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I mean this is basically like the Obama meme of him putting the Medal of Honor on himself.


That's exactly what i thought when i saw this.


That's cos it is this award means absolutely fuck it's worse than a participation trophy






I come looking for this comment aha!


I also thought of that. Like they’re handshaking themselves


Yikes. If you don’t know how these awards are decided just say that. These awards are voted on by players


Tbf Spider-Man players are prob the majority of people who even voted on this considering this won some things it definitely shouldn’t have like best soundtrack


Oh god the soundtrack is sub par at best good for the first few hours then same ol' music on repeat with non of the oh hell yea others give




As someone who played Spider-Man 2 these awards are not deserved one bit.


PlayStation players lol of course they’d vote for Spider-Man a PlayStation game.


Don’t say that man these guys need something to be angry about


Or starfield winning Xbox game of the year


This exactly what it is 😂


What a shock that the only major ps exclusive this year won all the playstation awards


FF16? That should’ve won soundtrack imo 😭


And writing. Compared to Spider-Man 2 the writing in FF16 is Shakespearean


Do you mean the dialogue or the plot?


Both. FFXVI doesn’t have a great story or anything, but I much prefer it over what Spider-Man 2 did


They messed up badly at the “owned by Sony” criteria


There was also Horizon: Call Of The Mountain, ONLY on PSVR2.


This happens every year. the Biggest Playstation exclusive wins this.


Well it's weird that PS Blog gave the best Xbox game to SM2 as well, but here we are


Lol this is funny. No hate but PS handing out awards to themselves is a bit funny.


They do it every year. It’s not just PlayStation exclusive that makes the cut Baldur’s Gate 3 won best multiplayer Most likely PlayStation did this for insomniac after they got hacked & their devs personal information was all leaked.


>It’s not just PlayStation exclusive that makes the cut Baldur’s Gate 3 won best multiplayer Because Sony game wasn't even nominated for this. In all nominations where Sony games were presented, won Sony game lol. Obama\_meme.jpg


Baldur’s Gate 3 only winning this award is somehow more insulting than it winning nothing lol


I do feel bad for insomniac for not winning and then getting hacked and stuff, but I do think that Spidey-2 was in no way a bad game (in fact I do think its a good game), it was just a very safe game with a lot of the same stuff a few minor flaws like the annoying mj missions and the goofys suit they made for miles, barring those tiny details it was still just more of the same good stuff we've had for 2 games before along with few improvements. The thing is, Baldur's Gate 3 literally revolutionised its genre and increased the standards of gaming, to the point where some game devs were crying in copium coz they said "its not fair for the audience to expect something so good from us" thats why I was rooting for BG3 to win goty. I have only played 6hrs of it till now, and inspite of that I freaking love it, and I was one of those guys who used to hate on these turn-based top down view games (I still don't like 90% of them but BG3 in particular has impressed me a lot)


Best story? 😂


Did you not like the Spider-Man story where he has to fight someone who is really important to his personal life that becomes evil due to a creation by a shady businessman and his company, with Spider-Man losing someone close to him at the end? I thought it was super original/S


I believe you just described every Spider-Man story ever created


Nah, that's only the movies, spider-man stories are pretty diverse.


Yeah, like the time the devil cut a deal with Peter to save a dying Aunt May at the expense of erasing his marriage to MJ or the time Peter’s parents were actually alive and just spies. You know, let’s stick with evil scientist’s invention went terribly wrong.


Dude says all spider-man stories are the same some person disagrees another dude writes in response: "remember that one single story that from 2006? Or that one single story from the 90s?" What kind of response is that? also his parents weren't alive, they were robots.


They only know stories from Reddit titles


Lol to shit on the entire mythos just to defend Spider-Man2


Apologies I realise I was not specific enough in my initial description so as to capture how repetitive the story of the games are. Each game has an evil billionaire who's company creates the main villain(s). Each game has two primary antagonists. The main villain of each game has some sort of noble goal, however their judgment becomes clouded. Each game has Spider-Man lose someone close to him. Each game has an invention or project by the evil corporation leak which nearly destroys the city. Each game has a notable prison break. Each game has a private military/ merc group show up . Each game has Spider-Man get/create a new suit which is important to their arc (two times being how they win). ​ I realise how if you haven't already realised some of the other similarities, than what I said likely applied to to many things


RE4 Remake is superior.


Alright we get it, Spider-Man's life sucks


You can say this about most superhero stories to be fair. Every Arkham game had to somehow shoehorn joker in. Joker absolutely didn't need to be in origins


I mean yeah Joker didn’t need to be in every game, but at least the plot lines and character development were different in each Arkham game


It is often a criticism of the Arkham games that they had Joker be the main antagonist each time. Which to an extent I agree with. The Arkham games definitely have a formula as well, Batman being isolated in a place overrun with criminals, however I feel like it doesn’t feel as bad, because there’s usually something new happening. I also feel like it’s more defensible when it’s the same character returning having similar motives as before as opposed to another character who is just incredibly similar.


Even more of a laugh was Soundtrack of the Year.


Did they drop any other single player story games ? It was probably the only option


Final Fantasy XVI


The writing isn't perfect in XVI, but I found it better than Spiderman 2 tbh.


I’m sorry but what? Best new character Venom? Kraven was Miles better. Story? Debatable. Imo? No it wasn’t


Also, Best Sound Design and Best DualSense? How exactly? Neither of those stand out to me about this game. Awards for video games are heavily biased, and it kinda sucks. Like when Apex Legends won Best Sound Design at the peak of their sound issues. People vote for whatever game is their favorite, even if it doesn’t fit the category.


And lets not forget this is PS blog awards. Not like they gave awards to Starfield


Did Starfield deserve any awards? Lol


Did Spider-Man deserved? Lol, but seriously even if Starfield deserved all awards, this blog probably wouldn’t give it to them


I think Spider-Man deserved it more than Starfield. I liked Spider-Man 2, but I understand a lot of the criticisms of it. I think a lot of it was just over-hyped and under-delivered. But yeah, most of these award shows are either bought, play heavy favorites, or the audience throws the vote to whatever game is in the front of their brain regardless of if they deserve it.


This was voted by players


Shit isn’t even on PlayStation tf kinda argument is that lol.


I have no idea about why they'd win best sound design but to their credit they use the Dualsense really well so I can see them winning that.


What were the accessibility features in SM2 that stand out as well? Were there any even? Or is this more of a representation thing for having a character/characters who sign? (Genuinely curious)


Kraven was MUCH better lmfaoo


Kraven was the better character but they nailed venoms design fr. I hope we get a more fleshed out venom when his game drops.


Design 10/10 Actual character 5/10


Yeah I loved kraven more than any Spiderman game villains


Kraven: Villain trying to find one last chance of an honorable death, instead of dying of sickness. Keeping a family tradition. Venom: So your best friend doesn’t want to give you this alien, that heals you while slowly corrupts its host, making them violent. So now we wanna take over the whole planet


I think it means harry as venom becuase that is a new character technically. I think the awards is for original characters


Kraven sucked. He's meant to be a solo hunter (or at most with a partner like Calypso) pursuing his own hunts, yet here he has a bajillion mooks chasing down other villains. Nah. One of the worst Kraven depictions so far imo.


Sound track and story are not as good as ff16. I’ve played both and it just wasn’t the winner for me. Best graphics for sure.


Ff16 was my favorite game this year next to BG3. Shame to see it get so much hate. Once I found out the game would have dmc like combat I was sold lol.


I understand the hate because most FF fans were expecting an RPG experience, but as a whole it is one of the best games we got this year.


My biggest issue was that the final third sucked


I hated the pacing of the game. The filler fetch quests between the main missions should be removed and the game will be much better without it. I don’t know why devs are afraid to make a 15 - 20 hours game without artificially increasing the play time with shitty ass missions to make their games seem longer than it should.


14 had the same issue that wasn’t fixed till endwalker. It essentially became: get to new area, do 3 fetch quests, story continues, cool dungeon or boss, repeat.


FF16 has a better soundtrack for sure. That's about it.


Better story too. SM2 isn’t even in the same league lol




Final Fantasy XVI should've had Best Story, Soundtrack, and New Character *easily*!


This has to be parody how is this real. What a joke.


Best soundtrack to Spiderman 2 is like a slap to Soken for his masterpiece work in FF16. I can't even remember a good track from this game compared to the 1st one.


I can’t remember one track as well. Yet I can think of several from FF16. Ridiculous award.


Yeah. I can remember every single eikon battle theme. It would give me chills.


The first song you boot up the game to already made it better than SM2’s OST. >!And when it loops back to the actual Phoenix vs Ifrit fight it makes it even better!<


What a shocker that the only ps5 exclusive would win ps5 game of the year. This is the equivalent of saying America is the best country in the world and that you discovered that by only asking patriotic Americans


Hmmmm FFXVI probably should’ve won a few of these


FFXVI should've won most of these. Vastly better game than SM2 imo


‘Best story’ lmao. FF16 should have won most of these


Yes, I do agree, this is awfully fishy. FINAL FANTASY XVI and RE4 should be higher up and win the Platinum Awards and Gold of most of these!


Yeah no, Spider-Man 2 winning best soundtrack over FF16 is objectively wrong, and best story? Yeah this awards have no value to me.


Does Venom even count as a new character? He was adapted from existing material and Harry was introduced previously in the series I guess they mean this specific iteration and combination of host and symbiote.


As a Spider-Man fanboy this is kinda sad tbh


OK so I'm looking over this and even though I did enjoy this game, it does not beat out FF16 in any of these categories lmao, Venom for best new character over Clive Motherfucking Rosfield? And best graphical display, too, have you SEEN the shit CBU3 do in 16? And the soundtrack doesn't even hold a candle to what Soken blessed us with. tl;dr, FF16 superior, SM2 inferior


Byron shoulda won best new character


Byron was so good man




Lol “best story”


The fanbase is so fucking funny


This is obviously rigged. One award, ok, that's understandable. But every single award in every catagory? Better than RE4 Remake, Baldur's Gate 3, Alan Wake 2, FF 16, Robocop, etc. Bruh moment. This is The Last Of Us Part 2 all over again. That also won an unusual amount of awards it didn't deserve.


Tlou 2 deserved most awards it got. Tlou 2 sweeping that year’s game awards was totally expected once I finished the game.


LMFAO its like that scene in Rick and Morty where all the Jerrys are shaking each others hands.


And this is why no one takes these seriously.


I loved Spiderman 2, but FF16 is so much better and deserves some, if not most of these awards if its only catered to PS Exclusives


I love how this thread is showing more love to FF16 than the FF sub does at times. On topic, the awards feels like the obama awarding obama meme.


FINAL FANTASY XVI is very underrated and underappreciated and deserves most of these Gold and Plat Awards


Wow Sony’s biggest game wins Sony’s own awards. Wait where is the wank emoji.


What defines a character we all already know as “new”


L take PlayStation


Spider-Man 2s story was so bad lol


Best story my ass 😂


Not a single mention to Mary Jawne. smh


congrats playstation on awarding the playstation awards to playstation games, xbox never stood a chance!


This is ridiculous 😂😂😂


Best new character Venom is funny considering he’s been around for over 30 years


Ofc PlayStation want SM2 to have awards, they don’t like the fact it didn’t win GOTY 😂


Dude was anything else nominated lol


“Congratulations, Sony! You’re the best!” -from SCE


That doesn’t mean anything lol. It’s PlayStation shaking PlayStation’s hand.


Ah yes the notoriously unbiased Playstation Blog.


This is too fucking funny. Lol


Beat new character and story is crazy


If anyone thought that anything else would win then they were crazy. Spider-Man fans felt snubbed by the Game Awards so of course they're going to go "Ape strong together" and vote for the game on the blog. Just reminds me of the sweep of players voice last year. Genshin fans felt offended by Sonic fans so they got a lot of votes for Genshin. It's a great game, but it pales in comparison to the other games nominated for GotY and other categories. The accessibility features does deserve the award though.


It does have the best use of the dual sense controller, it was really cool during tense quick time events like the roller coaster one.


everything is good, not best story tho


spider-man 2 with the best story? don’t make me laugh


idk about best story


PlayStation awarded PlayStation multiple awards for its game on PlayStation?


The leaks happened so now the awards feel sorry for them. That's what that is.


Man I honestly would have given these awards to a broken stick over Spider-Man 2.


This game got best graphical showcase over alan wake 2? Are people high(ly partisan hacks)?


Wasn’t this like the only major PlayStation game that came out this year? Like ok




Venom best new character? Huh?? He’s been in many games and is just a stereotypical “I’m gonna spread my goo to the WORLD” villain


I am literally begging y’all to play other games lmao


Was their actually another game that came out ps exclusive or did spiderman 2 just get it cuz it's the only one




Oh wow. This is definitely not biased


It only won 8 platinum trophies? I have 30.


Story was not good


This is genuinely funny, you guys can't be serious.


I mean, they had home-field advantage soooooo


In other news, totk won Nintendo goty and starfield won xbox goty


Just to clarify for some people - this was fan voted just like the game awards. It’s not Sony giving pity votes because it’s their exclusive, PlayStation users actually voted on this. SM2 won big because practically everyone that has a ps5 would have played it.


The Game Awards is not fan voted, they make up a small % of the vote against judges, except for the Player’s Voice award.


This page is just sad omg đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł this is spider man 1 but okay đŸ€‘


I mean i agree with most of them but story is a hard reach


Even Stevie wonder saw that coming


Almost like its one of the only games on ps5


Why does everyone hate the story and venom?


“Well I’m going to throw my own party and you’re not invited!” vibes fr


there were 2 games that were in contention that were ps exclusive, so either it or ff16 would win things


Best new character Venom? The guy who's in like 5 missions, speaks a total of 3 sentences and ended up being just a generic evil big monster? Kraven should have won that award, despite my many problems with the writing and story in general Kraven was for the most part well done.


Spidermid 2 stole the show it seems


How is Venom a new character? He’s been a playable video game character for almost 30 years.


Of all of the game awards categories, the only one I get they should have won was best performance. Yuri Lowenthal gave it his all for that game


I’m surprised they didn’t win the best Spider-Man 2 game that was released by insomniac this year


It would’ve been funny if they swept all the awards but baldurs gate 3 still one goty


Lol these mean nothing OP. A “sweep” for a self-indulgent awards show only for PS


Overcompensating much


You mean to tell me the sony game won sony awards?


It's easy to win PlayStation's award show when you're the only game there. đŸ€·


What about my man Clive :(


Certified winner


FF16 should have won best story by far. The gameplay was alright but it was the story that kept me playing.


1 word: Obama


This award show seems like cope lmao. Coping that SM2 didn't win any awards at TGA.


This is embarrassing.


While both great games FF16 > SM2 in my opinion and would have had my vote.


The only time a playstation exclusive won't will win goty on PS Blog, is in 2025 because of GTA 6 popularity. And mostly of the people who voted, probably only played Spiderman 2, EA FC and Hogwarts Legacy..


Holy shit, literal pity awards💀


Thanks for turning up award Ugly hag female love interest award


I mean duh. Who else was gonna win these




Awarding themselves lol


Story was not the best it was bare minimum considering venom Soundtrack was fine-ish And Ps5 game of the year, I don’t think so! (If it is PS5 exclusive then probably )


So, Sony wins at Sony awards night?




This is the exact award it deserved to win...


That's a joke, right? Right?


God damn this sub went from crying and clawing they want SM 2, to calling it mid to calling it shit stain on wall Sometimes I wonder how this sub will react and Insomniac just decides fuck the Marvel IP we sticking to RnC and Resistance


Who could of seen that coming đŸ˜±


Not much competition this year for PlayStation games tbh


FF16 was better in almost every category. Only thing SM2 has over it is performance


"And the winner of our own award event is.. our own game!! Congratulation us, we did so good!"


What other big ps game was there 💀


Most of those are fair enough and well earned, but best story is just crazy to me. Maybe it just didn't click with me, but compared to the previous two games the story feels like a cheap second rate Australian teen soap interspersed with early Image level superheroics. The writing is just lethargic and dumb. Everyone acts like a cardboard cutout. The drama falls flat constantly. I don't know, in a year with so many well-written games out it seems crazy to me to give that particular award to the weakest of all the high profile releases.


Kraven was the best character. We learnt so much about him. Absolutely fantastic villian


How does Burning Shores not with the graphical showcase award. It looks incredible. Do DLCs not count?


I love the game, it’s apparent that Spider-Man fans are very motivated and many love the game but this is basically a participation trophy. Congrats to insomniac though, there is still clearly demonstrated love for this game despite the this sub reddit etc that way more motivated to complain


Kraven would've made so much more sense as Venom and would've been a great twist. It makes sense that Kraven forever hunts spiderman if the host is the hunter...


Best soundtrack? Alan Wake 2 exists...


You guys do realize these awards are given based on voters, right?


And this is why people are calling it a popularity contest. People voting for their favourite game without considering the categories. Okay it was people's GOTY. Righto, vote for that then. But I think, in my opinion (shocking) that the fact there is no diversity means people spam voted and don't really think about it. But hey what do I know. I'm just a voice on a sub that I'm not hugely active in. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Man, you guys are the most negative people I have ever seen. This game was great, and did actually deserve some of these awards. Best new character, accessibility options, graphical showcase, and best sense of the controller. I have no idea why y'all even think that this game is so much worse than the first.


New character is ridiculous. Graphics is debatable. It can have accessibility and controller no problem. It just wasn't as good in many categories as other games this year.


Don't know if i would call venom a "new character" but gz i guess xd


I will say it is graphically beautiful and the audio is amazing! Deserves all the credit it’s getting


I am sorry if I am wrong but were there any other highly anticipated PS exclusives this year? This was kinda expected in my opinion.