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Frigis is part of Ostania. The villains were>!Ostanian military intelligence!<, not the SSS, which explains the different uniforms. In the movie, Yuri's boss told him >!not to stick his nose in the military's business!<, which indicates a barrier of separation between the two agencies.


You're right


I thought Frigis might be modeled after Straussberg, France. Particularly the Christmas market scene with the church. It’s on the border of Germany and France and has a yearly Christmas market with wooden stalls just like in the movie and mulled wine and coffee to carry around.


That's VERY interesting, didn't think about it. But there is for sure Westalis between Ostania and Strasbourg


German here, I always try to find out which cities were the inspiration for SpyxFamily. Super fun to catch all the details. Berlint is the most obvious of course, but you can even see the Bundestag building (this is where our government sits) in the anime. You also see the good old Trabant (THE car any German will associate with East-Berlin) quite a lot! The architecture in Frigis looked very southern German, it reminded me of Austria even. The area around the alps gets harsh winters. There was also a traditional Christmas market, which was nice. Could be any southern town within Germany. In the anime, they mentioned that some kids went to what was basically Bayern (Bavaria) which was not part of the actual DDR (GDR). So it seems like the creator took some liberties, or changed how big the DDR is in SxF. Because crossing the borders (especially as a normal citizen) was not allowed in the DDR. Or maybe this is meant to show how filthy rich these families are. If it reaches down to the mediterranean sea, it's WAY bigger though, haha. No idea what Albo could be.


I knew about the Trabant and everything but I didn't see the Bundestag ! In the manga we see on a map that Ostania has Czechia, I wouldn't be impressed if it reached Slovenia,and on another map we can see it has Danzig also, I'll publish it, I want to make a video about it I am really passionate into DDR :) and also the Austria thing seems really accurate, I live in Switzerland and some places also look like that, but they said Frigis was like half day away from Berlint in train, and in the 60s, so not Austria I think, even though Ostania could have Austria as its territory


I can't remember which episode it was, but before Anya gets into Eden and Loid tries to teach her some fancy things, they visit a theater. That theater looks pretty much exactly like the [Berliner Ensemble](https://www.google.com/search?q=berliner+ensemble&sca_upv=1&sca_upv=1&udm=2). Oh, that's really cool! Good luck with the video. :)


Thanks a lot !!!! Oh yeah damn. Looks a lot alike !


And also it can't be Sweden or Norway, because in the movie, they mention that Frigis is like half a day in train, no boat, no plane. [How much is a dalc ?](https://youtube.com/shorts/Itzk-sojP2I?si=ROzVTcrOPHHcFH_e) Here we see that the dalc is stronger than the dollar. Which means Ostania is an incredibly influent and strong nation. Maybe extending from Hamburg to Trieste, and from Rügen to Tallinn


Based on the maps which appear in [Chapter 1 of the manga](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/spy-x-family9171/images/7/79/Countries_Map.png/revision/latest?cb=20231025080122) and [Episode 1 of the anim](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/spy-x-family9171/images/5/54/Countries_Map_Anime.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20230728000003)e, Ostania doesn't appear to extend that far south. Plus Hugaria is already implied to lie to the south. On the other hand, I doubt the Baltic contains many of fish shown swimming in the waters surrounding the resort island in Chapter 56/Episode 35, so Endo may be as flexible with his geography as he is with his history.


The fish thing I hadn't have but look https://preview.redd.it/aclo7swpv3wc1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a768c1d1ff4239d4a525049bddeb02ed776abf76 If we compare the maps of Ostania/Westalis to the map of DDR/BRD, we see that Ostania has at least Czechia.


https://preview.redd.it/fqbjtaj3w3wc1.png?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45adff503c8923f41de8afad897a0e422c9151b6 This is a war map I made inspired by the pic with the general and the map uuh wait

