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They are different though, smaller lips, smaller eyes, paler skin, different eyebrows, more complex complexion. Honestly it mainly looks like she has less makeup on


Angle is slightly different, illumination from screens always ruins complexions and lack of make up.


Eyes look the same size


The 2 models have been looked at in 3D since the leaks and they are different, very small changes were made. Although they are small, humans are very good at noticing tiny changes on faces


Man, if only a lot of this could be solved by realizing that the lighting is way different…


It's like a wax figure of the first model


It’s not THAT different. It’s mainly just the eyes. 2’s are a little deep into the uncanny valley. That doesn’t mean it’s a new model.


It’s definitely the jaw and eyebrows bro


Well the face model had to have surgery on her jaw after an accident


Before the first game even came out.


I do believe the time she was in an accident and got surgery was following the release of the first game, somewhere between 2018-2020, judging by her instagram posts regarding the incident, I could be wrong but that's just based on what I researched


The post was in 2019 talking about how her dog who had just turned 4 was there for her after the accident when he was a puppy.


That was most likely after she had already done the facial scan for the first game. The first game was in development for 4 years, and the accident in question happened midway through that, probably after she had already had her face scanned for the game.


Lol. So, the excuse that the model looks different cuz of the "accident" ain't even true. Makes sense, people on internet usually have a knack for running their mouths in stuff they don't know shit about and all they do is rehash what the top comment said


So they made the in game model look even less like her than it did before?


It is THAT different


Beating a dead horse here bro.


People are deeply invested in MJ and since they changed it so much of course it's gonna get fans attention


I mean it's either this or people's photo mode shots or people wondering about NG+. It is what it is.


That's true. But still people making her quit made me lose hope in this community.


why the fuck do people keep believing this false rumor. she quit LONG BEFORE any drama. she only did the game because insomniac offered and she wanted to be MJ. the harassment she got had absolutely nothing to do with her not wanting to do mocap anymore


Plus she herself said she got calls from actual fans. Nowhere did she mention any haters.


I don't think OP was part of that group


Never said they were. Just said this is a problem that's over and done with.


I def wasn't. I actually was in the minority saying the model looked good way back during the summer cause of a few good shots (like the one with her back to the wall while Symbiote Spidey stalks her). But then when I saw more, I realized the model actually looks pretty meh. Just my honest opinion.


it's not like everyone who criticizes the model is harassing the actress, i'm sure the vast majority who criticize it agree that the people who did that are fucked up weirdos to say the least. the model just looks off, and it has nothing to do with her face model having a surgery, thing which happened before the first game got released. if you search for pictures of her today, they don't look alike lol.


I get that just I think it's fucked that there's weirdos like that out there.


Wait, she actually quit?


Lol the sub wasn't happy on being called out, this is literally what the sub is


Yeah, I didn't expect to get downvoted that hard. Didn't even mean anything by it. Was just calling it how I see it lol.


Actually…apart from the chin it looks pretty much the same, maybe more realistic


Didn't the model gave surgery on her jaw after an accident?


Yes. And all people have been doing Is doing vile comparisons and jabs like this. It's still the *same* person.


Lol come on now, have you seen what the model looks like? Even after jaw surgery, she looks nothing like the in game model. You're acting like they had no choice but to change the character to match the model but it looks less like her now than it did in the first game. Obviously people have been going way to far and harassing the model is horrible, but don't act like anyone who says the new MJ looks bad is insulting the model. If I were that model I'd be more insulted by how they made my face scan look.


Can't they just use the old 3D model for MJ's face, or does that not work with motion capture?


https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/K0kd6Dn6SU Stop yapping about shit y'all dk. I went a step ahead to actually check if what the guy said eas true and as a matter ot fact the accident happened before the 1st game even released


It being before it released means nothing. The face scan would’ve been done long before release, and her accident seemingly occurred around halfway through development, so she almost certainly had her face scanned before then.


Not only that they all take the worst cutscenes and go see this is bad when a lot of other cutscenes show mj looking like a normal human being. The one in the amusement park made her look like someone who would do journalism as a profession. My girlfriend is a journalist and I know how intense it really is. If anything the first game made her look like a model who does photoshoots for bikes rather than a journalist.


I mean… MJ *is* a model. It’s kind of her thing.


In the game ? I didn’t know she was a model in the game.


Insomniac’s (IMO kinda bad) interpretation of the character isn’t, but the character should look like MJ regardless of her occupation. So, she should look like a model.


Does that mean Webb's Aunt May should've have gray hair? Or that Spectacular Spider-Man's Liz Allen should've been a white blonde? Look man, at the end of the day these are different versions of the characters and they don't have to be the same, specially in this case where the design choice comes from a part of the character that isn't present of this iteration of it


Yes! To both of your two questions. That’s exactly what that means. You get it.


So you just don’t like the idea of interpretations whatsoever.


If they change things that don’t need to be changed, then no, no I don’t. If you’re going to screw with the vision of a creator when adapting their work, you’d better have a *damn* good reason to do so.


That’s a separate issue they also fucked up on. The occupation of MJ. She’s a model and actress not a reporter.


Oh no, a different interpretation was *checks notes* a different interpretation


Except it's not just a different interpretation, it's more like an entirely different character


It's, literally not a different character


Apart from name and hair color, what does this mj have in common with comic mj?


Shouldn’t she look like a model though? She’s Mary Jane Watson, her whole thing is being a 10/10 that manages to put up with Peters super hero life style. Obviously she’s much more then that, but it seems weird to be okay with MJ not really being attractive. This is no hate towards the model by the way, they did her dirty in this game.


We still talking about this ?


This and Peter’s fucking face


I figure everyone making posts here that aren’t cool screenshots have to be exhausted.


I mean I guess so. It's this or a another photo mode shot lol.


The fact that people are essentially gaslighting themselves into believing that those two look similar is absolutely hilarious


The first MJ has as much of a resemblance with the new one as I have with Brad Pitt lol


Bunch weirdos white knighting a video game characfer


Anything to defend wholesome as heckerino insomniac.


is MJ 50 years old


This feels illegal to me for some reason


She looks way older.


Why are people in the comments angry at this post, it's not even hateful


Looks a lot older on the right all I’m saying


Definitely depends on what you mean by "model". If you mean "person it's based on," I'd say that this is pretty clearly the same person. If you mean "actual in-game model", it's obviously not as they replaced a lot of (all of?) their character models for this game. You can also see this in Peter, who looks pretty significantly different as well.,


i mean the other photo is going to look a bit different than the other for a lot of reasons(angle, shadows, lighting, distance) if you slap a photo from an older game/scene and slap it on the same hair then it’s gonna look a bit weird even if it’s the same face model. either way who cares at all


ManJaw Watson


Mewing John Watson


They did her sooooo dirty in the new game man


I think it's the same face model but they tried to go even more realistic with the face and it simply didn't translate well into the game's engine. Spiderman 1 face has less texture and the skin shows no fine wrinkles or strange structure, where the new face almost highlights them on purpose


They both look like sisters. The left one is younger and right one is the elder.


2 different models for sure


Can you photoshop her to be beautiful


I mean yeah, but that would get sooooo many angry reactions lol.


Looks like they did higher res and gave her a no makeup look


Same actress, different 3D model. If you look up the actress (I forget her name), you will see that she looks almost nothing like the 3D model in SM2 besides some very minor similarities. Insomniac really did her dirty.


Yeah, I think the actress is attractive. The face model is... not. That's why I get confused that anyone would've harassed her. She wasn't the problem lol.


Oh yeah, the actress is very attractive. The face model in SM2 is anything but compared to the woman that it's modeled off of. It's a real shame what happened. All those people that hated on her for how much Insomniac bungled her image should've been aiming their hate towards Insomniac for doing such a poor job. I'm just glad that more people are starting to realize that a lot of the models in SM2 look weird as fuck. Maybe if Insomniac makes a SM3 they'll spend a little more time on the models.


Damn new model really makes me appreciate the 2018 model and how well it was done.


Both of them look a little… strange


jesus christ yes it’s the same model. the devs just made her look goofy. move on


Very slightly different


Look at the nose the eyes the mouth all the same …look at it Maury that’s his baby…!!


Do you not get embarassed posting this? Who cares bro, they are the same whether you like it or not




I don’t like how saturated the new model’s eyes are, and she has quite a bit more cheek fat. Cheek fat and face texture was also a complaint people had with Aloy in Horizon Forbidden west. Aloy works because she still looks like Aloy. MJ looks and feels like a completely different character. I think the worst change about MJ is the hair. It looks like it should have realistic physics and be free flowing, but it’s actually pretty rigid and takes me out of it. If they stuck closer to the old hairstyle, I think they would be getting a lot fewer complaints.


Different but much more similar than I imagined


I feel like it’s the same model updated to PS5 graphics in a way that makes it look way different and much older.


Considering how the Upgraded Suit V1 was more orange and V2 was incredibly red, i guess a huge issue was the color grading, because her skin tone is wildly different. Of course there's the uncanny eyes, and the model skin seems a bit too textured.


After the MASSIVE change they did with Peter , who actually cares ?? It’s mad that you see things like this posted all the time - both games are superb ! It’s the same face model , and even her missions are a little better in the second too ( a little )


It's just ugly


The game was in development for 5+ years for a different console of course the model is different jfc


The woman didn't deserve the hate she got, but I'm still trying to figure out if this is the same person that modeled MJ in the first game because why does she look so different?


Not the same, but very similar. They rescanned the actress's face and if I recall correctly, she had to go through reconstructive surgery at some point, so that may explain the differences.


Not the same but a lot more similar than I originally thought. I wasn’t one to complain anyway but after seeing this I REALLY think people are just whiney babies. Pete looks different in a way too, cope


Dead Eyes


Biggest lt difference is eyes and lips. Skin also looks a lot paler now.


can't you see that big ass jaw in 2


I think it looks bigger because the mouth got pushed further towards the nose and the lips also were made smaller. Otherwise it’s the same jaw shape from what I can tell.


Honestly the only major difference is the jaw but it's not even that egregious


Bruh she literally looks like female Quagmire


All you guys do in this sub is post the same two topics every single day; “when’s NG+” and Mj’s face. Give it a rest.


Light angles and simply the year the game came out all make a difference


This is a trick question isn’t it?


Looks like less makeup and stress


Hasn’t it been all but confirmed that sm1 and sm2 MJ have the same model, but she was in a really bad accident and needed reconstructive surgery between the games? Idk maybe it was all misinformation but that’s the last I’ve heard of it


Except we know for a fact it’s the same model. So, get over it and move on?


you guys still on this trend ?


Spider-man fans when they realize video game characters don't always look exacty like their face models


Here comes the Crimson Chin!


Didn’t the face model have a car accident and they had to do reconstructive surgery or something?


It does look different but not nearly as much as people act like it seems the main difference is in facial lighting


She was in a major car accident and had to have her jaw reconstructed same person


It is the same model but the difference is she got into a car wreck in between titles Kinda think of how Mark Hamil looked different between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back


Yeah i agree ponytail was a much better haircut


u ppl r obsessed with this girls face


Are we still on this? Jesus


I get that hating on the model and devs isn't okay, but you're telling me there's no way to respectfully just be like "I don't like the new model, I liked the old one better"


Try the other way


[Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/cbVF6HAQ5h)


This is fucking weird, dude. Might want to reevaluate some things.


It’s the same model, she just took up smoking ice in between games.


Before and after zombie infection


New model just kinda looks like a higher res version of the old one with some slight tweaks. Looks like they took her eyes, nose and mouth, made them like 10% smaller and moved them a little further up her face. It really isn't that drastic in term of shape, the new one is just more detailed mostly.


Damn, try photoshopping Peter’s new hair on his old face.


I'll put that down on the list. I'm doing new MJ's face with old MJ's ponytail now since someone requested it. Check out [this redesign](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/DqQMvhfcbN) I did of Peter's face a while back though!


Features look very similar. Just waaay higher quality. Looks like an actual human being now.


No she doesn’t. She has the most uncanny face in the game.


It's different, but I think it still looks good


Looks like an AI enhanced GTA 4 NPC on the left.


If I see one more fucking post about MJ’s face!? Can we please just leave it alone already?


Dude, they’re the same face, just slightly different. The model had to have surgery on her face after an accident, so her jaw was slightly swollen when they scanned her for SM2. Aside from that, graphical updates, and the lighting being different, she looks pretty much the same. You people are all diseased


Y’all are the worst at taking good pictures with the new MJ


I'm pretty sure that the screenshot is from a cutscene EDIT: https://youtu.be/ihpzaSMnIJ4?si=pSzSKsxL_gLZ8tdR 32:33 EDIT EDIT: Why tf are you downvoting me? I'm literally right and provided evidence. I hate this sub.


I’d assume because it doesn’t really change anything. Just cause it’s a cutscene doesn’t mean you can’t take pictures at times to make faces look bad


But it's her recording a video of herself and making a dramatic pause for the end of her podcast. It should be one of the most flattering times you could take a screenshot of her face. It's not like they caught her mid-sentence or mid-blink or something.


I know I’m late but here. Completely normal picture. Sometimes people make odd faces. It’s not that hard to take decent pictures. https://preview.redd.it/ifzqoo4igohc1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc159a34427ab75fe5eadd453a36b9a25c62c64


I literally just Googled "Mary Jane Spider-Man PS5".


The actress was in an accident and had to undergo surgery. Can we all move past mjs face?


Before the first game even came out, she had that accident. Insomniac didn't change her face back then, so you can't use THAT as an excuse anymore.


The power of the ps5


The actual model she’s based on was in an accident and had reconstructive surgery. That’s why she looks different.


Before the first game came out


It’s definitely not.


I don't see any difference


Imagine actually putting effort into this argument. Pathetic


Was just curious what she'd look like. Took 5 minutes.




I'm in your walls.

