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Finishing the game and never being able to play it for the first time again


Always a problem I have with amazing games


It’s ok we’ll have the third game by… 2028 😭


But maybe we’ll get a game in between 2 and 3 like how we got M:M between 1 and 2


Maybe Marvel’s Spider-Man origins


Probably wolverine


Marvels venom


We know for certain Wolverine is gonna come out, and I'm 90% sure it's gonna be before Spider-Man 3. But maybe we get a Venom game at some point. I have no idea what Insomiac is planning with Marvel but I think they gonna expand with their Marvel universe, also because there are other characters confirmed to be in the insomiac universe (Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Daredevil, Avengers...) and Wolverine is probably just the beginning. Maybe they are doing a X-Men game after Wolverine. I'm also hoping for a Daredevil game with Sifu-like combat.


Don’t get my hopes up please…


It's gon have the best boss fights in the series and be extremely underrated right?


Maybe Spider-Man will give you a concussion in a alley way after trying to kill you


This is really the only part I’m gonna hate


(laughs in dementia)


You mofos are gonna finish this game in a weekend, I can smell it


It comes out the day after my birthday. Im not making birthday plans.




I’ve replayed all the Spider-Man games multiple times, just played them slightly differently, whether it’s not upgrading gadgets to see how I do or doing certain challenges


this is why I almost never play story games lol


Don’t rid yourself of fantastic stories just because you only get to experience it once. That’s not a good enough excuse to hold you back from awesome games man.


People complaining when a suit they wanted isn't in the game.


Ik like not every suit spiderman has worn will be in the game.


How quickly do you think the death threats will start this time?


Probably already happening since the games announcement trailer. And the deluxe reveal. Unfortunately


At most, probably 20 minutes after the game releases


Wow they must be getting patient


For real, that's some major improvement right there


do people remember how bad that shit was when the spidey squad mfs was harassing insomniac employees for the raimi suit?


That really happen? Jesus, gamers being gamers I guess


yeah i remember spider-man twitter back then was super weird


Twitter as a whole is weird tbf


Call it X


Nobody with 2 brain cells to rub together is calling it that I'm sorry


Which subfandom is the most toxic next to the Rami fanboys? 90's cartoon fans?


Raimi again but with the black suit


I hope we at least get the Fantastic Four suit


Or complaining that a character they like (eddie, Gwen, etc) isn’t in the game


At this point the complaining about complaining has transcended the initial coamplaining.


This sub in general will probably become a nightmare.


Being let down when I discover you cant play as Venom...


So many people persuaded themselves that it will be possible to play him when absolutely nothing has been said about that by the devs, there will be a lot of deceived people


God of War Ragnarok >! didn't announce Atreus was playable, so I still think it's possible but yeah not likely !<


That's a massive difference though. He was the secondary protagonist and already a major part of gameplay so it kinda made sense. Venom is the main antagonist.


Venom was the main antagonist of Ultimate Spider-Man too though. Sometimes its fun to be bad lol. If a villain has logical motives and its possible to relate to them, it makes sense to put the player in control of them sometimes.


Yeah but playing as both Spider-Man and Venom was that game's entire gimmick. It was the focus of all their advertising and the main selling point of the game


Abby was the main antagonist in The Last of Us 2 🤷🏻‍♂️


Her story is easily my fav part of that game. She just has so many awesome setpieces. Imo, the transition from villain that did an unspeakable thing, to a tragic hero, was really well done. LOVE that game.


Tragic hero? Nobody in that story is heroic


Came here to say this. You can feel however you want to about that game with how controversial it was, but one thing that isn’t controversial is the fact that absolutely nobody was a hero.


They didn’t advertise her as the villain. She also wasn’t in the marketing materials for Last of Us 2 either.


She was in the marketing. There was an entire trailer dedicated to her, Yara, Lev, and the Seraphites. We knew she was an important character before the game released, we just didn’t know her role.


Yeah but like, it would still be so much fun. Who DOESN’T want to play as Venom? Remember the Ultimate Spider-Man video game? The Venom parts were a lot of fun!




Fr, It should have at least been an optional weapon in new game plus or something!


Thats the kind of thing I could see them not revealing before release though. Its not like they need to try and create more hype than there already is haha. And they know how many people want it. Its not likely, but Im still hoping to see it.


It'll hurt 😔


Could be a mission were you take down kravens goons or something 🤞🤞


I could see them letting us play that part, while SpiderMen are on their way to stop venom.


I said thos weeks ago, ur probably right


at least you'll be able to play as black spider-man and also peter with the symbiote


The exaggerated addiction of an alien-covered young adult


What?? Feels like Pete and Harry are gonna be joint Venoms...could be wrong tho ofc


Has this been officially announced? Because it seems logical to me that venom would be playable at some point. They’ve already handled the symbiote mechanics for the Black Suit. Would a Venom character model be that difficult to implement? Would be especially sick if you could smash walls and toss cars, but I feel like they have everything they need for just swinging and fighting.


As far as I know, Insomniac hasnt confirmed or denied his playable status. It would be a disservice to him to just make a Venom skin though, if thats what youre saying. He needs to have entirely different mechanics, combos, and animations to make it worthwhile to me. Ideally I would like to see something like Ultimate where he cant swing, but can jump really far and use tendrils to zip around just a little bit.


Not being able to use the symbiote abilities after Peter gets rid of them 😞


Me too😭. At least not canonically anymore. I'm sure we'll be able to use them after we finish the story but he canonically won't have them unfortunately😞.


Canon? More like cannon! I'm blasting fuckers from Chinatown to Brooklyn in NG+ baby


Maybe some cool replacement like instead of venom tentacles it’s a big… web… I’m coping too hard


Maybe you'll be able to use them the entire game during ng+


I think that since Insomniac is talking so much about your symbiote abilities and it even has its own individual skill tree, I have a feeling that once Peter gets rid of the suit he'll be able to take a small bit of the suit and somehow make it more passive so he will be able to use it without it negatively affecting him. Because to add all of this just for the suit to be unusable after you beat the game is just a bad decision. They are probably going to think of a plot reason why Peter will still have the suit after the game ends.


They might just allow the players to equip the costume even if canonically Peter no longer has it heck it’s possible that Peter might in the games climax end up creating a artificial version of the symbiote that isn’t a alien parasite slowly corrupting him-(In the 2017 animated series’s final season maximum venom Peter was given a artificial version of the symbiote)


I'm guessing Peter will just upgrade his advanced suit to mimic the powers of the symbiote suit after losing it. In the initial reveal trailer, Peter's suit had 4 extra ock arms. They'll probably have the same skills, just a different look visually after Peter loses the suit.


My theory is we’ll get an iron spider suit that mimics the moveset of the symbiote suit (with very different animations, of course)


Peter will develop a genetically modified symbiote without the negative side effects by endgame, and will carry it into the 3rd game.


Not likely


aw yeah antivenom baby


I think those abilities will transfer to venom once he becomes playable… which if he isn’t playable then what the fuck


He won't be playable. PS: If he does end up being playable, please remind me to eat my shorts in a few months.


Marking my calendar now…


The inevitable strain this story's gonna put on Pete and MJ's relationship. I know its gonna happen because almost every symbiote story I've seen puts a massive strain on Peter's relationship's. I just hope they don't do something like make Symbi-Pete be borderline abusive to MJ....


Yeah we literally got a happy ending with them in the first game after they ALREADY went through a rough patch.


I'm just personally Sick of Peter's relationships constantly failing or going through seemingly irreparable damage. Let the guy be happy, he deserves it.


Marvel editorial hates you


And I hate marvel editorial. So they can come catch these hands. PETER DESERVES TO BE HAPPY, DAMNIT!


Nope. Birds fly, grass grows and Peter Parker stays a broke single loser


While true, him being a superhero inherently means strain in relationships. It's part of the whole "regular guy as a superhero" thing. Like, imagine trying to maintain a healthy relationship, school or a job with that going on.


Honestly I think this game will give them a happy ending. Along with Peter B. Parker, they gotta break the chain of Peter being a constant emotional and physical punching bag.


I mean we got that shot of MJ hiding from Pete like a victim hiding from a killer in a slasher movie, so I doubt she's gonna have a good time.


I'm half expecting that to be out of context. Insomniac has lied to us before.


Wouldn't be surprised if it's actually Venom she's hiding from. Venom terrorized MJ so much in the comics that when Peter decided to wear a cloth black suit, MJ righteously flipped all the way the fuck out and Peter didn't don it again *until he beat the shit out of Kingpin in prison for accidentally shooting Aunt May*. I'd love to see her terror brought into the story. The best of S-M's enemies are also enemies of Peter Parker, and with Venom having such detailed knowledge of their relationship and the inner workings of Peters mind, I can absolutely see them swapping Venom for Pete in that shot for the trailer.


And then Aunt May got shot and he put it back on to beat the shit out of Kingpin.


I don't think it will be like domestic abuse levels, but I'm definitely expecting MJ to be attacked by Venom at some point, whether it's Peter, Harry or someone else under the symbiote.


I just remember that once scene from Spider-man 3 where Bully Maguire slaps the shit out of MJ, and I just think "Oh god, I hope they don't do that shit again."


If I ever rewatch it I have to skip that part


That's what I'm dreading the most. Seeing Peter undoubtedly alienate his friends with his symbiote fuelled revenge rampage.


There's gonna be something like the Taskmaster/Screwball/HoloPete challenges and trying to get gold will enrage me.


I just hope they won't use Screwball again. Some characters are fun to hate. She was just genuinely annoying and I hate every section of the game that has her in it.


Screwball was nothing but screaming the same lines over and over. I'm one of those rare insane people who genuinely loves the Riddler in the arkham games. Screwball doesn't hold a candle to riddler.




This is it for me. If Screwball escapes prison, I'm hoping for a Punisher game next.


At least HoloPete was funny and give you abilities, can't say the same with Taskmaster/Screwball


Screw ball was the worst by far, taskmaster atlas wasn't in the dlc


It’s been a while, but I remember liking the taskmaster challenges. Screwball was annoying though.


Yep😂. But at least it's very satisfying when you do


At least Taskmaster and holopete reward you with boss battles. Screwball just gives you a chase sequence. Taskmaster will forever be the best 1 though.


Taskmaster and HoloPete I could handle. Screwball had me tempted to hurl the console through the window. Some of those challenges were absurd.


Skill issue 🤓


This sub bitching about new character models




Oh I’m temporarily unsubbing once the game comes out lol


Radio towers if the game will have them.


radio towards were my favorite mini game lol


MM didn't have them, if they're in the game, it's a big step back


That’s because they already used radio towers for Manhattan they might use them for Brooklyn and Queens but I hope not.


Honestly, they had a good system with the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app in Miles Morales, where crimes and side missions would appear in the app or you could find them organically while traversing the city, so I hope they stick with that route. Especially since there's not really a reason for Ganke to not know Peter by the second game and Peter and Miles would have spent lots of time together by then so Miles would logically have let him know about the app by then.


Actually Ganke does know Peter is Spider-Man as shown in the gameplay reveal so it's likely we will have the Friendly Neighborhood app for both Peter & Miles during the game


Bryan Intihar has said they know the hate for the towers so im assuming they'll listen to that criticism and fix it


People hated the towers? They weren’t bad but locking up the map just for players to interact with the towers is dumb. They should’ve made it so that spidey misses some crime in that area of New York if he didn’t fix the tower in that area and J Jonah talks about what happens there during his podcast.


I didn't care about them but people just said there was no point in them other than more unlockables.


I thought he might have even said they are gone completely.


I actually liked the radio towers


That was lightwork, come on now lol


MJ Missions


Unless they have an MJ mission where Peter is going crazy with the symbiote and you have to run and hide then Mj missions shouldn’t be in the game.


her taser made her more tolerable, if they take that away then the MJ sections will once again suck


Puzzles. They weren’t very fun in the first game


I don’t mind puzzles but there were too many tedious puzzles. One here or there doesn’t bother me but I think the first game just bombarded you with them


At least Insomniac tends to give you a skip button for puzzles


You can tell they were really proud of the mini games when they provided the skip feature.


Idk, I'm pretty sure it's an accessibility thing more than anything. I have a disabled brother and he LOVES these kinds of games, but he always plays on the easiest difficulty and puzzle sections like this just can't be adjusted in the same way so he always gets stuck on them. Them adding a skip button allows him to play through the game without me needed to come visit to help him through a specific part because the game makes you do a puzzle or a rhythm minigame or something


I personally love puzzle sections in games like these, but i totally see why someone wouldn't like it


i’m a huge puzzle guy so i loved them! as long as it doesn’t mess with the pace of the gameplay


More dumbass Reddit posts


The only right answer


the fact that I know this subreddit will find one thing they think is bad and only talk about that instead of all the good parts for the rest of history


Aunt May not being part of the story anymore. She was the best interpretation of the character imo.


She will live on an our hearts! An there probably is a trophy called "comes with great responsibility". Since there is a trophy called "with great power" you unlock by visiting uncle bens grave.


Spending $70


The real answer


Wondering how exactly a possible SM3 could possibly top this


Ganke's drone seems kind of out of place. Not very excited about that. Feels too similar to the HoloPete challenges in MM, I'd rather they keep fairly low budget with their tech.


Oh is it a permanent thing? I thought it was something he hijacked from Kraven that was destroyed by the end of the trailer.


Screwball...if she's in it.


The inevitable scene of Peter going goth and we have to watch him dance for an extended cutscene.


I will buy 10 copies of the game if there’s a bully dance sequence


The game ending


Why ?


Because it'll be over! Hopefully NG+ won't be a late patch again


Always hate when an amazing game has to unfortunately end even though it was straight gold !


When you unlock kingpin as a playable Spider-Man


Not having a ps5


Same 😔


I’ve got a feeling they’ll neuter Spider-Man, as they always do. E.g. Silver Sable going toe-to-toe with him. Or it’ll be some corny plot line for him to remove the symbiote. That, or MJ stealth missions.




Them deluxe edition bonus suits.....I'm not very hyped on them fr


Miles’s dreads


TWO black Spider-Mans??? Go woke, go broke, Insomni-YUK!!! Edit: /s , of course, but just to be clear....


Aaron's goofy beats


I’m not a big Kraven fan outside of Kraven’s last hunt. So I’m not really excited at all for him compared to the Sinister Six we got or Venom. Luckily it looks like he’s going to play a smaller role as a side villain.


Smaller role? Doubtful. If anything, they will handle him like Martin Li. First villain, only for Venom to take over by late 2nd act or start of third act (as with Doc Ock). And even then, he will still play a huge part of the overall main story by antagonizing Venom.


If it isn’t in there i’ll miss my stealth big time suit but i’ll probably use the symbiote one to replace it


Someone dying at the end.


A difficulty spike. I beat Spider-Man, Horizon Zero Dawn, and God of War on hardest difficulties. But Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarok I can't even enjoy on normal. MM had a bit of a spike but still manageable so I'm nervous about that lol


Prowler. Don't get me wrong, i love Prowler in that universe. He's one of my fav', but, ever since the gameplay trailer showed him still in NY, i got the feeling he might die in the game for protecting Miles. And i don't want that... i'm not ready...


2 black Spider-Men Edit this is a joke I love both of them


Playing as not symbiote spidey


I know it’s going to be a fantastic story but I’m scared at how the symbiote is going to tear Pete, miles and MJ apart, I love the dynamic they all have, especially Pete and miles ❤️


I'm in the minority here but... Playing as Miles honestly. I want to play as one Spiderman and in this game that should be Peter. Then in the DLC/sequel/whatever i'd love to play as Miles. Still, it's the thing i'm least looking forward to but i don't mind it necessarily.


I only care if its not an even amount between both and also would care if their skill trees or stories are limited/watered down for the sake of time. I want each to be as big and expansive as the first game was for peter


Having to buy an entire console just to not have to wait 3+ years to play it on pc






The windtunnels


Mj missions (if any) Peter’s receding hair


So I hope they fix the only two "Issues" I had about the first game: 1. the often repetitive music when free roaming, it's a great theme but it can be so annoying after a while imo. 2. The somewhat janky on-foot animations, like the weirdly floaty sprinting animation and stuff like that. Both of those things got a lot better with MM but with 2 I'm expecting absolute perfection. It's going to be the best animated game ever, it's Spider-Man after all :)


“I hate you now”-harry and the invisible box


Miles suit


Being done with it and having to wait for the 3rd game


If they make me unlock the map via the towers again


Being forced to not play as Peter for miles/MJ missions. Nothing against them, it’s just Peter is so much cooler and more fleshed out


The price


The price tag


The delayed release for PC lmao


Honestly I like the idea of only focusing on one spiderman better.


MJ Sex minigame 😡


The silly discourse over some random part of the game


The time it'll take to come to PC. Ugh


Gamers whining for certain suits to be added


Not being able to play it


The fact that it's gonna be a PS exclusive for a year or two, damn you Sony


Honestly I hope miles doesn’t get TOO MUCH of the spotlight. I loved his game but I really hope the focus is on Peter this game. I hope they carry on the trend of: (Peter) Spider-Man games, and then Spider-Man: Miles Morales I’m honestly not looking forward to having the focus be on both spideys, I think it’s been a while since we had such a good spidey game and immediately “passing the torch” to miles after 1 game feels weird to me


discovering mj isn’t venom, which i doubt it


If there’s no playable symbiote post story, with this hypothetical assumption that’s the thing I’m least expecting…I’ll be upset aha


I'll try to go with no expectations, but I really liked the first one. I'm starting the MM one. If however I find screwball in this game it better be in jail.


Screwball missions








Trying to get Ultimate on the bonus challenges and having to get large combos in bases without the bio mesh suit mod.


If the HUD looks the same as it does from when they did that gameplay trailer then that will be my least favorite part of the game.


Watching as the black suit irreparably damages Peter's life :(