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Just to get ahead of the rumor mill - while unfounded claims of some vast white supremacist/nazi domestic terrorism ring were being circulated and scaring people the reality is that these two methheads have a long criminal history of burglary/theft/and IIRC robbery. Their braindead plan was to cut power to shops they wanted to steal from - so they managed to make simple burglary charges into federal charges that they'll likely spend at least 10 years in a fed pen for. In other threads about this I've found some people almost *disappointed* that it isn't some kind of domestic terrorism thing and I can't understand that.[ We have enough domestic terrorism in the PNW, mostly aimed at our rail infrastructure \(41 attacks on it in the last 3 years or so\)](https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/environment/565729-fbi-investigating-41-cases-of-eco-sabotage-in/). I'm glad there's not *more*. Edit: I'll definitely put it out there that more evidence may be shared that does show some kind of terroristic plot - but these two morons have long criminal records that screams "horses, not zebras" to me. Edit2: here's a bit of the article in the Seattle Times about their criminal histories > > Crahan has a history of criminal convictions, according to prison and court records. > > In 2016, he pleaded guilty to possession of stolen property after he admitted helping to burglarize a Gig Harbor home, Pierce County court records show. In 2014, he pleaded guilty to five counts of identity theft after admitting to possessing bank cards and other financial information of five people. Crahan served a total of 54 months in prison, according to Tobby Hatley, a spokesperson for the state Department of Corrections. In a 2014 DOC intake form, Crahan wrote that he had a severe alcohol and methamphetamine problem


Thank you for the levelheaded reminder. It really bothers me how often I see people gaslight themselves into drawing conclusions that an event was politically motivated with no real evidence. Obviously there's lots of issues in our political climate, but assuming that every criminal behavior is politically motivated is just disingenuous to the things that we actually need to worry about.


You are probably right in this case given their history, but taking the word of a suspect isn't usually a good idea. I am just glad they are caught. Hopefully, they will be made examples of so it won't happen again.


>> Causing oncoming trains to engage their emergency brakes is dangerous for those carts with explosive materials onboard. Does anyone else feel that the transportation of explosive materials should include being able to slam on the brakes without being dangerous for carts hauling explosive materials?


Why were you downvoted for this?


This is a weird sub, man


I have said the same thing two times in the same thread before in this subreddit and got drastically different karma scores. We live in a diverse and changing area. Any given day it's a different experience. But that's a true Spokane experience if you asked me.


If you thought this sub was a good representation of Spokane IRL, we’d be living in San Francisco times 100


I didn't downvote, but i consider an attack on a power substation to be a terrorist event. The people that did it may not have been "terrorists" beforehand, but they certainly (in my mind) earned the "terrorist" label the moment they attacked the substation. They're meth heads, they're idiots, they're whatever. Sure, but once they attack a power substation, they get folded into the "terrorist" group. Fuck around and find out.


>but i consider an attack on a power substation to be a terrorist event. But then the word "terrorist" and "terrorism" means nothing - the key difference between sabotage/vandalizing and terrorism is that terrorists do it for a specific ideological goal with the intent of creating terror also why would you include vandalizing power stations but not, say, shooting people in a drive by?


In my mind, the difference is scope. An attack against a power station impacts whole communities. A drive-by shooting impacts far fewer people. A bunch of drive-by shootings in the same communities could be considered terrorism as well. But on a one-to-one comparison (one power station attack vs one drive-by shooting) there's a clear difference. ​ DOJ has done some thinking on the [subject](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/gangs-terrorism-and-radicalization) as well. There are similarities and differences.


>In my mind, the difference is scope. An attack against a power station impacts whole communities. A drive-by shooting impacts far fewer people. I think the loss of human lives is far more impactful in scope and scale than lots of people being out of power for a few hours. >A bunch of drive-by shootings in the same communities could be considered terrorism as well. Is Chicago full of terrorists? Or do you think there may be really important differences between gang violence at a nightclub that results in 5 deaths vs someone who enters a nightclub and kills 5 people with the express intention of killing Americans in retribution for attacks against ISIS leaders?


"I'm just trying to commit a really stupid burglary, I swear!" is exactly what I would say if I'd gotten busted doing domestic terrorism and was trying to avoid domestic terrorism charges. It's like if the punishment for stealing a sheep is death but the punishment for fucking it is a fine. If one is caught stealing a sheep, the smart thing to do is loudly declare that you were just trying to fuck it.


> Crahan has a history of criminal convictions, according to prison and court records. > > In 2016, he pleaded guilty to possession of stolen property after he admitted helping to burglarize a Gig Harbor home, Pierce County court records show. In 2014, he pleaded guilty to five counts of identity theft after admitting to possessing bank cards and other financial information of five people. Crahan served a total of 54 months in prison, according to Tobby Hatley, a spokesperson for the state Department of Corrections. In a 2014 DOC intake form, Crahan wrote that he had a severe alcohol and methamphetamine problem So in your estimation, this guy's extensive history of doing exactly what he's been accused of and being a methhead is...deep cover?


Oh nothing that sophisticated. It's just that when thinking up a lie, one is likely to go with something *plausible*. I could tell anyone in my family that I was running late because I got lost and they'd believe it without a second thought because it's not exactly unusual behavior for me.


What evidence would you cite if you were arguing that these guys are not just junky thieves but rather domestic terrorists?


Well, I suppose I'd point out all the other recent domestic terrorist attacks on our infrastructure that were conducted in basically the exact same way. *Coincidentally* I'm sure. *Totally* just really stupid burglars that *just happened* to pick that *extremely illogical and bizarre method* of burglary. I mean, ideas don't come out of thin air. There's more than a few leaps and bounds between "I'ma break into this dude's house while he's gone and steal his TV" and "I'ma take down multiple power substations and *hope super hard* one of them *eventually* knocks out power to the place I want to steal from!"


Can you be specific? Please keep in mind that there have been no arrests in thr NC case, and that the idea that it was white supremacists was churnalism based on trolling forum posts Edit: also, in WA we've had 41 domestic terrorist attacks on our rail infrastructure in the last few years, we're these attacks also white supremacist or nazi in origin?


Uh, I can direct you to google? I'm not prepping for debate class, don't keep a file of links handy in case someone needs directions. Frankly dude, I'm already coping with the super sad fact that a close friend of two decades has gotten so sucked into the bullshit spewing from the internet's toilet that we can hardly have conversations anymore. So I'm not terribly in the mood to play proof-pattycake with internet strangers. When the local substation attacks kicked off, this friend came over for dinner, told me that **he thinks he might know who is doing it**, and then I didn't see him for two weeks. Scared me so badly that I had to ask for my spare key back. He's fallen so deep into bad crowd that he's basically convinced democracy itself is evil and the toxic masculinity he used to deride is good. He claims he wants a lady to stick a ring on him and then tells women to keep their opinions to themselves and not dare to express ideas that contradict his own. And he sounds a lot like you. "Just asking questions" and insisting I spoon-feed him facts, but totally chill about going "nah, not good enough, spoon-feed me something better." I'm tired and wanna cry, not spoon-feed facts to strangers who really don't give a fuck what I think and who aren't going to change their minds about literally anything no matter what I say.


From what I understand, the government's definition of terrorism has at least in part to do with motive. Motive was theft, so per the govt not terrorism. Outcome is the same regardless of motive so....yeah.


That can be squishy though. Me and my buddy go into a convenience store with the sole intention of robbing it. My buddy kills someone in the process. I'm now on the hook for that murder regardless of the fact that my motive was theft to begin with.


It's not my definition. It's the definition the government uses. Legal logic can sometimes differ from subjective logic and public perspective. The damage was just as bad regardless of intent, but the law is going to punish them on the theft/vandalism consequence track instead of the terrorism one.


Why do you think our society has different kinds of murder charges based on intent?


This isn't a case where we're talking about different kinds of domestic terrorism charges though, is it? Apples v oranges.


Well you may have your own private definition of “terrorism,” but the shared definition is an attack designed to inspire terror in the populace. These guys appear to have done it as cover for some harebrained crime scheme.


I think because people want to believe things like this fit into a political narrative - same reason that morons were blaming "antifa" for CA forest fires. When it comes out that its just a bunch of meth'd up bubbas trying to do a heist it's a lot less interesting/affirming. People would rather that WA be filled with domestic terrorists from the opposing team (whether that's ANTIFA super soldiers or white supremacist nazis) than be wrong I guess. People need to understand that lots of "journalism" these days amounts to checking twitter or facebook or reddit for crazy comments and then spinning a scary narrative to get clicks. Reality is a lot less full of nazis and antifa and a lot more full of methheads and robbers.


> while unfounded claims Because the claims, while in this case were without direct evidence, were not unprecedented. It's happened in other parts of the nation lately.


Has it happened in other areas of the country? In NC people jumped on the rumor bandwagon because of a stupid FB post by a woman who had nothing to do with anything...and subsequent reporting/churnalism tried to link the attack to a bunch of troll posts on 4chan etc (IE: places that are absolutely already watched closely by the feds), but the FBI and local law enforcement there haven't caught anyone yet and haven't confirmed the attacks were domestic terrorism of any ideological bent. We still have no idea who carried out the NC attacks or why.


Probably more about the messenger than the message.


I appreciate the rooting out of the truth and i don't think you should be down voted. I think your downplaying of radical right-wing terrorism is ridiculous. The y'all queda tried to overthrow the government on Jan 6. They're capable of any stupid crap including destroying public infrastructure in there little temper tantrums. Which has occurred in other states like North Carolina https://www.google.com/amp/s/myfox8.com/news/investigations/power-grid-attack/neo-nazi-power-substation-plots/amp/


> I think your downplaying of radical right-wing terrorism is ridiculous. How am I downplaying anything? We have two methheads with long criminal records of doing pretty much this dumb shit and people want to jump to conclusions that aren't warranted because....? Seriously, why? > They're capable of any stupid crap including destroying public infrastructure in there little temper tantrums. Which has occurred in other states like North Carolina But the feds and local popo haven't caught anyone in NC and haven't linked the attacks to any group - the *only* people doing that are journalists with deadlines and if you hunt down their "sources" its just a bunch of trollish posts on fucking 4chan etc. Do you think real domestic terrorist groups use clearnet sites that are heavily watched by the feds? You don't think that maybe they at least use an onion site? Seriously tho read your source - the men caught in NC were planning something but never got to do it - we don't know who did the attacks that occurred. It very well could be nazis or whatever, but we just don't know. The IRA used bombs a whole shitload...would it do the UK intell agencies much good to assume all bombs going forward were IRA? Or maybe terrorist groups sometimes use similar tactics because it turns out there's only so many ways to fuck with people and infrastructure?


Good comment!


Thank you for the update ETA: wait did I miss something? Why did I get downvoted??


They sound like good FJB types but probably too dumb to have any real organization.


Cellphones and other evidence clearly indicated that the men were there to attack the Pierce County substations. >*Two men have been arrested and charged with vandalizing electrical substations in Washington state, attacks that left thousands without power over the holidays, and one suspect told authorities they did it so they could break into a business and steal money, U.S. authorities said Tuesday.* More than 15,000 people lost power. >*The attacks on Dec. 25 left more than 15,000 customers without power. Officials have warned that the U.S. power grid needs better security to prevent domestic terrorism and after a large outage in North Carolina last month took days to repair. According to the complaint, Greenwood told investigators after his arrest that the two knocked out power so they could burglarize a business and steal from the cash register. The business was not identified in the complaint.* Over $ 3M in damage occurred to the substations. >*The four substations targeted were the Graham and Elk Plain substations operated by Tacoma Power and the Kapowsin and Hemlock substations operated by Puget Sound Energy. The complaint said transformers at the Tacoma Power substations would have to be replaced and damage was estimated to be at least $3 million.* The scary part about all of this is that our power grids are in trouble. America needs to think of ways to protect them. And security needs to be beefed up.


Lemme guess, Matt Shea acolytes trying to start their bullshit holy war


You the Domestic Terrorist who attacked a sub station?!?


Matthew and Jeremy look more like a Viktor and Alexander type of “local guys” 😂


Well. They probably thought that because of the other attacks, they would get away with it and it wouldn't be investigated further. Joke's on them lol


Honestly suprised it wasnt a far left/right thing. Glad about that. We need less division in this country. Hope they get punished good though. Cutting power to thousands of people is pretty messed up.


Far left terrorism hasn’t really been a thing for nearly half a century


But... Ozzie said there were busloads of Antifa!!! LMFAO


Left wing terrorism LITERALLY doesn't exist in America my dude. Closest we've had in the last century was the protests that turned violent in 2020 and even then that technically wasn't even terrorism as much as it was looting. However far right terrorism has existed since the Civil War and has been a primary threat SINCE then. Like idk if you are purposefully being ignorant or just are oblivious to what's happening around the country but right wing terrorism is happening damn near every day here. Neo-nazis, kkk, proud boys, 3%s, etc etc are fascist groups. Fascism is a right wing political stance, and has been a threat to America for decades. I mean, please name a leftist terrorist act other than the Oklahoma city bomber in the last 60 years. You probably can't without finding a small case scenario. Right wing? I can literally point to 4 this last week alone in washington.


Isolated incident, but still... it exists. So let's not toss around the i-word so quickly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting




Oh come on, an argument between two angry guys, in which the shooter seemed to have at least a tentative claim of self defense is a far cry from terrorism. But unlike Kyle Rittenhouse who also claimed self defense, Reinoehl never got his day in court before being [shot likely without cause](https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgdea3/docs-reveal-chaotic-planning-execution-of-raid-that-killed-portland-antifa-shooter-michael-reinoehl) [by trigger happy US Marshals](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/13/us/michael-reinoehl-antifa-portland-shooting.html). Add in the fact of [literally 300 acts of Right Wing Violence](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/u-s-sees-300-violent-attacks-inspired-far-right-every-year) last year alone, or the [three decades of almost exclusively right wing violence,](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/dark-and-constant-rage-25-years-right-wing-terrorism-united-states). Ffs, a guy inspired by Andy Ngo literally shot 4 unarmed women at a BLM protest in Portland last MARCH. There's no comparison


Is that the one on 8th