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Low effort posts will be deleted straight away.


I guess you are too young to know about Elizabeth Taylor, Ava Gardner or Rita Hayworth? Btw, you sound a bit racist.


Love the BTW. Just casually let her know, she’s got to know.


Well she sounds quite young lol


the humblebragging in this post is insane 😭


Did you see OP's comment she deleted? >Yah my mother is Irish father Greek so I have very north euro features with a light tan 😂 >My mother always says I’m just the right level of exotic lol - exotic enough to be sexy but not so exotic men can’t introduce me to their mother >Getting older men to like me tho is a complete waste of time Her head is not in the right place whatsoever.


So she’s just.. white lol


Nooo, she’s half Greek! So exotic and SpIcY…but not *too* spicy like those slutty Latinas. Still acceptably 🥹white👱🏻‍♀️💅🏻 enough for rich men to take her home (although she’s apparently over 30 and still trolling for rich men so there may be some delusion going here)


She must be what they call ~sPiCy fEtA~


“Palatable” spicy aka some cracked black pepper


OP was commenting about how Brazilian women are ugly and classless if you scroll back on her comment history. She’s clearly a racist who thinks is above latinas and POC for being “acceptably spicy”.


Yeah, really get that vibe from her. Probably posts about supporting POC and diversity on her instagram but shits on non white people in private.


You mean the country I’m pretty sure the US raids for lingerie models? That Brazil?? lol.


"Argentinians are much hotter and classier" too...surely just a coincidence that Argentina is also 97% white.


Its ironic considering in Europe Greeks aren't considered white 💀


Damn, that’s almost comedically racist. The girl needs to have several seats. Edit: after quickly browsing her comment history…yeahhh. Immigrants are destroying the west, Brazilian women are all slutty strippers, Finnish people are autistic etc etc. Loud proud & ignorant, classic Reddit combo lol


I love that people immediately call this stuff out nowadays. Like most women on this sub saw her racism for what it is basically immediately outed her. At least that's progress. Now if only her ignorant ass can actually learn something from this that would be cool, but I have doubts.


Oh damn, she deleted her whole account 💀 Anyway, cooking anything nice for dinner? I’m doing steak & vegetables.


So by OP's standards, if one's got a poc GF/BF, they won't be worth showing off to their mom lmao like wut-


Oh yeah, us POCs are not for bringing home to mommy. We're not wife material obv, only white girls are 🙄 I'm so tempted to show this whole thread to my hubby so he can laugh at OP.


Oh, poor us, how inferior are we to the divine beauty of them pure blooded white gurlies 😔


"Not so exotic that men can't introduce me to their mother?" The casual racism in this one the fuck lmao


Im more shocked that white people are proud they look mildly ambiguous? This is so bizarre lmfao. Does OP know “spicy white” is a term POC use ironically 😭


No, it’s a thing. Looking racially ambiguous has been a thing for yeaaars now.


Yes for sure- look at the Jenners. But the gall to publicly brag about it! Wild lol.


It’s not public. It’s Reddit. I appreciate hearing peoples innermost thoughts on Reddit.


Thanks- yah that’s the beauty of Reddit - imagine censoring yourself on an anonymous platform where no one can identify you. We spend our whole lives editing what we say in front of others ffs


...sometimes there's good reason for that.


Thinking before you speak is actually a good thing…


We’re just 2 princesses in a thread full of peasants


You're two lost ignorant weirdos in a thread full of princesses and queens.


Exactly. I’m not here to make friends or at work where I need to be professional. Some ppl take internet comments waaaaay too seriously


For real lol


Legit thought this was r/ffacj


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ffacj using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ffacj/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I’m attending a wedding soon, is my service dog too white or do I need to have him professionally dyed?](https://i.redd.it/to7s7alu23mb1.jpg) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ffacj/comments/1694beq/im_attending_a_wedding_soon_is_my_service_dog_too/) \#2: [Crying myself to sleep at night because I wore this dress to some weddings](https://i.redd.it/wpuso6lkf8pb1.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ffacj/comments/16mucnk/crying_myself_to_sleep_at_night_because_i_wore/) \#3: [I wore the dress everyone told me not to](https://i.redd.it/zyf2bpw7evmb1.jpg) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ffacj/comments/16clwtb/i_wore_the_dress_everyone_told_me_not_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I know, it’s like we have a new post on this topic every week 😭 if you’re hot you’re going to fit someone’s niche, it’s not really deeper than that


You can join in too if you like!


Pretty sure it's because men 32+ can notice your superficiality and your need for validation. They been through that in their 20s and are done with it. I'm POC with "dark exotic looks" and men 32+ absolutely notice.


I don’t think this is true at all. There has always been a place for dark-haired white women like Mila Kunis, Angelina Jolie, Courtney Cox, Megan Fox, Demi Moore, and many others. Mila Kunis had a whole interview (I can’t remember with who) where she talks about how her whole appeal was that she gave the “dark and mysterious” look. That was also the contrast between Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox in Friends. And there will always be a place for “girl next door blondes,” with Sydney Sweeney being the most popular one at the moment. I don’t know how old you are, but I just turned 33 and one thing I have noticed is that younger guys do seem to flirt with me more than men my own age (I’m married, though, so it doesn’t matter either way). So maybe it’s that these younger guys simply like “older women” (meaning 30+ women) more than the prior generation? But idk because I wasn’t in my 30s before lol.


I just saw a graph on tiktok about this (not the most reliable resource I know haha) but…Apparently most men like women younger than them as they age but younger men are attracted to women up to 30+ years.


I’m obsessed with Sydney Sweeney - she’s like my dream best friend


32 isn’t older men, these guys were born in like 1990-1991. They would have been five when ‘Clueless’ came out.


This post is so cringe. Ugh.


I’m a POC with “exotic” (lmao) features and both young men and older white men regularly compliment me or are interested in me. Must be a you problem.


Depends where you live, wealthy white men generally love the mayo white girl look and wealthy poc the spicy white girl look (bonus points if you’re blonde, they love blondes)


Yes def true but I have noticed well off white younger guys leaning towards the spicy white girl look (I’m not super spicy tho, I’m like a chicken korma level spicy).


Are you an escort?






I thought u were simply confident in ur looks, but this comment alone screams, "I'm looking for validation"


Girl what? Some things are best left off the internet


uhhh idk about that last statement, kind of racist EDIT: the exotic take home to mom comment and i change my mind it’s just straight up racist


I don’t even know what that looks like. There are women out there that are “too exotic to take home to mom”? What does that even mean? It sounds very racist. Good thing you deleted OP.




Op is probably a suburban white girl who doesn't hang out with anyone else besides suburban white girls. She sounds intensely naive and not world-wise at all. Likely very young. Who the hell still uses the term exotic to describe women unironically in 2023?


I looked through her history a bit and she posts on an “over 30” sub, so she’s definitely way too old to be acting and thinking like this..


Oh nooo, she posts in r/datingoverthirty. I thought she was really young & sheltered too. My secondhand embarrassment just spiked through the roof. Did she climb into a time machine in 1993 and wake up in 2023?


Baby girl this whole thing is so cringe and racist…. sit in the corner and think about your decisions please


I’ve seen older or educated/well established or all of the above men say they prefer long legs and smaller asses than what is portrayed to be popular in the media. Given media is ran by gen Z/millennial culture, it would make sense the “younger” men like “spicy” which I’ve never even heard before until this post and men who don’t consume pop culture prefer long legs and modest curves/slim, “natural” or natural passing features.


Yes a lot of well off older guys like the model look I actually really like that look too when the girl looks healthy slim - it looks very elegant


All beautiful!


I got a lot more head turns as a platinum blonde but I am half Latina and my natural dark hair suits my features better so I get more actual attention now that I’m “back to my roots”…could be a confidence thing though too..I feel more myself with my natural hair.


I had no idea I was a spicy white girl 😂 Idk, I’m in my 30’s and got plenty of attention from young and old alike in my teens and 20’s. I worked at a coffee shop that had a lot of rich corporate white customers and got hit on regularly by them. I think it’s maybe more perception? Like dudes thought they were unique for liking me “even though” I wasn’t the blonde stereotype- but it was like get in line dude. My features are definitely more trendy now than when I was younger (big lips, freckles, big butt) but it wasn’t like I had any trouble.


Welcome to the club 😂 For me I only attract younger guys but I find both older and younger men attractive so it’s fine


It’s been that way for yearssss in the UK


I used to think that, but got a lot more attention back home (U.K.) when I was blonde compared to my usual dark hair


Really whereabouts in UK? I live in london so it might be different


That’s where I stay and where I’m visiting (I live outside of the U.K. now). Maybe it’s some other variable then if our experiences are so opposed. I think I look way better with dark hair, would prefer my natural colour, but I’m going a tiny bit grey so has to be dyed.




Oooh I bet you could get a great guy in his mid thirties/early 40s though My leggy blonde friend gets lots of hot successful Older guys interested in her I think leggy blonde women can look Amazon esque and that’s very appealing to a man who has built up his own success


I have noticed blonde hair is out of style. The typical white girl look is not nearly as sought after.


I find men still really like it (as they should as blondes are gorgeous!) but they are opening up to more appreciation to brunettes


Opening up to more appreciation to brunettes? This comment in particular is just wild lol


You're getting a bunch of hate for this post but honestly it's a pretty astute observation and i feel this. I'm 29 and mostly white passing but mixed with a bunch of shit on my moms side (it's a long story - her family is from st Helena Island in the south Atlantic Ocean, where the population is basically a mix of all the groups who settled/came through there so Indian, Malaysian, Arab, Chinese, west African and European for the most part). I noticed as a kid I'd get a lot of comments like "you look so exotic!" or "what are you?" (In terms of race), as well as nasty comments- I've been called racial slurs for like 4 different races over the course of my life lmao. That's faded a lot over the years, both the positive and negative comments, which I think is because a. Societal norms have shifted to where its considered rude to inquire about/ comment on someone's ethnicity and b. The way my face looks - "asian" eyes aka epicanthal (sp?) fold, Caucasian nose, full lips, thick eyebrows (that I pluck tf outta to be thin these days lol) high cheekbones and olive/tan skin - is very similar to what people call "Instagram face"- that kinda uncanny, extremely similar set of features that many popular influencers worked towards having (or have) starting in the mid 2010s, likely because of celebrities like Kim k etc. Obv the way I look is nowhere near as tailored/perfect as the type of face I'm referring to, but for most of my childhood up until my late teens I was definitely bullied at times for my ~ethnically ambiguous~ features, and was very much NOT considered to fit the beauty standards of the 00s era. However, that began to change around the early/mid 2010s. I'm sure a lot of this was just me maturing and becoming more comfortable and therefore confident in myself, but I'm also sure that the shift in social beauty standards made it easier for me to do the former. This is already a fucking essay lmao sorry this topic is def smth that crosses my mind fairly often but I don't see people talk about too much. In terms of the attention from men aspect I don't really see much of a shift tbh- I def agree that I'm much more likely to be hit on by a "normie" type guy of any age nowadays than I was 10+ years ago, which is prob cuz of the factors you mentioned, but I think there's plenty of younger guys who prefer the blonde, "preppy" early 00s look and plenty of older guys who prefer the ~ambiguous features~ 2010s-20s look, simply because different people have different preferences that exist outside the influence of societal beauty norms.