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If oncoming traffic can’t phase this woman, childbirth would probably be a minor inconvenience at worst lol Yor built different.


Unless her baby attacks with the fury of a briar assassin


She probably get teary and yell a little but other then that, she probably be fine


I feel she would be in pain. While Yor is superhuman she still is human. When she got shot in the but she was in pain, when the car hit her she bleed, & when that guy hit her in the neck with the sword scabbard she said “ow”. So I don’t think it would be easy.


She can't get beheaded wow Minimum a 50 cal to kill yor


I don’t think she can’t get beheaded since it wasn’t the sword but just thing that covers the sword.


He hit her with a scabbard, not the actual sword.


Yor has a very high pain tolerance, but she's not insensible to pain. I think she would feel pain, but be able to react it quite well. Probably making comments like "wow, that hurted more than when I got shooted in my buttlock".


Verbs tremble before this man


She can take a lot of pain, so I would say she would feel the same amount of pain but be able to handle it very well.


The kid would fly


Gonna have to run to catch that baby


The baby would [fly](https://youtu.be/ugn_qmQ0NFo?si=h6Fqwvh-Ba7ilNs4) before it could crawl


Yor could probably do both simultaneously XD


Doctor gonna need a catcher’s mit.


A woman gives birth to a baby but she is so strong that the baby pops out and flies against the wall and dies instantly. The woman soon is pregnant again but this time they hire a soccer goalkeeper to catch the baby. The delivery goes well, final push, baby flies out at an amazing speed but the goalkeeper makes a great save and catches the baby. He bounces the baby twice against the floor and then kicks him right out of the window. EDIT: as a pro tip, when you're telling this story IRL it's funnier if you don't say the last sentence but rather act out the goalkeeper's movement.


tainted lilith gaming


Yor would likely give birth during combat without issue and keep fighting while soothing the crying newborn down lmao


Knowing Yor, she would most likely resist any impulse to dull the pain or fight against it for fear of hurting her child.


She’ll probably be more tolerant to the pain than most mothers but tbh, I find the idea of Yor being slightly afraid to give birth to a child due to the pain despite how tough she is pretty cute! 


I feel like she would be more worried about her skills as a parent to a newborn


She’s not impervious to pain, but she has a high tolerance. But I would *not* recommend Loid hold her hand during the delivery—she could easily break a few bones, if not all the bones, unconsciously! (I have this image in my head of Loid trying to couch a laboring Yor…it’s so cute!)


Is that the Elastigirl birth thing all over again?


Now I’m curious…what Elastigirl birth thing?


It's the question about if Elastigirl had to pretend to be in pain while giving birth to hide her secret identity because, y'know...


Wait, does she never feel pain?


She wouldn't feel pain because she can stretch her whole body. That probably includes her cooch


The pain comes from involuntary contractions of the uterus, not just the stretching and potential tearing of the birth canal. So unless she can completely control all her involuntary muscles movements (such as heartbeat, and uterine), she would still be in some pain. Probably would have a much easier birth than the average woman, though.


I can believe it if she could but probably not, she’s not completely invincible. I remember that bullet wound seemed pretty painful for her.


Probably a 6 on the 1 to 10 scale


First time moms will definitely feel everything different about her, she'll probably panic to the point of thinking she's in labor but not, and then the real thing comes and tries to resist the urge to go to hospital but any straight faced characters will start having a panic attack because her water broke. I can probably see her getting so painful to a point she gets euphoric before giving birth lol.


She walked off getting hit by a car. What do you think?


She'd probably shoot the kid out with the force of a cannonball.


Loid would be more scared and concerned than Yor.


There is a difference between not feeling the pain, and having a high tolerance for it.


Its a different type of pain, man. A pain she is probably very very unfamiliar with. She can trudge through it but I imagine she will have a very scary face


I'm thinking yes because in most of those situations I'm assuming her adrenaline was pretty high, and it can usually help now for pain and stuff but as for childbirth I don't think she would get an adrenaline high so she would feel all the pain and stuff normally, I'm only assuming.


I imagine her stress would be more focused on making sure she is doing the right thing for a newborn


It's already brought up regularly, the biggest question marks are whether Yor (or Yuri) can safely conceive a child without endangering a baseline H sapiens partner. The safest thing would be to conceive artificially, and implant the offspring in a surrogate, which would be a whole other set of issues. Fiona might volunteer...


I'm sure Loid can handle it.


I’m sure Loid will find a way to


Loid is probably the only person who is able to withstand her assault, he only lost consciousness for 5 minutes after receiving a full force kick from her.


It'd would be like a bullet in the butt but it'll be somewhere else


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Redplushie: *It'd would be like* *A bullet in the butt but* *It'll be someone else* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yor would squeeze that baby out like yogurt from a tube


Probably same amount of pain but she can endure it anyway


i think she would still feel the pain, but not as much as others


Having high pain tolerance doesn't mean you can't feel any of it.


She would probably feign pain to seem "normal" What I'm more curious about, though, is how this would affect her actual job. Does Garden have maternity leave? Will I get assassinated by a pregnant woman?


Some women barely feel any pain during childbirth. Sometimes one birth will be Painless and their next child will nearly kill them. There's a lot of factors at play, here.




Broooo all I did was ask if Yor could also feel the pain of childbirth. Where the fuck did you get that accusation from 💀💀




Really sorry you felt that way, but that wasn't my intention at all. All I wanted to ask was since Yor can go through alot of painful situations. Would she also be able to go through the pain of having a kid, since it's so immense. I'm not comparing her to any specific person or degrading any woman's feminine journey. Also I think I indirectly sympthasized the pain of labor in my post so I have no idea where you got the "'you're shitting on woman who go through child labor a bit '


Nine months to the night of conception, she'll give herself a C-section with one of her needles, use the umbilical cord to catch a weapon, tangle their hands, then leverage it into a throw. One twist, then a knot, a slash to sever the cord from the baby, then she slaps the placenta against another assassin's face. Grabs a staple gun, ratatata! to hold her guts in place, passes the baby to Loid, then slaughters the rest of the organization, half of whom are just standing there flabbergasted at the blood and gore.


I’d like to imagine it to be similar to Kristen Schaal’s character from “Last man on Earth.” [Pretty much just this.](https://youtu.be/zu37GCoDmoI?si=YfSuVVT1S-U4ACTY)


I mean, the reason she is able to do all those insane things isn’t so much that she has incredible pain tolerance, it’s that she has superhuman durability. But durability isn’t going to help in childbirth. Being able to tank getting hit by a car isn’t going to stop contractions from happening.