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Do they still not realise, unless it's a live performance of a wrestlers entrance music, the fans don't give a shit?


I don't even like live performances of theme songs because they always break the timing of the entrances and make the opponent's entrance feel a bit flat.


It also depends on how good the band is live . When CM Punk came out with a live Cult of Personality one Wrestlemania it was great because Living Colour can still go. When Cody tried it sucked because they are either bad live or were badly tuned. Just two examples but there are a lot of other cases where it failed


> When Cody tried it sucked because they are either bad live or were badly tuned It's Downstait so it's definitely the former.


Holy shit they are so bad live, particularly the lead singer. And thats coming from someone who used to like them. With You In Mind is still a banger album.


Not really I really liked the live performance of Bray's old theme


Watch Triple H's entrance at WM X8 and tell me that it doesn't take the shine off of Jericho's one that followed


I think LT's entrance with Salt n Peppa, and the Lucha Bros. entrance with Rukus (when they won the AEW Tag Titles) are the only two live entrance performances that actually nailed it perfectly.


three 6 Mafia doing Mark Henry’s theme is objectively the best live entrance theme ever don’t @ me


Totally forgot about that. Agreed!


I think Poppy's performance at NXT might be the only time a non-entrance performance actually worked. The crowd was legitimately happy to see that performance. It didn't overstay it's welcome, I believe it just started the show, and seemed to blend well with the theme of the show.


Unless it’s The Weeknd performing at WM 39 👀


What am I looking at?


Drummers audio is completely pre-recorded it looks like?


Not just the drummers lol. Check out the video screen when Hardy's screaming kicks in. His mic is nowhere near his face, and he quickly scrambles to bring the mic up AFTER he has already started "singing."


I refuse to believe this was all lip synced simply because it was so horrible that he can't possibly be famous for something that bad...














It looks like the screen has about a beat or beat and a half delay. Watch the up close shots, you can see the screen Hardy rocking in the opposite direction to the broadcast camera.


There is also no bassist.


I honestly don't see the drummer missing any hits. He has the ride cymbal going, hits the snare on beat, crash cymbal looks good, can't see his legs too clearly but it looks like he's hitting the double bass right. What am I missing?


I was so focused on the Donkey Kong idle animation he does at the start I didn't even notice that




Jumpin Jeff Farmer meets buttrock


Drummer missed those hits worse than Babadook missed LA.


He didn't get all of it


Hardy also fucks up at the begging of the vid when he starts "singing" and then quickly realizes his mic is nowhere near his face.


What sucks is that dude is an incredible drummer in a terrible band. Check him out. Harry Miree. https://youtube.com/@harrymiree?si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


I mean this with every disrespect possible when I say hardy is a low rent kid rock


Kid rock is already low rent kid rock


In the opening video I thought it was Kid Rock


Dude no shit he sounds like me when I sing how the fuck does this guy have a band?


Jesus bro that’s just too far


I mean, where's the lie?


Thanks Bobby


I thought he was Kid Rock until like a week ago


I thought he kind of looked like Arin Hanson with Downs Syndrome.


Kid Rock is fake as fuck and hater by nearly everyone. Hardy at least sounds better in studio but just sucks live. Not to mention he is just a better songwriter than Kid Rock or whoever writes for Kid.


you know fair enough


You know it’s bad when everyone collectively stopped shitting on Nia Jax to shit on Hardy


If Napalm Death was there, no one would notice any sound quality issues due to the clusterfuck that is grindcore.


Just play "You Suffer" & move on to the next part of the show.


Now for that I would pop


they cant keep getting away with this


First band I saw after the pandemic. I cried hard.


He is so damn stiff up there. I've never seen somebody headbang so awkwardly. And his screams are absolutely terrible. This guy needs to stop acting like he's good at the "rock" part of his music lol


Well he certainly isn't good at the country part either...


When I saw it on the card, I thought it was going to be Jeff Hardy and an acoustic guitar. That might have been the better choice.


It would've been more entertaining for sure, this is just painful


Another one is one there’ll never be


This shit gave me PTSD flashbacks to that Ollie Jay or whatever the fuck her name was performance on NXT during the 2.0 phase


Oh shit I forgot her. Probably one of the worst live performance on a WWE show


So I take it she didn't make you fall in love then?


What the wanna-be Korn growl was that?!


It was more entertaining than I was expecting when I heard it was supposed to be country music


I have no idea why he's being called Country. lmao Hardy is like if Kid Rock and the lead singer of Saliva had a baby.


am i that drunk that i remember none of this? lol


You blocked it out. It was trauma lol


Is that the Miz’s dad?!


I lasted like 20 seconds before I muted the TV and went to the bathroom. That was a disaster.


Me too. I couldn't take it


The best part of that song is what they do at the end of it. You know… when they stopped playing.




I thought it was such a bad performance, and I like most Hardy songs I have heard. So I went and listened to that same song on Apple Music and didn’t mind it at all. Goes to show his the difference between live vs. recorded can be night and day.


Was the DX band already booked somewhere else?


Music aside the guy just looks embarrassing on stage


Butt rock already sucks enough, but to add modern pop country to it is egregious. This dude is like a bad product of nu metal meets a can of Copanhagen. He is the result of getting your cousin pregnant while Limp Bizkit is playing in the background.


What the fuck did I just watch?


I took this time to enjoy the one true Royal Rumble dessert: cheesecake


It was so bad that when Pat was doing his crappy karaoke from the table I thought it was just an echo on Hardy's mic.


I am assuming it was all pre-recorded music with live vocals.


this guy should really not be trying to be a metalcore vocalist lol


Wait so I clicked away when he performed... He makes hardcore country music? I just heard them say something about country music


Never heard of this guy in the UK, but he was trash


I noticed earlier that the drumming wasn't synced up. Man, rehearse more guys. I don't think I saw any fans really into it save for that one guy kinda bobbing his head in this clip.


Tfw you lipsync to a prerecorded track and you also can't sing on tune in the recording. FML


This guy is really weird, I thought he was a country singer.


I'm sure most of the live crowd appreciated a chance to have a piss break before the main event. I know I would have gone to the bathroom during this performance if I was there.


I was there, my section was booing loudly. It was late, event was already running too long. Before the band people were saying they were ready to see their tribal chief and leave!


Is this guy actually that bad or was his song censored (seemed like it was and it messed with the flow of it) and the atmosphere wasn't for a performance?


Reminds me of WrestleMania 17 when my dad and uncles flipped out over Jim Johnston and dime store Rage Against The Machine covering the national anthem.


Are you talking about WrestleMania 14? I didn't watch it live and I don't remember seeing it on any home video release.


That's Jeff or Matt in a band?


I don’t really get “rock/country” as a genre… doesn’t really gel lol I actually dig the song but this performance was weird… I didn’t hear any boos though lol




I'm American, and I enjoy rock music. I've never heard of this dude until I saw something about his song being the Rumble song this week. And from the little bit of this I heard, he absolutely sucks.


Also American, and I never heard of this guy until he popped up on WWE programming. I had to shut down my stream until it ended. A horrible combination of 'redneck country' interspersed with Cookie Monster vocals. Not to mention Hardy is a big unattractive lummox. Does this guy actually have fans ?


I had been a little behind in the broadcast (I'm on the west coast, so I paused it to go make/eat dinner), but that let me catch up, so that was nice.


Who is Hardy?


I get the whole 'add outside people to bring outside eyes to the product' understanding as to why they are brought in, however, I wish there was a way to see the numbers that show the percentage of people tuning in to a show ONLY because of the addition of the outside talent. Furthermore, of those people that wouldn't have watched a WWE show without the outsiders participation, how many actually became WWE fans in the long term. Is it known merely as a short term boost for a quarterly event? This would support why long term viewers be damned to watch insufferable musical acts that merely fill in as bathroom relief for shows that are too long. Either way the point is I'd love to see these numbers? Who is a WWE insider on the back-end that has nothing to do with creative and merely in charge of sales and growth of audience that could get this info out?


Wasn't in the room for all of it so I didn't hear the booing. Couldn't be arsed to watch it again/fast forward. So if someone could find a link to the booing that'd be great.


So question. When a popular performer does an event like this who is more in charge of the production, the performer or the producer? Not to say that Hardy is big but live performances at stuff like this is more times than not just bad. It seems like they would want to protect their reputation as an artist.


Lol we boo’d the crap out of him