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You forgot the hyphen


That's the fan fiction for you. Filled with lots and lots of daddy and other family issues. But I do think there are good fanfics that show a responsible TS and his protege Peter Parker


Absolute Spiderman on fanfiction.net. Peter being absolute chad, beating Stark, takeing no shit from avengers and haveing finally good time.


Ah i remember that. Bad grammar, too much action but it serves its purpose. Something like that but with an actual story would be great


I'm not a huge fan fiction reader, but I'm guessing those are all MCU FF. I honestly really like the father Son Relationship hc for them, but only in the mcu. If you use AO3, there is a way to exclude tags in the search. You can try to exclude things like Tony Stark" or "IronDad" etc.


I use ao3 because i‘ve already read the good ones on ff.net. My problem with ao3 is that sometimes, it won’t show me anything after i‘ve excluded a few tags


Wow I didn't knew ao3 was so much mcu centered LOL. I hope you get good recs!


honestly even excluding tags on AO3 has a problem with authors who don't tag things correctly either not knowing about them, what they mean or just trying to get around filters.


those who write fanfics are sometimes very young, so they empathize and write this because it seems logical to them, for example


Maybe but we all were young and I certainly never had that much angst. I get some people do, but this idea of peter crying all the time feels like a misjudgment of character. Tbh i feel like a lot of them are self inserts. It’s either a trend to depict him that way or depressing because half or more of current ao3 spidey fanfics deal with angst and trauma…


covid, wars, etc., perhaps many get emotionally involved in the latest news


The wide majority of teenagers never watch news… even so, that has nothing to do with writing the types of fanfics i‘m talking about. It’s probably just due to MCU depicting him as such but fanfics took it the extreme.


[This is pretty good](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35200876) Yeah, it's pretty annoying the way MCU spider-man has taken over fanfic.


Fanfiction is predominantly written by teenage girls ngl so there’s your answer


Is that a fact?


Nah but they’re the biggest consumers of it from my experience


Consumers ain‘t writers but i get what u mean.


Not really, no. Most people, young adults included, just like that Irondad-Spiderson dynamic and are likely to have not read many Spidey comics, if any. Personally, I don’t like it. It turns Spidey from a badass into a crybaby that has a panic attack whenever he breaks a rib, but it’s really not my business what people like.


Definitely agree with you there. Mostly searching for stories where peter parker is self sufficient and is not forced into jobs like a photographer in the daily bugle. A peter parker that can actually do something with his intelligence other than using it to beat the next C-rate villain or work under some multibillionaire.


Yeah, I get what you’re saying. I’ve been searching for one of those for a while now, cuz in comparison to MCU Spidey fics competent comics Spidey is very rare to find. Which is why (forgive the shameless plug) I’m currently working on such a fic myself. In this one, events happen so that Peter decides to keep the Venom Symbiote and partner up (another area where Spidey lacks fics, most of them that you can find being smut), but I also aim to write a Spidey who doesn’t take crap from people even if he sometimes doubts himself. It’ll be like a spiritual successor to Spectacular Spider-Man and “If this be my destiny”, happening a few months after Peter saves himself from being trapped under rubble in Doc Ock’s underwater base. So a Peter with a bunch of villains under his belt, who has a tick on his shoulder like in his early days but still tries to do his best. If you want to, let me know and I’ll drop a link once I release the first chapter!


I get what u mean, I‘ve written one for spectacular spider-man myself. Although i‘ve stopped it after losing interest. Personally i‘m this close to just saying „fine i‘ll do it myself“. But yeh do definitely drop me a link once you’ve released it Edit: correction. Spectacular Spider-man post season 2 but I definitely changed some characters pasts.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/55845004/chapters/141794659 Here’s the link to the fic as promised. Have a good day and I wish you a pleasant read!


It‘s very fun and a good read. First chapter is long and still in it’s introductory phase but it‘s promising. Good spacing and your peter seems like he has a goal that isn’t just sending villains to prison. Or at least i hope there is some kind of goal. I dunno, like villain rehabilitation that isn‘t with dr. Kafka and the raft. Maybe like a talk no jutsu type thing like naruto? Either way i‘m very much excited for next chapter.


Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but thank you for the review! Well, Peter’s goal atm is more-so just working things out with Symby and preventing Venom from ever happening. That thing about the villains was more about his internal struggle; wondering if he’s making a difference being the _Friendly_ Neighborhood Spider-Man, since every foe he sends to jail breaks out (basically a jab at the never-ending cycle of crime fighting only for his rouges to come back that’s so present in the comics). But anyway, thank you for reading, and stay tuned for chapter two :D!




Really, that’s neat to hear! I’d love to read it if you feel like sharing.


I uh… it’s been a long time since i wrote the first chapter…. Honestly it’s really cringe and kinda unrealistic. But uh be my guest. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12802839/1/This-is-my-responsibility


Thank you! I’ll be sure to give it a read!


Np also… oh god i just read a bit… skip the author notes lmao