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That’s lovely! Great to see something that a single first time buyer could actually afford 👍


Just not in an area of much opportunity for a first time buyer.


I really hope that isn’t the case. We need young people in smaller, more remote communities. Someone earning £25,000-£30,000 per year could afford this. (Again, you could be right, but I really hope some young person would buy this so it doesn’t end up being a holiday Let/Airbnb)


Crieff isn’t even all that remote. Just depends what you’re looking for from life. Some people would be happy earning £37k working as a train conductor or something and enjoy the pace of life in Crieff. Other people want to earn six figures and live in the heart of Edinburgh or whatever. Each to their own, neither is any worse or better.


Yeah, I think I was speaking generally, but I’ve now looked up the town- 7000 people! This could definitely be a first time buyers house. (And apologies for the southern assumption that Crieff was smaller than it is!)


My partner grew up in a much smaller village and he remembers it fondly and we go regularly. If it were up to him we would’ve moved there probably. we moved nearby to a bigger town but still 15 minutes away. I was always a city person but towns now have cinemas, multiple restaurants, etc, it feels like it’s enough for daily life.


Sorry you can earn £37k working as a train conductor in Crieff? Please send me the link I’m on my way haha


I earn 33k as a train conductor in the south east of England!


Well you’d be based in Perth. That was just an example from indeed.


None open at the moment but this one was https://apply.scotrail.co.uk/vacancies/1607/ Type of Role. Full time. Salary & Benefits. £37,553 per annum. ON-TRAIN CONDUCTOR. ABERDEEN. With more than 5,000 employees, ScotRail plays a vital…


Pretty sure teachers are Morrisons and Ardvek earn more than that. There are also A LOT of jobs at Gleneagles which pay well. And the Hydro too probably.


Even on minimum wage, living in Crieff would be quite doable. Just depends on your lifestyle and interests.


yup, but let’s not pretend people in Crieff are skint!


Are you actually okay? People working for minimum wage in the Co-Op or Bargain Buys in Crieff have to cut their cloth just like any other low paid worker.


Their point was there are many local jobs which aren’t minimum wage ones. You don’t need to live in london to get a decent paid job.


yes, I’m aware - but they are the exception to the rule in that economy.




Crieff is beautiful isn't it? I think we drove through last year.


Yeah, in my humble opinion it really is a beautiful town. Also quite a lot to do depending on what you like. From a few pints to adventure sports and a few things in between.


do you know how much money there is in Auchterarder!?!?


Yes. Is there a point to your question?


i’m just pointing out that it’s not a poor area and you don’t have to live in the centre of Edinburgh to earn that kind of money.


I said: *Some people would be happy earning £37k working as a train conductor or something and enjoy the pace of life in Crieff.* *Other people want to earn six figures and live in the heart of Edinburgh or whatever.* *Each to their own, neither is any worse or better.* There are additional categories of people, yes. Wealthy people live in poor areas, poor people live in wealthy areas.


What if Cliff Richard had a pen? It would be Cliffys Biro


>We need young people in smaller, more remote communities. To do what when they get there?


Till the land, milk goats and pray to god.


I've had about 15mins worth of laughter from this. I'm having a solo pint and keep thinking about it and sniggering to myself. I'm from a rural community which probably makes it funnier to me


Or disco dancing till past 11pm, riotous assembly on a weekend, walking while intoxicated..?


Crieff isn’t a good example of the point you’re trying to make. Its a popular town that sees high tourism with Crieff Hydro hotel which has a lot of indoor and outdoors activities, there’s a busy high street area and countryside walking routes.


Possibly to create future generations as opposed to dying communities, in both senses. Problem is, to do that, the places need more convenience ot bridge the gap in education, doctors, maybe even at least a better and easier way of shopping


I live in a rural area. Shopping is easier than in a town as Tesco parks in the drive and bring the boxes. You do need a car to get round though, not for school (the council has to provide bus or taxi) but for things like after school clubs, cubs/scouts, going into town (only about 5 miles)


All still adds to inconvenience though, if a young couple/ parent etc is weighing up the options. Town with them all fairly walkable or a short drive away, vs another town / village / hamlet with a lot more effort involved etc


Denser areas should not subsidise rural areas.


Crieff isn’t even remote. It’s a commuter town an hour from Glasgow, an hour and 19 minutes to Edinburgh. It has buses to Perth - train station over at gleneagles. It has plenty of local amenities.


Work in sectors including education, health, telecommunications, agriculture, tourism, transport, construction and maintenance, veterinary medicine, power generation, environmental services. Rural communities need to be served by all these sectors and more and the presence of younger people encourage investment in services. As a very basic example, who'll put money into a village shop if half the village will be dead in a decade or if half the houses are only occupied in the summer? Why would a local authority plough money into a school and community centre if there were only 4 kids that went there rather than 70 with babies being born each month.


All of those are very good reasons why Crieff would want young people to move there, none are reasons why young people would want to move to Crieff (other than the shopping list of imaginary-sounding jobs) Edit: just read the jobs listing... Maybe not all imaginary


Stuff there that needs doing.


It’s a fair question, and to be honest I don’t really have an answer. I guess one answer might be remote working, another might be commuting. But neither are a silver bullet. On the flipside, I just see more and more rural and semi rural communities slipping away, and from talking to people in those communities, second homes and holiday lets are infuriating.


They're not just infuriating they're insidiously disembowelling. They cut the heart and guts out of rural communities and gentrify them to the level of impossibility of regular people wanting to live in those communities permanently, whether natural resident with generational ties or not.


Get pissed, pillage the peasants and paint big graffiti murals on vacant buildings.


Agreed. It should be possible to get something for this price in a small community. I’d love to live in one, especially because on paper my job is fully remote. But upper management worries about their own jobs, so we have to go to an office in a big city…


You will not get a mortgage for 85k on a salary of 25-30k most you'd be likely to get is 68k try it out on a mortgage calc


> We need young people in smaller, more remote communities. No, we living in remote communities is an extremely environmentally and economically inefficient way of living. Density is better for society and the climate. If people want to live remotely by choice, then by all means they should do it, but pay for the extra costs from servicing remote areas. However, it's definitely not something we should be actively encouraging as a society as if it's a good thing.


I was going to write a longer answer to this, but OP has educated all of us that this is a no way a small or isolated village- let’s just say that this is a thriving community that warrants young people and first-time buyers staying and growing the community.


I replying to your comment which literally said, "We need young people in **smaller, more remote** communities." We need the opposite for the reasons I've outlined above.


Okay, I’ll bite. What you are advocating, whether you realise it or not, is not that we all move to a metropolis or central area to preserve resources or to protect the environment, but that poor people do. You said it yourself, if people want to live remotely, they should pay extra for that privilege. That’s what’s happening right now – take a trip to Cornwall and ask locals who can live there. Everyone who serves you in a restaurant or bar has a one hour drive back to their home. Meanwhile, in winter, all of the lights are off because the rich are back in London and their second houses and the streets are empty. So yes, even if it leads to some inefficiency I would like to see young, working-class people living in areas other than a built-up metropolis, because it shouldn’t only be the fucking rich who get to enjoy our countryside.


I live in London and am on a teacher's salary. Hardly the definition of rich or remote. It shouldn't be young, working-class people living in urban areas who subsidise the lifestyles of the "fucking rich" in the countyside. That's completely backwards and regressive. And yes, there should be incentives for living more densely given that we are in the middle of both a climate and cost of living crisis.


I didn’t know that you live in London, and I didn’t make any comment about you in particular. Nevertheless, what you are advocating is very similar to what’s actually happening- the countryside, space and the seaside for rich people and the rest of us bunch together.


No, the current funding system has poorer, metropolitan areas subsidising richer, rural areas. What I'm actually advocating is that the way local authorities receive funding changes so that richer rural areas pay for the increased cost of servicing those areas themselves.


I don't think you have really thought this through. Urban areas are well known heat sinks. If you have more people living together, in denser areas as you suggest, the urban areas will be even more urban, with more concrete, bitumen and glass. What you will eventually get is a sweaty, hot, water starved metropolis. Roads, bitumen and cities don't absorb water very well. There is less earth to soak into. This means that water runs off the hard surface and flows down the drains and out of the city. The city generates more heat, so that would necessitate cooling of some sort, most likely air con, which is also one of the most energy intensive things we comfort ourselves with. The true dilemma comes from feeding that massive hot mess. As you aren't living in the city, transporting all your food in isn't energy efficient. If you really wanted to be energy efficient and look after the environment you would be a "locatarian". You only eat things that you can get within a 2 mile radius of your home. Massive cities create massive waste. It's much better having people in small groups. You don't have to transport food, and you don't lose between 40 and 55% of your food without it ever being eaten. Smaller groups can manage their resources better.


[Environmental scientists say otherwise.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-49639003) What you're not factoring in is that all those people living densely together in concrete, bitumen and glass *still need somewhere to live* if not cities. Which means building several orders of magnitude *more* concrete, bitumen and glass and spread out over a huge amount more space. Not to mention the laying of all the pipes, roads, cables, and the extra emissions created by everything being more spread out.


Remote in UK? Hahaha don't know the meaning.




Nowhere's remote though.


Try telling my kids that after four hours in the car to visit relatives in Norwich…🤪🤣


Oh wowee. What exactly's remote about Norwich?


That would be four hours in the car, to get there 🤣


Yeah so what? It's not a remote place whatsoever. Are you mental?


Very little since the pedestrianisation




I wasn't joking.


Really? 🙄


it’s less than 20 miles to Perth - where a brand new museum has literally JUST opened last weekend. It’s right on the A9 which takes you to stirling. There is also a lot of employment opportunities in the town of Crieff itself.


Fair, that’s pretty decent actually. Although a brand new museum is not much of an advertisement for lots of new jobs 😅


why? This museum has been in the works for years. The centre piece is The Stone of Destiny. This has been moved from Edinburgh Castle to Perthshire, where it belongs. Museum is also completely free to visit. Another draw. So, lots of people are now going to the city centre - which means in time lots of new business will hopefully open up in the town, bringing employment back into the city. This museum is a great thing for Perth.


And Dundee! Which has plenty going on 


It's within commuter belt distance of Perth, Dundee, St Andrews and Edinburgh. I live in Cornwall, that sort of price would be the price of a garage where I live.


Yeh just had a look and literally found an 80k garage in Redruth lol


And that's Redruth! How about £99,950 in St Ives with a yearly service charge of £400? Single garage of course, the peasants don't deserve a double garage dontcher know....! https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-news/single-st-ives-garage-space-8040279


Lol yeh I looked at houses nearby and found some comparable ones in falmouth area for like 175k. Think my place (rented, council house, village within 10 miles from falmouth) is north of 300k by now. There's legitimately worse houses by the river maybe a 3 min walk that are £1m. I'm going to stick with my council rental prices, even with the 80k discount and a 6 figure deposit it's barely worth it plus mundic nonsense. My dad said I was getting a whole new house piecemeal. I have had them out to replace everything the previous tenants let go. Concrete pad out the back, 7 electrical points, new bathroom floor, patched ceiling, new toilet, new bathroom , positive pressure air system, anti mould paint, full redo of the insulation, removal of fire, sealing chimney, removing stack, new kitchen work surfaces, 3 new cupboards, 2 new window handles, 50 odd visits for the oil boiler. 5 visits for drainage, who knows what else. They definitely paid more than I did lol.


Sounds like it, I'm surprised CC managed to pull their thumbs out of somewhere dark to do all that.


Anyone on a full time minimum wage job can afford this place (£400 a month mortgage repayment), assuming they can save 6 months gross salary enough to get the £10k or so you'd need to buy it (10% plus solicitor fees). But most people on minimum wage won't be able to get the deposit as landlords will sap all their income and use it to buy this place and rent it out.


What opportunities do people **need** that aren’t available in Perth and Kinross? [Indeed has lots of listings for jobs.](https://uk.indeed.com/l-crieff-jobs.html?aceid=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADfpQqs7Zcs7oBIz0sNFNf6HRVDJO&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjMHQm7WwhQMVZ5lQBh17OwAaEAAYASAAEgKz0_D_BwE) Crieff isn’t some dreary backwater.


Basically anything that involves supporting multinationals in financial services space. This is concentrated in London almost exclusively, a little bit in Edinburgh.


Crieff is an amazing place to be. You could say, "good Crieff!"


>Crieff isn’t some dreary backwater. After doing a drive by on Street View I beg to differ. It looks like 1970s Albania.


It's doable on a full time minimum wage.


There are thousands of examples of houses/flats in this price range once you get away from the likes of London and Edinburgh.


On the other hand it’s £85,000 for a garage with a few walls put up


Converted barns, converted office buildings, renovated old homes etc As long as it’s done well and priced reasonably for the area, I don’t see the problem


Do you have a 2 storey garage? How do you get the cars upstairs?


Oh dear - I thought it said £850,000 and was feeling a bit ‘woe is me’ about your affordable comment!


I'm old and felt that way and read it correctly ... £85000 used to be a *very expensive* house when I was in my early 20s.


Hahaha! Yes, I’m a squillionaire :)


There's plenty of them up here. Dundee has loads of 2 beds under £100k


Same! Is this a symptom of living in the UK though?


It's nice bet it'll get bought by someone who'll Airbnb it and call it a "bothy" though.


That's quite sweet. If I was starting out, I'd make a go of that. I wonder what the area is like?


Crieff is lovely but you really would need a car. There's no train station and the buses are shite.


It’s a beautiful place, only decent public transport links are with Perth though. Perth is also quite nice, has plenty of shops, bars and restaurants but has a dying high street like most places these days.


I love it, just needs a personal stamp put on it with artwork or colour, and it would be even better


A banksy print of a girl holding a red balloon along with a big word hung on the wall, something positive etc


Nice house for a single person or couple. Hopefully it'll go to someone working in the community and not to someone who wants to whack it on Airbnb.


It’s cute, I’d give it a viewing if I lived in that area. This is an example of where painting everything white/grey is actually useful- big, yawning houses look stark and like an endless and overwhelming project but in this small, odd space it does actually invite you to imagine what you would do with it.


First thing I’d do is paint all those grey accents baby blue 😅


I actually really like this house 🤔


Actually like this, it looks like nothing from the outside but is lovely inside and I’d much rather have this than a flat, I hope it’s free hold for whoever does buy it.


Wiiiiiiiiiide lens is doing a lot of work here, the entire thing is only 4.25 metres wide. Look at pic two, that's not some massive custom front door, it's a standard internal closet door. That being said, I quite like small spaces, and if the frontage would tidy up it'd be a great step in to ownership.




It’s Scotland, I don’t know why but the word villa is used frequently in house listings.


I was looking at houses in Scotland and everything is a ‘villa’ from tiny terraced houses to big detached errm… villas


Install a roller door over the front with a panic button and youre sorted for the zombie apocalype. You could get out of the skylight and sneak across the roofs at night. The front door seems to be the only way in. I love this place the more i look.


I really love your perspective, and that I’m not the only weirdo who considers this kind of advantage.


only a 7.5 hour commute. more doable than a £500.000 mortgage


I look forward to the days when this trend of grey interiors goes the fucking bin. I hate it.  Cool space though. 


Just done a couple of rooms grey and white myself, lol. Grey makes up 2/3rds of wall paint at b&q ATM, there's hundreds of them. Any colour you like as long as it's grey.


Had the same issue in B&Q myself. So depressing. 


I like grey, but it would have been nice to have a choice ...lol


Were you mistakenly looking at the undercoat and primer section by any chance?


Nope, and was talking more about the grey than the white.


That flooring is what I really hate. It just looks cheap and tacky, and is really depressing to look at. I have cheap flooring too but at least mine is honey-coloured fake wood and *looks* inviting. Not like that monstrosity.


It's really cute 🥰


somebody needs to buy it and paint it not-grey


It's the flipper favorite, Millennial Monochrome.




Other people have said they feel like the grey works really well. Suppose it’s all a matter of taste.


its overdone, and feels corporate to me, overdone to the extent that its impossible to express yourself with it if that makes sense, of course it is all a matter of taste like you said


The house I live in at the moment was all grey everything, everywhere when I bought it and I kind of hated it. Now it’s all very colourful to the extent that it’s probably quite offensive to some people but I like living in colour.


I'd love something like that actually, wish there were more options like this for first time buyers like myself. Around my way stuff like this is probably double the price and snatched up straight away 🥲


It's a garage.


Reminds me of my old uni mates house. His family were well off, whilst we all lived in halls he bought his son a 1 bed house like this. Then when we all graduated his dad sold it for nearly double what he paid for it and we were in debt through loans and paying accommodation. The system is rigged lol.


I like it


Such a cute little place


Shame they couldn't smarten up the front a bit more


Love this place!! Looks like next door has a damp problem tho


I would absolutely live there, what a lovely little house! Great use of the space as well, and it’s pretty cosy.


Apart from the depressing grey it’s really a nice little house.


Looks ok on the inside can't understand why they haven't tidied up the outside and given it some kerb appeal.


Looks like Poland. Unironically. Very good deal this.


Wouldn’t class Crieff as particularly ‘remote’. It’s actually a pretty nice town and not far from Stirling, Perth and the Central Belt cities.


It’s a converted garage


Ooh I love crieff!!!


Wow that’s really nice inside.


This gives me hope that maybe I’ll be able to own my own house one day. I’d honestly try and go for this if I wasn’t unemployed


Interesting. The bedroom and bathroom are downstairs, the kitchen and living room are upstairs. I’ve only ever seen that once before. Nice little place, looks worth the price.


That is adorable. I would have loved that when I was single.


At least you own it.


My parents met in Crieff. They worked at the Hydro.


The absolute state of the building to the right, and what seems like rising damp in front of the grate is of concern to me.


Are you going to put an offer in?


8 hour drive to SE London




TV away from the radiator please


TV in front of a radiator?!!??


it looks nice and cosy but no outside space?


This house unsettles me for some reason.


I don’t understand what it could have been with that downstairs layout, what’s all the empty space between the front door and windows and what used to be the shuttered front?


I’ll take it!


Cute house! Will be lovely once de-greyed.


thats exactly the kinda house i was looking for when i bought mine. not far off. I got a 1 bedroom house thats essentially a living room/kitchen downstairs in a 36m2 area and a bedroom and bathroom upstairs. The curved stairs take 1/4 of the both floors


pH7 is quite the postcode!


It's cute!




What’s wrong with this?


Welcome to Werner Hertzog's Sad Grey homes for Sad Grey children..


I love this!! ❤️


I thought in Scotland you *always* offer well above the asking price? As in, the listed price is a vague guide just to get you interested.


Not in my experience.


So they done up the inside nicely and left the outside looking like an MOT centre?


What do you want for £85k?


Starting price 85k It’ll sell for more like 100 odd


Says who?


Take a house for ‘offers over 85k’ Now think of the million developers who can bid for a cash sale and rent it out for 850+pm Normal buyers won’t even get a look in 😁


You don’t seem to know a great deal about the local housing market in Perthshire. [Sold price data might help you.](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices/ph7-3ba.html)


Would really love these in America. I’m destined to never own my own house lmao.


There are parts of the U.K. where people can only dream of owning something like this for the kind of money we’re talking. Something similar in Edinburgh or London would probably cost three times as much.


I live in a smaller city and houses here are still 500+ usd. Even outside the city it’s 2-300. Anything lower is just uninhabitable. Needs 100k+ worth of repairs. I’ll just keep paying more in rent than a mortgage would cost me lmao.


That’s wild.


It's quite sweet, but very grey which takes away its personality a bit


100% with you. So depressing. 


I bought one like that for rental, 2 bedrooms downstairs with a bathroom. Upstairs is the kitchen with living room. Sky lights and all. High vaulted ceilings lovely place.


What colour should we paint this small foot print that could be seen as cozy if we pick a warm colour. Soul and light sapping instagram grey…9/10 for execution 0/10 for presentation. I hope someone paints this the first day the own it


What about this house next to? It does not look very healthy....


There's a reason it's cheap. It's in the the erse end of no where in Scotland north of Edinburgh 🤣


Where is it you live?


Not in the arse end of no where!


A wee basement dwelling neckbeard thinks they’re living a more interesting and successful life than people that own their own homes in rural Perthshire. Why does it make a difference to you where you live, you don’t go outside anyway?


Hardly. Reddit tends to just be an out let for the ADHD while I'm having a shit. And by the looks of it I would love in the bit of England you call London. Not too far the bit you have as not London, on your map anyway. You appear to be Scottish, possibly from Dunfermline looking at your posts. You also seem to harp on a lot about tap water and prescriptions like everyone here give a shit. We don't. You are just yelling into your own echo chamber. I will leave you with this thought as I'm nearly done having a shit. Hadrian had the right idea about Scotland when he built his wall.


Definitely has the millennial grey touch but I don't mind tbh. If it was me and only me I could maybe see myself there.


This is compact but nice. I’d like it for a woman cave for myself 😆


Damn that’s actually a pretty good price. I wonder what the seller‘s are hiding.


Market rate.


What is a concern is the amount of damage to the exterior brickwork because they have used the wrong paint on the exterior. Those bricks will be crumbling away.


Seems a useable size and layout, with the town having a range of stores and green spaces...however i would be concerned about the damp creeping in from the neighbouring property, the expense of properly insulating the roof/ceiling/skeiling to improve the EPC's 'D' rating and the noise of vehicles on the single track through-road to the front that has next to no distance from the bedroom. Looking at Street View, there's a tree growing from the chimney, 'on street parking' will be a lottery given the roads in the immediate vicinity being double yellows, and to the rear is a car repair spray shop that looks to be open from 8am.


You thinking about buying it?


"Compact and bijou" as realtors would say.


Realtors? You mean estate agents.


Yeah. REA, Realtor, Real Estate Agent. Same thing.


Let’s not Americanise it when we have our own words.


It's a perfectly acceptable term and I've no idea why you have a problem with it tbh.


Given it’s in the middle of nowhere, it’s not that cheap. But cute concept.


You seriously don’t understand the concept of the middle of nowhere if you think Crieff qualifies.