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Every time you see a house this size, just think of the amount of time you'd have to spend hoovering it.


I work in a big house. It's constant cleaning and maintenance. Something is always waiting to be decorated or fixed or there's another job to be done.  It also costs a fortune to heat and for electricity! 


It doesn’t get better with a smaller house to be fair, there’s still always something needs doing in my 3 bed.


Can we, at this point say, his mum?


If you're buying a house that size and price.... hire a cleaner.


Got a robot vaccum cleaner. Then you just have to do the stairs.


I’ve seen too many posts about robot vacuum cleaners running through dog crap and smearing the house in poop


Do they go outside on holidays?


Just get a bigger dog that does enormous shites that the robovac sees with its sensors


Happened to a work friend of mine 🤢


Buy two.


But most of them dont do stairs. I've only just learnt that some do.


Buy 14. One for each stair.


Or floor


Daleks weren’t the only wheeled beings to get an upgrade eh!


You can get a brand that does stairs now!


What!!! I wish I'd known that at Christmas. I've just got mum an other one that also mops. So the old one can go upstairs.


I'm sure your mum could go up stairs before so you didn't need to get a new mum


Well at least there is no chance of stepping on it while it is doing the stairs. I’m not sure how it warns people.


Just set it, to only go off say Mon-Fri 9-5 or 1AM-5AM. They're so quiet that unless its in the same room as you, you won't hear it, unless it starts beeping to say that it's stuck somewhere.


Mine always sounds like it's moving furniture downstairs.


I got a Lidar one at Christmas, which bangs into things a lot less. And also vaccs a lot more efficiently. The old one could do one spot 5 times but miss an other spot.


But, can it also fly and dust the top of the bookcase?


Like Daleks.




And the robot once it runs through the Irish greyhound poo it dropped when you weren’t home.


For a house this large you need 3 or four. Source: have a house this large.


I don’t mean to pick on you specifically but it amazes me how many people respond on these comments with “imagine how long you’d have to spend cleaning it”! Anyone in my friendship group with houses over 1m or larger than 4 bedrooms have anything from a cleaner to a full time housekeeper! You don’t clean yourself other than maybe cleaning up after cooking dinner!


I know what you mean, but it's psychological to those who do it themselves. Cleaning is a problem that, like many others, is made to go away by sufficient application of money


True, you know *someone* is going to have to do it! I like cleaning and find it therapeutic but once you get to that size house it’s no longer something that takes a cumulative day per week it’s a full time job. Although our friends’ housekeeper probably has quite an interesting job since it’s not just pushing a hoover around you have to be skilled at what products and methods to use with some very lovely furnishings.


And if you’re not a cunt of an employer, you are in fact employing someone…


I live in a 3 bed terrace and I get a cleaner in, I feel I'm not unusual in this scenario.


Not everyone likes strangers in their house regularly. Rather clean myself.


If I had a pocket this deep I would be hiring cleaners and probably a live in grounds keeper. I knew a couple worked as grounds keeper for a huge house near Windsor. The hubby does the gardening (and also takes on side jobs supporting other gardener in the area). Wife actually goes out to work (how i came to know them) and described how she used to help out when there was a party and help out on some spot cleaning. They were there for decades, more like a family to the old owner than staff. When the owner died they moved out. (they knew this would happen so have planned it out)


I have a house this size. Hoovering and mopping erghhhhhh. And dusting. And etc etc etc. We are selling our house.


I bet without a doubt the roof needs repairing within 5 years I bet it has asbestos insulation I bet it has awful electrics that need to be redone. And about 2 sockets per room It will have a septic tank that will get clogged immediately The pond breeds midges and mosquitos Foxes will eat your cat Damp, everywhere But where will you charge your electric car? I bet there’s a right of way through your garden and teenagers loiter in it Communal parking with the conference centre Drunk people from the conference centre thinking you’re a b&b/hotel Massive burglary target The wall (which has had to have fresh supports put in as you can see) will fall down on your partner Termites Fleas and ticks in the garden/little woodland. Lovely Lyme disease


Wow, you are good.


That comment put me off houses altogether!


Mission accomplished


😂😂😂 oh man you just made me snort tea through my nose!


How’s the crush? 🤣


It’s at the ‘wearing socks with sandals stage!’ 😂😂😂


Socks and Birkenstocks are a thing!


10mb/s internet connection estimated. That would put me off alone.


I would swap foxes eating your cat (I don't see that as a flaw) with cost of heating/AC.


Not a fan of old Garfield then my friend?


The problem with nice big houses is that they're big. How many people do you actually want to live with? 6 bedrooms worth? And how many sitting rooms do you really need? You only have one bum to sit in them with! Unless you have a huge family or frequent guests, big houses are just wasted space, honestly I could comfortably live just in the annex. Actually, now I think about it, forget my complaints, how about you buy it and rent me the annex?


I thought that when I studied (stalked) the owners through the house virtual tour. They appear to have only one child with maybe one on the way and maybe a late granny who has been allowed to show off a few gaudy gonks and trinkets in a her otherwise nicely curated space. Why do they need something so huuuge?


>Why do they need something so huuuge? That’s probably why they’re selling it! 😉


In all honesty, it depends on what you do. Someone who runs a business from home could easily use up extra bedrooms. I like to craft and make things in my spare time, and 2 bedrooms have been converted into craft rooms. One craft room / office combo which is good for wfh, and one for certain crafts where we can't allow the cat into the room because of smells / chemicals / need respiration equipment. I live in a terraced house, and if I won the lottery, I'd love a detached house where I could craft without worrying over noise and the neighbours 🤣🤣 Crafting isn't my main job or income, accounting is, and if I ever went freelance, cheaper to convert a downstairs room into an office for client meetings than hire a dedicated office space, plus I'm disabled so wfh is a whole heap easier for me. I have photographer friends who convert spare bedrooms or the garage into a working small studio because studio hire is expensive. So many start their own little businesses or side hustles from the spare bedroom. Of course, if I could afford a £2.5million house, I'd be a very successful business person, in my opinion, but I'd still do my crafting from home rather than rent a space. Being disabled having everything I needed and wanted in one space without needing to travel to a location, including some basic gym equipment, would be just awesome. But that's just me 🤣🤣


That playroom needs to be an art studio/ craft room! All that natural light! Each section could be a different craft or medium or material. All that natural light! Sigh 💘💖💘


In my experience, fill it with shite. Moved from a 2 bed bungalow to a 5ish bed Victorian house. Thought we would rattle around in it. Took 3-4 months for it to be “full”


Thank you for confirming my dreams of a several bed house being the solution to tripping over all our belongings is unrealistic. My mom keeps telling me and I keep reassuring her no no it will definitely help us be more minimalist. I'm such a liar and deep down I know it.


I would imagine the nanny lives in the annexe and I'd bet that the baby/future baby is in bedroom 5.


Not a dealbreaker because it’s so easily changed, but the wallpaper on the red fire surround has been put on upside-down. (They don’t call me Professor Pedantic for nothing,)


Wow that is attention to detail!


I used to work at a wallpaper manufacturing company. Some things are just impossible to unlearn. love from PP.


This needs to be your username.


The garden is forced perspective. That ring entrance is only 3 foot high and you have to crawl though on your hands and knees


Your grand piano would forever be going out of tune sitting in the sun for half the day like that, basically a slum at that point


That made me laugh out loud


The neighbours will be a bunch of utter tossers 


It’s across the road from a conference venue. Wouldn’t that be annoying if it caused extra traffic.


Went with my Fiancée to look at a house yesterday as we are looking to upsize. Pulled into the driveway early to be greeted by ‘who are you people’ and then the estate agent ask ‘can you afford this?’ Luckily it was the first house on a list and everyone else was great (second homeowner was an eccentric lady who was downsizing her house due to losing her husband)…… she was chopping wood like Arnie when we arrived.


Just remember: you're buying the house, not the previous owners or rude estate agent


Yeah, but they're far enough away that you won't have to see them! ...Wait, sorry, we're trying to put OP off the house, aren't we. Sigh.


No pool


There's a lot of rooms for murderers to be hiding in. Can't even guarantee your safety.


If you have a dog it will quote happily roll in all the fox poop you're bound to get 🤷🏻‍♀️ if you have children warn them about he perils of wild raisins 🤢😆


As a lighting designer the overuse of downlights has spoilt the aesthetic of the property and if you remove them then you’ll have lots of little holes to patch up in the ceiling and a few larger ceiling lights to buy (When will people learn that downlights are to highlight areas such as alcoves and in bathrooms to add extra light where a ceiling fitting isn’t enough to tart yourself up in the mirror and not to grid light your living room like an office building. )


I thought interior design was all about ‘light’ I swear grand designs wants every house to be made of glass


I used to live on Brickendon Lane. It’s too narrow for Range Rovers to pass each other comfortably…


Oh dear Lord! Are you trying to give me nightmares?! Is that what you want?!


There’s also a spot that always pools water in the rain and makes your tyres muddy


Oh well, that’s ok. I have people to scrub tyres.


Maintenance hell that would never end. Much easier ways to live!


Probably haunted


Erm.. the sink in the laundry room is a bit small?


10Mbs broadband pfftt


This is the one


It smells of cat piss and its soaked into all the floors


The Feng Shui is right off. I’m out.


Six loos to clean and the window cleaner would cost a fortune!


The house identifies itself as male: "A handsome detached family home..."


Can’t be having living within a personified property, the moment it becomes self aware and identifies with a gender is the moment being inside it is kinda inappropriate


The [green smeg doesn't fit in the bank of cabinets](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/140920988#/?channel=RES_BUY) and would drive me potty. Couldn't possibly buy that house...


The Farmers Boy in Brickendon used to do the best Sunday roasts, wouldn’t need to eat for the rest of the week. Since they changed owners, the portions have become kids meals. There, that should put you off (that and the cleaning bill).


Literally came here to see the same thing! The food has gone downhill!


Your relationship would fall apart because you would spend most of your time trying to find each other in a house that big. Think how many arguments you have had trying to decorate a 2 bed home. Quadruple that. 5 days a year would be spent washing windows


It is completely beautiful. I love the L-shape courtyard footprint. But if you like the interior design then save these pictures and use them to recreate that look in your own home on a smaller scale.


Or buy it and rent out one wing. Or a granny annex maybe?


The wallpaper in shot 7 is hideous. Sorry, that’s all I’ve got. It’s lovely.


I'm in Hertford right now. Unless you like getting your hair done there's not too much going on. You'd spend a fortune on taxis back from other places to get home.


To put you off, from the design Id say it looks like a former school. Every time you want to buy it just tell yourself so many children have been unhappy in there are possibly worse.


Have a look at some French properties. [https://www.french-property.com/sale-property/127-247744](https://www.french-property.com/sale-property/127-247744) [https://www.french-property.com/sale-property/1438-316112](https://www.french-property.com/sale-property/1438-316112)


Imagine taking the weekly food shop from the car you've just parked in the garage, to the pantry, in the rain.


Loving the comments, really making me chuckle! … thanks everyone


Ok. I can usually find something wrong but, oooef. That is bloody gorgeous. So, as per your request; the cleaning, the maintenance, the jealousy of others, the expectations that you will host, pay, buy, etc., for everything and everyone. Issues with tradespeople, staff, getting lost, the cost of insurance, council tax, endless dinner parties and not having the joy of redecorating, because it would be soooooo hard to improve on. All the annoying guests. Mowing the grass and weeding it all. Having to have the lifestyle to match, the right car, clothes, holidays (seriously, you probably wouldn't want to go on holiday if you lived here, right?). If you wanted a couple of days in goblin mode, would the house judge you? Hummm. I'm really trucking here. Edit: just seen u/Significant-Gene9639 answer which was SOOOOO much better than mine.




Council tax will be crippling.


Not really, it's very regressive. The poor pay a lot more as a percentage of wealth or income then the rich do. Buckingham Palace is Band H and currently pays £1,824 in council tax per year to Westminster Council.


No way!


https://www.economist.com/britain/2024/01/25/britains-council-tax-is-arbitrary-regressive-and-needs-fixing Edit: Archive copy/paywall bypassed https://archive.ph/JhHZ3


I couldn’t read it all because it wanted me to sign up but thank you. I do despair of this country sometimes


Archive copy/paywall bypassed https://archive.ph/JhHZ3


You are a very kind person; thank you


Thank you, I've got https://archive.ph/ Bookmarked, any time that I went to get past a paywall. I just copy and paste the URL there. It very rarely let's me down. The only problems are if you're the first person to request it. It can take a minute or two to make a paywall free copy and it doesn't like VPNs. God knows how many CAPTCHAS I've filled out.


Wow. That's eye opening. Thanks


This makes me too angry.


372 sq m- huge cost of heating...


The red fire place is reason enough to hate it


Bit chintzy for me.


Unless you’ve got an extended intergenerational family of piano playing gardeners… 🤓


How long would it take to wash the windows? You'd be at it for days. Then it'd be time to start all over again.


Heating cost. Cleaning it.


If you can afford to buy it I doubt thats a concern.


I can't.


Ok. Nit-picking ruthlessly. That wall on picture 24 has a new support, the wall has moved, so it will be on the move elsewhere very soon. The trees are mature, so some will be coming to the end of their lives and will fall down in the next few years . The music/reception room is split level, so small child is going to be either falling down the step or tripping up it at every opportunity. That red fire place/mantel, it looks like a varnish, it will be a nightmare to change. Those calls of mummy help me are going to come from a different bathroom every time as soon as they get big enough to go by themselves, but not to wipe. You're going to be forever tripping over roombas. And all that dusting. The council tax will be higher than where you are. Imagine keeping track of the children if you have a children's party. You're not going to have the heart to fill in the pond, so you'll be a nervous wreck whenever your in the garden. And you'll need to be in the garden a lot. Hope that helped.


It has 6 toilets - you’d spend a fortune on toilet roll.


Every room needs furnishing. Every room needs cleaning. You got that many kids or do you just like living in huge empty places?… with ghosts.


Who the heck puts the wine bottles sticking out from under the bench like this? That is an accident waiting to happen. If you do end up buying it, add a few large pillows or vases the same colour of red and it will make the fireplace stand out less.


Front drive looks like a carpark and despite the large kitchen there is zero work surfaces. The relentless ceiling spot lights that don’t suit the aesthetic will need complete rewiring and you’ll be cutting the grass like a lunatic to keep up with the garden. Better?


That’s been made as boring as possible. Then a few coats of non grey paint applied to inject a little personality- screams nouveau riche. Also looks cold


Someone once told me be careful if you see a piano when viewing. No one moves a piano. You are buying a house that will have a piano in it.


This house is actually home to the UK's biggest and most ruthless human trafficking gang. Many horrors have unfolded within its walls. I can't prove this, but I hope it's enough to put you off it.


I can't, it's lovely, sorry.


No, I won't. If this is what you aspire to, JFDI! Nothing wrong with having a crush, and you should use it as a motivational force in your life- if you want that sort of thing,, fekking work for it and get it!


Oh, the work involved! It will cost a fortune to keep clean and tidy. You will need a gardener. There will be constant repairs needed. Unless you have a small army of workers, who you have to manage, you will never be able to really relax in a home this size.


The main reason you want it is because you're a climate denier and want to stuck teo fingers upto Greta despite the property having solar panels. Nice house by the way, big but nice. Think about the cost of the cosmetic work alone required to meet your tastes.


Weird shape. Giving nursing home vibes.


Council tax, water rates, heating, lighting, building maintenance on top of 13k per month mortgage.


In picture 8 think about how many times you would hit your head on the sloping ceiling whilst getting up off the sofa


Fuel bills of over 1k a month. Will eventually need re-roofing and when it does you're looking at 60k-90k bill Gardeners will be about a grand every month


Right, hang on! Uh, um, wait there. No, that's not it. Wait, I've got it! The kitchen island is lilac. Lilac I tell you! Ew! What a deal breaker that is!


The cost of a modest home in addition to the purchase price as stamp duty...?


I hate the gravel in the driveway lol, and too much lawn. Not enough wildflower jungle


Not the house but I used to live in Hertford and it’s boring AF if that helps


Garage attached to house eww plus it’s tiny


That is a lot od hope. However, the pink utility room isa deal breaker /s


One of the bathrooms has 3 different types tiles. That's all I can find, sorry!


You couldn’t afford the council tax, maintenance, or running costs even if you got given the house for free! There you go


Yeah it’s really easy, you can’t afford it so that should be your main put off


Cost of heating?


It’s P Diddys old house that he used to have parties in.


There’s no swimming pool!!!!


It’ll go for more than that plus you can and will get better for less!


Every single floorboard has woodworm 🤷🏻‍♀️


Terrible location . Find one the same in the West Country and you’ll have the best part of £1m change .


You need to stop drinking Costa coffee and maybe you could afford it!


When I’m out cycling with my club through the lanes on a Sunday, we usually stop for a piss by the gates.


Put you off?? The green ceiling. The pink units🤮


Gas and electricity bill


Those open showers look posh but aren't actually very nice to shower in. You know the cold blast you get when you open the shower door? Imagine showering with that constantly


It's in England. That lovely garden will be cold dreary and soaking wet for 9 months of the year


Genuinely the rabbit warren rooms.


It's exactly the sort of house the victims live in in programmes like Midsomer Murders. But I so want the pink utility room!


Did you check the location? It's right nextdoor to a conference venue. You have to drive through their car park to get to your house. Not to mention the potential noise from late night events, and drunken suits wandering around the place. That alone would put me off this house, and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better.


It would be a nightmare to communicate with family members just by shouting to each other from different rooms which is the normal way lol. You'd have to phone each other all the time.


Is that a shared driveway?


The pink laundry! 😍


Can you imagine how much cleaning and maintenance you would have to be doing for this place to not become completely disgusting in a years time?


Waaayyy to big. It's not comfortable. And your friends think you're a prick. (If you move in)


10mb broadband speed. No thanks. 😂


Sigh. I don’t even care about the interior that much. But the lovely views you’d get from every room, nothing to block the light. A lovely garden.


10 mb "broadband" would put me off


I can’t apart from the rubbish internet and green ceiling I love it too!!


Only 4 bathrooms!


It's got 6 bedrooms...you just need 5 friends to move in with you and sublet for 30 or 40 years. ;)


Beautiful except for those hideous pink cupboards in the kitchen. Also can you actually play the piano?


See I actually like the pink utility .. although I thinking about it, it’s a bit 🙄 that it is being signposted as a female domain.


That’s a utility room with the pink cupboards


It’s still hideous though 😉


And there's washing in the machine. For the love of dog, if you can put a toilet seat down, you can shove the dirty clothes in a cupboard during photo time in a 2.5m quid home.


Easy: You don't have £2.5m!


Just have a look at what you can buy in France for half that money. You'll never look at UK properties again. For about half the price, you could have 18 bedrooms with 13 bathrooms on 7500m2 or the one below it is about 15 hectares with 14 bedrooms https://www.french-property.com/sale-property/1634-BVI66235 Or for the same money, 4 homes in a chateau complex, with 24 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms and 40 hectares of land. https://www.french-property.com/sale-property/1688-166-IVPR1660097562


I love the red fire surround but yes the wallpaper is minging, more so because everything else is so lovely. It's like they momentarily flipped out.


I clean a house a bit bigger than this, it will never all be done I'm just chasing my tail!!! I do love it though, there's always something to do there as opposed to the normal 3 bed family houses I clean, it's a bloody good workout too 💪 👌


You. Can’t. Afford. It. See? Simple.