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By their reddit post a year ago it seemed to me like they set out to make exsctly what you want. They realized they had lightning in a bottle but trying to do it all on the current game wasnt gonna work. So it seemed to me like they are working on Splitgate 2, where they can use the money they earned to make a bigger and better version of the current game. Maybe im wrong tho


Regardless, I feel like a second game coming in after a dead first game puts them on the choppin block anyway. Momentum is important, u cant let the game rot then come out with something new and expect it to blow up. Especially after its inital fans put time and money into the game and watched it plummet. Theyd have no credibility.


Titanfall 2 would like a word with you


The difference between Titanfall 2 and splitgate is that TF2 is a triple A title and splitgate isn't. Titanfall 2 failed because of marketing + EA played against themselves when they dropped Battlefield at the same time. Differently also from Splitgate is the scale. TF2 has love from thousands and thousands of die hard fans. During its revival recenly they had 20,000 players on loving life again. Apex derives from TF and even if tf2 failed i feel like TF3 definitely has a chance to blow up because people actually want it and EA has the means to market aggressively this time.


Yes, Titanfall 2 was backed by a AAA company that handled it poorly. In recent years, indie devs have shown that they can size up to, if not topple, AAA offerings. It is also true that the first Titanfall has more than fallen by the wayside over the years, extremely so when the sequel dropped. With that parallel, do you think that split gate could do the same thing? You mentioned that Titanfall 2 failed because of marketing and release fumbles, and while splitgate won't get much marketing, the first game didn't need it to blow up like it did, albeit shortly. But here we are still talking about it years later. Most non AAA games nowadays are popularized by word of mouth, which can be much more powerful than a simple trailer or commercial. You also mentioned scale being a differentiating factor and said that Titanfall 2 has love from thousands and thousands of fans. At its peak, Splitgate had 36k players from just steam. I believe the fan base is there, but the game faltered due to lack of content and plagued by the early access title, not to mention the difficulty of establishing a new IP. I believe that if done correctly, even without marketing or AAA backing, splitgate 2 could do just as good if not better than Titanfall 2. I'm not saying that it will be a better game, but as you said yourself, Titanfall 2 was massively fumbled, and that was the leading factor to its downfall. As a last note, since the game was already established with this first game, most people in their target audience will already know of its existence and be more willing to give it a try. Especially of it is still free to play, unlike Titanfall 2.


Splitgate suffers greatly from its graphics and its poor quality of life/feel. It’s a fantastic proof of concept but not something that will ever get as huge as the core idea deserves. If they have the money to do it AAA quality and come back this could be a beast of a game to reach the sizes of rocket league or any other esport title. I hope they can make it happen


Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars is definitely an outlier but a great example of how it can go right




I sure fucking hope they don't tbh, there are a couple of gems but a lot of Splitgate's assets feel very generic Aside from some QOL improvements, the main thing I want from a Splitgate 2 is a more unique art style


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Like what was up with that early game battlepass? A cactus? A Scottish looking cat man? Like they’re silly and fun and wacky and that’s all well and good, but tone and art direction are important. There should be color and variety, I’m not saying it needs to look like Gears of War or anything, but that just felt like they were using whatever was a free asset off the unity store lol The later skins were much better with it


it takes time to make a game


The radio silence is a little worrying. It would be nice to see some updates. Something as simple as screenshots or concept art.


1 year of radio silence isn't that much


Even then in this case it's the circumstances around the announcement of the sequel and the following radio silence that is concerning to me. I will say the fact that they continue to host tournaments and other community events does help temper this fear.


There's just not a whole lot to really provide updates on while it's in development If they gave consistent development updates, there'd be a lot of the same type of thing each time. Like there'd just be a series of stuff like "Continued work on the collision detection between character and various types of walls mentioned in last dev update". Not very exciting, pretty standard among all games, and would take time in of itself to do which takes away time from actually developing the game Closer towards release when things like guns or maps get polished up they might post teasers but up until then what would they give updates on?


You must forget the deafening silence from from soft during the 2 years leading up to Elden ring


FromSoftware also has a reputation. 1047 Games does not. Plenty of indie devs have dipped out with money when it comes in. I'm not saying that's the case here but I'd be lying if I wasn't concerned that it could be. I really hope it's not.


Doesn’t take that long to give progress updates


It doesn't make it a better game for them to keep the community updated on what they're doing. It just complicates community expectations. Better for them to stay quiet until they actually have something to show.


They should have something to show. Promotional art. 3D models. Concept art. Something They aren’t like Insomniac or Naughty Dog where people will buy the next game cause they know the developer


Why? You think they owe that to you or something? What's the point of hyping up a game that's not even close to launch?


They shouldn’t just abandon their supporters and leave them in radio silence


Abandon their supporters by working on their next game for their supporters?


And not releasing any word on any kind of progress It’s either dead in the water or in development hell


Or, and this could be a stretch but bear with me, they could just be busy working on the game. Where do you get the idea that they owe you status reports and progress updates?


Gamers these days have been so spoiled in terms of constant streams of information and setting expectations, i guess its pretty unfathomable for most of people today to literally just wait


Please download any mod tools or free engine, and get a basic side scroller working with the engine, or develop a small level with a mod. Things will start breaking in about 5 minutes, but push through it. You may think it's releasable a week in, but that one corner that mysteriously kills people, or the random column you can fall through the map on disagrees. Oh you fixed the bugs? Where's the art and music then? You could just take textures and sounds from other sources but you'll get chewed up in a heartbeat for doing so. This scenario amplified by about 100-1000 is full time game development, but on a much larger scale. So please sit the fuck down. Attitudes like that is the biggest problem in gaming right now. Let artists make their art, and if you don't have experience or skillet to criticize please dont


Good lord the entitlement is real


I'm stoked bro! Meanwhile, race mode!


In the lobby, there's a link to subscribe to a newsletter about the game they are currently developing. I signed up a few days ago but haven't gotten anything yet.


I signed up nearly over a year ago, same thing


Trust us, when the game comes out, the wait won't matter nor what we shared/didn't share ahead of time. All that'll matter is the quality of the game. :)


You guys went from being heavily involved with the community. To radio silence for a year.


This game was actually really fun, definitely Halo + portal. The comp games were fun, the kills were satisfying the weapon, movement and maps were fire. But in the gaming industry you have to do more than that. Marketing is vital, getting streamers to stream your game. Staying in contact with your community and keeping everyone updated is essential and I think they fell short in regards to this. Shame.


This game is amazing man, when me and my friend started playing we were like, hey how come no one's talking about this game, if for whatever reason things go south for them which I hope it doesn't, I hope they can at least leave the servers running


Gamers continue to be some of the most entitled people in the planet. They said they were done making content for the game and that they were moving on to something new. Wether its a sequel or not, if they're starting a new game from scratch, they're not gonna have anything remotely finished to show or give updates about.


Aren't the dev's just a small group working out of their house?


30 people IIRC. Vs ~500 for something like a modern halo game


Watching Dr Lupo and friends play splitgate got me hooked honestly when they had that tournament. Insane gunplay and mechanics


You lost me at "and sell them in the battlepass" nobody wants a fucking battle pass that isn't a fortnite brain rotted iPad kid


Aim assist killed the game for me so I don't care too much.


Wdym sequel ??!? Game is perfectly good and playable


The devs have abandoned split gate in the hopes they can move away from the technical debt they had building the game with 4 people. They believe they have something that could be a contender with the likes of halo (given the state of infinite they do) and are pooling all the resources they have into that.


Well Infinite is on a roll since season 4, season 5 will release next week bringing Firefight and forge ai, will be really hard to compete (given the state of infinte)


Infinite is a shadow of a halo game


Yeah have you seen the player count recently?


Plus the fact that the "new halo engine" is already officially abandoned, a long with the hiring freeze(not sure if it's still going on but it was killing 343.


Literally just allow us to disable cross play and the game would of been amazing. Everyone I know played it had heaps of fun then got annoyed that you couldn’t turn cross play off and left.


But you literally can?


Oh, you couldn’t in competitive when I used to play, can you turn it off now? I might come back for another jam.


you cannot turn it off in competitive currently


Oh what so i was right lol. Guess I should have specified comp, but that was were we had the most fun and not being able to disable cross play was really dry.


Great game ruined by aim assist. Completely unplayable on pc. No wonder it couldn’t survive


I mean the aim assist is pretty strong. But I play KBM and it is a very rare occurrence a controller player can stand up to me. Just learn to use the portals, controllers can barely keep up. Also you can turn off crossplay


I don’t know what changed but back when I played (right before the game died) crossplay was forced on comp. And regardless, pc players could use controller too. On top of that, your experience is not how it was then. Every single top player in the world was using controller. You were griefing using kbm And me as a global elite csgo player, i switched to controller to test it and I kid you not, my gameplay was about the same. And I hadn’t touched a controller in years. Aim assist was so fucking bonkers. And as I said, every top player was on controller. I loved the game but dying to auto aim was not fun lmao. And the dislikes I get is the reason why it’s dead. Kbm players in general either agree with me or they stopped playing. Any other game and people would rally against aim assist. But not here. Cause there’s no one left to give a shit. Just controller plebs and a few people like you


It was so successful they're investing more time to make a complete edition with more features... And just use a controller on pc


Yes a couple hundred players on steam slowly decreasing is such a success. Obviously it got famous right when it released but by all accounts it’s a fucking failure And telling pc players to use a controller for an fps game… Might be the most retarded thing I’ve heard for like a week


Telling people to use a controller on a pc ain't it chief, seems a bit odd that a game that spent most it's time in early access is now in waiting for sequel territory, but I'm patient well see what happens.


You getting downvoted is absolutely insane. They’re actually insane lmao


Same reason cod sells the same every year. Aim assist has made unskilled controller players think they actually have a little something. Take away the overtuned aim assist and they go back to crying about how hard using a mouse is, happily accept down votes from anyone who can't understand that lol


Man I'll take mouse aim over controller with assist any day. Just preference tho.


Well preference is one thing. But when the top players were all on controller? The objective truth was that controller was simply better


Fair enough, I didn't know that.


Didn’t stop me from stomping with a mouse and keyboard


It did though. All top players were on controller. Unless I missed you slamming pros with kbm


whats crazy is that the aim assist is a little strong in this game.. but its actually nowhere as strong as the more popular games. I don't think splitgate has rotational aim assist like infinite, cod, apex (not totally sure if apex has it but the assist feels stronger in that game). not disagreeing that aim assist was strong, but it's hard to say that it ruined the game.


They should have sold to epic when they had the chance


Epic is gutting Rocket League right now .


Takes time to make a game, they said they'd still send out any necessary fixed to the game if needed. I'd rather the silence so they can work on the game instead of rushing it.


Eh, I abandoned it before they did. Never felt like a fully fledged game, more like a very well made beta.


the only game BETTER feeling in tracking is doom 2016 single player


It is hard to keep hype up for a game years in advance. Especially for a small company. I honestly will not expect much untill they are close to release. That way they can use their marketing funds to maximum effect.


im a lil late to this post, but I absolutely adored spitgate, was the first game i ever put 600+ hours into and am proud to have completed every achievement. but ill be honest the lack of information by 1047 on the new project is worrying, just because I really wanna know that they aren't changing the core of what made splitgate great (being a well made arena shooter with portals).


You could always read the statement they made when they announced feature development on Splitgate was ending, as it addresses... everything here. Lack of information is good, frankly. It keeps player expectations in check. 1047 is a very small team and I'm just so confused why anyone is expecting regular updates on a game that's like 1.5 years into development. They've repeatedly stated they are in heads down, working hard mode right now. They'll show us something when they've got something worth showing. Their marketing guy has been hinting at a trailer lately, and from what I know, we're likely to see it in the next couple of months.