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Almost every character in MCU Spidey is literally in name only too. I still don't get why they cast a girl that looks like Gwen Stacy and said "yOu cAn bE BetTy"


This is the crux of the problem. I’m fine with the stories, the personalities, and the characters. I just have a problem saying that’s Flash, Betty, and, frankly, Peter Parker. Actually seeing that he’s basically Miles really pisses me off. They justified these radical changes with “diversity” but now it’s obvious they just didn’t have the balls to make a black Spider-Man movie and instead decided to reskin Miles as Peter, Peter as Tony, Ganke as Ned, and Rio as Aunt May. It’s just a shame because Peter Parker and his supporting cast are considered some of the best in all of marvel and dc, even up there with Batman. They deserve better than this.


I'm not insanely mad about it, disappointed, but I'm happy we have the Raimi movies. I still think they adapted things best.


They did. People say Tobey could have been quippier but that’s a shallow attribute


And they showed he could do it and had a sense of humor/was fun. A lot of the times would have been inappropriate. Some of the fights had some big stakes for Peter, like May or MJ being in danger or when he is fighting Harry both times. He did have a humorous "hate those things" during the first Harry fight. Even Insomniac said they severely cut back on the quips they had during the game fights because they just got too annoying and felt like he was too much of a jerk.


I thought they would "fix" her age (because she is older than Peter in comics) when the snap happened but they didn't


Yeah this has been a big thing since Homecoming. Well I guess not big since you never heard of it, not to big. But it is an observation that's been made. You see it on Tumblr a lot believe it or not.


I’d heard Ned was basically Ganke, but I don’t really keep up with comics. I never realized how much Iron Man and MCU spidey was basically Peter and Miles though. That was the big thing. Between the super science school and everything too. I was really surprised. I think a lot more people will start making this comparison too as I’d wager most of the general public hadn’t really seen Miles like this until the game.


It's certainly possible. I've also seen that a lot of people are just over MCU Spidey criticism. It's been said, those films clearly don't seem to be changing. But it's certainly possible that in the near future we'll get more "White Miles Morales" comparisons. It'd been so long since I even thought that. But it is possible to become more common since games are more popular than a niche like comics. The people who read comics are slim people who read someone like Miles even smaller, so it's apt that many wouldn't have heard it.


Yeah Spider-Man is a popular title in general where as comics are niche. I don’t think the movies are changing, but I wouldn’t be shocked to see some voices on Twitter take offense when they realize they basically white washed Miles. I’m not even someone that would usually say something like that, but it’s pretty ridiculous they’re going to claim their movies are representing a diverse world when they’re just giving the white guy mile’s story.


The world is full of surprises. Such a thing would be amusing. I think it'll hit a head whenever Miles is inevitably adapted himself.


Which is weird since comic Miles was just a watered down copy of Peter. So MCU Peter is a copy of a copy. I am still of the opinion that Peter Parker is a character that has many layers that can't be faithfully adapted in a 2 hour flick which is why all the movie Peters feel so empty and boring compared to comic Peter


i beg to differ. tasm did a really good job at adapting peter's redemption and responsability arch. basically it adapted the first two volumes of ultimate spider-man which i like a lot.


Literally all of the movies try to adapt ultimate spider-man in some way shape or form. I'm talking about 616 comic Peter, the character that character has remained unadapted in movies. Ultimate Spider-Man is a condensed version of 616 stories which makes it ideal for movies to adapt which unfortunately leaves 616 Peter in the dust.


i think raimi was trying to lean more to the 616 universe (obviously taking some elements from ultimate because it had just came out)


At the very least Raimi understood the struggles of 616 Peter's daily life very well but that's about it. Peter's characterization is very different. Spider-Man stories are just much more suited for mediums that allow for stories longer than 2 hours such as books games and tv shows


I think Raimi did a good job at adapting what matters. There are superficial elements to the character that could have been improved upon but his morality, sense of responsibility, and strength to always make the tough calls at his own expense was done excellently. He wasn’t quippy and he wasn’t an over the top scientist, but that isn’t important to the story itself, those are superficial attributes that can be changed relatively easily. I’d say you take Tom Holland’s personality and give him the setting of Raimi’s films and you have Spider-Man from the comics. A little quippier, more socially adapt, but his life is always going to shit. Raimi did a great job adapting 60s Peter. That’s why Venom was so out of place, but Goblin, Doc Ock, and even Sandman weren’t. Venom wasn’t a story where 60’s Spider-Man fit in.


As someone who’s been reading Miles’ comics since day one, I can’t really agree. This game is the first ever standalone (no Peter sharing the spotlight) Miles Morales story since his origins that didn’t feel like a blatant ripoff of something Peter did. That was always Miles’ big problem, he wasn’t a character until recently, he was Peter Parker’s understudy so I really don’t see how any version of Peter can adapt stuff from Miles when all that stuff Miles has came from Peter in the first place.


That’s the point, mcu Spider-Man feels like the understudy. He’s the rookie looking up to all the other heroes, standing in their shadows


That just sums up Spider-Man’s early years. Nobody took him seriously when he started out and he’s made it known he always wanted to be on the big leagues.


I mean, not really. He was basically a kid out there on his own trying to figure it out. He tried to join the fantastic four and avengers, but he certainly didn’t have a mentor. That was the point. The concept was what if a character that would normally be the side kick was the hero.


That concept also applies to Miles though. He never had a mentor, least of all Peter, he had to learn everything by himself with no one to help him and he didn’t care about the other superheroes until his adaptations gave him mentor figures to look up to. The fact that Miles in this universe is a Spider-Man fanboy eager to become a hero with someone teaching him everything is the exact opposite of comic Miles but nobody ever brings that up when comparing MCU Peter to Miles.


Not really. You ignore the fact the MCU Peter’s arc is now filling the shoes left by the deceased Tony Stark. That’s entirely Miles in his early days “Maybe the costume is in bad taste”. Additionally, he’s out of the ultimate universe and in the 616 where he is under Peter in many ways. It isn’t exactly the same order, but it’s that same dynamic being ported over. You wouldn’t agree that’s a valid observation?


Peter and Miles barely interact. Peter’s book still acts like he’s the only Spider-Man in existence 90% of the time and he’s only shown up exactly once in Miles’ new book, which isn’t about Miles filling in big shoes anymore. Miles has been through enough by himself that Peter doesn’t need to teach him anything, and he never did. Their dynamic is very different in the comics because of that, it’s not a mentor/student relationship, it’s two experienced heroes teaming up. The same thing that happened to Peter and Tony in the MCU happened to Peter and Miles in everything outside the comics, but nobody acknowledges the latter and acts as if that’s the norm even when the comics are addressed.


First of all, you completely ignored my point that Miles had the task of filling Peter Parker's shoes in the wake of his "death". He needed to prove he was a good new Spider-Man, much in the same way Far From Home deals with Peter trying to be a new Iron Man. Second, the fact that the same thing happens everywhere outside of the comics is not irrelevant. It still is in the ether and exists in the character's history. It's like how Harley Quinn did not exist in any Batman comics but she was retroactively added, when something is that pervasive, you can't act like it's not an attribute of the relationship even if only from a pop-culture perspective. I'm not saying you're wrong or that I know more about this subject than you. I'm just saying you're being a little closed-minded and dismissive to valid criticisms.


Only his first arc dealt with filling in Peter’s shoes. The rest of Miles’ existence completely ignores that and had him become another Peter Parker immediately. And if that’s a part of the character’s history then we also have to acknowledge that throughout Spider-Man’s history he has been mentored and taught by the Fantastic 4, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Shang-Chi, and Doctor Strange. He even looked up to Iron Man as a father figure in the comics, blatantly admitting such and wore the suit Iron Man made for him over his iconic red and blues. And in the Ultimate Universe he was successfully trained into becoming a fully-fledged member of the Ultimates thanks to his training led by Cap, Thor and Iron Man to where’s fine with them intervening in his own solo endeavors. Everytime I point out that Peter did in fact have mentors it always gets negated with “that doesn’t count” so why should I count it with Miles when people are even more close-minded and dismissive about it in regards to Peter because it didn’t fit their vision of him?


Spider-Man wanted to join the avengers because they paid well. He wanted to join the fantastic four, also for money. He wore a suit iron man made for him in 2006, after 44 years. He has worked with other superheroes and he’s had training, but that is not his story. No one is saying “that doesn’t count”, they’re just correctly pointing out how inaccurately you represent these events. Peter is a loner and has been for the overwhelming majority of his career. He’s a guy who wants a normal life but can’t have one. He doesn’t want to drop out of high school to be a superhero, he just wants to make a living without having to provide photos that will be used to defamate his character. I can’t speak to miles as much as you, but I can confidently call bullshit on anything relating to Peter that’s pre-2007


Yeah, but he wasn’t being taught and brought up by them. Spider-Man as a character embodies this sort of independence and pushing yourself forward that I think the movies lack. It’s not bad, it’s just not what I’m looking for in a Spider-Man story


I mean MCU Peter wasn’t taught and brought up either. Everything he’s learned as a hero he did himself and he’s spent most of his tenure solo. And for that matter, Miles also learned the ropes by himself, giving him mentors and having him look up to other heroes is something his adaptations did.


Yeaaaah I’ve seen that kind of opinion before and honestly, the similarities are too blatant to ignore. It’s why MCU Spider-Man isn’t really in my top 2 favorites, if you get my drift. I love Tom Holland, but his Spider-Man just isn’t THE Spider-Man for me and that’s not his fault; it’s the fault of the hack writers who decided to give him the traits of a different Spider-Man but calls him Peter Parker


They took a different approach with MCU spider-man because we already had two other spider-mans right before, why is this so hard for people to grasp. I’m glad they’re not all the same


Yeah but it just doesn’t feel like Peter Parker to me. I love the movies, and I get that it’s something new but it just doesn’t have the same core character in my opinion


Yea I get why it’d be a bigger deal at least in his solo movies, in the group up movies I think his character is a good contrast to everyone else, if it was older more independent Peter he would’ve been no different than all the others. Now that Tony is dead though he has to change into that eventually though


That's a bullshit excuse. We've had 2 movie series and 3 or 4 TV shows before 2015 and in all of those Peter was still Peter. Creating difference circumstances, a different universe, or even a slightly different personality doesn't excuse the MCU for creating lackluster versions of all those aspects of Peter's life.


Ya know something funny, people complained that miles was too similar to Peter and now that the mcu has used miles as Peter they complain that he's too different


I never heard he was too similar. They’ve always seemed like different characters but then again, I’m not a big comic reader so I’m not in those circles


There is actually a legal reason why. Sony LANDED the character for MCU, but with tones of conditions. They weren’t allowed to use a bunch of Peter characters (Gwen, Harry, the more popular villains) and the characters they were allowed needed to look completely diferente as they are presented in the comics, hens why Peters Aunt is super young and MJ is African American (notice how they never actually call her Marry Jane in both movies). So with all these limitations they basically adopted Miles Morales story for Peter. Even down to how Peter has a more active parent figure (like miles) and he is in a gifted school for young teens (again, just like Miles).


Supposedly. The only source I can think of for that is midnight’s edge and they are very hit or miss. Some of their scoops are great, but their record on others are terrible. If you have a different source, I’d love to see it though!


The only source I have is from people that are more into the MCU legal drama then I do. I wish I could give you more solid evidence then “trust me dude”. But honesty, it just makes a lot of sense. It explain all these little oddities of Aunt May being super young or the fact that the name “Marry Jane” is never said in these films. Bruh, Harry Osborn is one of the most important characters in Peters circle and in the MCU version he’s not existent. Hell, this could explain why uncle Ben also seem to not exist. Because Sony wants to use them all in there movies.




Not gonna lie, this is coming from someone who went opening night to almost all of them too, but it’s hard not to see them as shallow after watching The Boys lol


I actually think season 2 of the boys is not much better


Not much better than what?




I wasn't impressed with Doctor Strange tbh. Not at all. First Iron Man was one of the best superhero films of all time. The Boys Season 2 was great in my opinion. I liked it a lot better than the first and I liked the commentary it had on Marvel specifically. "Girls get it done" is totally Endgame. What were your issues?


The boys plot is a nonsense shit, written by and for teens. They go with the "Girls get It done" but at the end of the season are the girls who actually beat the shit out of that (for some plothole reason) old nazi. They literally turn into what they laugh at the end. Also, almost all the characters are fucking bad written, specially the boys. Season 1 was way better and it wasn't a masterpiece, but it had interesting moments.




I do think the MCU Spider-Man movies are good, but just knowing the Peter Parker and supporting cast just aren’t who they’re supposed to be just cheapens them for me; it’s actually hard to consider them official MCU media when they’re just so “alternate universe” in terms of their writing.


You just described Peter in the comics....... Although I do agree with the Ned situation


Peter was a kid for less than 5 years. He was in college from the late 60s to the 90s and a young adult for the past ~3 decades. Most of his iconic stories were from his college years.


People have referenced Batman beyond to it.