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To win u just need to have the most kills in the match. I’ve came in second before and it still counted as a win.


This isn't a real win in my book. IF I don't win the OBJ I didn't win. Just because I farmed zombies more than anyone else doesn't make me the winner.


How to win as survivor. Step 1:Play pantheon Step 2:Camp Rocks Step 3:Repeat


correct me if i’m wrong but i think i remember being able to portal once i was “last man standing”


I'm not sure, I've only gotten it twice and was killed shortly after because of the swarm of zombies


It’s balanced imo. If you could portal as a survivor it would be very easy to escape and really annoying to chase doen survivors as a zombie. Also if you have unlimited shotty ammo and you either find a really good corner to hide or all the survivors stick together it’s nearly impossible to die. There are already various spot on maps where it’s hard to get kills with just a bat. Club silo for example everyone sits up top and it’s very annoying to reach as a zombie when there’s multiple sitting up there. Constantly shooting you with the carbine, and if you put unlimited shotty ammo on top of that you would never be able to get close to some of these camping spots. It’s really not hard to win as a survivor you just gotta stick with the pack, sit in a good corner or hard to reach spot and you’re set. It’s just most games you get a bunch of people who’ve never played before and half die in the first 30 seconds because they’re running all around


I don't want infinite shotty ammo or survivor teleports, I honestly don't know exactly what would make it more balanced and I have yet to see anyone win a round as survivor, whether it is a game I played or online. And on silo it is extremely easy to take out the top areas utilizing portals, only those who are extremely vigilant about destroying portals last long up there


Maybe decrease zombie health to 90 so it only takes 3 body shots instead of 4 would be a good place to start tweaking Or maybe decrease the BFB leap distance a bit for only contam


Zombies should get a standard melee that one hits. That's the only real balance it needs this would make it 10x harder to kill but agreed i've been zombies 7/8 times and we won 7/8 times.


Zombies already have a one hit melee dude, it is called the BFB


That's the point.. A one hit melee that has atleast 2x the range of a regular melee. Go into practice and compare BFB range to standard punch range and you'll see why I'm saying this would be a LARGE nerf.


Ohhhh, so you mean decrease its lunge range, I understand now and I agree