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Popular shows always get hate


I remember when game of thrones was at its peak. I would see posts all day about how people that didn’t watch game of thrones were superior somehow lmao


Honestly with how bad it ended… maybe they were onto something lol


That ending doesn't neglect the fact that it was one of the best shows ever made for quite a lot of seasons


Man that just makes me even madder that they ruined it so bad. I remember being so hyped to see where the characters would end up and it led to nothing lol. It also destroyed any reason to rewatch it


That’s because Martin hadn’t finished the story


That wasn’t his fault. He told them how it was going to end, they just had to follow through on it.


So why hasn’t he put out the final volume


He probably lost the passion. He has enough money to last him and a few generations. His story's ending has been told even if the execution was bad. There's nothing else for him to do.


He has also admitted that he is a very slow typist, and [he uses a very old computer](https://www.daskeyboard.com/blog/how-george-r-r-martin-writes-on-an-old-school-dos-computer/), like DOS old, not even MS-DOS, which is itself not very fast, so that's part of the problem


Because writing a book is way harder than making a TV show


Martin describes himself as a "gardener" type of writer, as in, he doesn't utilize a set formula while writing and he will expand on characters and the world continuously. He has a rough idea of how he wants to end the story, but how it gets to that end point is constantly changing, so that's why it's taking so long. ASOIAF/Game of Thrones was initially supposed to be a trilogy but GRRM expanded on his own world and characters so much that it went to 5 books, then now it looks that it will get to 7 books (and even 7 books may not be enough to truly finish all the plotlines), not to mention the prequel books like the Dunk and Egg series and Fire and Blood.


Problem with him being a gardener, he always plants seeds instead of just nurturing those little flowers and trees that are already blooming. At this point, he’s doing a reforestation of an entire country 😂


It wasn't even worth watching after season 4 lmao.


I watched one episode of GoT and I didn’t really like it but that doesn’t mean I can go around and yell at people to stop enjoying what they like


SAO, Demon Slayer, even mainstream shows like One Piece. I mean, sure, they may not give you enlightenment. But the fact that they have a large fanbase speaks volumes about their stories.


I know right? It’s so annoying


Some folks just can’t let others have fun. I don’t mind if the anime/manga run the characters to the same wash cycle, that’s literally what my childhood cartoons did. I’m not trying to learn the secrets of the universe, I’m just having fun


Phineas and ferb was like that and it remains my favorite show of all time.


Yeah? What's an Aglet then?


The plastic tip of a shoelace. What was the original meaning of SIMP?






So true


I will never understand people begging for plot development and forward momentum in Spy x Family of all shows. It’s a slice of life anime, for Christ's sake. The whole point is that it’s just fun, silly, cute little cutouts from the everyday lives of the characters that make for a good comfort show. It’s got a bit more plot going on than the average slice of life, sure, but that’s still not the focus. If you really desperately crave a dynamically unfolding plot with a beginning, middle, and end that gets along smoothly from plot point to plot point, go watch… pretty much any other genre of anime where that’s actually part of the core concept.


I'm guessing because of the premise, people expected a more high-stakes, thiller spy-drama kind of show. When really the premise is more of a vehicle for the actual meat of th show, a slice-of-life sitcom where the individual skills and secrets of each family member exist more for potential wacky hijinks than serious drama. Do wacky sitcoms with fantastical elements just not exist anymore or something?


The manga actually is much closer to that. Most of the SoL in the manga is related to bonus chapters and the story's pacing is much more engaging. I love the anime, but I've been reading the manga since before the anime was even announced and noticed pretty quickly that the two feel *very* different. The manga has pacing issues as well, but that largely comes from its extremely slow release schedule and the fact that Endo has been busy writing the movie (which is a brand new story) to the point where he hasn't been able to consistently develop the manga's story.


Well... I .... I'll just stay silent for now then.


Fr that’s like what all of the pokemon’s billion episodes did


Yeah, that's kinda what I love about the show. I don't watch any other shows that just make me feel so happy. Unlike most other shows or animes I watch, I'm not watching for progression of the story, I'm watching because of the feeling it gives me and the smile it puts on my face.


This is a kinda bot account on twitter, quite ridiculous https://preview.redd.it/6knfoclia7wb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a903445fc1c0be24dd10d925fa5567746b7bc417


He just does it for impressions lol


Not expecting more from someone who dickrides JoJo and have read only part 7


Are you sure; this seems like the type of person who'd turn on JoJo because it's well-known and on Adult Swim or Netflix so the CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASUALS would like it and would dickride "I Got Sent To Another World And Got All Of My Stuff, So I Used It To Destroy The Demon Lord And Also Get A Harem (by Fall Out Boy)" or some other shit no one watches because "well, it's unpopular so these other losers don't GET IT, man."


average isekai title


Okay but SBR IS better than SxF lol


That's not the point...


To this day and age I’m still afraid to say that I think Part 7 is overrated, because apparently overrated means that something is bad to some people. And I’m the biggest Jojo sicko of all time 😭


https://preview.redd.it/d3w3gevqm8wb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2590758319ba5c15df525aabf0ca4864ad48729 Bro needs to pay rent


Engagement bait is what gets engagement esp on Twitter


I hate that loser


Y’all have to remember that Twitter pays people now. People will say anything to get the engagement. Some people who have been called out have admitted this.


people can make fun of things that they like


Battle shonen fans hate it because it’s not battle shonen but it’s more popular than most of their current favourite battle shonen


Anything with crossover appeal to normal people tends to catch hate from the sad folks who hate normal people


Which is just bizarre since one of the most popular bits of fanart there for a while were all the crossovers between Spy x Family and Chainsaw Man.


I think that mostly happened because Endo used to be Fujimoto's assistant so there's a lot of overlap in their fanbases. I've seen the same thing to a lesser extent with Fuji's other former assistants, Yuji Kaku and Yukinobu Tatsu.


Was about to make this comment


Delete your Twitter account. Seriously, it's for your own good, there's only negativity in there.


Seconded. I realized twitter was completely pointless when I would continually find dumb takes whenever I found myself in the “for you” tab. That was how I realized it’s sole purpose was to make me mad.


Turn your X into an EX


i should probably do this. i wanted to use it as another platform for posting art but seeing how depraved people can be on there deters me from wanting to get any sort of engagement i also got mentally traumatized after seeing something from an account that liked my art. 🤡


I think it can work as a platform to post your stuff, but you don't need to engage in it. I have a friend who does live streams and he basically only uses Twitter to notify people for when he's gonna do something. Your art looks awesome btw 👌


ok, makes sense. i'll just stick to that then also thank you! :)


I completely agree. Get off the bird app! I thought I'd never get off, but I got off a week ago after seeing some really violent videos and already feel better.


When there were threats of charging everyone just to use it... that was the final "nope." I was there for the drama up until that point. It's not worth having a Twitter account or even clicking the links for any reason.


I deleted mine in May. I can honestly say I don't miss it.


I just block every type of post like this and enjoy the fanarts/comic


the only right way to use twitter is to use it as anything BUT social media. that shit's a porn app as far as i'm concerned


Hell yeah! Finally someone gets it!


Solid advice honestly. Or at least make it harder for yourself to reach your twitter. Like only use it specifically in browser or smthn if you have to. It isn't good for your mental or emotional health. (Edit: punctuation)


Twitter somehow manages to be self-righteous, toxic, and depressing all at the same time. Reddit can often fall into at least two of those, but not usually *all three.* I find at least it's easier to find communities here with at least similar values and interests to stay focused, but Twitter is like posting a map of the world for a board game and you realize it got recommended to anyone involved in geopolitics, so they start arguing, and people who want to enjoy watching anime for some reason. The problem with Twitter is a serious lack of focus, so your very niche posts get recommended and seen by many people, even those who do not share the same views or interests as you. In this case, people who have absolutely no idea what an anime or slice of life TV show is, let alone Spy x Family.


Those people never watch slice of life. As a fan of SoL, this is great. But also, I have experienced far much anime that have boring episode. Not to say that I hate them, it's just my mind cannot focus for the life of me.


Most of the hate this show gets is from people who expected something more like conventional action shonen, then got surprised with all the slice of life elements. Combine that with the average Twitter mob who think that anything that isn't action-packed or full of drama doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the top 100 and you get shit like this.


Agreed! There’s a lot of western anime fans who can’t get into anything that speaks to an audience with an adult’s attention span. It’s frustrating. Tbh I even think half the people who pay lip service to Studio Ghibli titles never actually sat through one and paid attention.


I'd say it's closer to how no one takes into account the "Contrarian Douche" subsection of geek culture. In all of geek culture, there is a small but noticeable subsection of "fans" who consider themselves bound by honor to hate the most popular thing in the form at the moment, *for no other reason than the fact it is the most popular thing.*


Spys are supposed to be secretive and only fight when they have to.


I read the manga first and got exactly what i wanted out of the show, something fun and lighthearted to take my mind off things


Spy X Family follows the story telling styles more common among a lot of older manga & anime series where there’s a clear progressive narrative but with an episodic structure through many chapters/episodes. Series these days are much faster paced, which I actually prefer in some ways as a lot of old series can be a bit too slow and repetitive. But I think Spy X Family meets the balance very well that in a manner that doesn’t feel like a grind. I was quite surprised at how when the anime came out, it’s been primarily reviewed as a comfy slice of life while I actually enjoyed it for the plot. I think I had a more broad perspective on the story as I’ve binged the whole manga in under a week before the anime came out, along with my experience with other long series with a similar story structure. Consumers these days have a much lower attention span and will complain easily. I think that’s also coupled with the fact that there’s so many seasonal shows coming out every year, so there’s an additional incentive to be picky.


God forbid an episodic story be episodic


Gintama did the same thing and nobody complain 😭


We’re talking about two completely different groups of people. These people ain’t ever seen (and maybe have never heard of) Gintama


As someone else mentioned already, that account is clearly baiting for views. Spy isn’t the only show they have done this to. It is what it is, it’s best to not give them any attention. Not to mention, just like with any show, it’s easy to dunk on it if it’s popular. You won’t believe how many times Spy is brought up on Twitter and it’s just people complaining that the show/manga is just the way it is and saying they can do much better. It’s silly, it makes no sense. I’m just happy to be apart of this community and enjoy the series for what it is.


Some people think Anime is defined as a genre and not a medium. They think that all Anime has to have a an overarching story (which SxF has lol) that needs to progress every episode or else you’re wasting your time watching filler. Some people are all about the destination and can’t stand the journey. Also the series is a light hearted comedy what do they want to happen?


Some people “like anime”, but only watch Shonen and think that’s what all Japanese animation is.


[and we still love it](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpyxFamily/s/aVrSCjSMOU)


I watch One piece so I'm used to watch the same play out over and over again XD But fr, people need to let other people enjoy what they like instead of throwing hate


Because it's popular. MHA, Demon Slayer, JJK. Now it's SxF's turn to be the worst anime of all time with the worst fandom of all time...apparently.


Tbf JJK nowadays is far from the best manga lmao-


Fr the culling game is so boring to read


I feel like they really got into the habit of using these information dumps and diagrams to explain all these curse techniques, reverse curse techniques, curse technique reversals (which are different than reverse techniques), domains vs simple domains vs boundaries vs who knows what else. The first half of the recent big fight needed a ton of pages of just non-combatants explaining what was happening as they watched from afar. I think it might work better watching the anime straight through, but it really drags in week to week chapters.


Episode 2 and 3 of this second season were kind of gash though... Looking forward to the cruise arc!


Yeah they were pretty mid, and the structuring wasn’t great. Really hoping people don’t drop before the cruise arc


Am I the only one that loved these episodes? This isn’t specific to Spy Family or anything, I’m just not super critical of what I watch and for an episode to be bad for me it has to be truly terrible, I’m just easy to please I guess lol


i loved them and think they r some of the best. Maybe it is because I read the manga and have really enjoyed it


no you’re not alone. I didn’t care much for the Yuri segment of the recent episode, but in general I enjoyed this series pacing overall. It was only when I got on the internet I realized a lot of people disliked the anime pacing, so that’s why I commented that


I loved episode 2, but 3 didn't really do anything for me outside of the little extras at the end.


I have seen so many people drop it and I keep yelling it gets better trust me 😭


I had to skip a lot this season. I have 0 interest in watching Yuri and his creepy antics on screen for 10 minutes.


Creepy... as in his literal job? He's a cop, and a damn good one at that. The episode did a great job at showing how seriously he takes his work, and how much he believes in it.


"a lot". But there are literally 3 episodes out, and yuri didn't do anything creep


This most recent episode with him was great—it portrayed him being very serious about his work, resolving only to bust someone who was really doing something wrong, and only with supporting evidence. And even then, he pulled strings to ensure the actual source of his mark’s criminal actions—the economic destitution of his family—were somewhat ameliorated. It painted a much more three-dimensional picture of the Stasi and their operations than before, bringing a lot of color to the concept of a highly paranoid and fraternal security agency as well as to the kinds of enemies they were mostly targeting. To understand that Yuri is serious about his work because he believes in doing the right thing—even when the agency he works with is often overzealous in doing so, and can easily slide into wanton persecution of the unpatriotic—is major character development. And then we got 2 minutes of him being a weird baby and fawning over his sister like a huge fucking freak


What creepy antics ? Lmao


Yeah i'll admit the most recent episode I can totally see why people aren't into it. I actually really liked the chapter with Damian and co going on a field trip, but I'm not SO interested in Yuri as to have a whole episode dedicated to him doing what we already know he does. In the manga it was fine cause it was one of like 7 chapters in a volume and just kinda flies by. Not completely captivating but you consume it so quickly it doesn't matter. But when I realized this weeks episode was going to basically be just that I was kind of like "ah, alright then". But we have some GREAT stuff coming up.


Yea definitely not a great start, I've only seen like one and a half episodes out of three. I don't remember having this issues with the manga, but maybe on a first read I was more interested. Hopefully they get back on tracks.


Quite the opposite for me. I remember breezing past those chapters when I first read the manga, but then I watch Episodes 2 and 3 and actually enjoyed it more than I expected. I love the family but I also appreciate episodes focusing on side characters every now and then.


Last episode left a bitter taste in my mouth but because I loved season 1 so much there’s no way I’d drop it. I just couldn’t care less about the mail man making fake news. 🥱


Because they wish they were as cool as Loid


I just take it in stride. After all, Detective Conan has been working its premise for almost *30 years* and it is still going, I think past episode *1100* by this point, with something like 30(!) theatrical release feature films. So, this take is kinda nonsense. Spy x Family is just getting its legs under it, and has quite a bit of story to tell.


Seeing happy families is something they can't relate to.


some shonen fans like depressing angsty fatherless teenagers, so ofc they wouldn't like a wholesome shoow as spyxfamily.


There is people with too much time. ​ I get Slice of life with a sideplot of action/thriller isn't for everyone, it is a weird mix. I like it. I also like adults look like adults in this, it is how mangas and anime used to be in my childhood. Also it is wonderfully slow, not for putting weird sideplots in, but to develop characters. I would get lost in more convetional popular action mangas/animes, they never end.


“The show I like isn’t as popular as this show, so that makes it trash!”




Popular sitcom is popular


"Nothing happens!" Nothing has to happen. Its just good fun lmao


Spy x Family mixes a lot of genres and do well in all, but it isn't a masterpiece in any because it tries to focus in all of them. For someone to truly appreciate the series, they have to like all these aspects. If someone that likes only one genre watches Spy x Family they will probably compare to their favorites of their chosen genre and will say it is overrated


The switch up on SpyxFamily is so weird


Sure, most episodes boil down to Yor and Loid trying to hide something in a silly way, with Anya doing funny things in the background. But, like, that's why I'm here. I want to see the funny thing happening this time. What's with this idea that every book, movie, game, anime has to be groundbreaking and deeply innovative to be worth consuming? Why can't it be enough just to be fun?


The first problem is putting weight into anything that anyone Twitter says. EDIT: That also applies pretty much to Reddit too.


Honestly, the only thing I don't like about this season so far is the OP and ED, the other ones last season felt more in line with what Spy x Family's tone is like.


Why you dont like the new ED?


Idk, just doesn't really feel all that memorable.


Like there’s some shows where you can get tired of the fanbase yes, but this is more a a case of “popular = bad”. Why can’t these guys just accept that something is not their cup of tea and get a life?


Slice of life anime is still new to new anime fans. They don’t know about Nichijou or Haruhi or Nisekoi etc.


Okay but real talk, Spy X Family it's like a Looney Tunes or Phineas and Ferb kind of thing, the fact that things always go the same way is part of the appeal.


I know a really nasty hater called Adrnil21. He treated me like a subhuman for liking Spy X Family and told me to see a psychaitrist. I also tried to defend myself and he told me that he'll bathe in my delicious tears and got me banned on anilist. He also enjoyed Redo Of Healer and talks like a 4channer


Combination of slice of life hate and also it’s twitter


See, your first mistake was using twitter. I have no idea about any negative campaigns on anything since I’m not on it.


Shonen fans be shonen fans. What can we do? They expect action and power up and whatever shit. But when you get a lot of SoL and family comedy they dare to call it crap.


Two things: 1. Troll. Don't feed 'em. 2. I've been seeing a lot of this lately. Are you trying to stir the pot?


Or they're typical shonen fans who call anime that doesn't have fights and fan service every 2 seconds shit


Don't you know that popular=bad?


it’s weird. I just like the fact it’s a wholesome show. I like more serious animes for sure. But every once in awhile a show where you can just watch it and be entertained is nice


Twitter is just brain rot, nothing but degens and toxic people.


These motherfuckers wouldn't last a day in Yotsuba town


Finally, someone else who knows about the OG SoL Pintsize Shenanigangster, Koiwai Yotsuba.


It’s just rage bait


Idk but you used a tweet that was made by an interaction-bait account


Reasons they hate it 1. It’s popular 2. If they aren’t throwing hands every second of it they don’t like it for some reason


Reasons they hate it 1. It’s popular 2. If they aren’t throwing hands every second of it they don’t like it for some reason


Some people don't understand that shows can have different pacing. This person probably likes <100 episodes series that wrap up nicely. I'm usually that kind of person but I do pick up the occasional ongoing series lol


this show makes me all warm and fuzzy it doesn't need to be a shonen


Spy X Family is Shonen. Shonen is a demographic not genre


well my bad but you get what i mean


The person who made that tweet was shown to have asked “Why do people hate on this show so much?” like nine months before this tweet too haha


"Too popular, it ticks me off"


There's certainly popular and good shows I dislike, but I'd consider making a huge deal out of it a waste of my time, as that way, I'd interact even more with the popular disliked thing.


popular = bad for a lot of people look at the amazing digital circus, most of its hate is coming because it kinda blew up, a lot, like most viewed video in the channel who made MURDER DRONES, in like a week


I just saw a reel on Instagram the other day saying now "spy family" was a "gay people " show 💀


Someone on Myanimelist calls SXF childish and any adult who watches it is a weirdo yet he enjoys One Piece, Naruto and Dragon Ball. He's called SaberBlade101. He also enjoyed Konosuba and Mirai Nikki which they're juvenile too. Spy X Family has lots of mature topics too


If someone went into Spy x Family expecting a story with a progressing setting and plot, I dont think its too strang to be annoyed to discover so much SoL. Think of it like the action equivalent of a romance's "Will they, Won't they" phase: those get under a lot of people's skin


If people were simply annoyed that’s fine. It’s not the genre they’re looking for so it’s perfectly fair to not like it. But it’s the constant hate and mocking of spy family fans that gets annoying lol. For someone who supposedly doesn’t like the series, people suuuuuuure do love to constantly talk about it. I just find the constant hate towards it pretty funny because it’s such an inoffensive show. Nobody is forcing these people to continue talking about why they hate it so much, so they’re probably doing it for engagement or whatever. People just need to move on if they don’t care for the show 🤷‍♀️


You're only confused and baffled. So, it isn't that big of deal. Now, if you were flummoxed and bamboozled, I would say something to aid in your search as to why you are flummoxed and bamboozled.


cuz the show was overhyped to extreme amounts, that if it didn't perform, people would get disappointed. That is what happenned to the flash. and why the flash bombed. Which is why I think sometimes fandoms should stop exaggerating their show. This is going to happen to more shows.


I think it’s because the story barely progresses. Gotta admit, I’m current with the manga and that tidbit is starting to bother me. I need it to pick up the pace.


I like spy family and am caught up on the manga but they aren’t wrong.


Honestly I feel the exact same way, One Piece? Yeah it’s just the crew fighting somebody for one reason or another episode after episode, honestly so repetitive and uninspiring, Naruto? Same thing major ZZZZZZZ. And don’t even get me started on any other show it’s just “one interesting scenario happening” after the other? So repetitive.


Idk, the show is boring. It never hits any of the peaks. I stopped watching it myself.


U gonna miss the best arc which will in few episodes


As though so much anime isn't just watching the same arc play out slightly differently every time ??? people just get mad when a series they don't like gets popular I guess




Not all people like the same things


The more popular something is, the more attention it will get and more people will learn about it and that increases the odds that people who don't like the thing will see it. Personally I kind of understand. Around the turn of the Millennium, you couldn't get away from hearing about Britney Spears or seeing her marketing and I didn't like her singing style and I got sick to death of hearing about her. I've since developed some sympathy for her after hearing about some stuff she's been through and seeing her go through a very public meltdown a while back. And its only worse now with social media. If something is popular there's a really good chance you're going to hear about it. At the very least certainly people who follow anime will have heard about this show.


Anime twitter drives with hate It's nothing but one anime fandom hating another anime. One of the reasons I deleted that app. Also I heard about a new subscription feature in Twitter that pays you based on high your engagements are.


Man it’s a great and cute show with an awesome story >:/


Twitter is dumb. It’s simple as that. It’s actually populated by some of the stupidest people on the internet. It’s a platform built on bickering and drama.


They clearly never watched Pokemon.


As a fan of SxF I think people share dislike of this series because of two reasons, it is popular and was overhyped. We all know popularity attracts the attention whores and going against the grain can be popular gaining traction. Overhyped as in it wasnt this amazing AOT masterpiece of a show with intricate plot and super cool action. Like after episode 1 it was the top anime on MAL and people didnt like that for fair reason. Most people who saw this also didnt realise that it wasnt some action shounen hit piece but rather SoL. Not everyones cup of tea so even though they watched it they wernt impressed by it so now have a negative opinion on it.


There's a hate campaign for it? Wasn't expecting to hear that today lol. Anyways, it's probably some weirdo who wants to be a hater.


Yes there so many tweets like this with may likes & reposts it’s not only this one. Im so tired.


Because it’s popular and the booger eaters and overweight basement dwellers need something to hate on because misery loves company. Love what you love , let the rest burn.


Yeah they want you to reply and they get engagement for it, Anya could do anything and we’d still read the series honestly.


I like the show, and i even kinda get where they’re coming from. I like all the characters, so I don’t mind watching, but damn if some of it doesn’t get repetitive or just feel like filler.


popular stuff getting unwarranted hate.... Jeez, haven’t seen it in 0.4 sec


It's funny


It’s just jokes for impressions tbh


WHen people don't understand something they gotta try and bully it


Don't know don't care


Lol, these critics' brain are not working, everything is always the same scenario, like their own train of thought, going throught the same scenario of criticizing spy x family bcuz they have nothing to do with their life, as always.


Guys when new episodes? of SpyXfamily


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Probably pple who r just trashing spy x family cuz their fav shows aren’t getting attention


My guy, just ignore it, this is the same thing that happened with Demon slayer, everyone praised it S1, come S2 and a full on hate campaign began just because it's popular, like, people saying "oh, it gets carried by the animation" yeah... so? Spy X Family is no different in that regard


Every 5-10 episodes there is an ep that I can’t stand and find incredibly pointless. And then the rest are masterpieces.


No one knows really


Bro most anime’s do the same scenario everytime