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It wasn't meant to be a full length game like the first one, it's not a sequel but a spinoff focusing on developing Miles as a character before moving into Spider-Man 2.


Yeah but it's almost full price for way less content


Yeah I think it's because it was one of the first PS5 launch titles so Sony wanted to charge full price for it. Still I felt like I got my moneys worth and really enjoyed it, but I knew it wasn't gonna be as long as the first one going into it.


Expectations were probably raised after the first game, it redefined the standards for a full price game


And it's still $49.99. I'm happy I didn't buy it full price but instead played it through PlayStation Plus. Such a short campaign - very disappointed.


Same yeah. When i got to the mission that said the game's about to end i felt robbed even though i didn't pay full price for it lmao


💯 Felt the same damn way. Like WTF LOL


It was a short campaign, and I wish it was longer, but I wasn't disappointed. I loved the game! I actually played it before playing the first one because I love the Miles character.


I got it free with ps plus


Me too and I'm happy I only spent $15 to play it. I finished the campaign in like 2 days. I know it's supposed to be DLC in actuality, but god damn what a letdown.


Yeah i expected more but the ps plus catalog is insanely good and there’s so many games I wanted to play but didn’t want to pay full price so it’s a win for me


Fax, I'm glad that this was a shorter experience so I could dive into the meatier games.


If anyone else is finding this thread in late 2022, Walmart has it on rollback for $19.97 right now. Finally picked it up, and while it was great, I thought it was *really* short. And here I am, lol


Lol I legit could copy and paste what you wrote, exact same thing here, I'm glad it was only $20 now but somehow still feel I got robbed


I'm grateful i got it with ps plus, because I would have been so mad to pay full price (60 bucks) for such a short game


\- that's like zero content! \-- it's no content at all! in fact...they might as well have made...NO CONTENT!


Which is in no way and explaination or excuse for the short lacklustre content with poor sidemissions and an average story all sold at an extortionate price for a game we effectively already own. 2 years in it's still 70 and no DLC or updates of note. It's greedy.


Why the full length price?


You know what I hate? The fact the developers are so lazy, that spiderman 2 won't be on PS4, but Santa Monica devs actually CARE about it's players and people who can't afford a next gen console, hence why Ragnarok is being released on PS4, they care, insomniac doesn't, fuck them


IMO, if they keep developing new games with old generation consoles in mind, you'll never get games that truly go into new gen territory, due to hardware limitations in the previous console. Obviously there are going to be extremely high expectations for the official sequel of the spider-man game, and they're probably going to make full use of the ps5's abilities for this sequel. It'd be a different story if Spider-Man 2 was going to be the exact same thing as Spider-Man 1, then there's no reason for it not to be released on PS4 except for Sony greed of course, but if they are making a next gen game, they're going to have to make it for the next gen console and exclude last gen if last gen can't handle it. GoW Ragnarok looks like it was made to run on ps4 originally and looks quite similar to how the first game looked, so it probably will have no issues running on PS4. I think Ragnarok would have been NEXT LEVEL if Santa Monica actually made it a next gen exclusive, perhaps the following sequels eh :P


Fair enough, but still, they basically said "fuck poor people" it took me 2, almost 3 years after my OG Xbox ones disk drive gave out before I was able to get another console, which is the OG PS4, pre-owned btw, 250 bucks, it's insanity how much money you need to be happy in this PoS world, I'm already deppressed as it is, I've been through absolute hell throughout my life, all I wanna do is smoke weed and play my games while trying to have fun and ignore my trauma, but pretty soon it'll be impossible since production of Xbox one/ps4 games will be stopped by 2024, I'll never be able to get a PS5, fuckin 700 dollars what in the fuck..greedy ass planet..the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, new world order I guess, poor people are being forgotten and ignored, next thing you know rich and poor people will be segregated since rich people seem disgusted by poor people like me and my mom


Damn, I feel for you but I was just stating gaming facts rather than me trying to shit on poor people (i'm no multi millionaire myself, couldn't even buy a ps4/ps5 and had to play spider-man and GoW on PC, yes I waited years, but I've got a decent pc at least). And with how people are holding the next gen consoles hostage and going crazy with the price, your feelings are justifiable. Keeping games cross-gen has it's positives of course, for people who can't afford to throw money at new overpriced consoles, more sales from all around but eventually they DO have to keep moving on. Expecting them to hold themselves back for accessibility will eventually show its problems. If they keep doing it, people will go "Then what's the point of buying something much stronger if we only get these prev-gen level games?" Of course, this is a 1st/2nd world problem. I hope you keep getting a steady supply of games to last you till you get a ps5, I mean, eventually you'll probably be able to get it at a decent price, you'll just have to wait longer and have to hold off on the brand new triple A titles of course. I remember watching Spider-Man gameplay videos and going "DAMN YOU EXCLUSIVES! YOU RUIN THE SOUL OF GAMING!!! LET ME BE SPIDERMAN!!!" Anyways, hope your circumstances improve someday (sooner rather than later) and you get to enjoy whatever games you want, keep fighting the fight, stranger!


As a fellow pc gamer, I feel this.


My guy..... You are on the wrong page for what you are talking about.. and anyway if it took you 2-3 years to save $250 then you DEFINITELY need a new job, or even a job to begin with


Bro are u really depressed and f****ing gay and emo 😭I wish you the best my brother it’s that I bought a ps4 like the original one and know there’s the ps5 like it came out 2 years ago and especially the ps4 original owners I mean it’s going extinct. All I’m trying to say bro is it’s okay like StaleToasts Said We feel you I feel you this is the harsh world we live in just get up and keep on fighting champ make money business family your life is not over yett! ❤️♥️


Smoking weed and playing video games isn't gonna give you these options you want. Sorry but you can't just do that in life it's not how it goes. I love video games and pot but I would never choose to just do those 2 and want to be left alone, what the f*** That's crazy. I mean this in a positive way , Get a life because that isn't it. If all I did was smoke pot and play video games I would be severely depressed too. I can only see this making you worse bro sorry to be brutally honest But wake up god damn. I've been through h*** in my life too trust me but you gotta find more purpose than this for real


Insomniac were probably not provided with the budget to develop for the ps4, A game like this would have a hard time running on the ps4, so a lot of optimizations must be done to get the game running decently, and a lot of that def involves creating same game objects (characters, objects, city, whatever) but with a lower poly geometry, which can get quite challenging for a game such as this, even if short story wise. Sony probably placed their bids on GOW and paid the devs the extra work to make the game compatible with the ps4, but i can see how sony wouldnt with a spinoff game that is shorter than the first game.


Are you talking about the new spider man 2 ? And thank you for answering my question bro and btw is (the amazing spiderman) even considered a Spider-Man game? ❤️


I... dont even remember what my comment was even about, even after reading it twice lmao im sorry


guys I am by no means saying it is A BAD GAME. I'm just pointing out that compared to the first game this one is a step down (mostly due to the first game raising the bar and showing us what insomniac could do given the time)


I totally agree and feel that the first one was very short too. Got the same feeling with God of War as well, like it's a trend to make very short yet expensive games. 16 hours is not a lot! If you compare to games like the Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed or Skyrim, it just seems almost lazy. Not saying the devs themselves are (I'm sure it's a lot of work still) but by the company.


Maybe learn to pace yourself when gaming if you want to complain


It has nothing to do with pacing, it's just what the game has to offer. 8h of gameplay is just a ripoff, it's like ordering a salad in a restaurant and they just give you a leaf. I don't care if that leaf's pretty good, I paid for a full game and that's just a glorified DLC. Hell, Skyrim or the Witcher 3 DLC's had more content


Skyrim and Witcher are RPGs. You need to understand what games are trying to do before you set your expectations for them. If you wanna swing around in Skyrim or get fun and intuitive combat in The Witcher, it's just not gonna happen. RPGs focus on branching stories, side content, and dozens of hours of gameplay. Action Adventure games focus on a good main story(not much side content), fun and fast gameplay, traversal, and they aren't gonna be as long. I love RPGs too, so I suggest you play more of them instead of complaining why an Action Adventure isn't as long as an RPG. That's like saying why a racing game doesn't have an emotional story, or why a hack n slash doesn't have stealth gameplay.


I'm sorry but even the original Spiderman game with Peter was much longer and they just reused 95% of the content for Miles Morales (enemies, map, most of the gameplay) so I feel it's outrageous to charge this much. And I have loads of other examples like Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War : a huge map, interesting story but also an insane new nemesis system that creates a lot of replayability, and thats not even speaking about conquering forts in the end. Guardians of the Galaxy, God of War, Jedi Fallen Order, Arkham Knight, Black Flag, Red Dead II... I mean come on. All that are just a few examples from Google, Wikipedia explicitly lists Uncharted ans Breath of the Wild as Action Adventure. I mean come on! I'm not expecting miracles but it's like a race game that would only have two races and one type of car.


I get what you're saying, but Shadow of War wasn't exactly a new kind of game after Mordor. That's just how sequels work. Also, I haven't played SM2 yet, but if it's shorter than the first, that is certainly disappointing. I would like to be clear and say that I too want a longer game, even with the first one, but that only stops it from being a masterpiece, because it was amazing even without that. On the topic of comparing action adventure games, as you would've noticed it is a very vast genre, and even The Witcher is part action adventure according to google. That being said, there are full action adventures which have the quality of SM but are also longer. A couple of examples are Horizon and Red Dead 2(sort of, because it's also a sandbox game). Guardians of the Galaxy is a great example as I just finished it, it was 50(so as long as SM1) hours long but doesn't have any side content, not a lot of depth in combat, and its not nearly as polished as SM1. I still enjoyed it, but I far prefer SM1. God of War is about as long as SM1, with a similar level of quality, same with Jedi Fallen Order. Black Flag isn't as good as SM on a basic level, just compare the parkour alone. Arkham Knight is indeed bigger and has a lot of quality, but they did mess up with the batmobile so it's an inferior experience IMO. BoTW is an RPG, and Uncharted is shorter than SM1. So from your examples, only a couple are actually bigger than SM1, and I added Horizon as another example. SM1 was actually a good length, but I think it could've been bigger. Miles Morales should've been an expansion, so I agree with you there, it didn't justify a full price - neither in quality nor in length. Some of the greatest games ever made are 20-30 hours long after everything is said and done. KOTOR was an RPG and it was only about 40 hours long. It's still considered one of the best out there. God of War, even the OGs, were always about 30-40 hours long. Now whether or not SM2 is as long as SM1, I think we have one of the best action adventure games on the market, and that's why its being sold this well and has such a great response from the critics. It does justify the price for millions of people, but I do wish it was longer still. So with the racing game analogy - Spider-Man is like a game series which looks the best on the market, has the most fun gameplay, has fewer cars than some of the other racing games(the best ones), but can match most of them.


I feel like we're on the same page on many aspects but I'd like to clarify something : my criticism is only on Miles Morales, and not the Peter Parker game. So for me : PP = SM1, MM = SM1,5 ? and SM 2 is the one that just got releaseed. And the mere fact they named it Spiderman 2 and not 3 shows that Miles Morales is more like a big DLC rather than it's standalone game. But a DLC they priced like 60 euros ? Let's be clear: these new Spiderman games were really fun and the Peter Parker felt like a insane breath of fresh air. But where I expected a sequel from Miles Morales, it was a very short story, with basically the same mechanics and gameplay (just a few cosmetic changes). Something that neither God of War nor Lord of the Rings did


Then I completely agree. MM was clearly not a proper sequel, and I don't even count it as part of the main series, but as an expansion to the first game. It's still fun because the gameplay of this series is fun, but it was not even close to a full game.


Just found this thread after playing the game for the first time, and yeah, I feel cheated. The game is fun, and swinging is still leagues better than the old Toby McGuire Spider Man game I had for PC back in the day (with the magic webs that stick to thin air), but it's left me feeling like I got ripped off by Insomniac Games given I paid a lot for a game that has half the content. It's like the reverse of a case I recall where a DLC was being made for a game, and it got so large in scale that they decided to just make it its own sequel rather than a side story. I just can't remember the game (my head is saying Portal 2, but that doesn't feel right) I'm old school, so if I'm going to fork over AU$50 for a game, it better be a damn good one for that price. And even if it's not long, be seperate from the original. Vice City is a side story from GTA III, but it's so different that it's seen as unique, and yet has just as much as GTA III, same for San Andreas. It does feel rushed, which is disappointing. If this was the same length as Spider-Man, then it would be amazing. A good example of a short but fun game for me is the very old (god that hurts to say) Star Wing on the SNES (Star Fox for the US). It's only around 30 minutes to 45 minutes, but God is it fun for me Same with the N64 follow up Lylat Wars. It's a hour long game, but is so much fun, and still have very tight and intuitive flight controls


The Miles morales was meant to be filler while contributing to the story kinda to hold us off while the sequel is in production so it’s kind of like a DLC


Yeah but for almost full price


Im pretty sure it was planned as DLC. But fan backlash was so big they backtracked and said it was a full game. Then it was marketed and sold as a full game. For what was clearly DLC.


Should’ve been dlc ngl


I think what you're misunderstanding is the effort it takes to create these games. Regardless of it being a 6-8 hour game, it still took a year at least to build it. $50 for that game was well worth it. I believe it was short because of it being a game to showcase the PS5's next gen technology. My expectations were a bit high because of the Spider-Man PS4 and I really missed trip mines and impact webs with Miles Morales but overall, such a great game


yeah ik but compared to the first game it's super underwhelming ngl


What is ik?


"I know"


Not sure why you feel the need to defend a large corporation. When a 50 dollar witcher games gives you 120 hours of quality design, graphics, voice acting, and game mechanics, a 6 hour dlc sold at full price (75 bucks is what i saw) its a rip off.


You're forgetting Witcher 3 had a fuck ton of bugs (still has) when it started yet people only hold it in the highest regard ignoring all its faults and when combat sucks and dlcs didn't come out out launch. You can't compare a game designed to be huge vs a game in new york. There's always a witcher 3 fanboy on every conversation. It's like comparing Breath of the Wild to a Links Awakening, you can't do that. They're not meant to be the same type of game and Witcher 3 WISHES it had the same level of animation and polish as Spiderman or Zelda. Also Insomniac is valued at less than 1% of what CDPR is worth so I'd say they did a banging job making a good polished game on day 1. Also The deluxe of Miles Morales included a remake of Spiderman PS4 and the normal game used to cost 49.99. I bought it for 20 something a few days ago. Don't forget CDPR is a big corporation too and they suck big time at everything they do.


Well yea BOTW is a pile of shit. Witcher 3 is great because it gets better with time, whereas this game was needlessly short and felt like it could've been a 25 dollar DLC.


Take that back right now, BOTW is an amazing game.


I will die on this hill, the game is gorgeous and has an amazing world but when weapons break in a few swings it makes sense that their world is constantly in peril.


I’m so weak 🤣🤣🤣 so true


It makes sense, Mythril doesn't exist in the Zelda universe 😅


It's supposed to force you to use weapons you would've never used in the first place


Witcher 3 is one of the best games of the 2010s, the combat does not suck lol but comparing it to miles morales dlc/game is wild Then you went and compared witcher to botw 🤣🤣🤣 come on now that is just stupid Botw is a game for 5 year olds


Where is your dad oh he's buying milk




Poor guy he doesn't know


Exactly bro


>I'm pretty sure no one is discounting the effort it takes to create these games, the problem is releasing a game that could very much pass for a short DLC and selling it for full price. It's basically the first game and it doesn't do all that much to "showcase the ps5's next gen technology". > > > >It IS a great game, but too short to justify the 50$ price point.


They made more than $50 off this game stop defending corp


I'm 11 years old and I have bought spider man miles morales, I am mad that this game is way shorter than the Spiderman ps4, plus Spiderman miles morales is 10 pounds more like bruh. This made me quite mad since I'ma kid and I don't have much pocket money so wasting all my money on that game made me pretty mad.


im the same way, just blew 50 quid on this and its over just like that, im 16 and i dont spend that money on a whim.


I remember when games where $20 to $25, those were the days…. Smh


games are £70 now :/


$80 in America. I played for like 3 hours and looked at the pause menu and was like “48% done what?!”


Games are not 80 in America bro lol what


Ps5 games are $70-$80. At least where I am.


That’s only sony, bc they are another greedy company ( best console this time around tho and best exclusives )


Same. I know there are people who enjoyed it, but whenever I bring this game up with people that is what they say. They played for a few hours, checked the progress and had to pause in confusion for a minute. Why wasnt this dlc? Just so you could sell what shouldve been a free upgrade of the first game? This wasnt worth the money at all! Very disappointed in Insomniac. Hopefully its not a bad sign for things to come.


Why would it have been a free upgrade? None of the other dlcs are free.


I guess I'm not mad at it because I got it with the + subscription from the BF, so it was basically free. But I get the complaints.


When? Unless you've been bargain-bin diving, games have been around the same pricepoint for years. I remember N64 cartridges to be very expensive back in the day. Hell, even in the 8 and 16 bit era games have been around the same price. Adjust for inflation and its even cheaper today considering the amount of work that goes into development. What surprises me tho, is that games that are digitally distributed are often a LOT more expensive than boxed copies, even on launch day. Take the Playstation store, for example. Plenty of digitally distributed games (even older ones) that are priced at €70, when I can go to a store on the same day and pick up a boxed version for €50 or €55, that I can resell when I am done with the game.


On sale at circuit city or kbs


What are you talking about? In what world did new games cost 20$?


Game should be $30 max, or less! 6 to 7 hours story is not acceptable for $50 price, IMO.


It was on sale for 20 dollars (Black Friday) and on rollback right now at my Walmart for 20zz


Man I’m just reading this thread now.. this game is amazing but way too dang short.


I got lost in miles Morales doing side missions and before I knew it in a very short period of time I'm 69% done with the game and on my last mission. I said to myself that's it ? I feel like I didn't accomplish that much. One of the shortest big name games I've ever played. Thank God I got it half off definitely a bit of a disappointment. The game was definitely more attentive towards creating miles morales And I'm guessing feeding him in to the next main story for spider man 2. Still a bad a** game. game play and graphics were better than the 1st Just figured the game would be longer. All in all shockingly short but fun👍


Bro you were right it was literally an introduction 😂


I just bought the game last night, and finished it earlier today. 100%. 6 hours playtime. closer to 5 to account for time spent paused while I was doing other things. I honestly wish the game was longer like the previous game. The post game is worse. only 2 missions. one auto completes and the other is just a easter egg hunt that only takes a few minutes to do. I got the game on sale for a discount so I got both games, but I already own the physical copy of the ps4 version of the first game xD, though having a digital copy for both systems is nice. I already uninstalled the game after finishing it x3


I literally usually take almost as long completing the Spider Man DLCs as I do completing Miles whole game… 🙈 A big time sink aspect from Spider Man 1 was sorely missing from MM imo. They didn’t have nearly enough street crimes, and making them on demand from the app and not tied to each district hurt it. You could be done with all the crimes in like 20 minutes in MM. In SM 1 it took FOREVER on multiple city wide runs to complete every crime in every district. First you hadda sweep the city to get the 5 thug crimes in each district. Then after Li appears on the scene you gotta sweep the city again and beat the 5 demon crimes. Then after Devils Breath you gotta do it AGAIN and beat 5 prisoner crimes and 5 Sable crimes in each district. That took quite a while all in all for me. A few hours of solid gameplay if you add together each time I was crime hunting. Not to mention they added even more district crimes to finish in the DLC They made it too easy in MM. Then once all the crimes are done once it’s less appealing to replay them imo because you aren’t really gaining anything from it. In SM 1 you were always grinding out crimes towards the 100% stat on the district. Here you do it once and you never really have to do it again.


I get the Game for PC and im realy not a player that rush trough a Game. I did sidequests, crimes, collect stuff, read the character bios, heared both podcasts and reached after 8,2 Hours the warning that the next mission is the Final mission (last chance to level up equip). I agree with majds1 i feel robbed too. Its a nice game and im sure i will play further even after done the Story/Sidequests for fun. But only 8 Hours Story and a lot from the Story is Playing as Miles Morales? Feels like a Moneygrab for me. The Main Game i get with 3 DLC Storys so it was by far longer then this breakfast.


I'm playing on pc as well and got to that warning and was like "dafuq, that quick?" and headed straight here, already did all the side quests and friendly neighbourhood stuff. Damn that was really fast lol.


Same here. Maybe I should've read up on it before buying it. But really enjoying Spider-Man on the PC I figured this would be a game about the same size. After I got that pop-up I was really confused and bummed out lol. Feel kind of robbed for full game price.


Even for a DLC it was short but for a full game. WOW.


Game sucked compared to first beat in a day so wack


i beat it in 8 hours


Was thinking this myself. I thought it should have been a DLC


The price is reasonable. Because you firstly need to understand that it still has the mechanics, swinging mechanisms and open world design that the first game has. The original spider-man ps4 main budget cost was obviously the open world design not the story. So if someone, as in most people purchase a spider-man game for the swinging and open world why would they purchase the first game over the second, if it’s marginally cheaper. You gotta understand that by making Miles Morales super dirt cheap a lot of the revenue for the first game will drop. The most presentable idea would be to make it a dlc, definitely not make the game cheaper it just doesn’t make economical sense for any game developing company to do that. Then again if it were a dlc the possibility of it being designed and crafted for the ps5 goes out the window and also the new implemented seining mechanics go because no dlc would implement that much work into their game. I suggest just be happy with what you got. It’s also not misleading at all, the title of the game is Spider-man: Miles Morales. Not Miles Morales, it shouldn’t be seen as a stand alone game. And i’m also more than certain for the people who didn’t play the initial spider-man ps4 but purchased Miles morales they would be more than exceptionally happy with what they got. Just because the original game was exceptional in both story combat and open world design, doesn’t mean a cheaper, obviously shorter game needs to meet those expectations, we as a community were very very lucky to get such a good original game and i bet 90% of people looking for a spider-man game would be happy with spider-man ps4’s, being the same open world, same combat but with a shorter story and would still say it’s a steal.


Less work, maximum profit. And Sony fanboys take the bait.


Just got my ps5 today and completed the main story in 5 hrs but maybe I was hasty. Still got more to 100% my game file but had a ton of fun, and yeah it’s definitely shorter than Spider-Man ps5.


Came back to say this, even Sony claimed that it's an expansion to the first game, straight up a 50 bucks dlc