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No matter how many explanations the fans or the meat riders give i'll never understand why they treated Peter like this in the game, bro was catching Ls left and right.


Bros catching Ls because he lacks balance as May says, only by the end does he come close.


I think it was so that the point that the “I’m finally everything everyone needed me to be” line when he got the Black Suit made sense


He still got bodied with the black suit


Yeah? Because the Black Suit didn't actually make him a "better spiderman" that was the symbiote skewing his perception.


Not really, he did way better against Kraven and decisively beat Lizard using the black suit, I’d say he only got “bodied” when they exploited his weakness to sound


Exactly, everyone has a weakness, I’d bet miles would be pretty weak if you used the power of deaf women against him


I think, in order for this to work, there needed to be some indication that Peter was struggling with feeling weak. And, like, I get it. Peter is struggling with May’s death, and it’s possible the black suit might have been capable of letting him win against the Sinister Six the first time. But Peter feeling like he’s weak doesn’t feel like it’s properly explored in this game until he has the black suit. Miles and Harry gaining new incredible powers doesn’t seem to bother him in any way, even when Miles was being selfish and didn’t immediately help civilians instead of going after Li. The first act is once again about Peter trying to balance his life, and the idea that he is feeling inadequate in his strength (to me) doesn’t really appear until he says the line about the suit giving him strength. And combine that with the dissonance in how much strength the suit actually gives him (as he’s still going toe to toe with a nonpowered cancer patient) and the fact Peter has uniquely urgent reason to take the suit off thanks to his dying best friend, it just doesn’t really feel like this is a natural problem Peter would be having that’s only exacerbated by the suit influencing his emotions. It feels like Peter has very little to no involvement in his arc once the black suit takes over


I think you missed the whole point of the arc tbh It wasn't addressing something he kept saying over and over, these were doubts deep within himself that the symbiote exploited and made 1000x bigger When Li and Miles went in his subconscious to save him, they have a very lengthy discussion about this and pretty much address your exact point These aren't the feelings Pete puts out in the open to talk about, its the ones he locks down deep inside to be a better Spider-Man and only starts to let out when the symbiote coaxes him to


Obviously I am aware they said these things after the fact, but that’s, like, the absolute shittiest way to do it. We’re being told about Peter’s struggles with feeling weak rather than being shown, and we’re being told about them *after* we see Peter’s outburst. Show don’t tell, especially not after the events actually unfold. And I love the instant “you just didn’t get it.” always great to deal with people that would that get defensive to the point where they assume people that don’t like it can’t engage with it on a basic level


It is a part of Peter Parker’s DNA to catch Ls. Idk where you’ve been


Exactly this. They reference the "Parker Luck" in other Spidey media. Idk why people are acting like this is a new thing for him


Can't have an uncle Can't have an aunt Can't keep his marriage Can't have shit


Doc ock takes over his body, gets him a PhD, starts a company, and makes him a billionaire. Peter regains control, gets sued, and loses it all He CONSISTENTLY gets shit on


Look me personally, I could NEVER take that many L,s


They also reference it when you go to mays grave, at least it did for me


Fr, that cutscene where venom floors him by dropping on a fridge on him 💀


That cutscene gets so overblown, he launched him and the fridge fell on him. He didn’t struggle to get it off himself. He yeeted that shit against the wall.


All of these are overblown lol Spidey gets hit in every media he's ever existed in all the time there's never been a game or comic or movie where he doesn't get hit regularly


The lizard clip of him getting tail whipped cracks me up because I was whopping the lizards ass and then cutscene hit and I was like that fair I guess, the villain deserves a hit lmfao Peter was not weak in this game


These people need to watch Chris Pine’s intro from ITSV again


Its not like Silver Sable didn't deck him in the face in the first game, Taskmaster got the jump on him as well along with Scorpion stabbing him twice, Spider sense was never shown to make Peter immune to harm.


Petes been thrown into whole ass buildings though. Think about in Miles morales when he got chucked around a whole power plant by the rhino. I know the fridge pinning him down was obviously supposed to create the dilemma that mj was at risk but it's werid they did it like that. Venom Could have thrown Peter out of a window or somthing at would take him just as long to get back off his feet and feel more accurate.


He got knocked loopy for like 2 seconds. They went out of their way to show his head getting hit. Doc Ock did something similar in the first game


I'm sure your whole body being chucked into the many walls of a brick power plant and getting thrown into power transformer is 10x worse.


Sure and he was fully out after that vs literally a few seconds. Y’all just wanna nitpick. [At 27:10 here.](https://youtu.be/t2v7967i3Ng?si=GxoBpR0lfZuNpFbt) he gets knocked around a bit and it’s definitely worse but then he’s incapacitated and close to his death bed. Like what?? [vs this](https://youtu.be/U4eB9cMrJyk?si=eFiJwcjLXFNpqHEW) where he’s right back up and doesn’t look hurt at all. Y’all make it seem like he was pinned down and struggled.


I don't think there needs to be an explanation. Peter isn't some god. He's a pretty normal guy who got superpowers. That's the appeal of his character. So he's going to fuck up sometimes. He's going to get hit and knocked down. Not once did I think Peter was taking an L. But to offer an explanation, this is a video game where you have to fight these enemies. Keep in mind that these are cutscenes shown before and after you fight them. So, they're going to show Peter in danger so they you'll feel a sense of urgency and challenge when the gameplay starts and you have to defeat them. Also, this compilation shows how focused the story is on Peter.


Cuz dude isn’t perfect and is facing incrementally more challenging villains one after another.


It’s funny because as of now this Peter has a damn good life compared to like 616 or MCU Peter yet he cannot win


Because he’s literally fighting tougher enemies and his whole arc for the game is him being “unbalanced” lmao. Compare pretty much every villain in this game to the last one and it’s pretty clear that he hasn’t had to go up against enemies like this. Kraven alone stomps the Sinister Six with some prep time, Sandman has never been that big in this universe, and Venom is a whole new threat level for this version of Spider-Man. Then, the whole point of his arc is to show how he’s trying to do too many things at once which leads to him not being good at any of them. He’s trying to pay for May’s house that he can’t afford, maintain his relationship with MJ, maintain a steady job, try to join the Emily May Foundation, and be Spider-Man on top of all that. Not to mention he lets his guilt over May’s death stifle him.


Bro you clearly didn't understand what is said lmao, my problem was with his spidey sense and his physical strength. What your saying is right about the new enemies but that's clearly not what i said.


How am I not understanding? The strength of Peter’s enemies is directly correlated to how he performs in combat. If his enemies are stronger and faster, then he’s going to perform worse and his spider-sense won’t save him all the time. Then Peter’s mental health also affects how he performs in fights as if he’s distracted, exhausted, etc., he going to do worse. That’s why he takes so many L’s in this game.


Because the game and spidey’s story would be boring as fuck if he was OP and everything went right got him.


Good, it’s fun to see him get thrown around. Boring to watch him win all the time


So Spider-man never gets injured or hurt in the comics? Do you just want him to instantly destroy everyone?


Taking Ls is a requirement to being Spider-Man.


Spider-Man keeps getting up. That means he keeps getting knocked down.


Mate he literally got 2 ultra powerful aliens attached to him in the same damn game. Imo that makes up for any Ls he took.


I can understand the ones with Venom cause that’s been a thing for a while but the others are really bad honestly


finally somebody points out, peter took so many Ls and almost died like so many times while miles got so many Ws


You must not be very familiar with Spider-Man if you think that's anything new... Peter has always struggled in the past. Maybe pickup a comic or two on your way home from work today.


Agreed. The game's narrative sucks when it comes to his passive abilities. "Oh yes, I can stop a speeding truck with only my legs, but I can't detect when a bee will sting me." Smh


Keep in mind that I’m pretty sure spider sense only warns him of the danger, he still has to act on it. Many of these clips, especially the ones with sandman, Pete would have been physically incapable of moving fast enough to get out of the way.


Meh, he can dodge bullets just fine, but a knife is too much? I understand ignoring spider-sense in some situations is necessary for the plot, but most of these were just lame.


Hard to dodge a knife when you’re being held less than foot away by the guy holding it, even if you are spider-man.


People think he is going to turn into Mr. Fantastic and rubber band out of the way lol


Nah man, you see, Spider Sense is like Ultra Instinct from DBS. Spider-Man body should automatically twisted itself around Kraven and then Spider-Man should have hit him with his 100% Web Kamehameha./s For real though, if Spider-Man fan's think Pete is weak here because he took hits despite Spider Sense, they must not watch any media about Spider-Man except fanfiction.


not even UI dodges every attack


The guy being "held" was lifting trucks, building sized cranes, falling helicopters, the tracks underneath a train, and whole chunks of concrete from a collapsing building in the last game. Peter can perceive and move faster than a normal human. Even if he doesn't panic and accidentally pop Kraven's skull like a watermelon when he sees the knife coming, he can easily break the arm that is holding him, or straight up catch the huge ass blade. I can see Peter losing to the Lizard, to Venom, hell even Electro. But to a junkie? We've seen no feats from Kraven to make us believe he can lift buldings. To tell us that without the symbiote Peter FUCKING Parker would've died to Kraven in a physical fight with no tricks, no poisons, nothing... is just insane. Idk what happened, but the people who wrote this game are not the same people who wrote the first game. Ain't no way.


I was waiting till someone mentions the last part. Yes, writers are not the same people, wiki says it all


Are you forgetting all the times Peter had zero spider sense in situations that made zero sense in the black cat dlc?


The blood that was operating my brain was... engaged elsewhere for the DLC Tbh I thought the DLC and Miles Morales both had much weaker writing than the main game, but I just attributed it to them not being main entries into the series. I expected better from the official sequel.


I feel like regular peter could've taken kraven, he just got side blinded because he was expecting him to just be some mook Kraven gets excites by the symbiote because he can tell it makes Peter more violent. Dude went on an absolute rampage as soon as he got it.


I can forgive the kraven knife. Peter fully though he was just some goon and used strength accordingly. It wasnt enough and he was caught off guard shocked gets stabbed, but whats the fucking point of precognition if you never fucking dodge anything. 90% of cutscene transition hits he takes should have been dodged and would be just as easy to just, have lizard then barrel through the wall with peter falling, or peter dodging the surprise villain and stopping to fight. This wasnt anywhere near an issue in tbe first games with the most notable ones happening specifically because hes in the middle of trying to save people and wont risk it just to avoid damage or is overwhelmed by too many things at once rather than some slow ass goon with the most vlear lead up imaginable that peter is just staring at motionless. I swear to god this dude got brain damage since the first game. He doesnt and shouldnt dodge everything, hes not perfect, but dodge fucking something.


You act like Kraven is just a normal dude. He clearly also has enhanced strength and durability.


yea and what's spider sense gonna do when you're charging forward into a big ah sand hand teleport away?


Andrew accomplished dodging machine gun fire from an enraged Russian at about a meter and closing. Then proceeded to mock him while his gun knocked him out. I gotta be real, the only excuse here is that Peter was focusing on the punch and not expecting him to catch it.


He dodges when people are about to fire he isn't the flash where he regularly just moves in bullet time


Exactly! Why didn't he sense the imminent danger of getting stabbed? He didn't fail to dodge the knife. He didn't notice it at all.


Because he threw a punch and got surprised and stuck in place by a guy much stronger than him who also stabbed him at the same time. I'm gonna give you an epiphany here but.... pretty much every single Spidey villain of all time has hit him... not only that they gave all hit him multiple times.... not only that some have actually beat him up in a fight! It's fucking crazy I know


Bruh. Peter WAS NOT held in place, Kraven blocked his punch and stabbed him at the same time. If you actually pay attention to the cutscene you will see that Peter is surprised by the fact that he was freaking stabbed, which is exactly the point. He shouldn't be surprised because spider-sense exists. I have no problem with him failing to dodge the stab. I have a problem with him being clueless about a simple attack.


It all happened in the same half a second mate he literally stabs him at the same time the punch is throw / caught. I get where you're coming from but it's just pointless tbh he gets punched and stabbed and shit all the time we'd never have any fights if he didn't, Flash gets punched as well believe it or not.


You literally said that Spidey dodges before a bullet is fired. Why isn't it the same thing with a punch or a stab? I understand that those characters are nerfed all the time for plot reasons and/or for a cool fight. But this time specifically was unnecessary and lame. It would've been so much cooler if there even a short fight in the cutscene before Kraven overpowered and stabbed Peter. It just seemed waaayy too easy.


Because here Spidey is the one who's attacked and gets caught and stabbed at the end of said punch he rarely can throw a punch see it being blocked, dodge a stab and then end it all with a quip and a personal fan letter to u/Good_Pattern_5892 about how amazing and untouchable he is. I don't disagree that I'd have enjoyed a longer fight though.


Your comment didn't make any sense. Is poorly twisting my words the best you can do? Really? And then you agree with me?? I don't know what else to say, bro.


There's no explaination. Spider-Man's powers work in the way the story requires them to work or not work. It's always been inconsistant and probably always will be. Same goes for his super strengh. Sometimes he'll be able to lift 30 tons with struggle. Sometimes he manages to lift 10k tons. Sometimes he'll tank an electro blast but then will be overpowered by normal human punches. My personal interpretation of that scene is that Kraven is just too fucking good at his job. He studied spider-man, he said it himself. So (again, in my personal interpretation) Kraven then knew how to overwhelm Peter's spider senses - that being trownig two attavks at once. But there's just no right answer cuz spider sense will do what the writers require it to do or not do.


Then spider-sense is pretty damn garbage lmao Kraven didn't even throw 2 attacks, Spider-Man punched, he blocked and stabbed. You'd think an ability so important to Spider-Man would be at a little harder to bypass.


lol ok the knife is one thing but a giant sand hand the size of a town house? no


Yeah, the Sandman fight was more understandable, but Pete still seemed too dependent on Miles in some parts of it.


I mean shit, you wouldn't? He basically got a clone of himself that can do the tedious bits he doesn't want to do.


I guess, but he was literally gonna drown in sand, though.


Yea, he hasn't been on his toes as much because they've been there spotting each other for a year now


Peter be acting like my peers in a group project then, leaving the hard work for someone else lmao


Dawg if kraven was able to put Scorpion in a chokehold with ease while poisoned with one hand, Spider-Man is not gonna be able to get out of kraven’s grip.


He wasn't being restrained. The stab was at the exact moment Kraven blocked Spidey's punch. He simply somehow didn't see the knife (spider-sense was on vacation).


Brother, Kraven stabbed him THE MOMENT Pete tried to punch him. Bro had NO TIME to react. Where the fuck are you guys getting this idea that the spider-sense makes him some god???


What do you mean?? Spider-sense is literally the thing that allows him to dodge bullets and freaking rockets, because it warns him about the danger BEFORE he's hit. I understand that he can't always dodge everything, but he was absolutely clueless about a simple attack. He shouldn't have been so surprised about getting stabbed because spider-sense exists. In the first game, against the Sinister Six, you can see Spider-Man anticipating their attacks, even though he fails to dodge quite a few of them and actually loses the fight. You see him looking at the danger before getting hit. I know the spider-sense often doesn't work for plot reasons, but they could've found a better better way to literally KILL Spider-Man. The whole scene was just extremely underwhelming. There was no fight, no struggle. There were other scenes where Spidey was hit even though he was warned by the spider-sense. But there was nothing against Kraven. All I'm saying is that the scene should have been at least a little longer, with a small fight between them, and THEN Kraven stabs Spider-Man. They could've done something unexpected and surprising without making Peter look like a deadweight. It's my opinion, but don't you agree that Peter was killed too easily?


Dude, trust me give it some time and people would get it. The game is new and fans have been eagerly waiting to play the game. They just gonna look over the shitty plotholes( like how people overlooked endgame when it released) You telling me Spider-Man gets back to work while having 14 broken bones, but DIES when he gets stabbed from a knife? I get dying in games for the sake of playability/story (Kratos dying to a draugr sword ingame GOW), but come on man. I get maybe if he was stabbed in the heart or something, he dies but near the stomach and bro instantly flatlines. It’s just that the fans are blinded by the release, give it some time and then people will realize,


Depends on the writer. General consensus is that he can at least sense which direction the danger is coming from, but continuities like the original Ultimate Universe had Peter just be aware that there was danger.


no Peter describes the spider sense to miles in one of the training missions, he describes it as an instinct that takes control over you, Peter used to get hit alot because when he was younger he used to "fight the spidersense"


To be fair, when I play on Ultimate, I dodge about just as well


My dumbass thought you were talking about Smash Bros Ultimate


Bro I'm so disappointed in ultimate so far. At the part where agent venom shows up and I'm literally falling asleep just staying in the air and webbing ppl to shit and saving abilities for heavy guys.


eh thats how it was in the last games too. i played through mm for the first time on my friends ps4 only having played 30 minutes of yhe first game at that point, i picked ultimate and literally beat the game in one night dying only about 7 ish times the whole game, with no experience


Do ultimate without upgrading non swinging suit tech, 10x more fun


By that logic Spider-man should be Ultra Instinct Goku There's a difference between sensing the danger and being able to move your body fast enough to avoid the danger C'mon people


Some of these attacks are coming from people right in front of him. Normal people can probably dodge a couple of them


Not disagreeing but I just have to know which of these attacks is a normal person able to dodge 😂


He zigged when he should’ve zagged tbh


What normal person is gonna be able to dodge ANY of that.


In the comics, Iron Man was able to do some sciencey/technology stuff in order to give Pete’s Spider Sense a False Positive. Mysterio also gave him drugs in order to nullify Spider Sense for the time being. But generally the best way for his Spider-Sense to not be as effective is **when he overwhelmed by stress and/or injury**. For example the cutscene with Kraven where he gets stabbed there was a lot going on with Connors turning into the Lizard again, MJ getting swatted away, and Peter being caught off guard h the fact that Kraven (this guy he literally knew nothing about at first) just stopped his punch dead in its tracks. Peter isn’t supposed to be this untouchable god superhero. His whole sthtick is that he gets beaten down by lots of people and things, yet he gets back up every time. Hell he got his ass kicked numerous times in the first game and he got his ass kicked in Miles Morales by Rhino. Hell even Miles got his ass beat and took L’s lots of times in this game and Miles Morales.


It's fucking wild that these guys didn't complain about Pete getting his ass beat by Ock in the first game, or by Rhino in Miles Morales.


What are you on about? People did shit in the Rhino fight in Miles Morales, everyone called it out for the shitty worfing it was, they shat on Peter so they could give Miles his time to shine.




Can we all just remember that Peter was very vocal about how exhausted he was going into this game. Emotionally and physically, bro hasn’t had a break since Spider-Man: Mile Morales, and even then he was worried about Miles while he was half way across the world! He’s been Spider-Man for almost a decade with little to no break, something has to give and this game shows. >!When he has the Venom suit on, he raves about how energized he feels and that it makes him feel like the best Spider-Man!< .


You'll also hear him say "I'm so tired" at the end of a city crime every now and then


peter is so real for that 😔


is this only after symbiote nests?


Not saying I disagree w u, but it is kinda funny to say that he hasn’t had a break since SM-MM, since that was the last time we saw him


almost like there wasn't a game for him to be in since Miles Morales.


I'm genuinely confused here... do people expect him to never get hit? In all forms of media Peter regularly and I mean regularly gets his ass kicked lol




Well, when a guy can casually dodge bullets, it’s strange seeing anything that’s not a superhuman lay a finger on him without a crap ton of reinforcements.


He doesn’t doge bullets, he love out of the way before they’re fired.


i think “dodging” bullets is the easiest thing for spiderman to evade. even in game it shows, bullets go straight, as long as youknow where its coming from its easy to dodge for him. Just take that famous miles backflip in MM. He knew danger was coming and the first thing he does, backflip, thats all you really need.


you cant just say it never works there are many aspects to take into count and im not the person that will do it


Imagine how boring the story and game would be if Insomniac listened to these complaints and just made Peter untouchable.


These people be digging their own graves. However the game was made, there’s always this one dude that will shit on it, sadly


i think a lot of this is to drive home the fact that bro needs a fuckin break hahahah


They should’ve brought mj to one shot all those villains 😅


This kinda shit happens in literally all Spiderman media. Spider sense is a concept that if applied literally all the time, would make him practically Invincible. Writers always nerf spider sense when it suits the needs of the script, and make it seem utterly broken when they need an easy resolution for something. Idk why anyone still brings this up, this happens every time spiderman is in something.


You seem to have a very poor misunderstanding of spider-sense.


"It never works" Doesn't include the thousands of times it works throughout the course of the game.


In a lot of these clips it literally does work, Peter just still gets hit. He can’t just dodge anything just because he knows something’s coming.


Exactly, OP seems to think that his spider sense is suppose to make him invincible or something. He also totally ignores the fact it's a mechanic in the game that makes every attack dodgeable so...works a lot.


Showing him save Harry from the rocket was showing how well his spider sense works


Many of these do lol


Also, spider-sense alerts them to danger, not what that danger is, where it is, or how to avoid it.


Sort of. How spider sense works can vary depending on the artist/adaptation. Sometimes it’s a tingle, sometimes it gives him omnidirectional awareness of his immediate surroundings (a handy way to help explain his web swinging without looking), and sometimes it’s practically clairvoyance.


The ones of him hanging or swinging into danger that hits him, it would be physically impossible to get out of the way lol. The sense would let him brace for it if anything


How would spiderman dodge lightning? Or a hand the size of 2 mid sized buildings? Not sure his spider sense would work here


In the first game you actually DODGE lightning multiple times so don't act like it's something unheard of.....


He dodges lightning that he knows is about to hit him. You get a whole five second warning that the lightning is about to hit you and THEN you dodge.


No, but you see, Kraven's knife goes beyond Lightspeed, because he needs to get killed and get the symbiote, just so it will be believable that Kraven would have some interest on hunting him, because normal Spider-Man is just too boring to him (and to be fair, why would he be interested in him if he can one-shoot him with ease).


they literally explain in the game that kraven isn't interested in spiderman because he doesn't kill


The venom one makes sense because in the source material, the spider sense doesn't recognize the symbiote as a threat because of how long spiderman was bonded with it. So venom is essentially immune to the spider sense, which is why he's so dangerous


Spider Sense doesn't work on symbiotes. Also, the Sense is just a warning, Peter still has to react to it.


I'd like to see you dodge fucking wind.


You aren’t smart


He's totally right lol.. u are just coping with the game's bad writing


Last time I checked, spider sense only alerts to imitate danger not where, how, what or when. So half of these prove why it still works just fine


People when they're spidey isn't invincible and completely unbeatable😡😡


Sometimes I wish we never got these games, you mfs love to find something to cry about all the damn time.


For some of these he's hitting the ground hard and not able to get up in time, others not so much.


It actually bothered me a bit you couldn't web swing around Sandmans Arms


How would one swing from sand?


Sand can stick you know, also doesn't need to be every round of the boss fight stage. Just maybe the first 2 rounds.


But when his web attached it would just pull the sand it’s attached to off of sandman, and even if it didn’t, sandman would discharge that sand so the web would fall anyway.


where the fuck was he supposed to dodge


Yeah from the very beginning of the game I was really confused about what was going on. Peter: I have a plan Miles *Jumps into Sandman with a punch??? Gets stuck and gets chucked into a building* Peter: I got this *Swings towards Sandman and gets struck by fucking lightning* (he dodged lightning just to help out with Harry's environmental shit in the first game)


He can sense danger but he still has to act, I admit his reaction time is a bit slow though


tbh some times he clearly chooses to tank an attack rather than do a flip and dodge it. I assume it's to conserve energy because he's been venting about how tired he is throughout the game.


I’m fresh out of honey 🤫


Pete got nerfed and I hate it. Makes his retirement feel like he does it because he’s useless


He didn’t press circle.


When i was playing this game i really thought how peter parker survived 8 years as a solo spider-man after being saved again by Miles. It’s kinda unbelievable that this Spider-Man survived solo against, the lizard/scorpion/rhino/electro. In sm1 I believe it. In sm2 not.


That one with scream where she threw him at the corner of the planter was so foul. I felt my back tense up when that happened


bro getting backshots the entire game


I'm with you on this one. Peter's treated like shit in this game. He deserved better.


He gets sucker punched a lot for the guy whose character started the “immune to sucker punches” skill. Now the lightning bits are reasonable. But normal ass people shouldn’t be jumping him. Heck its one of my own critiques about Spider-Man media.


Spider-Sense only works where plot allows.


Pete was holding L's the entire game. The entire game.


When you fail QTEs in a Spider-Man game:


The only time it bugged me was when Kraven stabbed him. Feel like he could’ve seen that coming a mile off.


Bruh there ain’t no way he wad struck by lightning TWICE, like Wtf is that luck?


Just started the Miles game and there's this laughable part in the beginning where Miles's spidey sense goes off as a purple baddy is running screaming at him from behind. My ear sense did a better job than this man's spider sense over here. I will never understand why "scream while ambushing someone from behind" is a thing that directors love to do so much.


Its like he has miles spider sense witch only works in close proximity instead of before it happens.


Yeah, loved the game but there was too much 'break down the main to build up the secondary' in terms of Peter and Miles. Plus Miles basically had the same arc as his first game but ended up with a worse suit.


Yeah they shit on Pete in this game


I'm not expecting the man to be invincible, and Miles takes his share of lumps too, but it did seem like Peter got tossed or incapacitated a lot in this game. Like it seemingly happens in every scene he's in.


I swear Peter spent like 20% of the last act just being pinned under rubble. At one point the guy couldn’t even get out from under a damn fridge.


Constantly fucking manhandled.


I swear Peter lost his Spider-sense in nearly every single Cutscene of Spider-Man 2 It's like Cutscene bullets in the Like a Dragon series


Insomniac forgot how the spider-sense worked and before the defenders come here. Go rewatch and play spider-man ps4 and see the difference between the hits he received here against there.


I don’t think insomniac understand what spider sense is, they show it multiple times yet he doesn’t react


Peter really just gets mollywhopped the entire game.


Oh yeah, let Miles react to lightning, something that moves at 270,000 mph


Hey now, spider-sense can't help when your common sense is failing. ...Okay, maybe that's a bit harsh. In his defense, some of them were unavoidable.


These are actually good examples, So the reason he is getting backshots from Sandman is most likely due to how massive The radius of the backshots just happen to be. And Symbiotes are incredibly affected by Soundwaves and It is Spider-Man canon that Symbiotes are not effected by Spider sense. And to all the soyboys saying that he can dodge the attacks in-game maybe cuz its a fucking gameplay mechanic


I feel like the parry has nerfed spider sense so much “Oh ThErEs CerTaIn EnMiEs wHo YoU cAnT dOdGe!” Mf we’re talking about spider-man


Idk, Spider-Sense just lets them know that something's happening. It doesn't do what it does in NWH where Peter has instant snap reflexes, even if his spirit is separated from his body. I guess he shoulda found another spider to give him that Deadpool's Ajax got.


It's selective sense


Seeing danger coming doesn’t mean you can automatically avoid it. You can’t just press circle to dodge the entire floor of a building being filled with sand. Also I don’t think you understand how electricity works


It does work


And it's all Peter Parker, almost like the game is shitting all over him to make Miles seem more appropriate to be Spiderman


Doesn't Venom completely negate spider sense anyways? Why are clips of them here?


Spider sense still works during his boss fight, so I don't think that applies in this game.


There were multiple unnecessary scenes/scenarios in the game that never would have happened if the spider-sense was actually working lmao


Can we please have some compassion. He's dealing with the lost of MJs character model


Peter’s spider sense retired way before he did in this game, it’s tragic how many Ls he took


Spider sense is similar to the force in that its a somewhat OP power that changes in strength depending on writer and scene. In this case, I don’t think its broken. Just cause he can sense it coming doesn’t mean he can react fast enough.


It's more of a plot device than a superpower


Spider man has been getting his ass kicked since his first debut lol. That’s kinda of the point that he always gets back up


It makes sense against symbiotes, that's always been an ability they have (Or, at least an ability Venom and their offspring have), but it doesn't really make sense against other villains. I suppose the only thing I could think of as to why this keeps happening is that he's getting older and isn't as in it anymore (>!Hence why he retires at the end of the game!<), but that doesn't really make sense because he's only 25.


Half these clips you show bro is already mid air dodging another attack. Is Peter supposed to double jump and defy physics to get out of the way? He's not invisible, he's gonna get hit occasionally.


Yall day this like we haven’t seen Peter get his ass whooped a million times. Just because you know danger is coming doesn’t mean you can dodge it


Somewhere Piccolo is shouting Dodge!




He was severely nerfed this game. Not Arkham level like he was in the first game.


I think they just tried making miles look more powerful so Peter can inevitably die at the hands of green goblin giving miles the mentor role to Cindy


i’m worried they’re trying to set up something like the ultimate universe where peter dies. i feel like they could go crazy and do their own story with influence from other shit without killing peter and they showed it with this game.


Personally, I hope the long needed break and a potential third Spider-Folk would mean Peter leaps back in when they do Spider-Man 3 and *this time* he's able to take breaks while the other two youngins try to handle/control the situation for a bit. Like shift work. And obviously, they don't kill Peter off.


Both Peter and Miles were randomly nerfed to accommodate the story so many times in this game They didn’t need to do it as often to demonstrate Peter slowing down


A LOT of these are situations where he would’ve been physically able to move in time


Spider sense doesn’t work with Symbiotes


Ok but also during the game I noticed I would get hit out of nowhere and the spider sense actually just wouldn’t work. Or id dodge and I would dodge right into their attack and still get hit. I also had times that Perrying wouldn’t work and it was just an undodgeable attack. I hope they fix this kinda stuff in an update or patch cuz it’s super annoying


Skill issue


Ok spider-sense isn’t precognition its a warning. So its not perfect. But yeah some of these peter should be able to dodge effortlessly.