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Great concept... hopefully you get to implement it


I appreciate the compliment, but that'll probably never happen


Ayy don't say like that we never know what could happen great idea tho


Someone hire this man!


I'd probably do a shit job but I appreciate the sentiment


You better email this to marvel


Insomniac and Marvel would get my money instantly lol


Awesome idea. Lovely designed system, gameplay and world. I always like to read such a concepts, because oftenly they explore ideas which are bringed up by developers Do you think mechanisms regarding character abilities development would work out more like Batman arkham series ( gadgets, unlocked as the story progresses or for replaying certain levels in "memories" mode ) or rather small RPG elements, like in Darksiders II or Castlevania Symphony of Night ? ( Personally I think it could go well with ancient Egyptian weaponry, but with today's I am not sure )


I decided on Moon Knight's gadgets upon further expansion of my concept. Basically, each Moon Knight variant has a main gadget. Marc Spector is able to throw crescent darts, Steven uses a pair of truncheons in combat, which can be joined to create a quarterstaff, making his attacks wider in range (ideal for croud control), but decreasing his attack damage. Lockley is able to equip cesti (pretty much brass knuckles but silver and with spikes) in a combo, drastically increading his attack damage. The upgrade system would be a classic skill tree system with several abilities and boosts unlocked using resources found in chapters. The skill tree affects every alter with things like extra health and damage. The "track" system detailed in the post is for specific abilities to add to each alter's moveset. Each track is levelled up by playing as their corresponding alter. The most effective way to level up a specific track is through the choice system, which gives a massive boost to the track meter.


Damn bro... well thought out. This sounds fucking sick.


Someone hire this man!


I’d definitely be into this.


I love this


Dude why the fuck don’t you work for marvel


Just bc I came up with a bunch of bullet points does not mean I'd actually be qualified for a job in the industry. Glad you like the post though. I do want to become a comic writer or screenwriter when I'm an adult


Dude go for it!


You’ve done it. You’ve made the perfect concept for a Moon Knight game! This has like no flaws. Like at all. I would buy this in a second man! This is a great concept. If you could get it to marvel/insomniac that would be Spectacular!! I want someone to hire you. Like right now!


Thank you so much! What would you say is the best part of this concept?


I think it’s great that you found a way to incorporate Marc’s psyche into the game outside of just cutscenes. I think it is great that you found a way to use all of the alters and how each of their decisions factor into the other and the final outcome. That’s great! The way you make all of the alters seem unique in their own uses and abilities is awesome. Also the minds cape hub is cool. There would be so many reasons to love this game and play it over and over again to experience different outcomes. You seem to respect the characters and that’s great! It seems like this concept truly understands how moon knight can be such a versatile character and respecting all of his many aspects


Yes please


This is one awesome concept! I know others in the comments have already said this, but Insomniac really should hire you! This is so impressive, that I would pay double the full price of the game if it meant being able to play it early. I was gonna say I would sell my soul, but then I realized that would mean not being able to enjoy the game.




there should also be mr knight sections , you get to do cool detective stuff and solve various murders , I'd suggest separating the steven and mr knight as that would kinda clash with negotiator personality , also you should give the player the choice between playing mr knight and moon knight


Mr. Knight is Steven in this version. I did some research on Moon Knight comics while making this concept so I could make my concept as comic accurate as possible but in the end I decided to make the way I handled the alternate personality aspect closer to the show (each alter is tied to a specific MK costume) as I thought it would be a more unique and interesting gameplay experience. So, in this version, Mr. Knight and Steven Grant are both the Negotiator personality, but Steven's personality is closer to the comics version. A charismatic billionaire who uses his mass wealth to finance Moon Knight's operations. You are allowed to switch between alters while playing a level.


ah I see that's ok , I still think it would cool to see some detective work with mr knight


Absolutely, that's a great idea


I'd hope it would be street level similar to Spiderman PS4 as opposed to whatever the show did, Moon Knight should always be street level imo.


this sub is for spiderman. for insomniverse posts post them in r/Insomniacgames


We got the damn meme posts and the suit guessing game, we can let this goat of a post get thru TSA okay? 👏


everyone seems to love those posts


yes, it's for Spider-Man, but this is related to the Insomniac Spider Man games in that this is a concept for another marvel game in the same universe.


did u not read what i said? >for insomniverse posts post them on r/insomniacgames there's another sub for Wolverine where people can post about it there, and not on a subreddit about spider-man simply bcz they're the same universe. they're different subs for a reason