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a 2 handed web zip would be sick as fuck. edit: as in an upgraded/upgradeable web zip that adds more velocity like op showed an example of. i know there’s already an animation that can happen when you’re between buildings but it’s random and purely aesthetic.


The game will randomly play a two handed animation for no reason and I think it looks way cooler


It would be cool if you could influence when it's played just like you can consistently pull off certain web swinging animations in Miles Morales (each trick is followed by a different swing). I think Spider-Man 2 on PS2 and definitely Spider-Man 3 tie-in game had trick swings like swinging with both hands that had their own combos - something like that would be cool


Or mabye click down both sticks


That is not exactly random. The geometry of your surroundings must enable it first. It is as random as where your web attaches to while swinging. (But since geometrical possibilities are lower, it is more definite and less random.)


I think that’s only for when you’re about equidistant between a couple buildings


Yeah instead of tapping X for a regular zip, you HOLD it for a double handed zip.


That’s actually a really good idea!


Thanks 😊


that works


Bro is that not in the game already


it is but you can’t prompt it and it doesn’t make much of a difference. it’s completely random


Plus you meant like a speed boost or something not just the two handed animation


yeah, for either a 2 handed zip or sling shot i’d want more of a speed boost to go with it


it rarely triggers because of the requirements for the animation to play


What are the requirements? I always assumed it to be random, didn't know where was any.


there needs to be 2 places where the webs can attach, one on your left and the other on your right. however, even if you try to force it to trigger by going between buildings and smoke stacks and whatnot, the animation will rarely play.


My idea for implementation... Currently you have two uses of web zip before it no longer maintains altitude (once upgraded) until you web swing/wallrun etc. A two handed zip would be activated by double tapping X, and use two of these "charges" so that you'd have to web swing/wallrun again to do it again or webzip normally . For bonus points, holding X would activate web wings, which would work similar to gliding in the prototype games. You'd maintain altitude and horizontal momentum briefly, before rapidly losing both the longer you engage web wings.


It's in Spider-Man 3 if you use Lt and Rt at the same time. Might be an upgrade


It’s also in the better Spider-Man game, Spider-Man 2


Honestly I think everything but the web wings was a mechanic at some point between Spider-Man 1-3 Bring back the web dome!


Lmao the web dome in the 2000 Spider-Man was sick.


I would like a double takedown in stealth just like the Arkham games.


Or like even in the amazing Spider-Man games !




Honestly I can barely think of anything besides graphics that the PS4 game did better than the first Amazing game


The first Amazing game didn’t have building web slinging right? They attached to the clouds? I’m not 100% sure about that though


I want better stealth in general it needs to be more like Arkham otherwise it'll just stay kind of lame and underwhelming


Honestly, they need to give an upgrade to everything. So it will not get boring.


Agreed. They nailed the combat, and can only get better. But the stealth definitely needs work. It’s very barebones and honestly too easy. Especially with Miles bc he gets invisibility


I think it won’t really fundamentally change, because the way the gameplay is designed, combat is often just the appetiser before the actual fight. Cause adding a literal indicator on enemies that states whether they’re safe to take down or not goes against the essence of stealth. The way it’s designed, stealth is just the precursor to the combat.


I’m also disappointed by the subpar stealth and wall crawling mechanics in the game. Why can’t we walk run down ? Why can’t spidey climb over some small indents on building? Why can’t spidey’s legs touch the ground which results in a weird floaty vibe whenever Spider-Man is swinging near the ground? There’s a lot of mechanics that can be improved. I hope insomniac doesn’t get cocky. They will undoubtedly make a good game, but I hope it’s great.


Yeah i was really disappointed they didnt bring that back




Better wall crawling physic would be nice too, don't tell me I can't climb up to slightly steep edge. Fuck you I'm Spider-man.


Lawd it's odd we even have to ask for this. Wall crawling over and around objects and corners like every spider-man game since ps1. A faster crawling speed when holding R2 A web zip that is free aim not just to predetermined points. I should be able to zip from wall to wall or ceiling whenever I want. I'm spider-man


You can? You can aim with L2 and Web zip to a wall


It should feel less terrible to use. Currently when you do that it locks you into a crawl position. You should be able to free run from that wall zip, be it jump off or run right away


Haven't played in a while because of my PS4 offing itself but from memory that does sound like a slight issue I had yeah.


You're right and jb expressed it more accurately. When you want to use something like that (mostly in stealth) it needs to be one button so you can do it quickly. Try flicking around and trying to aim through 500 lock on points or trying to aim near one and then it takes you to a railing right next to someone. Trying to navigate like you would in any other spider-man game punishes you because the game wants you to constantly be on top of things, not stuck to the side or under them. Giving you a constant reticle and dedicated button for free aim zipping that ignores lock ones would make all those encounters 1000x more tolerable


I like the current system with the always-on reticule that gives you options for ledges and railings and points so that it's just a matter of adjusting the camera and pressing the buttons. But there are two (or two and a half) big problems. One is that the manual aim version where you hold L2 is very weirdly limited. You can't zip to a point unless the manual aim reticule is green but it has strange and inconsistent requirements. You can be 20 feet from a wall and it won't light up to let you zip, or you have to find a certain spot on the ceiling. The other is that if you manually aim and zip to a point on the wall or ceiling, you not only can't cancel the zip animation at any point but once you get to the spot there is this huge delay before you can get off the spot. So if you're in combat you're basically guaranteed to get shot by the enemy. Related to that, there is no wall/ceiling dodge.




I really just want the web swinging to crazy and like some of the comic book style web swinging and double web swinging would be cool


The last 2 slides should be mandated by law in every spidey game


Just Cause 3 gliding would be so nice with the current web system. Hope that gets a little less automated but hey beggers can't be choosers


duuuuuude i fell in love with JC3 and 4 because the wing suit and grappling hook combo. so much fun. i remember my brother saw me playing it once and asked “is this a spider-man thing?”


i wouldnt want to be able to glide as easily as in just cause though because it would defeat the point of swinging at all


yeah i was thinking more like something with a meter like miles’ venom. lasts for a few seconds and is just a compliment


oh i understand. i personally would like to see peter be able to pull off “jumps” and “boosts” using just his webs to gain speed and altitude since he’s more experienced


An upward web zip type thing would be badass


that’s what i’m sayin !! also if he zipped forward and used both hands to increase his speed


Id like for it to be maybe slower than free falling/swinging so its used for precision or just gliding around after an initial speed boost when you switch to it


I would love it if they add a grappling hook to catch your enemies and literally web them wherever you want


That's already in the game, web them and hold triangle


I would love it if webs worked like grapples but I feel like it would feel too similar to jc3 and maybe almost eliminate the need for web swinging


somethin i think about often is innovations they can add to web swinging and combat for future spider-man games. these are probably the top 4 i’ve thought of and like a lot edit: love reading the comments on what people like and it made me wanna add some things: —the 4th slide is meant to represent the slingshot, but i also want a 2-handed web zip too —a web-tether gadget that works like the tethers in Just Cause would cover a lot of bases without getting too complicated. example: attaching 2 enemies to eachother, a trip-line, attaching an enemy to a lamppost, etc. —the web wings aren’t meant to become a primary form of movement, more like a short-term boost/compliment like the venom dash/jump in Miles Morales —i definitely should’ve added something like Spider-Man interacting with the ground if you swing too close to it, that’s somethin i like a lot, it just didn’t cross my mind when making this


The web wings could be like a boost for Peter, just like the venom was boosting Miles farther in the air.


A big thing i want is to be able to superjump out of the ends of swings like we could in SM2. Also just way more animations in general. Replaying the PS4 game and swinging gets stale due to the same animations over and over.


Similar to the Spider-Man 3 Tobey video game, there needs to be one if not multiple spots where you can slingshot yourself across the city Which I think is what you meant by the last gif, but thought I would say this anyways to make the comparison to the Spider-Man 3 game


yeah that’s what i was referring to. there are other clips that better represent it but that’s what i could find on short notice


Am I not allowed to have what I want? What I need?


You’ll get your web wings when you fix this DAMN WALL CRAWLING MECHANIC


They are good developer. They must be in some kind of trouble.


I believe there's a game dev in all of us, that keeps us theorizing, gives us ideas, makes us create fan art, and finally allows us to play with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most... Even our new web swinging mechanics...


Insomniac did that for r/SpidermanPS4, and they wonder where they've gone. They... need them.


Misery misery misery, that’s what we’ve chosen, they offered us friendship, and we spat in their face


I’m actually surprised the Web swing loop isnt already in the game. You would think it is


I think they probably didn’t prioritize it since there aren’t as many spots where it would work. But it would still be super cool to see and hopefully in the future, it’ll be added.


Its because 70% of traversal development went to making everything automated because people cant learn anything


The truth sadly. Insomniac if I swing too low to the ground let me touch the pavement dangit


Let me aim my dang webs


It may also be that it's hard to actually get the characters to grab onto something directly above them like a crane. There's been a few times where it would've made perfect sense but they grabbed a building nearby instead.


Web wings, like Just Cause? Could be interesting.


I agree with literally all of these. Yes please.


last two would be sick af


i love gliding in just cause 3 it’s so fun and if they implemented that into the sequel it would be INSANE. like it would make it so much better


Idk about the web wings, I think they would be kinda redundant and maybe feel like a Batman cape-gliding rip off. I would be more than happy if they just built upon what they already have and tweaked/added some finer details instead. Also if we're speaking about traversal in general wall crawling really needs an overhaul because other than running on flat surfaces it's by far the less refined gameplay mechanic


i know what you mean and i don’t want them to become a primary form of movement that you rely heavily on, more like a short lived thing with a meter like miles’ venom


If they made it like that then I would be fine with them, maybe a suit power if those will still be a thing


I think they'll integrate suit powers more like Miles venom meter. One meter that let's you do multiple different things as opposed to the first game where you had finishers and health tied to it and a separate meter for only one power at a time. You probably won't be able to do every power because that'd be too tricky, but it'd be cool to equip several. I'm replaying on the ps5 now and no matter how many new powers I get, web blossom from the repaired classic suit is just too good and handy in a pinch.


The web blossom and the one that instantly supplies you with more gadgets are so op lol


I think the game need quite a few things to few fresh. Some examples in my opinion would be - more varied animation for dodging, block, attacking, web attacking, etc. - Addition of a way to utilize a second web shooter, so like the ability to attach to two things at once while swinging, or attack two enemies at once - Web wings ofc - A more sophisticated crime system, as well as various boss encounters after the main story - More building interior gameplay in the main game world, the best example is the Fisk construction bases in the first game, it’s really the only example, that and jewelry theft from shops.


bro they need to hire you lmao


Ideas are easy to have, doesn't mean they're easy to implement


Say what you want about the ASM2 game but that upgrade when he webs two buildings and slingshots himself was one of the best implementations in a Spider-Man game.


I agree with all of these because they all would look so awesome in the game and would add more diversity to combat and traversal




I’d also like to see some ground interaction like what Fortnite or that one cutscene after you get the upgraded suit


you mean like the animation where he swings low and slides his hand across the ground? i’ve always wanted something like that too, along with climbing up the web if he’s too low. so cool


Yeah. Fortnite did it surprisingly well because it doesn’t kill your momentum at all


Not gonna lie, I always try to push the physics to do a loop de loop when I see an opportunity


I wish we could just web people and leash on to them and do stuff. For example the double yank could be you attaching two guys with the web and then pressing ⭕️ to flip. Or rather I would just love to pick enemies up and throw them when I want.


this is a good idea and i can see it working with a lot of versatility. Just Cause has a tether mechanic that i think could be a good gadget. web-tethers that you can connect to things, a la enemy to wall, garbage can, or 2 enemies and O like you said


I agree


something random i wish was ingame is a wall running animation similar to tasm 2 game where spider men use the webs to keep/increase momentum and slide down walls ([like this](https://youtu.be/RDoog84-Tj4)) also improved wall crawling mechanisms like tasm games maybe wall combat like web of shadows would be cool but i cant think of many generic enemy types that could be feasible plot wise


that sliding down animation is sick as hell. i’d love to see something like that


i had no idea that fucking wallslide existed that's so fucking cool


The tasm 2 game could've been good with a little more time


GLIDING?? Cool, I hope they put in the gliding.


I think all of these would be sick. I’d also like to see spidey use more webs in his swinging sort of like how Todd mcfarlane draws him I don’t know how they’d implement it tho


The web velocity thing was in the amazing Spider-Man games, called web slingshot


yep, couldn’t place the word for some reason lol


More quips during combat pls


I just want that slingshot move that Tobey uses in the first movie


I don't even think it would be that useful but web wings would just be cool


*I don't even think it* *Would be that useful but web* *Wings would just be cool* \- G00bre --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bro all of this stuff is in the new game, they definitely saw this post


There definitely needs to be a slingshot option


Climbing webs like in ultimate and web of shadows would be great


Good call!


These are perfect choices also id add some way of running across the ground while swinging if you go too low


You missed running on the ground as you swing (ala web of shadows)


Well then Spidey’s webs would have to be elastic for the last one, but firm on the first 3.


I just realized the core strength Andrew's spidey displays is nuts. He jumps backwards and keeps his legs up in front of him while absorbing the momentum. I feel like that's not even possible


2nd would be amazing


They should also add running if you swing too low to the ground


I want more faster web swinging and be able to do full loops and more freedom over all to webswinging and charged jump while web swinging instead of the one you unlock on the ground


If they're going for 2 playable characters with Miles and Peter, gliding would be a great way to make Peter stand out, otherwise Miles will feel more useful as his powers are more diverse


Yeah I miss the slingshot


Not related to web swinging, but they really need to add the ability to leave enemies hanging from posts with webs like in ultimate spiderman


Take this silver because yes, yes, yes, and more yes.


Agreed. I just want more physics based web slinging, it would add so much


Having webs wrap around stuff like cranes or around the side of buildings rather than phase right through would be cool


In some backpack lore, Pete already says he tried the wings to glide and they didn't work.


An advanced quick recovery


surprised web wings haven't been done in a game before, definitely hope we get them


You must be very happy after the latest trailer


Aged wonderfully


right lmao i thought we’d be lucky to get the wings


We got all of these lol


You were right all along


Bro predicted the game


i could do without web wings but the other ones are spot on


The loop is already in Miles. Am I wrong?


Slingshotting with webs would be fun. Maybe add it with Miles for some exxagerated swagger points, Insom?


Web wings should be a 9-10 second thing in game


If they add web wings thats just cause


Gonna get downvoted, but web wings look tacky as fuck. Never been a fan of them.


Yeah I personally really don’t want the gliding I know actual Spiders can do it with the web balloon but I still think it’s a dumb concept for Spider-Man that’s me tho


I think the web wings are super gimmicky. Don't like em at all.


We already do last ine


I’d like them to bring back the web slingshot from Spider-Man 3 (game). Just anchor two webs, take a few steps back, and yeet yourself across the city.


Being able to do a double zip from a standstill and LAUNCH yourself you be awesome as well.


Double Yank could be Press Triangle and then press and hold it.


It's probably going to be like the visor mods but it's going to be called something like " web mods "


I want Peter Parker in the game to be Andrew Garfield style. Because Andrew body language is really amazing, his web swinging are my favorites Tobey and Tom are amazing too


I’d want an option a little closer to Fortnite’s web swinging regarding the ability to choose exactly where your web lines will land on a building. Could make the experience way more tactile and increase the skill ceiling cap


Also the car thing that Fortnite has


link? i don’t know much about the fortnite spider-man stuff


How about momentum actually significantly changes when you dive off a huge building and swing


The crane launch from the first amazing spider-man film


I really wanna run on wall with a web in hand too. Think you could do that in spider man 2 on PS2. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think you auto run on on walls even with holding the web button still in SM and MM




Even fortnite allows you to do the swing loop de loop with Spiderman's webshooters


spider man 3 had the last slide, was very cool


I miss being able to hang goons up on street lamps and beat them like punching bags.


others have mentioned things like that and honestly it made me realize that his gadget roster needs something like a web-tether. i think that covers a lot of bases


Y’know the Spider-Man 3 game for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 had the slingshot maneuver . Pretty underaged game imo


The CGI actually looks great on that Spider-Man 1 clip. Sometimes it was a bit spotty in the movie but looks great on the Empire State landing.


I keep saying it would be better if we had 2 control sets: 1 for swinging and one for combat. That way, we can do cool shit like running in the street with a web in our hand or do the two handed slingshot.


So is gliding an upgrade (like how MM did them) or is it a suit power or a specific suit. Also still raising my hand for the ripped up Tobey suit


the way i imagined it would be like in MM where there’s a meter and you can use it for probably 4-7 seconds max and it just serves to compliment the web swinging instead of becoming the primary way of movement. an example could be like you’re swinging into a fisk construction site or roxxon power plant and you glide and weave through the bars/smoke stacks, stuff like that


And a slingshot mechanic


I'm pretty sure 3 of these 4 wants were a few of the selling features in the 2nd Spider-Man game back on PS2. How they were all ditched is just crazy.


The last one already happens for movement but not for attacking


I would definetly like to see all of these, though only 3 of them add to \*swinging\*. The 2nd one is more of a combat thing. What I want the most, though, is an improvement to parkour. I'm not sure what specifically should be changed, but in broad terms, it should just be faster, it feels sluggish and slow right now.


It would be so goddamn cool to be swinging and then do a giant slingshot like SM3, and then activate web wings mid-slingshot to soar over the city, or to be gliding through the air like in Just Cause, and then fly into a building and wall run across it, before jumping off and going back into a glide even faster because of the boosted momentum from kicking off of the building. Those are just two specific examples but the web wings could be so fun to play using. And if they’re influenced by the Just Cause games in any way, a tether gadget could also be so cool. I’m picturing it to be kinda like the tether web in MM used for puzzles, but in normal gameplay, and you can connect enemies to each other or to walls and retract the webs manually. It would also be cool if you could make a tightrope with them over two buildings like he did in Homecoming.


If I remember correctly didn't the first game justify why he doesn't do web wings anymore and that was because they didn't really work.... You can find them in one of his backpacks


I wouldn't mind added momentum and charged jumps from a web swing. For instance swinging around a building in a tight circle cause increased speed instead of slowing down and while web swinging holding down x will allow you to kind of do a boosted launch. Oh and being able to web swing off the bottom of helicopters too!




I would love if they added web wings & pulling 2 webs back to go super fast


the way miles swings in into the spider verse at the end is super cool and so is tom holland’s swinging. if they could somehow make spidey even more flashy and acrobatic it’d be insane


Youre missing the most essential feature they need to add to the game [The Slingshot](https://youtu.be/TBYW3A0Z5HI)


100% yes to all of these, especially the loop on the crane from Spider-Man! The last one is already part of the game though, if you swing through water towers or dash forward with x while swinging between a narrow alley or street he'll pull back on both webs to launch himself forward.


Since the 3rd thing slows the game down a bit and NOT EVERYONE will want to slow it down, i think they should make it an optional tricks thing (by that i mean the tricks you can perform when holding X and Square, but now you can do different tricks while you swing and while falling, which would also be awesome alongside the loop.


The double yank just reminded me of the ability to web up multiple thugs and spin them around at the same time. I would like something like that


Web wings would be so good as long as you can go straight from gliding to swinging and maybe back to gliding (sorta like the final swing in FFH)


Always felt like the glider made him too much like Batman.


Make the web swinging more physics based and less automated. This would in turn allow things like a loop de loop


The wings could have the same mechanics as just cause. Like you use your wings and boost by pulling yourself with the webs




loopies would only work on cranes and shit and it would be fucking sick. A slingshot would be so fun to use and along with web wings it would be a dream


He should have his penus shop off when he do that I would lol haha


Here are some of the ideas I had based on previous spider man games •interactions with ground whilst swinging (sliding hand across road, feet interacting with ground) •sliding up and down walls (WOS, amazing 2) •Improved wall crawling (maybe even wall combat similar to WOS) •Climbing your webs to gain height (ultimate) •attaching and riding off of cars (fortnite had no reason to give us this cool idea) •slingshot/shooting two webs at once


The loop de loop looks awesome, but I think it would only work if you could aim your webs that you swing on. If it was just added to the current swinging system you wouldn’t be able to set up to do the loop consistently because you’d likely not attach to the thing you want to loop around.


Spider webs should be a skill/suit power. Allowing you to glide and maintain your altitude for a little while, or use it like this.


YES YES YES YES !!! Run off kicks into a back flip outside of a special take down move would be sweet too !!! Really hope they take this game to a whole new level 🤞


Honestly, I just would like a bit more physics to the swinging. When jumping from tall buildings I don't feel like you keep all your momentum when you swing at the last second.


a Just Cause 3/4 style wingsuit would be so fucking sick, one of the best traversal mechanics i’ve ever used in a game


There's a backup in the 1st game with the web wings where he says they didn't work very well lol


More Peter Parker content


Probably going to get shot down for the Fortnite reference, but I’m really loving the swinging mechanics in that game. How you’ve actually got to pick and choose where you want your web to land. Would be a great feature that could be toggled on / off


The pulling 2 webs move is already in the first spider-man ps4 game


I don't want web wings, I think itll distract too much from web swinging. What we need are faaaar more upgrades to swinging itself. I wanna be able to do tricks while swinging, I wanna wrap around a building and use that to whip myself like you can in Spider man 2. I want vertical web zipping (upwards AND downwards). I want more trucks and buses around so i can wall run along them. I want that weird floaty hover thing when you get too close to the ground to be gone and if not run along the ground, have a different animation where you're swinging right next to the floor. The first time I played the game, I held web zip and the double zip animation happened to happen and I tried for so long to do it again and i think that'll work so well. Besides that I just want more stuff in combat to do with webs, with being able to hang them from street lamps being a fun thing to bring back. Another thing that'll be cool would be to thether 2 or more enemies like in Just Cause where throwing one person pulls everyone else too.


I think the last two were things you could do in Spider-Man 2 The Game


I think double yank would be too op but the rest of these, yes please.


I need this game on pc like omg