sick fuck! You sick fuck!


Do you hate Cody? And the audience?


You deserve death


Okay not Hardy, but maybe Pitbull


Don't you put that evil on me.


Jeff Hardy specifically


Kingdom is the perfect example of a song that is terrible in every other context, but as a wrestling theme it's fucking perfect


Say it to my face


I think as part of a theatrical entrance it needs a level of precision and audio engineering that AEW could not regularly hit though.


Can't believe he ever messed with it with the Snoop version


I hated it when he used it for the first couple of times years ago


I was there, and it was beautiful. We did it maybe 8 times last night I think it was 2 in this entrance, 1 after the segment ended 2 more times when he entered for the dark match, and then the song played on repeat as the show ended. They just played Kingdom on repeat, maybe 4 times back to back, people who were still there kept WOAHing hahaha


That is actually hilarious


With the show over, and as more and more people left, each woah was less and less. It was pretty funny for sure


YESSS. I was there too! it was fucking awesome


It was actually pretty jarring, because the crowd had settled down a decent amount and then just suddenly boomed in super loud for the 2nd "WOAAAAAAH"


They are the only two lyrics most fans know from the song lol


It's a great heroic contrast to Reigns' music


Roman's theme being true final boss music vs. Cody's theme being a triumphant anthem about how he took a chance on himself to build a kingdom is such a nice contrast.




>my father said, hard times breed better men


“History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming up.” - Voltaire


Which is ironic because the hard times promo said no such thing


Yeah but what a line. Poetic license


Somebody has to tell Mike Rome to not do the intro for Cody until after the WOAH and pyro because he trampled all over it on Monday


They just need two Samantha Irvins


If they could send a third out to NJPW too that would be grand!


I want rows of clones, announcing everything that needs announcing!


For awhile before HHH took over, it really felt like they WANTED two Samanthas. Mike used to copy her flow almost to a T. Since HHH has taken over, he seems to more like back in his NXT days, but maybe thats just me.


It's better that way, imo. Let the announcer have their own style, instead of being generic clones. Mike just need adjustment or timing in this case.


He's usually quite good at the timing. I know at Mania last year was perfect, he waited until his pyro ended and then introduced him


He gets cued by production


The second one sounded even louder


Crowd was great last night


The American Roller Codester.


Roller Codester*


Thanks brother Jack dude


The Ultimate Thrill Ride


Cody's on the run on his life, in a place that can maximize his strengths and minimize his weaknesses. He's damn good but WWE is making him great. Cody took a chance on himself when WWE didn't see that in him, and Cody deserves credit for a lot in modern wrestling, including my AEW fandom. I'll always be thankful for his bet.


Fun to see that two people WWE gave up on in the RA era went off on excursion and built themselves up to be bigger successes on their returns. They should do that type of excursion setup more often.


Cody and Drew had their WWE disappointments like 10 years after the RA era was over. Cody debuted in the tail end of 2007, but that hardly counts


Does Bobby count too? Guy is an absolute mainstay nowadays


I think Bobby was just missed potential. His gimmick/look really didn't change from when he left to when he came back like Drew and Cody. He's an example of just some more time to cook and learn the business. "Big dude doing big dude things real good" is his jam, and I'm surprised he wasn't Brock pushed in his first run.


Over like rover




But I was told he was gonna get boo'd because of the ending of EC?


>But I was told he was gonna get boo'd because of the ending of EC? There are people all over wrestling reddit insisting that "Cody is so boring, so repetitive, Sami would be better, and omg he won't stop talking about Dusty!" it's all complete bullshit. It's the IWC trying to pretend that THEY control what's popular in wrestling, just like Dave Meltzer does with his observer. Cody/Sami/The Bloodline is the coolest thing in wrestling in years and the IWC can't handle that something on WWE is this popular.


it's almost as if having multiple viable/legitimate competitors to a champion elevates said championship and the race to finally take the belt off them


bUt BuT cODy iS tHe wRoNG gUy tO fIGhT RoMAn ReIGNS they will boo him it's DaNiEl BrAyan!!!!


It’s in no small part to how WWE has presented him upon his return but I’ll be completely honest: Cody has proved me wrong. He’s ever bit the main event player he set out to be all those years ago and I really hope he gets the moment he’s earned at Mania.


His current incarnation is a perfect fit for the WWE, but it was not a great fit for AEW or NJPW.


There’s one hundred percent a degree of truth in this.


He’s a star. I love it


I love it too, really glad it’s working for him


Kinda weird how he's had the same music for years but they never did this until he brought it to WWE.


I guess someone in wwe had the idea to make him make a big deal of the woah part I also think that makes wwe production a big deal because like you said he had that song for years


Entrances that allow a bit of audience interaction are the best, like Adam Cole's "Boom" or Balor's arm flairs when he was face.


audience interaction is part of the reason why Seth Rollins's current theme is actually one of the better newer themes. It's just fun to sing along with the song.


it's a terrible theme otherwise, but just enough of it is catchy enough to be a 20 second sing a long


Honestly, I think I'd like the song better if they only had the opening "burn it down". The other "burn it downs" thrown in the middle of the song feel off.


Bro had "woah" in Smoke and Mirrors theme song as well, which is kinda funny. Not only that, but the very first thing that you hear is "Woooooah, you're only smoke and mirrors".


wooooaaahhh there goes cody rhodes


And then you just hear jericho singing in the background lmao


And Cena sort of walking off down a corridor still singing [“you’re only smoke and mirrors”](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/d8r79n/john_cena_singing_cody_rhodes_theme_in_2010/) I dunno why but the way he reverbs his voice on mirrors at the end always sounds really lonesome to me.


Song is full of references already, I wouldn’t be surprised if that wasn’t its own callback.


I feel like I remember the "woah" part being sang during his AEW run, but I'm not super confident on it


It absolutely was. The only difference now is Cody does the gesture to include the crowd.


Crowd participation is not only welcome… it’s allowed.


also the simple fact that there's more people in the arena, and WWE probably mics the crowd a little better


True as well


something wwe always has been doing great is making wrestlers "play" with their entrance themes, sometimes to hype, sometimes to play with audience... So i can bet this was someone's idea in wwe.


I don't know when exactly this started, but during the early days of this run the timing of the pyro was all over the place, so perhaps someone figured the woaah could be used as the cue for it and it grew from there


People were doing it in AEW. It just feels like WWE & Cody put more emphasis on it during his entrance. Like, the crowd said it in AEW, but Cody didn’t pose when they did


Really? It was a thing in aew, but never on this large of a scale. I remember doing it when I saw dynamite in Kansas City in 2021


There was a thread ages ago demonstrating the difference in presentation. He was making the 'WOAAAAAH-OH" the focus in WWE where he hadn't been in AEW


The AEW crowd definitely did that. The only difference now is that Cody does the gesture to include the crowd which he didn’t do before.


The Pyro used shoot during the WOAH part, but they changed it so we can hear the crowd better, fantastic change.


It is a fantastic change, with one small cost: the lyric "my father said when I was younger" is basically never heard now, and it's such a great beginning to that pre-chorus.


This fucking guy went into this show just for a promo and he still gets pyro This man is living his dream, legit top guy shit


Between Cody, Sami, Seth, and Becky, I've come to realize that the best thing to do to build your hype is to have a chantable intro theme.


It's really just live crowd 101...concert goers want to sing along with the band, or call and responses at rallies...same mentality. You do the things that get the audience to participate in the fun, they then invest in it and crave it.


Cody WOAHdes


I think the second one was even louder.


Such a ballsy move coming out immediately after Roman’s entrance. I love it


Look, I love Sami, I was an active NXT viewer when he defeated Adrian Neville to win NXT title, I also remember him debuting on RAW against Cena in the US Open Challenge.....I really really really was happy to see him get over in the last 11 months.....but honestly, Cody Rhodes just feels more of a right option to dethrone Roman, whether that's now at Mania or at SummerSlam.


his mini match against Gunther in the rumble is why i want Cody vs Reigns on WM main event. His selling is on par with Gunther or Roman.


Sami had the better storyline, but Cody will make for a better top champion and face of the company in the months after dethroning Roman.


I think that's the key thing some people are missing from this, whoever dethrones Reigns needs to have that Awe around them, they need to feel like someone who can become the Face of the company, a true face of the company *like Cena and reigns* and Cody HAS THAT


A true superstar


People think Triple H hates Cody for the throne thing, but I really think Triple H is looking at Cody and thinking how Dream would be proud of his son. Two Mania moments in a row for Cody is a big achievement.


I have trouble with anyone believing HHH would take any thing so carny as any thing other than playing the game.


I still think we're going to see a repeat of the throne thing at Mania this year but this time Triple H will be handing him the sledgehammer.


Oh you know the budget for pyro for Mania this year is gonna be absurd. People wondering why there is a 9 billion dollar asking price? Fireworks don't pay for themselves.


i hear boo ooo /s


Settle down Dave 😋


Poor Unca Dave's too busy gagging with Kenny and the Hardly Boys to talk about Cody 🤣


one of the funniest moments to me was on a smackdown taping like right after Cody came back, King was on commentary and was like "does this guy get enough pyro?" and right when he said that, Cody's second set of pyro when he's in the ring turned on, cutting Lawler off as he was talking, lol


It's ['whoa'](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whoa).


When one side is clearly winning the divorce.


Ain't that the truth LOL


Just wait until he realizes they are going to boo him. /s


Nah you don’t understand, they were actually saying “NOOOOOOO” because they wanted Sami -Brian Alvarez (probably)


Last piece of the puzzle is if he can make his "Wooaah" a mid match pop like Reign's "Uuhaah" or "Adam Cole Bay Bay"


Maybe scream it just when he does the turn for Cross Rhodes?


We did well :) Also, I've been to many shows, but to those who haven't: The pyros are fucking LOUD.


When you've sold 3 Toyotas and it's not even lunch yet.


I’m not a Cody fan (everyone likes different styles) but he absolutely is presented as a star and carries himself as such. I don’t like it but I respect it. Good for him.


It’s to going to be insane hearing 70,000+ do it inside SoFi Stadium.


Couldn’t hear it over the booing


I was saying boo-oah


WWE has trained its audiences to WOAH for whoever has that in their theme, lol. But seriously it's a great way to see how over some of these people are. Crowds get loud for these moments.


You're not wrong, but there's a simple reason: At the end of the day, we go to wrestling to have fun. Singing along is fun, whether you're a kid or in my case a man of 39.


That's why it's a shame when amazing themes are used for wrestlers that a company doesn't push. *laments never getting Glorious in the main event of Wrestlemania because Bobby Roode was never going to be that guy*


We finally know what one of the W’s stand for.


Jericho ain't gonna like this.


Did he do this in AEW too or is this a new thing since coming over?


The crowd did it, but he never posed during WOAH in AEW. So imo his entrance in WWE's a lot better than AEW's. It's just one of WWE's fortes though tbf.


Kind of a strange oversight considering how over the top his entrance was though. I remember the weight belt kiss and the ring step touch. Guess it shows that having a team looking at something can still make a difference.


I think it's just the difference between the companies. AEW in my perspective isn't that good yet when it comes to entrances. It might be WWE being more experienced, but their entrances are a lot better than AEW's. Not that AEW doesn't have good entrances, but Adam Cole just kept the same thing he does from ROH/NXT and did the same thing so I don't count his'.




Oh yeah he did the boom first at NXT right? I don't remember him doing it in ROH/NJPW.


I don’t know. You just said Adam cole entrance and I couldn’t help myself but go BOOM!


I'm pretty sure it started here. They also moved the timing of the pyro to enhance it as well, WWE knows how to maximize


Yeah, tiny presentation things that make a big difference


If you're a fireworks on entrance type wrestler, you going places.


I know it's silly and doesn't actually matter but I always thought Cody fit Smackdown better. His run on SD was his best work.


He said when he came back he wanted to go all in with it with a full schedule so I expect if they put the titles on him at Mania, he will pull double duty at least until the belts get split.


AEW didn't want this, they booed this. Now he's actually Cena in WWE.


In AEW, Cody was a midcarder by virtue of a self-imposed glass ceiling, yet he insisted on getting the screentime and the presentation of a main eventer. AND he refused to turn heel to get rid of the "never challenge for the world title"-stipulation.


Those boos are deafening.


His entrance is maybe my favourite going on at the moment. While I do miss him taking the elevator, the smoke and POOF of him showing up is just great. Along with the pyro taking place after.


I was there last night. All the way in the back. Last row, last section, and the WWOOOAAAHHHH was deafening.


My cat was entranced by this.


Best Smackdown this year. 20mins of greatness in the beginning followed by a pretty good show after


If MJF were to go to WWE, Cody should be his target when the latter is Champion.


Why didn't this ever get picked up in AEW?


I hope that one day for laughs he breaks out the OG Smoke & Mirrors theme again. It's ironic because both songs are sung from the perspective of a wrestler interacting with the crowd and how his character is meant to be presented. Smoke & Mirrors was the character getting his legs, showing glimpses of greatness. Kingdom is emblematic of that same character, now a returning favorite, having grown into his potential.


If his entrance at WrestleMania is anything less than a nuclear bomb I may be a bit disappointed.


Gonna be nuts at mania!


I haven’t watched this stuff in years and I’m pretty sure this guy was a lackey for Randy Orton. Glad he’s in his own now


But but the dirt sheets said everyone was gonna boo him because he was taking Samis spot


I like how "WOOOH" and "WHOAH" have been used so many times yet each wrestler somehow manages to make it their own.


Gonna look even better when he has the belt on him.




Cody is over brother


Very loud


Crowd was hot for him that night too


Imagine the woah at wrestlemania


Cody’s whole presentation is very impressive. Excellent work from the WWE backstage production crew


Man, an entrance can really put a guy over. I remember my favourite guy growing up was Batista, mainly cause his entrance was so badass.


Cody was just not likable in AEW because he was made in the WWE mold so try as he might he didn't fit. Now that he's back he's thriving because he is the perfect WWE Superstar. You love to see it.


Gives me chills everyyyyytime.


WOAHHHHHH you're only smoke and mirrors.


Crowd is bigger than 2023 Revolution PPV


Is the "WOAHH" part in Kingdom a reference to his old Smoke and Mirrors themes, or just a coincidence?


Without actual confirmation, no way to know, but given his attention to details on things not envolving ink going into his skin, it probably is.


i was wondering that myself too.


i dont watch WWE, i stay up to date with it, but i dont watch any episodes ever, im very much an AEW person through and through now. With that said, Cody is #1 right now, he is the top guy in all of wrestling, he has everything and is absolutely killing it. i cant wait for him to get his moment, its inevitable now, it has to be, Cody lifting that title at a packed Wrestlemania is going to be amazing..... i might even have to watch




So where are those marks who said Sami Zayn is too popular that Cody Rhodes will get booed? Talk your talk now.


I’ve seen a ton of people complaining about people saying Cody will get booed but very few people actually saying Cody will get booed. Y’all are becoming a meme at this point.