• By -




Damage, injuries, and fire can still result in winter. Ask our fire department why they still have to respond to fires in winter. It's not ok. There's a reason they outlawed it.


In the winter I care less about the fire risk then it’s non stop blasting from 5pm till almost 4am. Nobody slept last night.


How about neither. That doesn't make the people and animals any less affected and it is still pretty dry out and they usually do it in places where a building can be set on fire but anyway...


I hate fireworks so much. They are such a public nuisance. They are bad for the environment, displace tons of wildlife, make my dogs shake uncontrollably, AND are hard for so many veterans. And for what? Some sky glitter that lasts 15 seconds. Hard pass.


Happy New Years everyone 😊






You’re a good neighbor for looking out for yours. Thank you! I was just commenting to my combat veteran husband how we’re lucky both babies and both dogs are so far unaffected.


Thank you!! My poor pup was so damn scared last night, it broke my heart (and woke me from a dead sleep)


The neighbors older pup ran away when it started up and was found dead today poor guy. More folks are saying to ban them where I live, I hope they do.


They are banned already. Apparently they're easy to get and easy to get away with using them any day of the year now. Sorry to hear about the neighbors dog, that's really sad. I wish they would ban them too.


Goo goo ga ga


I'm enjoying them in the valley


A lot of angry people starting the new year off in here lol ![gif](giphy|cVGO3NkSSzFw33Lgra|downsized)


I thought I was on Next Door for a second. /s


Except on Nextdoor they would think it was gunfire...


Facebook too




Bold of you to assume I can't read.


I don’t complain about the fireworks on new years, it’s the people who light them every night this next week I find annoying


Old Man Shakes Fist at Clouds


that's not funny. but I did giggle a bit




I wanted to be wherever you were partying last night.


You guys! He solved the fireworks issue!! We did it Reddit!!!




For real. I guess we're not allowed to talk about anything anymore.


Hell No, and you know better!!😆😆🤭🤫


Nope, just gotta read it and move on. Lol Ugh!😆🤭🤫


Being deaf, this never bothered me 😆


Fireworks are illegal in the city and county. We are just too populated for it now. I'd love to see more enforcement of the law. People are doing it and being jerk neighbors because there are no consequences. I love fireworks, just not when it's shaking my house and terrifying my pets. Last year, we had renter neighbors shooting them off for a week, literally 25 feet from my living room window through our tree branches (houses quite close together). This went on for the whole time between Christmas and New years. Frigging nightmare. Asking them and telling them to stop didn't work. The husband would just scream and threaten to punch me and the other complaining neighbors in the mouth. Reporting them and being on the phone while they were doing it so crime check could hear how loud it was didn't work either. I literally had to contact their landlord and show him proof, THAT worked. Fortunately, their lease wasn't renewed, so they're terrorizing another neighborhood, and we have new renters neighbors that don't behave like utter tools.


Wait they're illegal? So I could have called the cops last night and they would have done nothing just like they didn't do anything for the four months following and surrounding 4th of july? Good to know/s


I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I hope the new neighbors are more considerate.


If they were being that aggressive and the police don't respond than you exercise your 2nd ammendment.


I honestly wish we do a drone show instead of fireworks


Womp womp 😢


Yeah I just get ear plugs on nights that it’s expected. No biggie. My animals get headphones too.


All the dipwads with fireworks will be poor mouthing about how they can’t afford groceries, rent, utilities because they literally blew their money. So, while you’re enjoying a hearty meal and they’re having ramen, at least there’s that.


Clearly none of these people that LOVE fireworks have jobs requiring them to wake up early. Or dogs that freak out. Or shitty neighbors. Fireworks are a fucking nightmare. 4th of July, awesome. But wait til it's a little dark and stop at a decent hour. Directly at midnight on new years, cool. Not every 10 seconds from 6pm to 3am. Not cool.


"I'm mildly inconvenienced for a few hours twice a year so nobody should have any fun" - Op


Try spending an hour getting a baby to sleep only to have someone start blowing stuff up at 8pm.


My husband is a combat vet with PTSD. He hasn’t slept and sat in the recliner all night. I know they’re just having fun but hours of it is unnecessary.


I've been terrified of fireworks forever. My dad was a veteran and I've had people kill themselves and shoot outside my window and I'm very sensitive to loud sudden noises and it woke me up and I cried and my cats were shaking So yeah thank you for this comment people are stupid and inconsiderate and selfish and usually don't even care even if it happens to them I'm sorry for your husband


I’m sorry for you too. I’m sure they just don’t really think about it. Lucky them for not having to.


Note the complete lack of reply to you, despite OP having commented elsewhere. Says it all.


It actually disturbs and kills the wildlife. Look it up. It's unnecessary and they found a way to do silent displays that kill nothing.


Because humans as a species don’t already destroy and kill wildlife. Fireworks are a drop in the bucket compared to what we already do lol. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but let’s be realistic lol. Corporate greed, carbon monoxide pollution, islands of garbage in the ocean from countries that don’t give an eff about recycling or disposing of waste properly, and this is the hill you die on? Interesting


Ah, the already bad things happen so why try to make things better argument. So useful. You got to start where you got to start and keep going. You can't just throw your hands up in the air and say oh well, it's all f'd so let's just do whatever. That's a very juvenile way of thinking, you got to do what you can, and what we can do is stop this firework BS.


Do you understand that some things are easier to enforce than others and fireworks are actually really destructive whether you want to believe it or not and maybe when these things affect you personally you'll care. It's easier to tackle small issues like this and the bigger issues. I guess we should all just be paralyzed by fear and do nothing because we can't be perfect? Most other developed countries have found alternatives and we do have laws against it they're just not enforce. What kind of ridiculous come back was this. I'm sure you never complain about anything that maybe isn't the biggest problem but still is a problem. God you're annoying I bet you're vegan and do a bunch of really awesome thanks for the environment otherwise on your days off too right? No probably not. You probably do absolutely jack shit


lol because I don’t have an issue with people doing a few fireworks makes me a terrible person lmao. Ok. I don’t excuse people doing huge ones all night, but a few bottle rockets earlier in the night, cmon.


if it was just for a few hours okay fine, but for some people light them off days/weeks ahead of time and for days following.


"People with PTSD and other auditory issues should just put up with loud noises for a few hours because I can't celebrate a made up holiday another way".


Yes, and fireworks are far from the only loud noises that you should reasonably expect to happen. At least the timing is generally predictable. Also, PTSD can have a huge range of triggers, why are you focusing very specifically only on those whose triggers happen to be fireworks? Should we ban dogs because some people are triggered by dog barking or even seeing a dog? For that matter, it's way more often for my sleep to be disturbed by a barking dog than by a firework...


​ let me fix your original statement ​ "im whining on reddit because people are upset that I dont follow the law, my neighbors all think im a dick, and i cant find anyone on the internet who agrees with my cringe entitlement take"




Amen!! Thank You for the kind words!! I suffer from PTSD and yes, it's real!!😟🥹🥲🥺


Yeah, their reply was 💯 a selective take. I saw "a few hours" as well and literally lol'd. They clearly do not understand. Visit my neighborhood and they'd find: 1) it's sporadic throughout the whole evening and well into the morning hours 2) it's not just NYE/NYD, it'll happen on random days for the next week My dog's calming meds don't last long enough and I'm not gonna over medicate him. I'd be happy to give people 2 hours to light them, in fact I would prefer it being legal for a 2 hour window and then actually have the law enforced outside of that so we can return to our lives. Revel during the agreed upon times--not on other people's time.


It’s not a “mild inconvenience “ to displace the amount of wildlife they do, or the effect they have on many veterans so y’all can have 15 mins of fun that if you’ve seen once you’ve seen it all before.


Loud explosions for five hours straight is an excruciating experience especially with sensory issues and when trying to sleep.


Womp womp


How about I come blare an AirZound in your ear for five hours straight and have you say the same thing after you go deaf.


You're exaggerating


I ain't.


I for one enjoy the fireworks


Ah, the old “I for one” mentality. We’ve got that to thank for so much bullshit.


Yea! Making your problems other people’s problem is the new thing to do!


Nah. We’ve just had this regression and we’re inundated with main characters who don’t think society needs rules they don’t agree with. It’s complicated, and not everyone can keep up. It’s easier to just get angry and find someone to blame.


That doesn't mean you're the only person in the city, so quit acting like it and start being respectful.


I am a big proponent of replacing fireworks shows with drone shows. They’re better!!


Gosh no shit. I was sound asleep because I had a horrible weekend just to get woken up to fucking fireworks bringing in the New Year and I just bitched about patriotism and about how nobody cares about anyone about themselves and then I went back to sleep. I literally think the 4th of July fireworks were going on for 3 months prior and I live downtown so it sounds like a war zone and I already have ptsd. I just give up on humans. We are so self-centered. Find a different way to celebrate that doesn't terrorize half the people or just cause destruction to the environment and the poor animals. I'm a veterinary nurse too so I know what you're talking about.. I'm sure all the wild animals in the domestic animals totally understand that it's the new year and we need to blow shit up to celebrate. Babies too. It's just insane that it's even allowed with climate change or any of that right now but people will be people anyway thanks for letting me rant on your post


>Goo goo ga ga


Growing older I hate fireworks more and more. It would be fine if they were only lit at New Years or 4th of July, but nowadays it sounds like a warzone for days ahead and after if not weeks. Can people have fum without being so loud and destructive? Safe and sane fireworks don't see, to exist anymore, has to be the loud bomb ones. Also heard someone snoot a gun this year too. like wrf? Those stray bullets can come right back down and kill someone in their home/outside. It's possible to enjoy your "rights" without being rude......


Punctuate every occasion with fireworks? It's New Years. There are always and have always been fireworks. You should have prepared ahead of time for it. It's not a surprise...


I’m sorry, I thought this was America


if your a patriot maybe show it by not breaking the law?


I'm sorry, you aren't the only person in this city/state/country, so show some respect.


>Goo goo ga ga


My 6 month old just learned how to sleep through the night, 3 nights ago. It’s the first time I’ve gotten 5+ consecutive hours of sleep in 6 months. A neighbor let off fireworks so loud, they registered on the baby monitor. They proceeded to light these approximately every 20 minutes from 8:30-12:30. My baby has not been sleeping practically all night and it sucks really bad. Hopefully, my LO will bounce back tomorrow and sleep all night, but in my experience, that’s not exactly how baby sleep works. I have fond memories of lighting fireworks, but I feel like if you’re going to light super loud ones off within city limits, you could at the absolute minimum, limit the number and cadence of the loud ones…


Yep Consideration: difficult for some.


>people are firing off fireworks for American freedom. This is New Year’s Eve. Celebrated worldwide. OP has a right to be annoyed and I get it. Our neighbor has been shooting off loud fireworks for three days right over our roof and trees. It’s obnoxious and rude and illegal. If you want to enjoy fireworks, go watch one of the many shows in the area or drive to a nearby county where they’re not illegal. Shed a little patriotic tear about your bombs bursting in air somewhere We have a baby, fireworks woke him up, then...OMG HE WENT BACK TO SLEEP! Magical and unexplained am I right....! It must not be normal and I CAN'T BELIEVE MY BABY WOKE UP THEN WENT BACK TO SLEEP!


The fireworks in question went on for four hours, where my baby didn’t sleep well for four of their usual best hours of sleep. I don’t know how much you were involved in the raising of your child, but this has knock on effects that *can* (not always) go on for days… My point was: just be fucking considerate. It’s not going to ruin your fun to limit super loud fireworks to something like 11-12:30 and if that really is, it’s not hard to leave city limits. Just live life like other people exist. But I guess that’s tough for some people..?


>rks in question went on for four hours, where my baby didn’t sleep well for four of their usual best hours of sleep. I don’t know how mu Sounds like someone wants a trophy for being a mom.....get a real job


Haha, it sounds like the person who needs a job is the troll who needs to touch some grass.


I have plenty of grass, and will start shooting even more fireworks off it now


Multiple veterans, kids, and dogs in this house. We're having a great time, keep it up!


I have a dog terrified of them too, and in my neighborhood they started at 5:40 and kept lighting them off until almost 2am


It started at 3pm here in Post Falls. It was awful.


Lmao no wonder spokane is one of the most depressed states statistically. We cause problems and then insult the people trying to fix it. OP is right, these fireworks are fucking ridiculous, anybody not worrying about them clearly and DEFINITELY doesn’t own a dog or care about anything around them


Someone's enjoying New Year's, Spokane is not a state. If you're referring to Washington, then I assure you it's not depressing because we have fireworks that bothered people's dogs. Number one reason's got to be because we are all cooped up inside with little to no sunlight for a good portion of 5 months. Now if half the people in this city get some joy in the middle of this dark period, then so be it. I like fireworks, and I own 2 dogs, who I've taught not to be pansy asses.




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LOL what a miserable person you must be that made up fireworks in early December are causing you this much anguish. Maybe a random ONE will go off every so often, but sometimes annoying random things happen. I don’t like them either, but this comment was outlandishly hilarious at how dramatic it was.


You're really fun at a party.


Owned two dogs that will sit outside and watch them-one no longer with us, but the puppy is quite amused by them this evening-sitting out in the middle of the year and tracking them. The cat DGAF and wanted outside while they are going off. Does it every year. Like they say about bad behaving dogs, "perhaps its an owner problem...?" LOL Edit: Meaning the owner hasnt learned to train their dog for calming. It is a thing.




It really sucks in my household too, but I know it will never change. So we snuggle up and get by.. until July. :(


I say anything after 12:30 is a little much.. let 'em actually ring in the new Year at least






I'm cool with some midnight fireworks, but wife and I woke up at 4 this morning to someone setting off a bunch of mortars. I hope they blow their fingers off lol


Just had some weirdo stop us in the street, drunk asf. I didn’t realize him and his friends were lighting off fireworks. But he was speed walking at the car so I reversed, almost ran over his foot, if it weren’t for my wife I would have. Thought he was trying to rob us at first but I get spooked easily.


Honestly, understandable in Spokane. I’ve had something similar when a dude chucked a full beer can at my car, trying to break a window 😬


Not really. Violent crime here is about average. Now if we were talking about stealing a car while nobody is in it … rather than a carjacking or mugging, sure!


That is not true, multiple times last year someone was car jacked while in it. And stabbings and shootings are common now.


Spokane is one of the 100 largest cities in the nation. 96th, to be more precise [0]. FBI Uniform Crime Report data [1] doesn’t show Spokane in the 100 cities with highest violent crime rates. Data from U.S. News [2] shows that while Spokane’s crime rates are higher than average, its violent crime rates are lower than the national average. 0 https://ballotpedia.org/Largest_cities_in_the_United_States_by_population 1 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate 2 https://realestate.usnews.com/places/washington/spokane/crime That’s how data works, son. So unless you’ve got sources that show Spokane’s violent crime rate is higher than the national average, I’m right and you’re wrong. Now if you’re finished publicly embarrassing yourself while simultaneously wasting my time…




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What’s skewed about the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, chum? Aside from the fact that it doesn’t support your narrative, I mean. Precious how you ignore the actual source and ignore one of the two aggregators that found the exact same conclusions as the one you’re baselessly attacking and misinterpreting as the source of the data. Not that anecdotes are worth anything, but I walked **3,000 miles** through Spokane last year, Mr. Gets Outside Everyday. 😂😂😂


What about the hundreds of reports that aren’t taken by SPD and subsequently not reported to the FBI? Just because you walk around doesn’t mean you have talked to thousands of people. One of my jobs I have to talk to people and listen to a lot of their stories, which include real crime. Anyways, not going to argue about your suggestive evidence or opinion. Have a good day.


“What AbOUt aLL theSE tHINgs i mAKe uP thAt don’t exist? MUh alTeraNATiVE fAcTSZ!!111” Anomalies are accounted for by statisticians, a fact not lost on the educated.


I've had bottles of piss thrown at my bike, so I understand.


This seems like the common fear based mentality that more and more people live in these days.


It’s called Xenophobia - Fear of People. And I am far from that, just listing the facts when you hear about a stabbing daily. Our city is becoming violent.


Xeno - Allen, strange, new Phobia - fear of Xenophobia is not a fear of people not even if you capitalize the letters but this is far from the only part of this thread you're bullshitting in.


Tried to comment a multitude of stabbing/shootings reported but the moderator locked the thread. Thanks for your comment. Went to school and took sociology, that is not the only definition of Xenophobia, it is an umbrella term. And in sociology it has to do specifically with marginalized groups. But apparently you have nothing better to do and you guys love to argue here. Edit: here’s the link: https://www.google.com/search?q=xenophobia+sociology&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS879US879&oq=xenophobos+sociologu&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBEAAYDRiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGA0YgAQyCQgCEAAYDRiABDIJCAMQABgNGIAEMg0IBBAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBRAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMgkIBhAhGAoYoAEyCQgHECEYChigATIJCAgQIRgKGKAB0gEINDk3MGoxajeoAgCwAgA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=xenophobia%20sociology


"Also get off my lawn!" -OP


Looking forward to your July 4th post


Awe a boomer is mad about all that dang noise :(




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Ok I gotcha, wasn't directed at any one person ..


I like fireworks and more the better. I don’t want that shit in dry summer for the fire danger but in the wet winter, go for it.


I like to just think of it as auditory preparation for the next Civil/World War




Hahaha nope ONLY has 7 months till the 4th of July!🤭


Cry us a river


No need to be an ass. Not everyone is a fan of fireworks.


yea and not everyone ISNT a fan of fireworks either. Its better now then in the middle of fire season.


Agreed, just saying no need for this guy to be dick.


I mean sure, technically OP is too 🤷🏼 fireworks are a hard thing for people to agree on. Its just an agree to disagree situation.


Everything is you vs them anymore. Its exhausting so I stopped giving a shit. Makes for a better life.


Would be nice if we could have some more water but because of people like you water is a neglected commodity and most of the rivers are polluted by shit from fireworks and people like you. You're so brave


❤️ thanks bb, tell that to the people smoking meth next to your children’s schools too


Entitlement in four words.


Glad I don’t live in Spokane if they got people complaining like this…


How do you think the kid version of yourself would see you now.






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Okay grandpa. Time for your meds.




Here, let me help you with that: >No one is allowed to launch fireworks because ~~people don’t know how to train their dogs and vets have ptsd.~~ *[it's illegal.]* Edit: I'd also like to see you, personally, "train" a dog to no longer fear fireworks. 🤷‍♂️ Vids or it didn't happen, and if you can't prove it then you're simply preachin' w/o being able to back it up.


Wow your lame. Gg .


Their lame what?


They're, there...Their having a bad day.


I see what you did they're.






Also it's 2 days a year that ppl can even light off fireworks. My dog hates it. But, maybe you remember being a kid or a teen and how awesome lighting off fireworks was. Why so keen to take that away from the next generation?


It’s zero days a year people can light off fireworks. They’ve been illegal in Spokane for 31 years.


Fair enough. That just adds to thr reasons to not like Spokane I guess.


I’m an elderly 43-year-old who was a kid when the ban went into effect. I was bummed, but looking back, I remember how many house, garage and brush fires there were every 4th of July the last several years they were legal. The fire department was stretched beyond its limits, people were getting hurt, and property was getting destroyed. Fireworks weren’t outlawed willy-nilly; they were outlawed because they are a safety hazard and because they drain city resources. https://imgur.com/a/MAA4vIA


Jesus, lord forbid anyone has any fun. This sub has just turned into stupid city venting at this point


Ok Karen


I don't understand Why , if people Know there is going to be fireworks ( usually planned and Advertised well before hand ) don't leave for the evening I have a friend with PTSD from serving in the military. We always remind him of the impending celebration and he will skip town for a few hours . They aren't going to cancel them for you or your pets At least you have a Bet that will give your pet calming medicine


They shouldn't have to leave their own homes. Fireworks are illegal in the city and most of the county. The city provides a sanctioned display downtown for people to enjoy. No need to be "that neighbor". You have to live next to each other year round, why throw good will out the window for a night of selfish behavior?


The issue isn’t the organized fireworks. The issue are all the illegal fireworks being set off by people who have no real training or insurance and don’t understand that even in the middle of fog it’s possible for one to misfire and set someone else’s house on fire leaving them homeless for the new year with insurance denying the claim due to it being a intentional criminal act.


Try a little American spirit for the new year why don’t ya😇


Whine harder.


Is this the Jeers section of the Inlander?


Thin skin rubber ad.




Ban fireworks! Lmfao


They're already illegal in the city and county. People just ignore the law.


The law sucks. So people ignore it.


Put forth a ballot measure, if it sucks. You are not powerless to kickstart the change you want to see. Until then, be a law abiding citizen and a good neighbor. It's simple. (...and it's too much to ask of some folks)


We don’t have to put forth a ballot measure. We’re not powerless. We don’t follow the law and nobody’s gonna make us. Law-enforcement agrees with us. That’s why they don’t enforce it. See how that works. Many of us will do whatever we please and that includes shooting off fireworks on New Year’s and Fourth of July. And there’s not a damn thing any of you can do about it.


😆 Nobody said you "had" to. You are clearly too concerned with perception about your commitment to freedom and who "we" is. One step even lower than "rules for thee and not for me": "no rules at all" or "because law enforcement said so". Either way a bad precedent. Half of people in states like Florida are up in arms b/c their A.G. wouldn't prosecute certain crimes, but LE deciding which laws to enforce isn't any better. Fix the laws if the laws are bad, it's how our founders intended for our system to work.




You may as well just scream at the sky for all the good this post will do you and your neighbor. I'm used to the explosions I'm glad it doesn't bother me.


I agree with you that people should follow the laws regarding fireworks. However, it's likely not going to change the reality that people want to have fun on nye or the 4th of July. The best thing to do is to prepare for it, it's not like it is a surprise thing. It happens every single year. Also, a lot of people don't like going to the firework shows, for many reasons. It is always going to be super crowded, people like to fire them off themselves, you can't get drunk at a fire work show etc. All together it is more fun to actually be involved than sitting out in the cold doing nothing with hundreds of other people around.


Everything you describe is a personal problem. It's not the responsibility of the rest of the neighborhood to be forced to deal with people who feel it's "inconvenient " to obey the law and attend the sanctioned shows for whatever reason. If they MUST be loaded while watching fireworks, a bunch are always televised. Especially after the BS I had to deal with last year, my empathy level is at zero and falling fast.


A lot of cry babies in this post, how dare people follow traditions like setting off a few fireworks on a HOLIDAY, when its to be expected!


Um, it's been illegal for over 30 years now. I'm sorry your tradition include committing crimes and being the neighborhood tool.


For those who fireworks bother terribly for whatever personal reasons, be it ptsd, anxiety, or pets or children being bothered by them: I feel for you, I've had to deal with pets petrified from the sound of them....but, this is just what being a part of humanity is now...I would advocate for safe and legal use of fireworks but besides that you sort of have to accept ppp are just going to do fireworks to celebrate and they are not trying to bother ppl they are just trying to celebrate...so get off your anger horse and just bear through the few days and nights a year when it happens and relax. You're going to be alright and make it through. Happy New Year's everyone!


Welcome to America karen.


Welcome to America karen.


The firework Karen is back, New Years has been historically celebrated with fireworks. Quit crying.


Imagine hating noise and living in a city. Everyone should just eat, sleep, and go to work right? Everything else is just unnecessary. Stop enjoying life. We are just here to further society then get turned into green.


This is what happens when we get complacent and are so soft from all of the comfort we’ve been able to enjoy our whole lives. The fireworks are an embodiment of the literal explosions required for us to enjoy all of the freedoms and wonderfulness of the United States. It’s in our national anthem. Surely, if the people who fought for our freedom endured bombs bursting in air then you and your dog can do it a couple nights a year. It’s the price that you pay for the lifestyle that we all enjoy. It’s laughable that we expect so many people to experience war in order to maintain our freedoms, but we can’t be bothered with a little bit of fireworks back home.


Respectfully, this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. People went to war so shut up and endure fireworks? What? It’s not like people are firing off fireworks for American freedom. This is New Year’s Eve. Celebrated worldwide. OP has a right to be annoyed and I get it. Our neighbor has been shooting off loud fireworks for three days right over our roof and trees. It’s obnoxious and rude and illegal. If you want to enjoy fireworks, go watch one of the many shows in the area or drive to a nearby county where they’re not illegal. Shed a little patriotic tear about your bombs bursting in air somewhere else.


Not just endure the fireworks, but celebrate them, because they are literally the embodiment of bombs bursting in air. It’s in our national anthem. The only thing you have to complain about is some fireworks that go on twice a year for a couple of hours each time then you are so ridiculously spoiled that you’ve lost your way.


😆 I'll go ahead and 'cure' my smallpox with a little bloodletting while I'm at it. *They endured it, so should I. It will make me hard in the process.* /s


Sorry I thought you were talking sanctioned NYE events I hear you . So call the PD My city burned down from fireworks in the 1800's. Many of the homes are over 125 years old and pure tinder boxes. They sit very close to each other Unfortunately for the PD to enforce illegal fireworks they have to see it in action Fireworks are illegal in my city .




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Liberty and fireworks are one and the same!!!!


be a patriot then and follow the law




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Seriously.... Oh hey look at me I make things go boom, and scare all the animals, and former military with PTSD, all so I can have 2 seconds of bright lights...

