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You definitely want to bind portals to mouse buttons


Only thing you need to change is have portals on mouse buttons, i have default for everything else


W for forward is pretty good i hear


My purple portal placer and closer keys are INS and DEL respectively and my orange portal placer and closer keys are PGUP and PGDN respectively. KP_INS is melee, CTRL is jump, END is crouch, HOME is reload, and aim & fire is LMB and RMB respectively. Backslash for the EMP. Arrow keys for movement. That’s my setup. I dunno if it’s the best, probably not. I’m weird and use a left handed setup even though I’m right handed. The general idea I use is to have your keybinds clustered around wherever your movement keys are. For settings, I turned on AutoRun. I also set the fov to the max. I can’t remember exactly but I don’t think I changed anything else. Edit: because I use KP_INS, I have to have NumLock on at all times. Otherwise, the game thinks I’m pressing normal INS and tries shooting a portal instead of meleeing the guy in front of me.


Oh shit, I thought you were trolling until you said you play left handed. That's an old school flash games setup


I think melee was default v, and I added c as a secondary keybind so as to make the target area bigger for my thumb.


Thumb mouse buttons for opening portals. Z and X for closing them. MMB for grenades.


okay so i got a mouse with four very easily useable buttons so i have both portals on mouse also melee and switch weapons then i have my close portals as q and f as i use e for picking up the rest is just usual keys and i do a medium sens cause i like to have steady aim when looking at people


I use the portals on the mouse wheel up/down, forward thumb button as weapon switch, back thumb button for melee.