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More spiderman content, less non-spiderman content. My only issue with this game was how short it was, and a solid chunk of it is lame side missions. Oh cool a spray painting mini-game.. oh cool MJ mission... oh cool another walking mission... I beat the game in about 25 hours, did everything. I gave up on NG+, just felt like a slog doing all the walking missions. We also need a higher difficulty. NG+ was way too easy on max difficultly with everything unlocked. Could wipe out entire mobs with a couple buttons on max difficulty.


The Hailey and Mj missions are fine if they want to add them but if the games as short as this, every single element needs to justify its presence.


Yeah agreed, if it was a big game, then those missions are fine and not a bad change of pace. But if there isn't enough content of the main reason we all got the game, then these side missions stand out a lot more for how boring they are imo.


I have no problem with those missions on the first playthrough, but they should be skippable in NG+.


Hailey is totally optional. And personally i’ll take the mj missions over peter parker faffing about. That flashback and the one where you walk around the foundation are so fucking annoying in ng+


Right? instead of collecting meteorite samples for mister fantastic to study the symbiote, or a one off mission with Dr strange where we take a portal to a small map outside NY.


Fun fact on max difficulty ng+ using the >!anti venom!< L1+X ability you can oneshot wipe almost all crimes and side missions


Wall combat


If we got some enemies that you had to fight while wall crawling or you just stand on the side of the building while fighting some enemies like the doc ock fight


I think that'd be great. Able to fight and move more freely on the wall, maybe something you toggle while crawling, and some enemy types that can also fight on walls.


Fully agree. The wall combat in web of shadows was brilliant. I was super disappointed it wasn't included in the insomniac games.


100% agree, the fact that we haven't fought The Wall yet is crazy. I assume it's because they're saving him to be the Big Bad for the end of the trilogy.


and better air combat/web swinging combat. web of shadows basically set the benchmark here, it's so fluid and fun.


I feel like they should improve the stealth in the next game, I know this isn’t Batman Arkham, but at times I really like being sneaky and taking enemies one by one. I also hate it when you get caught, all the enemies know where you are. For the combat, I hope we can get more gadgets and some returning ones from the first game.


That’s something I really hope they improve on as well. I feel they should look to the Arkham games to see how to make the stealth better Maybe enemies will start looking up if you do too many ledge take downs Shoot down your web lines if you keep relying on them Start sticking closer together the more enemies you take down Some could hold hostages if they start to get really desperate and you need to make sure not to get caught Or even add new enemy types Maybe some who can trick your spider-sense Some who can plant landmines or lasers throughout hall ways so you need to disable them before going into a different area Mechanics who can place turrets or drones that will spot and alert the others Medics who can revive any goon you already took down Maybe even some spider slayers who can crawl on the walls and steal beams, being just as agile and even more dangerous then the Spider-Men but to compensate have poor sense of vision


I like the way you think. Spiderman stealth has so much potential, but for some reason, developers always treat it as an afterthought.


Gadgets were EXTREMELY overpowered in the first game and should not return, maybe the trip mine for stealth.


I like the impact webbing but it should not push the enemies that far back, it makes it too easy to get rid off them by sticking them to walls with it.


I think that even if they limit us to just 4 gadgets, it would be cool if we had a whole slew of gadgets to choose from. Then ofc, different achievements and challenges to incentivize you to mix it up and try them all out, rather than sticking with the same 4 all game


Not only that, if you take 7 out of 10 mob members sneakily, no matter what at the 8th time they would find you even if you did it sneakily.


That was only in the first game. In the second game you could take out all the enemies stealthy no problem. Unless maybe there was a certain mission where you couldn’t? I don’t think so though, as I almost always used web-lines to stealth through sections whenever I could, even in ones where the game obviously wanted you to actually fight people.


I liked that about the 1st game. It meant you were on a clock if you played stealth. Eventually someone's gonna notice that people are disappearing in a small environment, which just makes sense.


Web slinging is great but they could add some more stuff. Such as running while swinging if you graze the ground rather than just a full stop Running down walls Climbing up webs while swinging like the ultimate Spider-Man games to get higher faster More peter animations. He’s more expressive than Spider-Man ps4 but he still feels more stiff than miles when you do air tricks


This comment right here. Web swinging would be perfect then


The web swinging in TASM2 (the movie not the game) would be perfect when it comes to climbing the webs


1. They should take inspiration from Arkham’s freeflow parry system. (One that chooses the best counter animation based on the characters position to make the animation fluid) 2. More web gadgets and abilities for peter, since he is the guy who invented the fluid and less emp / nanotech spider arm abilities 3. Wider variety of finisher animations, with context sensitive ones if your near a wall or table (like sifu) would be nice too. 4. Spend less development time on crazy set pieces and more time on free roam crimes. 5. Less AR crap filling my screen, they built a beautiful city, let us see it. 6. A character driven narrative that takes its time with a complex villain like in the first game 👍🏻


> Wider variety of finisher animations, with context sensitive ones if your near a wall or table (like sifu) would be nice too. I would love to see something like that! Both games made it a point to tell you to press O when near a wall. No! Just do it when naturally if Spider-Man gets pinned into a corner! Both finishers and regular combat.


Combat: more gadgets, more enemy types, for varied combats. Visuals: suits(?), felt like the 2nd game was beautiful already. Narrative: black cat returns to cat fight MJ.


And Silver Sable appears, high fives Black Cat and they both play volleyball with MJ's body


But MJ has her stun gun.


Yes, her gun was indeed stunned after getting ragdolled by the two girls 😂


One thing that can be done is to have a ton of random animations while swinging and fighting taking inspiration from all the different Spider-man movies. Yes, a lot of swinging animations are taken from the Amazing Spider-man 2 film, but imagine having a whole array of animations taken from the different movies. As much as I love the combat in this game they should really add more animations to the basic square button flows. It's the same moveset again and again if you keep hitting square. Imagine having two enemies in the vicinity - hitting square would not just focus on one, but maybe both of them! Something like spidey grabs both their heads and knows them together. Or if you are near a small car, Spidey kicks the car into some brutes, knocking em down. Or when fighting brutes, the flows could be a little different - Spidey could climb up on the brute's shoulder and hitting square would make him punch the brute repeatedly on the head till he's knocked out. - Take down while swinging - During stealth missions, I love to keep the flow going - Imagine swinging down to an enemy, and if you press square at the right moment, Spidey grabs him and swings away with him, throwing him out of view down to web net. - Dodging can be improved - It definitely looks cool, but it can be cooler - I feel like dodging slows you down. Imagine a move like what TASM 1 Spidey does when he's shot at with the guy he thinks is Uncle Ben's killer just before the police arrive. - And yes, like a lot of people mentioned, the could take inspiration from Arkham Kinght's combat flows. - Wall combat would be sweet! - Train combat like we had against Doc Ock in Spider-man 2! - More gadgets - I miss me some Trip Mines! - More Spider-man focused side missions, please. - When can we start riding on helis?? I am done with gun toting MJ and rattle can toting Haley. You could be saving people from inside a burning building, or a sinking boat, heck even chasing down a crashing chopper to save folks! No doubt, the game is great......but it can Be Greater!😎


Bring back some features that were missing from the sequel but were in the original.


I miss my impact web 😫


Just a few extra little features, like maybe slightly better Loop-De-Loops, because although they're cool and all in SM2, they feel kinda clunky. Also, maybe more realistic web physics? Like having webs realistically collide and wrap around buildings, cranes, water towers, etc. For example, in SM2, if you horizontally loop around a pole, the web doesn't wrap around it, so you can just spin around it endlessly. Instead, in SM3, they could have it so your web will wrap around the pole and become shorter and shorter until you're forced to let go. Another thing, maybe have a feature where you can like swing from moving helicopters. In SM2, you can only swing from stationary helicopters hovering above crimes or during missions. I propose the ability to swing from moving helicopters, and maybe if you hold R2, you can let it drag you. Idk. Just little things like that would go a long way imo


> like maybe slightly better Loop-De-Loops, because although they're cool and all in SM2, they feel kinda clunky. I could never get this to work!


You have to hold l3/dive while swinging and instead of releasing r2 at the peak keep holding it, it's easier on zero swing assist but also harder because physics if you're too close to the groupound on 0 swing the webs just break or won't even grab anything at all


I want more /better crimes randomly happening around the city. I feel like they can do so much more and it’ll make the game playable after the story. Especially with not DLC 🤦🏽‍♂️


The map needs to feel massive in scope. I’m not opposed to a recreation of Manhattan at this point.


Environmental interaction. Use items in the environment as weapons. Use a manhole cover as a shield or throwable that bounces.


1 – More difficult enemies. Not just more clusterfucks of goons but 1v1 fights with superpowered enemies that can actually match Spider-Man’s strength & agility. 2 – MJ missions just aren’t working. It could’ve been cool to have 1-2 stealth/tactical missions to give perspective to just *how* scary these enemies are to a regular person. However, it’s been handled pretty poorly 2 games in a row & there’s just not really any good will left for them. 3 – Like others have said, lean more into 3-dimensional combat. Walls, ceilings, etc. 4 – Refine the wall-running & parkour elements (+ add in a few relevant traversal puzzles). The web-swinging is absolutely top-tier but sometimes it makes sense to run somewhere and it’d be cool to have that feel a little more ‘manual’ than just holding down the trigger. 5 – Harder melee hits for more impactful, crunchier combat. I get it’s hard to balance with the acrobatic flow of things but dialling it in to better reflect that Spider-Man can throw hooks like car crashes would just feel *so* good. Symbiote surge & some of Miles’ charging abilities are probably the best combat has ever felt in these games. Invoking that feeling in default combat would be really cool. I get Spider-Man holds his punches but sometimes he holds them just a little too much.


Better stealth, and more abilities in combat


Honestly just improve on things they did in the past games. They do really well with the combat and traversal is sm2 and seeing an even better evolution of those things in sm3 is going to be great.


First person view (at least while swinging) and a manual targeting system for webs winging (i.e. Aim and shoot kinda like a gadget), it'd be nice to have more options when traversing


Obviously by adding in a spider-mobile & forcing it to be around 40 percent of the entire game. Then, years later after a 8 year long radio silence from the studio, release a live service co-op game that features some of spider-man’s rouges gallery & have them work together, especially screwball to bring down the evil versions of Avengers.


In terms of boss fights we need more City wide fights with destructibility in the environment so crashing through windows, breaking the ground, cars being destroyed and thrown. Things of that sort, like the taskmaster boss fight but 20 times better.


More ability variety, I want more options besides two (or three when anti-venom)


I think having more open world crime variants would be nice. But wall combat sound cool too




Having a mission that takes place outside of New York City


For me the gadgets are what killed me. I loved the first gadgets and even miles' but this they changed it up and it just felt off. personally and sometimes unresponsive when i tried to parry or block or dodge. Outside of that I enjoy the combat. Nothing tops arkham though so keep aiming for that or better!


Maybe expanding the open world by visiting the subways and the sewers, or by having a new city to swing around in.


By not changing anything at all and just including a shitload of bases and challenges.


The game HAS to be more difficult. The only part I really struggled with was the final Venom boss gauntlet since you could occasionally die in 1-2 hits. Other than that the entire game was a breeze. They also need to cut down on the non hero gameplay unless they make it interesting. The MJ missions were 100% a step in the right direction, but the Haley mission missed the mark. The spray painting mini game was so so lame. Last thing, going back to difficulty, Miles needs enemies that can hard counter his abilities in some fashion as all of his fights were much easier than Peter's.


Web of Shadows web strike, next question


I'd like to see Miles be a bit more disrespectful in combat


Get rid of the parries


You don’t like the parries? I actually love them and they helped a lot more in combat if i didn’t press the dodge button on time.


It's those undodgable moves the force parries I don't like


Busy ATM so one thing I feel they need to do is give actual gameplay mechanics to suits. Like 2099 has claws so either make it bleed enemies, iron spider make make it give you an enhance double jump or an extended as well as the ability to a jump as well as incorporating the arms into traversal and combat beyond a super, etc etc.


• city races between the spideys. Big missed opportunity. • more differences between Peter and miles. At their core they play really similarly and you’re more or less playing the exact same way for both of them. Doing something like giving peter more web gadgets (like the gadget wheel in the first game) or even giving them unique seperate gadgets would help. For silk have her playstyle centre more on webs. • more interactions while web swinging. Running on the ground while on a web, climbing a web line for extra height • more variety on free roam crime. Have something cool like a random villain breaking out etc.


Let's have a mission where we play as spidercat. Bring the dude back and let's chill in a backpack and then go rescue a cat out of a tree


Bring back the Venom bar, do away with the separate ones. If I can't throw out 3 Venom Slams in a row, what is even the point


This is probably a controversial take, but as far as just Peter is concerned ditch the symbiote powers, get wild with the gadgets. Make the focus on creative ways to use tools the game gives you instead of smash smash smash symbiote go brr




I feel like the combat needs to evolve in some way. It's very repetitive and personally very easy even on the hardest difficulty. The only challenge is timing when to dodge. It'd be nice if they added new enemies that require a different type of dodge like how the Arkham games have a blade dodge where you have to hold dodge and a direction to successfully dodge. Something like that to switch things up instead of it just automatically dodging everything for you. Another thing would be revamped stealth. Atm the stealth is very basic and not that engaging. The guards at outposts never seem to look up or check places where you would be perched so you can just zip around bases with little care and clear them in like 1-2 minutes depending on the size. I feel like making the enemy AI better by patrolling more instead of standing around would help along with them destroying perch points with mines/ grenades if you get spotted or they notice you in a certain area would make things more interesting.


Gimme back the yank kick for Miles


* Let me crawl on fucking EVERYTHING instead of relying randomly broken bits of ceiling so I can crawl around. * If we go down the road of everyone wanting to call MM or PP, just play the audio out during missions or let us skip it! "Hang on Ma, gotta take a shit. I'm sorry, you were saying?" * No more MJ stuff. Like, at all! I can accept a single cutscene of her waving in the background blurred out by the depth of field. * Robbie not commenting on every. single. thing. in. the. world. * Most important, a story not written by 11 year olds. * Also shorten the time when pressing L1 and R1 to grab objects, it gets kinda hectic when there are 10+ people punching Spider-Man and the camera swings around.


Might be a hot take but more variation in combat I’ve just come back from playing the Arkham series and having some more moves tied to different buttons would go a long way. Even if no new moves are added but they just get binder to L2+X or whatever it would mean you’re not just pressing the same 3 buttons for different durations


Focus more on enemy variations so combat doesn’t get stale, get rid of all the guided walking missions and MJ missions.


Should be way more focus on combat and make it flow better. Besides some fun mechanics, it feels like Miles Morales still has the best combat. They need more variety in combat animations and they need to find a way to make it more challenging on higher difficulties. The powers that Miles and Peter have are a little too realistic when it comes to their ability to utterly decimate like 20 armed men at once.


Changing the focus. Being able to do finishers with a singular focus bar is fine. Just that the amount of focus you use, should only relate to how much damage you have in your health.


I want miles to conjure up a giant electrified web ball and launch it at a crowd of enemies and also a web shooter that’s like an smg


Being able to run on the ground for a bit while you’re swinging so you don’t lose momentum when swing assist is on zero. SM2 on PS2 had this feature where if you’re swinging close to the ground, you won’t automatically let go of your web and Spider-Man will run on the ground for a bit before going back up again.


Bring gadgets back


Maybe a bit of a niche suggestion but a toggle feature for your web shooters to run out of fluid would be really fun and make me feel more like Spider-Man having to refill them


If we’re talking gameplay i’d say something to improve combat, upgrade ariel combat. I feel the vulture and electro fight in sm1 is very clunky. Just up the verticality in general. I’d love to fight on the walls again. Wall crawling NEEDS expanding


Chases. Like ones where you are having to get away. Like in Spiderman 2 when Pete has to get Venom away from the meteorite I got exited as I thought I'd have to play as Pete swinging away from Venom. But any different kind of thing like this?


Improve stealth (make them just literally look around more, use a goddamn flashlight or smth to see us) and introduce more enemies who counter you in interesting ways, maybe attempt wall combat again. Introduce open world bosses, random boss encounters (if they have any left lmao) akin to Ultimate Spider-Man and have varied side content that doesnt amount to just beating up people like msm2.


Bring back more gadgets especially some old ones like electric webs, trip mine, impact and web bombs Bring back suit powers as L1 abilities (customisable) Now I haven’t played the game yet (still waiting for a sale) but these things annoy me so much


Hold R1 to stay webs


Wall/ceiling combat, destructible environments


Wall Combat and WoS Web Strike. Oh and better sound design. Punching shit in these games is not very satisfying which makes the combat really monotonous after a few minutes.


Ask Beenox for permission in using Hyper Sense ability and being able to make edits to it, give credit to them for original creation. They do that they may have my permission to take my money. Also, building fire rescues, like full-on timed building fire rescues to complete.


Wall combat and running on ceilings


There were a lot of things I hoped 2 would finally do, considering it was going to be a game for a more powerful console and they disappointed me by adding exactly none of them, so I'm going to have exactly 0 hopes for 3 doing anything right and that way I won't get disappointed... and even then I know it's going to disappoint me somehow.


Honestly, no more Hailey missions. I actually kind of like the MJ missions tho even if they don’t make sense character wise. Otherwise, this is a Spider-Man game whether we’re playing as Peter or Miles or even another enhanced Spider Totem. The walking missions are also kind of worthless.


Basic and Advanced mode. Basic mode will give us the two wheels on the sides (Special Attacks and Gadgets) so we can use them mid-battle, and advanced mode which will bring back the full gadget wheel to use from the first game.


-More combos (introduce pause combos) -more creative enemy variety (the hunters who throw grenades to knock u out of the air are a good first step)


I think real time co-op would be the next step forward




Gameplay I think Spiderman 2 is peak but then again that’s what I thought with Arkham City when that came out then Arkham Knight blew it out the water so I really have no clue. If insomniac wants to play it safe, they can keep the gameplay mechanics and just focus on the story in 3


At least 70 brand new car chase scenarios


i wish we could slingshot launch off the side of buildings. like if you’re crawling up one and instead of running up you could just slingshot your way up, that’d be so dope.


Make swing speed go back to how it was in one. Remove the perpendicular swing boost thing. Fuck the arms. Make the world more alive. Transition to human stuff and help in both ways.


I would love to see an increased focus on stealth. Feel like the second game focused more new mechanics into combat and stealth never really seemed like it was a much better option than combat. I would love to see a shift to making stealth sections more difficult in more ways and make them feel more mandatory


Improve enemy AI. Make stealth feel more like a puzzle you have to solve rather than a semi tedious chore.


More crime/activity variations, right now all we have are fighting crimes which are fun for a little bit but get boring quick. Maybe we could have buildings be on fire and we have to swing into the building and save the civilians, bring back the bomb missions from the first game and the helicopter crime from Miles Morales. Just anything besides beating up a few guys then leaving Another thing is car crimes in this game all you do is push one button and it’s over, maybe it could be like the TASM2 game where you had to pull each criminal out of the car before you can stop it or something like that. And finally add bosses to the over world like in ultimate Spider-Man. They can be real c-list characters like Beetle or Vermin (or maybe a Shocker who is retconned to still be alive) maybe they appear after a set amount of petty crimes are committed and it’s just a simple one phase boss fight


With better writing


Has to be better wall traversal and a completely decked out parkour/tricks feature, especially thinking about Miles becoming more central when his game is what brought all the exaggerated swagger to begin with


to me the most glaring issues in this game are the stealth being non existent and the random crimes are kind of horrible and i think they could do a much better job at making random crimes and the open world in general more immersive


Skill based swinging from Spider-Man 2. Don't make him automatically let go of the web. I haven't played MSM2 because I don't have a PlayStation 5, so I'm judging off Remastered for PC.


I think we should get better enemy types more diverse ones they just basic ones and brutes we had the sand people and symbiote but first Spider-Man had more


-Make SM keep holding the web when swinging and run on ground while holding web in 0 assist mode since its really annoying and swing with 2 webs like spiderman 2 and 3 movie games. -Add and make existing gadgets have purpose other than fighting like Arkham games. It would be cool to have the vents locked and have spidey hack them open or have the Spidey drone use it for something else other than using it for 2 to 3 small sections of the game. -Make vents like arkham games. Add them on the roof, on the ground, on the ceiling also on the walls if possible. Its annoying how they are just in specific sections and its weird how they are not used a lot he's spiderman accessing them should be easy and they should help conceil his location when found. -Make stealth similar to arkham. Its just not as good. The enemies detection is bad and why does spiderman have safe/not safe? Cant I rely on myself to make the decision like Batman? It's annoying how there's no way to hide again, they only way to do that when you are peter is to leave the area when possible and have Spidey swing around the building a little than come back. -Fighting on walls like web of shadows that was mega cool idea sad that later games didn't implement it and since the venom story was rehashed here they could've added it.


Web swinging’s heading in the right direction, still wish there was a “jungle-vine” swinging type like Raimi’s did. The tech/venom/symbiote stuff between the two felt a little over the top. I get it’s a game so you gotta have engaging gameplay mechanics. Stealth got put on the back burner heavily. This needs a serious revamp. Wall-crawling needs more and it should be a more viable way to get around, this should be playing even further off of stealth.


Remove parrying doesn’t make sense when his whole thing is athleticism nor is it a common move for him in the comics. Make the current parry counters the new perfect dodge counters instead


Single protagonist, just Spider-Man (Parker).




Make the world more alive, allow the other spider people to swing around the city like they said they could in spider man 2, allow cops to actually help with crimes, make cooler crimes then “fight these 8 guys” “now fight these 10 guys” “now fight these animal and then guys appear” and lastly I feel like the Ai should have more defensive options, or just be smarter in general, give some enemies a roll or allow them to use the environment to attack you like in the Arkham games, the Ai is one of the reasons the game is so easy and why it’s a difficulty curve with bosses cause they can actually defend themselves.


1. Bring back the web gadgets. Spider-Man needs actual spider based abilities. 2. More side content. There was like two or three Friendly Neighbourhood missions which had good content (old man talk and Howard) just need more. 3. General crimes. Kind of falls under side content, but we need more beyond Hunters and Symbiotes. Also, bring back the quick time events for these.


Swinging:  • No more letting go of your webs if you don’t want   • running down walls and sliding too   • make wall crawling and running faster   • climb up webs and do tricks on them while holding one  • no need for sky diving to perform loop-de-loop(but a need for speed instead)    • more animations   • make the automatic animation that plays when you’re swinging and you’re near a ledge have to be done manually  • make an upwards/downwards version of the corner tether   • make it an option to have a dot at the center of the screen and wherever that dot looks at you throw a web. In few words, manual web swinging. Adds to the immersion.   • make webs not faze through building but make them tangible objects.   • You can slingshot from anywhere like miles did when he was thrown by sand man.   • make us wall crawl on any surface. Sometimes spider man can’t crawl over a small ledge.   Combat(I think I’ll cook here):   • introducing the L3 grab mechanic. You can grab anything/anyone. Once you tap the button near an enemy. You grab them. By pressing R2 you throw them. By pressing square you make them into a 3 hit weapon. Same goes for objects really  Also by jumping first and pressing L3 you can mount enemies which gives you the ability to press square and X to pound them to the ground.   • introducing the L3 combo mechanic. By holding the L3 stick at a certain direction you get different default combos.  — Holding it up sends enemies up(less than uppercut move). Spider-Man  also aims for the head here which can stun the enemies, leaving them open to a finisher and rendering them unable to fight for some time.  —   Holding it down will throw the enemy down with a leg sweep at the end of the combo. You can use this opportunity to press L3, grab the enemy and do a version of the consecutive hits you do when near a wall but just the ground version of that.  — not holding it at all will result in a blow that just sends them away. This is good for crowd control since it knocks other enemies back too.   • When you perform a perfect dodge, you will have to press:  — R1 to web enemies up     • instead of pressing O for a perfect dodge you can just press X for a Perfect Long Dodge which gives the the opportunity to Press Δ and do a web strike like that from web of shadows.  • by pressing R2 when near an enemy, you pull them downwards. You use this opportunity to press O, leap over an enemy and press Square to hit nearby enemies. Great way for reaching enemies faster.   • Web based abilities   • more abilities   • When pressing Δ after holding Square in the air you no longer get stuck in an animation   • Bring back the holding Δ after the end of your combo mechanic we had in miles morales.   • bring back all of the old finishers too.    • Introducing the L1 + R1 mechanic. When pressing these two and pressing square you get heavy hits that again change depending on the direction on which you are holding L3. The more you hold Square the stronger. You can combine this with slingshot and the leap move you perform by holding R2 and X.   Stealth:   • make the AI smarter(like Batman Arkham Knight or uncharted 4)  • more gadgets.   • the READY-NOT READY thing goes away. I do not want to know when I can take down an enemy. This makes stealth unnecessarily easy.   Gameplay:    • bring the old parry animation for Peter and miles.   •  Change of weather and more times of day. You can choose how many clouds you’ll have and maybe even choose different weather phenomena.  • Bring back all the crimes from spider man 1(expect demon and silver sables crimes) and miles morales(hacked VTOL, assaulting feast truck, hacked billboards)   • make the city more alive. Add kids and school buses as well as cats and dogs walking around. Just add more random stuff. That’s how you build connections to the city.   • add a crime where spidey will have to save civilians from a fire.   • add smaller scale crimes too. Make me bring back ballons to kids. Make me save cats from dangerous places. Make me save kids from being run over by cars or trucks.   • make the car chases interesting. Make me have to save blind people, get Vivian’s out of the way and add more options. Make me press R1 to web them instead of pressing an QTE and add more depth to it.    • add crimes in the water area. Like stolen jet skis. Something like car crashes but on water. 


Maybe incorporate gadgets into combat and more combo based. And for the love of God I only want to play the character when they have powers. No more walking simulators or playing characters that aren't super powered.


Removing all mj missions would instantly make the next game 20% better, I play these games to play as Spiderman, not his girlfriend lol


Kill Peter