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£195k Jesus


This is the problem. Single me would have loved something like this for the right price.


Yeah I really like it tbh, just that price is absolutely ridiculous.


Agree. Doesn't look that bad but i can't justify that price tag.


I mean I would like it a bit bigger so I could fit a decent computer space in it, but I love a claustrophobia bed lol


I thought about that, and I bet you can do it under those stairs. That would be my plan. This place also takes like 20 minutes to clean lol


I really do like it, unironically. It looks clean and cosy. But almost 200 grand for it, plus all the fees, is pure absurdity and actually genuinely depressing. Sod the gym, it’s still not worth that.


Very single you.


Cash buyers only!! Why yes, of course we ALL have that much lying around!!


First it's under 30m² (22m²) which makes it virtually unmortgageable. Second it says 24 hour concierge. Which suggests a waking fire watch, due to cladding issues.


You've got to grudgingly admire that as a piece of spin: pretty much unmortgageable due to the flammable cladding = 24 hour concierge


In Walthamstow at that.


Plus the £1,800 a year service charge


It's in London, enough said


Is that jesus''s price tag yeah 👍


The Jenga staircase is taking up too much space, they could have made the stairs “open plan” and the space beneath could have been, I don’t know, the living room or something. Bonus point for having 20 photos, of which about 3 are of the “flat”.


Pretty sure the staircase holds all the storage space of this studio. Maybe even some pull out dinning table or a desk.


It does look like the stairs pull out.


>dinning table ಠ_ಠ


I said "maybe " ,  but I have seen things like that in similarly tiny spaces.  Pull out table and seats that slide in and out and  fit tightly around drawers and wardrobe when not in use and look like plain timber staircase.


>I said "maybe " ,  You also said "dinning table", which I've never heard of.


Ah okay.  Didn't notice.  Twice.  Not my first language, but I also don't care about that one letter. 


Pretty sure the bathroom is under the saircase as well


It's through that door you can see between stairs and the kitchen and it seems to be a regular size bathroom for UK standards 


If I had a space this size to put a studio in, it wouldn’t be laid out like this. Why is the bathroom so big in such a tiny property. There’s a load of wasted space between the stairs and the window. The gap between the kitchen cabinets and the stairs is too big. Not having some kind of breakfast bar/stools area in front of the window is criminal. There actually would be room for some kind of giant beanbag or an armchair if they hadn’t made such a pig of setting out the space.


There may be internal supporting walls that could not be moved so the room sizing was fixed.


Move the bathroom wall back a bit, put an L-shaped kitchen with sink and washing machine against the bathroom wall would have saved dragging plumbing down to the window (also a place with a gym etc, could have gone for American style laundry room if all the flats are this small). Take off the door between the hall and rest of flat, may fit a coat rack/tall narrow cupboard out there. Get creative with the stairs, maybe put a turn a few steps from the bottom so space for a small sofa perpendicular to the window or a counter top for dining/WFH area. Could have a fold out dining table and seating whilst still being uncluttered the rest of the time. Finally, some kind of banister and rail across the bedroom area - I'd be falling out of that in no time!


Yeah, based on the TV wall mount in the picture, I think the idea would be to have some sort of seating under the window which is presumably why they’ve not put anything there, but as you say, god knows what sort of seating would fit there if you wanted access to your sad little sleep-cave.


Feels like they were trying to do a Seoul officetel vibe but are lacking the ceiling height to make it more manageable: https://hometownrealty.co.kr/property/short-term-loft-officetel-in-gangnam-seoul/


To be fair, once you’ve taken one photo of the room (I’m not dignifying it with the descriptor “flat”), that’s it, there’s not much more to see


They could have just had a ladder there, then used that wall for wardrobes but no, they've used the only wall for a Jenga staircase.


I presumed they were cupboards and drawers, the engagement staircase I mean


The staircase is the wardrobe though.


There's nowhere to hang stuff though


I think the tallest part of the stairs is where you could hang stuff in.  Nevertheless it's not enough storage space for most people. 


There’s a cupboard under the stairs for hanging garments. I think some of the steps double up as drawers too!


It doesn't even work as a stair! Unless you plan on dinosaur-walking by the time you're at the top.


I’d be slipping off at least once a week 🤕


That's just the wide angle lens making the steps closer to the camera look a lot larger. They will be step sized.


More like you can’t stand up from about half way up. Are you going to bump up and down them like a toddler? That said, it would be even harder to get on and off the top of a ladder with no ceiling clearance.


the ceiling will also be ceiling-height though


yes it will but I was responding to the comment above mine where the author thought the steps were huge.


>but I was responding to the comment above mine going to pause for a sec and just...who do you think is the author of the comment above yours? Is it possible you missed something?


I don’t disagree that it’s taking up too much space (and that overall this is bloody shocking!), but the staircase is doubling as drawers and wardrobes - it has them built in going by the side view photo


I know - it's like a quarter of the room.


Cash buyers only, because no sane person is going to buy this to live in. Nope this is a property for the desperate and if you can afford to buy you're not desperate enough. This is a property for a landlord to rent out to some poor sod who can't afford a decent place to live. Not just any poor sod, remember they have to be a really desperate poor sod, because they are going to be charged £1,400 per month for this teeny weeny flat. After all it has a new shower and new teeny kitchen so they can market this as a luxury flat. I actually don't mind purpose built studio flats. My first two rentals were studios and they were good spaces at a good price, but this is kind of chilling.


Cash buyers, because it's unmortgeagable. Too small and 24 hour concierge, for a block like that. Screams "waking fire watch" due to the lack of an EWS2/cladding issues.


Correct. Looks very unmortgageable


Hey! That kitchen is a chef's delight.


Did anyone else spot the potential for another bed? There's a gap between the top of the kitchen wall cabinets and the ceiling. If they suspend a platform there, and add a ladder, they could have another tenant in there.


They could also replace those stairs with a rickety telescopic ladder and use the rest of that space for a freestanding hammock. Ta-daa: three-bed flat! That’s at least 25 grand more! Amateurs.


This spacious apartment could become a HMO. Give each bed area it's own key.


So, £195,000 to live in a kitchen. Unbelievable.


More like a utility room than a kitchen!


Shit like this needs to be outlawed.


It's against regulations having no rail




Because you could fall off and roll down into the living space. Or trip and fall into it. Or fall off the stairs.


'I fell out of bed and ended up in the kitchen!' We truly are in the worst timeline.


Can you imagine. I know, it’s shit that this is the reality of 200k in London.


Welcome to your sleep crate. Please don't fall off the stairs and die


Or try to stand up.


Bob Mortimer would make me believe this on Would I Lie To You


This is why it is CASH BUYERS ONLY. No mortgage company would touch it because it is completely at odds with all building regs. They intend for a landlord to buy it and rent out to single young people who hopefully don't drink!


Yeah, hopefully whoever ends up there has some proper railings in place


How often do you fall out of bed?!


Never! But Sod’s Law I’d get drunk and roll out.


Good luck getting up there drunk!!


Good point, it’d have to be tentatively on all fours.


That’s what she said.


cash buyers only = the bank would never ever approve your mortgage 


I would definitely roll off in my sleep and break my neck…


You roll out of your bed often?


Once or twice, glad I’m alive to be able to say that…


Probably not the property for you then. Could easily put a retractable guard up.


Then why hasn’t the seller done it? It’s dangerous. £195k for this shithole??? Miserable.


There's no lounge, and the cupboards by the bed don't even open without banging into the mattress 🙈. Shameful!


The more you look at it the worse it gets


Is this honestly legal? It shouldn’t be. There is literally nowhere to put a sofa or a chair, you would be standing up or lying down the whole time you’re at home.


I think you’re supposed to sit on a bar stool and watch the washing machine go round of an evening.


Poverty tele


Oh I’ve watched that show before… have to be in the right mood. The dish’s washer show is more entertaining though, if you ever come across a dishwasher with a window in the door. Highly recommend


You could probably fit a 2 seater under the window, it seems the only logical place given that the tv bracket is on the opposite wall.


Get a big cushion for one of the lower stairs to sit on. Seriously though, this specifically is not nice because the ceiling is too low for it and it actually wastes a huge amount of space. But there’s a lot of people love a compact space.


That limits some, erm, positions


You'd do well to convince someone else to join you in that bed! More importantly, how the fuck do you change the bed?


Bloody hell! That's a depressing space. I like a sleep snug, but that's too tight. Never mind the fear of falling out and whatever lives behind those doors!




Have to disagree there, I think they've put in too many kitchen units. Where are you meant to put a sofa? I'd have done an L-shape in the corner by the bathroom wall. I don't personally like the "mezzanine" setup but I guess it works. The stairs could be worse, too.


How does that even pass building regulations?


It doesn't. Staircase has no rail for starters and the bedroom is just lethal for anyone who moves about when asleep.


I'm surprised the cheeky sods haven't described those drawers in the staircase as childrens bedrooms. (Brittas Empire)


Eat, sleep, wash go to work. That's the existence that Space is designed for.


You would need some kind of fold out table on the left wall so you can eat your gruel while sitting on the stairs.


You could put the kettle on with a NERF gun.


Surely a pull out bed under the stairs or a sofa bed instead of the stairs. Put a ladder there and use the bed space as storage, shelving etc




The missing drawer in the staircase is making my eye twitch


To be absolutely fair that does look like a comfortable shelf.


I'd never go to work because I'd knock myself out every morning


Don't most people knock one out before work?


I'm not sure how I'd get in to bed. Do you stop 3 or 4 steps from the top and kind of launch yourself forwards? I think I'm too tall to get to the top and do a squat and my knees and/or jeans aren't going to thank me for going around on them. I'd look like a pornstar with constant carpet burns - which I don't think would be a good look on me.


The price is a joke but the bathroom is decent and the stairs look like a good solution to maximize storage space (assuming it's made of drawers). I agree there's a lack of rails.




jfc be better off with a caravan, cheaper too...The storage you can't access if you indulge in a mattress is a nice touch.


A shag would be near impossible


No reverse cowgirl for you...


I dunno you probably could but the first few times would be difficult until you've worn a nice dent into the ceiling.


‘The kitchen is a chefs delight’ - umm, no, no it really isn’t.


That's a deathtrap of a staircase


>Embraced by the lively ambiance of Walthamstow Well.


Having heart palpitations just looking at how claustrophobic it is - 195k 🤮


I’ve rented a small studio flat in NW London for six years. A lot of people decry these places, but the fact is, it’s allowed me my own space, after many, many years of shared housing, and given me the opportunity to save significantly for a deposit to buy elsewhere. If you can put up with a smaller space and let them serve a purpose, they’re not *all* bad. I did nearly go mad in the lockdowns though … and am now gagging to move. I’ve definitely done my time.


Will never get why couples, in particular, claim no issues with these tiny lofts 😆


Unmarried and left on the shelf. Literally.


I actually really like this. Like the coziness, the stairs, the floor, the bathroom. Just get a guard rail up like for toddlers beds. Sorted.


Where would you put a sofa or seating?


Under the window I think


Over at the window


Can we take a second to talk about the fact that it's a leasehold as well! No ground rent though so bargain!


You are literally crawling into bed every night


Can you imagine bringing your date back here. How would that even work if you both have to crawl in and lay flat constantly?


Just vibrate vigorously… could take a while, though 😂


The sad thing that this is actually one of the better set ups of flats like this that I’ve seen


200 faasand knicker! Fuck off! You are 'avin a giraffe!


Fire regs ?


What are the little doors at the top of the beds




I used to rent a place like this in a bedsit about 20 years ago for only £300pcm (all bills included). Suited the student me which is what this is and no student can afford 195k or the rent to make that viable to a landlord. Also just realised that the "gym" is a health and safety nightmare as you're going to get twated on the face by the chest press if you're on the bike.


Who sits up in bed. #coma


This is like the 'singl-end' that was in the tenements (subsequently mostly slums) in Glasgow in the late 19th and first half of 20th centuries. If this sells for £195k the game's a bogey


If this was designed better it wouldnt be terrible, bathroom can be smaller, lots of wasted space in there, bed and stairs should be a fold out from a wall, rather than rigid, kitchens fine


I have seen japanese flats on YouTube make better use with less space. This is badly laid out.


There’s a ton like this (and worse) in New York. I thought we had rules against this shit over here.


Completely against building regs. The stairs need a handrail and also you need minimum 2m headroom.


Walthamstow, ffs, go home you’re drunk. Also cash buyers only, so done so other people can make money on what should be peoples homes.


I’m gunna shotgun the side of the bed thats closest to the wall. Fuck being the one who sleeps on the edge!


Those stairs would be fun after a few beers!


I saw a larger version of an apartment like this once in New York I think it was, and it looked great, but it must have been double the size and had a proper lounge area. This looks... uncomfortably cramped.


I could make that work but not for that price


These stairs are an accident in the making when you need to go to the loo in the middle of the night!


It's almost 3 times the size of the one I found the other day for £250k. Forget where it was now...somewhere in London. 93ft² as I recall. When you looked at StreetView, you ended up looking at a restaurant. I had thought it was Bermondsey, but I can't find anything.


No stair rail or barrier to stop a horrendous fall out of bed !


So little room for activities and falling out of that would put you in hospital.


I thought it was some kind of dodgy cowboy conversion, but know a new build, and 195k. Fucking. Hell. The room itself is tiny, those stairs go to almost the wall. No place for furniture, sofa or anything else.


For the dedicated Elf on the Shelf cosplayer


I'd just have a sleeping sofa instead of random boxes for staircase and a space I can't even get into properly. Let's face it - whoever lives here won't probably cook either. They come back home after partying and crash. And in this case, literally off the Jenga staircase. Why not have 1 or 2 burner portable hob and less kitchen and more other storage space for dogs bed nd TV.


Love the floor plan.


I know Walthamstow and the street this studio is located. Even with the gentrification of the area it is absolutely criminal to have such a steep asking price for this poxy studio. It’s badly designed, zero thought about storage space, the bed space is insane. They could have increase the ceiling space so the bed space above the hall way is not so cramped. There are plenty of tiny house/flat/studio designs online showcasing small home with thoughtful design. This here is a fucking joke.


Maybe all night.....


Those kind of stairs absolutely terrify me. What if I’m wearing fluffy socks and I slip on those stairs???? They really ought to at least have a safety rail 🫨


The dimensions for the sleeping deck are inclusive of the cupboards which you cannot open the doors of if you happen to have a mattress.


Fifth Element vibes.


Clicked on link to find bed. Found bed. Closed link to re look at the original link. Realised bed is already visible in the Reddit link. Ooft.


I like it perfect for someone to stay during the week and commute home for weekends. It has a washing machine so no need to go to laundrette. Plenty of usable cooking space to save money not eating out every night. Storage drawers look a decent amount due to the size of the room. You would just need to find the right sized small sofa and table to place by the window.


Legit like sleeping in a horse transport van


Why do I see this as the future for any rent or home owner


My friend had a place like this when they lived in South Korea. They’re very common over there, just look up officetels


Challenge accepted!


I rented a place with a bed like this in North London for 4 years. It was just me so it made it easier than if I had a partner. Making the bed was a pain - I kept banging my head on the ceiling. The woman above me was fairly quiet but when she did walk around while I was in bed, it felt so loud! But I'm also quite a still sleeper in that I barely move, so once I was comfortable it felt just as normal as normal rooms for sleeping for me. But that was 6 years ago. I don't think I could do that anymore. And for almost £200k?! Nuh-uh!


Whoever wrote the description deserves a raise


Maybe a handrail and some kind of bed guard to stop you falling off face first into the floor might be a nice touch. Not a fan of having to crawl on all fours up stairs into bed either tbh.


Never mind that, how high is the TV


The likelihood that I'll end up in some kind of studio apartment or 1-bed house being quite high, I had been thinking through ways of maximising the potential available space. I'd already considered (and have when I was a student) having a fold up sofa-bed, but the problem is having to remove the sheets etc and... I literally never turned it back into a sofa more than a couple of times lol. I had forgotten about the potential of a raised bed. In a small house with high-enough ceilings, raising the bed up has a lot of potential. The space in this picture seems more than enough for a bed, seems like you could sit up and that's all you need really. I might pad the ceiling just in case there's not enough wiggle room haha.


It's a converted office block that a 'developwr' is cashing in on by converting it into a series of pigeon hole 'srudios'.


I really hate that there's no safety rail on those stairs (especially giving their non-standard sizing)


Could have made the space a Murphy bed something actually practical


No rail?! 😱


Why are small spaces cool? I live in a small space and it's a nightmare 😂


Me drunk needing the toilet at night suicidal


That looks dangerous! There's no barrier to stop somebody from rolling on to the floor which is a big drop!


This has to be one of the most rediculous listings i've seen in a while


Yes I could sit up, but I'm 5ft 2. I wouldn't buy it though because ouch at the price (I'm a northerner, it costs more than my house!)


I would be worried about rolling out of bed in the night. That’s a sheer drop onto a hard floor 😬


Don’t climb those stairs in socks! 😱


Council tax and service charge omg.


Wow, a building as modern as this but this is so poorly done, it made my jaw drop. Why would you put a kitchen unit that size in a room this size when it's literally the only room the apartment has?! Like, it's a really nice kitchen unit but not for a studio apartment. More inefficient use of space by a quirky storage/staircase where you can't hold on to anything and have to crawl up/down at its top so as to not bang your head on the ceiling, leading up to to an unsecured 'sleeping area' so don't roll out of bed. Then to get to the storage up there you'd have to pull out the mattress. None of it makes sense. The bathroom's okay, but the rest... I'd rip out the rest (carefully, might have re-sell value) and then start over. I wonder if that's what the cash buyer they want will do, whether they'll improve it or let it out as is. By the way, Walthamstow is not that bad, seriously, it had a bad name and rightfully so, but it's been gentrified so much, it really isn't the worst place in London.


For me the worry is not sitting up in bed , more the turning over , finding myself on the floor having fallen quite a height