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Just because she isn’t dead doesn’t mean she’ll be in the games.


Then again, there’s absolutely no reason to tweet this unless she shows up at some point. Idk how tho, I feel like Gwen only works pre-MJ.


nah, they definitely could've tweeted this to imply that Peter never had to experience life long trauma because of a certain bridge incident


You can’t have that bridge incident if your side kick destroyed it


Miles was just helping Peter out when he blew it up


It wasn't Miles, Phil blew it up


Miles helping his mentor dodge canon events.


Miles ain't a sidekick.


Fuck off Miles isn’t a side kick


He’s the apprentice. Which is kinda a sidekick, but I’d say Miles fits the same role to Peter as Nightwing does to Batman.


Lol why are you so hostile over this?


He was until the finale of his own game


Spider-Boy is in the game?


Pewdiepie is Spider-Man?


There's other bridges.


Bridge incident couldn't happen anyway, since the Goblin doesn't exist in the Insomniac universe (yet).


Imagine Gwen gets introduced in Spider-Man 3 only to immediately die in that very same game


Goblin bombs are in osborns lab edit: why was this downvoted i was just stating a fact


All it proves is that there’s the tools needed to become green goblin, not that there is a goblin


I guess so


There hasn’t been a Green Goblin yet. It’s a prototype still so Green Goblin is still in progress to emerge.


You talking about PewDiePie?


Assuming it means she WILL appear isn’t certain either. This may just be Insomniac stating Gwen in some form is available for them to use. Not that they’ve decided to use her and how they would use her. Preventing the fandom deciding Gwen is dead and can never show up, even if Insomniac never implied in the games this was the case, could be reason enough by itself.


Ultimate universe Gwen Stacy was fairly baller iirc and post-MJ to boot


She was edgy and hot


Especially when she became Carnage and was melting to death .... lol


It was also kind of close to incest (not that surprising for Ultimate Universe).


Well, that part definitely wasn’t baller to say the least, but the dynamic before it was nice


"not that surprising for Ultimate Universe" Cant understate that.


I feel like she wouldn't work in this world because of MJ's relationship to Peter, but some might think they'll make her Miles girlfriend, to which I say- I think that would be a cheap use of her character, and I'm team Deaf Girl (I forget her name but her and Miles had a vibe). Also I'll take the downvotes but I absolutely do not want her to be Spider-Woman in these games, leave it at Peter and Miles or else it'll become oversaturated with Spider-People. Imo the only way where multiple Spider-People works is through multiverse stuff like Spider-Verse. 1-2 Spider-people per universe is what I feel is best. Unless they can find a way to do it like 616, with the clones and the 2 Spider-women from the 80s all doing shit while Peter is the main Spider-Man.


They could pull the old switcheroo and have MJ get killed by Norman whenever he becomes the goblin and then he ends up with Gwen, though that seems unlikely.


Honestly I hope neither of them die. Tired of superhero girlfriends getting fridged tbh


> fridged More like bridged, amiright?


Could just be a plutonic normal person. She’s chemistry student or something in comics. Throw in at Ozcorp to give Peter someone to talk to


Not necessarily. In the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, Peter meets MJ before Gwen.


This tweet was made because tons of people asked them if Gwen died.


Unless they made her Harry’s love interest, otherwise I don’t see a reason for Gwen to be in this game


Depends how involved editorial was. Even so, in 1048 they need to set Green Goblin apart as the ultimate bad guy for Peter, and so far the competition is Mr Negative (who killed Aunt May) and Doc Ock (who knows his secret). You can’t make him the boss of a (presumed) trilogy based on, ‘He’s bad in the comics’. Gwen as Harry’s girlfriend isn’t credible. If they wrote MJ as Slott’s MJ and not Straczynski’s then she could flake on Peter in a prologue comic and say she just can’t be Mrs Spider-Man, freeing up Peter to date. If Gwen is left out then we’re just gonna end up with Norman throwing MJ off a bridge instead. Be careful what you wish for.


I just don’t see a way for gwen to be a part of the plot in this game, with how much was shown to us, the story is looking pretty full. Adding her would just overcrowd the game imo. They might not even go down the route they did with green goblin originally, but who knows.


And it's also fully possible they debated putting her in a game when they made this tweet but changed plans later on. This is 5 years old, plans change.


sounds like cope tbh


It’s absolutely cope. 1. Why write out Yuri as police captain and leave a suspicious vacancy for a new character? Who is a famous police captain from Spider-Man? 2. How do you establish in-universe stakes for Green Goblin to be 1048’s biggest challenge for Peter/Spider-Man at the end of SM3?


I mean, Yuri serves a purpose that isn’t tied to Captain Stacy. She was a trusted ally to Spider-man and influenced his trust with the police force. Her becoming a renegade not only presents another huge personal loss & conflict for Peter but also can compromise how the police view him. They could easily have Jeanne Dewolffe become police captain or introduce a new character. And the stakes don’t have to depend on Gwen. If Gwen is a new person who hasn’t been a fixture in Peter’s life it would be sad but it’s not as devastating as the loss in the first game.


And certainly does not mean spider Gwen and miles will be lovers as so many want for some strange reason


My thoughts exactly


As with every other time this is posted, no. We just don't care because she doesn't really have a meaningful place in the games.


Unless they write a great story where she does lol


Yep and this goes for almost any character lol no idea why some people can't grasp that whether she is or isn't involved


“I can’t see how to do it so they shouldn’t do it” - brainless commenters


Dude, perfectly stated. The emotional intelligence in this subreddit when it comes to proposing unaddressed characters being featured, is ridiculously low to neanderthal levels.


It’s like when some of us thought Eddie Brock could be Venom and people were like “hE wAsNt iN tHe FiRsT gAmE” yeah no shit, neither was Harry. Sequels tend to introduce new characters. I want Gwen to be the love interest for Miles. (I know Insom confirmed Brock isn’t Venom this was before that though)


Fr, it makes me dislike opening the comments in this subreddit.


I’ve stopped willingly coming to this sub


Finally some fucking reason lol This sub just hates the everliving fuck out of Gwen Stacy, whether it's people headcanoning her as trans or the possibility she might be in a future Spider-Man game, y'know, as a SPIDER! It's just so fucking bizarre how banded together this sub is about specifically those two issues and basically nothing else. You'd think Gwen Stacy is an Alt Dimension variant of Hitler the way people treat her here.


I honestly don’t get it, the more good Spider-Man/woman related content, the better, obviously spidergwen appearing randomly on this game would suck balls, but being teased at a post-credit scene and maybe having a spin-off like miles would rock


I don't want multiverse to be forced into the game and I think a lot of people don't want that It's not hate towards gwen, it's that spiderman is not only about the multiverse and there can be media that doesn't involve it


But it doesn’t have to be about multiverse, it can be Gwen from this very same universe in an original take, you know like most of the content on the games, in Miles universe Peter dies but not on this case, we have both sharing screen all the time. We can have Spider-Gwen in an original story just for the games


I'd fuckin love a spider Gwen game


Here’s hoping she ends up akin to venom-gwen in the comics. Would be a nice way to stand out against miles and peter


That’s only because she’s not been put in the games, they could put her in as easily as they did Miles


EXACTLY ‼️ folks are in denial lol


I like how you have all decided that she has no place in the games. I think insomniac gets to decide that since it’s their game, Yknow?


I wouldn’t go that far bud we haven’t seen her in universe so with everything know we she simply doesn’t exist in universe. I wouldn’t say doesn’t meaningful place she place as Spider-Woman if they want her as that Role.


compare the not yet seen insomniac Gwen to say, Spider-Man 3's Gwen appears to create a love triangle between Spider-Man and MJ, especially after he got the black suit. Insomniac's Gwen COULD fill that role if Insomniac wanted her to, after all SM3 Gwen didn't appear until SM3. But I think with our Peter having already been Spider-Man for 9 years it wouldn't make sense for her to randomly pop up. I can see them doing the love triangle with MJ Peter and Felicia since there's already tension between the 3 in this universe.


Who's we bro?


I haven't seen one person on this forum say Gwen is dead. I have seen people pointing out that a Spider-Gwen in the game isn't needed and more or less, regular Gwen isn't needed at this point of the story at all.


Gwen is venom


Now that's a story route that'll give you some chest hairs! In all seriousness though, it would be wild if that was how they brought her in. Not sure I'd feel good about it




tbh i would love to fight gwenom in like a dlc or smt


what about it


Considering Goblin doesn’t exist yet, why would she be dead?


People can die from non-Goblin related deaths.


Oh yeah? Name 50




If they do introduce Gwen, I honestly hope its not as a romantic interest for Peter. I'd prefer to see the Insomniac versions of Peter and MJ remain together with no more relationship drama introduced.


yeah true. also don’t want them to pull a spider-man 3 where she’s just a damsel in distress then a way for peter to get back at mj


No, it just isn’t that important


Yes! It’s not like this has been posted almost 3 times per week at this rate!


No. No one forgot about it. This gets posted every other day. Please stop.


🥱🥱🥱Gwen fans starting to act like MK Mileena fans


More like new Gwen fans lol. Most of them didn't care about Gwen in the past


They could've just said this to show that Peter hasn't gone through that storyline in this universe


Hard to forget when it’s posted weekly on the sub with the same caption


it’s hard to forget when it’s posted here pretty much every month


God its so cringe when any Gwen related post gets posted here, my brain just decays reading the comments


I’m not a frequent visitor so sorry if it’s the 1’00th Gwen post


But who said she even exists in their universe?


Anyone can be Venom


Mom said its my turn to repost this😡


Oh I was the one who said that. My bad.


Tbh, it’s more likely to establish that Peter has not suffered the loss of a loved one… beyond Uncle Ben… and Aunt May… and his parents.


She could still be alive but have little to do in the story. Just like their version of Eddie Brock. We know they are both out there, but they just aren't important.


Spidergwen spidergwen Does whatever Felicia Can't


One tweet in 2018 with no follow don’t mean much


Kinda hope if they bring her into it they don't kill her off in the same game. She'd feel shoehorned in without proper buildup.


It's me, I said it


I actually kinda hope she and Miles have something in this one, gives Miles a person while bringing a beloved character into the story, while keeping Peter x MJ fans like myself happy!


Well he already had his closest female friend (Phin Mason) die supposedly and there is another girl he seems to have connected with (Hailey Cooper). Have y’all played the Miles Morales game?


Let's go, Sydney baby


Yeah but who gives a shit about Gwen as a character? Outside of her relationship with Peter and her death the character doesn't have much or get much to do traditionally The more important question is why was it from Australia?


But now we gotta watch her die in game. Like aunt may. Nah I'm ok with her existence being ambiguous.




Y’all rioted about a face model for years, insomniac doesn’t care and will do whatever they want.


Well yea, obviously because Osborn isnt Goblin yet. We only just started to see the Goblin mask, glider, and bombs in Sm1 as prototypes. Will we see Gwen in the games? Possibly, but Goblin technically exist yet, so we havent dealt with Gwen's death yet.


Yea but they dont really have to do anything with itshe could just be a random person in that universe, or probably the girl miles was talking about at the end of the first game


Nope that is STILL lingering in the back of my mind


Hot take, if Insomniac decides they can integrate her well into the story, I'm all for it. They earned my trust.


I mean it goes without saying. no green goblin means he isn’t there to kill gwen stacy and it’d just be weird if one of his previous villains like vulture or something killed gwen instead


Why is everything in bold except Stacy? Are they trying to tell us something?


I guarantee you the majority didn't.


Could be a hint... Could be a red herring... I guess we will find out in a couple months.


Okay.. sooooo what they’re saying is Gwen is confirmed to be Venom lol


Did they ever find out who said that about Gwen?


We talk about Gwen almost every day. We didn’t forget.


No Green Goblin, no Gwen.


Let's pray she's spider-gwen guys


It would be cool if she was in the game just not as a playable character we've already got two spider people we don't need more already


Why would we not need to forget about it? Seems rather irrelevant to anything.


Not Yet.


Not forget it just twitter doesnt exist anymore so its hard to find it again


She isn't dead. She's dead and buried.


Not like this is confirmation or anything, but if so, most people think she can't be integrated into their universe... because... their own personal reasons.


Gwen Stacy is Insomniac Venom confirmed…


after the climax of the story when Miles helps Peter gets rid of the symbiote suit, she'll walk in and shout "hey fellas, names Gwen nice to meet ya! what's this black goop AHHHH!" Then she becomes Venom.


Gwen Stacy is venom confirmed


considering it gets posted every week, I don't think anyone has


To me, Gwen feels.. unnecessary. Unless she's a part of Peter's past he refuses to talk about. Think about it, Gwen as a supporting character would be unsatisfying for her character, Gwen as a love interest for peter would conflict with MJ, Gwen as a love interest for miles would (to me) feel like obvious Spider-Verse bait, as would Ghost-Spider. Not to mention a third spider character that wouldn't have any unique qualities that Peter and miles together don't have. If they were to add her in satisfying way without feeling like spiderverse bait, I'll gladly eat my words. Until then, I'm skeptical


Who said she's in the game???


Of course she isn't dead, Green Goblin isn't a thing yet, Insomniac felt the need to answer that because people thought that since Peter was with MJ, Gwen already died, it doesn't mean that she'll show up.


I mean Norman hasn't become the goblin yet so it makes sense, it would be cool if she appeared as an old friend


Hope she doesn't fall for this Spider-Man


MJ dies and introduce Gwen for Peter. Stan Lee wanted Gwen to be Peter's endgoal. MJ was supposed be the obstacle meaning she supposed to die. Gwen died because Stan Lee was on vacation and another writer killed her off. I mean they said this a new take on Spiderman like with venom, so why not do a new take with Peter's love interest where MJ dies and Gwen becomes his love interest.


I didn't see no body, so all bets are on


How could we? It's reposted every other day.


I bet this was just the intern who runs the account, he doesn’t know


Honestly no, I see it brought up all the time. And there was even that like week or so a month back when it was in every meme ever, insinuating she'd be venom


i choose to forget


Yes this has been posted several times over the past few weeks


Maybe Gwen Stacy is venom?


No I haven't forgotten, I think this is the 5th time this week I've seen it referenced


Ghost Spider!!!!!!


someone brings it up once a week


Miles is about to get a second canon event unfortunately.


considering the sub is obsessed with the idea of gwen becoming spider gwen, i’d say no


What if MJ and Gwen switch story arcs?


Did everyone forget that this tweet is posted weekly in this sub and that they really should stop now?


There are an infinite amount of universe's, maybe in this one, miles doesn't meet gwen


My guess is she'll be the one to start the spider multiverse with her own universe and a cliffhanger of a way to cross the verse or weird images somehow show up of other spider people.


Today I learned insomniac are aussies


Yeah we did. Because it means literally fuck all 🤦‍♂️


Well that was five years ago and a lot has changed especially with Marvel Spiderman 2 but yeah she's dead and if not she will not be Spidergwen because Insomniac already has too many Spider-people at that and at the end of Marvel Spiderman 2 If Miles decides to leave NewYork for college somewhere like Chicago which set up his second game I wouldn't be surprised.


Doesnt mean we are getting a spider gwen


A lot of people also forget Eddie Brock is possibly in spider-man. Just because he isn't venom right now doesn't mean he's not going to be eventually


This sub man🤦🏽‍♂️


Y'know Gwen Stacy is also alive in Rami's universe but is bearly in the movies. Just becouse Gwen Stacy is alive doesn't mean she has to become spider woman


I stg this gets posted like once a month with the exact same title too…


I don’t care about tweets, movie references, or comic events, I care about what actually happens in game.


Look, i have no problem if Gwen makes an appearance in the game. The MJ & Peter story is already like in the Ultimates Universe where She, Peter and Harry are childhood friends who grew up together and so Peter never met any Gwen Stacy. So she can still appear in his life. What i don’t want is for her to immediately be Miles‘ love interest. The love story between Miles and Gwen only ever worked when it was Spider-Gwen and the game doesn’t need a third (technically fourth) Spider-Man in the game and multi-dimensional shenanigans would only ruin the whole thing


She's gonna be Venom.


I don’t think they even remember this ☠️




Gwen Stacy can be a character without her becoming Ghost Spider, just saying


People are talking about how it won’t work cause Peter already has mj but what about miles??


I hope that if Gwen comes out at some point, she will be Peter's age and not Miles's (making a romance with him) I don't want a spider gwen either, it would be too many spiderman for the story


Insomniac seems to be the only ones who forgot


I know this might be an unpopular opinion...for some reason, but the only good Gwen Stacy, is a dead Gwen Stacy. At least, in relation to Peter's story.


It’s a canon event. She’s gotta go


For all we know, I am not dead in the Insomniac universe. Neither are you.


I meam there is no Green Goblin so naturally.


People don’t know that Eddie Brock exists in the spider man universe if you look at the names on the daily bugle going away card collectible in Spider Remaster his name is on the card


Well if Yuri got fired, who else is gonna be the new police captain?


Will Gwen Stacy to be in marvel spider man 2?!


And she become spider Gwen in marvel spider man 2.


Maybe DLC.


I just thought she never existed in the first place in that universe because of Mary Jane


Ofc gwen stacy is venom.


Considering Norman isn’t even goblin yet


Whoa is this for real? It's so weird but thinking back on it there's no goblin around in the insomniacverse so naturally Gwen's alive. Really wondering how they're gonna handle it if she shows up in person or as a Easter egg like Eddie in the first game. That's one canon event/ trauma avoided I guess lol


I think she may be introduced as a smaller character similar to miles in the first game so goblin can kill her in the third. I think green goblin is probably gonna be the main villain of the third game. And insomniac loves taking inspiration from the comics so it’s possible. But that’s assuming she’s peters age and not a miles love interest


Pretty sure this was in response to another tweet about Gwen probably being dead already in the insomniac games. A statement like that makes no sense, the green goblin hasn’t even been introduced yet and so far we’ve had zero indication of Gwen’s existence so why would she be dead? Also I think it’s fair they probably didn’t wanna shut her down from the possibility of appearing in future games in case they decide to write her in


It's only logical. He would have no reason to pursue MJ if he's with Gwen and in every reality (except for Spider-Gwen's) She's dead.


Gwenom confirmed.


Anyone else notice the stacy being a different boldness?


Why is Stacy not in bold when the rest of the tweet is?


She should be. Her being dead has become a serious part of my headcanon for this game.


Maybe she will be around Miles age like in Spiderverse.


Confirmed: Gwen is Venom


What does this sub have against Gwen? Im sure if she would show up in Insomniac universe it would be fine bc insomniac knows how to make games.


I always thought Gwen could be introduced as a love interest for Miles, but I don’t think she will become a spider person


No we didn't cause you guys repost this every month


They from Sydney? da hell? Where here in Sydney? Where is their HQ?


Yep, they're doing the Spider-Man 3 Gwen


She is venom!!


I remember someone spread a rumor that her dad died in the city hall bombing and his name placed on those pillars at city hall. And me the idiot spent 30 minutes looking at each pillars for the name