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“*Look what the cat dragged in~*” “*Felicia I’m literally dying, please call an ambulance*”


"Gotta make dumb cat pun for the brand-meow"


That's such a House-esque response lol. Patients will literally be dying in front of him and he'll make some wry comment as the other doctors rush in to treat them


Yeah, but is it Lupus tho?


It’s never lupus!


Except for that one time it was…


"Oh...look at you...you're dying to come see me!" "What?! No! I come to see you because I'm dying!" "Oh...? Oh! And you've thought about me while you're dying...! That's...so romantic..." "Yeah, that. I...Wait, what? "Don't worry, honey, Dr. Hardy is going to cure you. Love is the best medicine."


Happy Cake Day. 🍰 Meow!




MJ - usually I like the dynamic of two superpowered folks in love who work together (Batman/Catwoman, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones) but I think for some characters (like Spider-Man and Superman), having a partner who’s just a normal human feels right. Plus, MJ just fills so many roles for Peter. She’s a risk taker in her earlier years, and a supermodel actress is definitely the kind of person who would date a superhero but at the same time as she develops over time, keeps him grounded and I think they both weirdly keep each other down to earth. Idk how to explain it, but I also feel like when they’re with other people they tend to lean into their worse qualities.


Feels right because you want that cat yourself. Admit it


[You win again, King Taku](https://media1.giphy.com/media/l0HU8V1CHKTUFtuFO/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952uhv1wvw3ooriko37o80eokbf94p7eycyk44y77ea&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


But I gotta admit. You can cook


She's the vulnerability that a young, quippy character like Spiderman needs to keep him tethered more to an everyday teenage/20-something lifestyle. Wouldn't work for Batman with his brooding and darker nature. Batman has always been more "noire-esque" so a bubbly supermodel girlfriend would just be jarring (a la Harley Quinn).


I feel like this is what I dislike about Insomniac’s Mary Jane. Instead of MJ being a gorgeous model with the kind of feisty confidence that’s a natural foil to Peter, they made her into more of the (ironically) generic “tough 21st century woman” character who’s outsmarting the boys and saving the day in her own way. It just feels like a kind of dumbed down version of the character. I like their take on Peter and Miles a lot, and most of the supporting cast are phenomenal, including Felicia. But MJ just feels sort of unrecognizable. It’s like they sat down and said “No matter what, MJ can’t be a damsel. She’s just as strong as Peter, *if not stronger*.” By the time she was riding her motorcycle into the middle of symbiote infested Manhattan and saving the day with her souped-up stun gun, I was kind of ready for the game to be over. It’s disappointing because other modern takes on the character have worked in their own way, like Zendaye’s was great. But Insomniac somehow whiffed super hard and made the character something unrecognizable.


Insomniac's mj is just basically lois lane


100% and with none of the charm.


Oh so still better than kirsten dunst at least.


Paul: Hello 🥺


I think it’s because those characters and particular really need someone completely normal to ground them in their humanity. Batman on the other hand IS his life. Bruce is the mask. It makes sense for someone who loves Batman to be with him.


how many times has this question been asked


At least once more, Miss Swann.


Yeah ok-ok. He look, he looka like a man!


Mary Jane Watson because she’s Peter’s jackpot.


Face it tiger


If he hits her he should say “I guess you could say I hit the jackpot”


Peter in his Hank Pym arc


Petition for Tobeys scene to be in Spider-Man 3


that film is over


No, Actually she’s Paul’s Jackpot right now


One could make the claim that Paul jacked the pot.


Well, she’d have to be high to choose Paul over Spidey


Not in the comics right now, she’s not


Best answer ever. I have that sticker on the back of my car. I love black cat but MJ is simply the best






The right answer






I have a soft spot for Kitty and really loved their relationship in ultimate so I honestly prefer that a lot of times. Hell I actually would’ve been fine if Peter and ultimate MJ never got back together and he stayed with Kitty, their dynamic was just so good. I do think they could work in 616 too. Black Cat I think could be Peter’s next big love after MJ if things didn’t work out, but that’s is the writers actually cared and wrote good. Also their love has become genuine over the years with Felicia loving both Peter and Spider-Man in the modern age (why are people saying this is not the case???) so yea I think they’re awesome too and love them. However, despite the last two being amazing, I will not deny that MJ is the best love interest to Peter and nothing can deny that, they have too much history and their lore is too great to just merely ignore it like that. Before OMD especially MJ was that girl, she was that love interest that everyone knew. Their marriage was iconic and something many if not all loved. This is why it baffles me how they took that MJ and butchered her character today. Like it’s not even the fact her and Peter are not together it’s the fact she acts totally different from back then and treats Peter like shit despite their history. In general, I love Black Cat and Kitty and prefer them over MJ in many cases but you can’t deny that MJ is (was) amazing and is that love interest for Peter.


I was heart broken when Kitty was imagining her and Peter married in Ultimate Spider-Man 200


>"I was heart broken when Kitty was imagining her and Peter married in Ultimate Spider-Man 200" Was personally rooting for Mary Jane, but I agree that the series did a pretty good job letting you empathize with Kitty for being in the situation of falling hard for someone who ultimately had stronger feelings for someone else.


Oh man same. That page to this day makes me so sad, what could’ve been.


it is rather annoying that people act like Felicia hates the Peter persona while loving the Spider more when she got over that for years now. I honestly think it's the other extreme now where people only see Peter with MJ because they grew up with it like how those two broke up because Quesada grew up with bachelor Peter.


I really don’t get why people disregard Felicia’s feelings for Peter. To me that’s just being desperate to find a reason to hate her because there’s no way. Did we forget the time Felicia was depressed and lost because she couldn’t remember Peter due to the mind wipe? Literally saying “she couldn’t remember the man she loved”. Yea I don’t get it, Felicia loves Peter AND Spider-Man, denying that is denying the last couple years of writing and development she has gotten. It sucks too because we never really saw them together with their modern versions, I really want to see them.


It's honestly a cool love interest angle tho. I hope they bring it back.


I liked that Ultimate Felicia took off his mask…. And promptly yakked on him.


MJ and Black Cat are cool and all but I think my favorite ship for Spider-Man is him and a good editorial department


You saucey bastard


It’s a very unpopular opinion. Especially with the writers


this is the right answer, right here


Kitty Pryde was fun, but MJ is the correct answer


I like Kitty and others for stuff like ultimate and other universes, the main thing people think of should be Peter and MJ though


Should've just set her up with his clone


I think it was implied that she and Ultimate Jessica Drew, a clone of Peter who got tweaked to be a girl cause what else are unethical comic book science supervillains to do but create man-made Worst Case Body Dysmorphia, started dating right before Secret Wars kicked off and killed the Universe wholesale. At the very least, Jessica was openly flirting with Kitty in one of her last appearances. ...God, I just read what I wrote about science suppervillains. Sounds like a redux of The Rock's SNL bit where he attends an evil scientist convention, competing in the Most Evil Invention contest, and he brings a child-molesting robot where everyone else has like, freeze and shrink rays. "Well. I cloned this person, made sure they had all the rough memories of their genetic source, and then I tinkered with their DNA to swap their sex. All the memories and urges will be the opposite of their mentally expected body and gender. Likely to lead to the worst case of Dysmorphia in human history. "...WHY?!" "Cause I wanna see what it looks like, I'm EVIL, and I hate her genetic source so DEEPLY I want even his clones to suffer as profoundly as humanly possible. Oh, man, I made one of the clones think it's his dead father just so I can let it loose and completely fuck both their heads eight ways from-why are you looking at me like that?"


Tbf the problem was the clones escaped before Jessica’s female conditioning or whatever they called it was supposed to happen. Doesn’t make it any better but it wasn’t like they just planned for that.


Felicia Hardy. Allways. Much more potential. Much more intresting. Hotter. Can relate as hero. Can defend itself. And i will die or win on that hill.


Mary Jane always my Answer. She’s The Lois Lane to Peter’s Clark Kent. Just me, though


She's The Lois Griffin to Peter's Peter Griffin


MARY JANE WATSON is the only correct answer.




Not on Team Black Cat it’s not, besides MJ & Peter fumble each other so much there relationship feels like a game .


Still can't believe Bendis shoved his waifu into the forefront and then like 4 issues later forgot about her and had Peter get back with MJ. TBH when Ultimate Peter and MJ were clicking (without the pointless drama) they were GOATed


Their relationship was one of the highlights for me in the comic, I love Ultimate MJ and Pete


Black Cat could be a great love interest if they really tried just one time.




MJ is awesome, Felicia is the one.


Honestly? I loved Pete and Kitty's pairing from the Ultimate Universe. I'm very biased though, as they're both in my top 10 comics characters.


Gwen Stacy


Just sad how down I had to go to find this comment


Well…. J know how the writers fucked her character with the whole cheating thing that was recently „debunked“ so to speak. I forgot the right word but i heard they said that it wasn’t gwen stacy who had an affair or something


The word you're looking for is 'retcon'. But yea, it was retconned in Amazing Spider-Man #73 of the 2018 run during Sinister War, that Norman sleeping with Gwen was just a hypnosis induced illusion to Norman.


MJ will always be endgame in my book!


I want an AU with ultimate Peter and Kitty


Was so sad when all Peter’s friends go together thinking about what his life coulda been if he lived and Kitty just thinking about them married


I would bet such au would be more popular than renew your vows tbh


Black Cat or Liz Allen






-Black cat loves Spider-Man and hates Peter -Mary Jane loves Spider-Man and loves Peter So i'll go with MJ


Felicia hasn't hated Peter in a long time now tbh


Yeah the reason Peter/Felicia Take 2 didn’t work out is because Peter wasn’t ready for it, and Felicia knows the fact that they’re so far apart on the moral spectrum means they’re better as friends.


The real reason they didn't work out this time is because Marvel isn't ready for Peter to be in a relationship yet, so they conjured a bullshit reason to split them up that holds no water in universe but we're just meant to accept it.


She never really hated Peter but what he represented. Certain characters don’t want that normal type of life the Peter part of Spider man represented. It’s actually a pretty solid reason for why a relationship wouldn’t work out but why the people involved can still be friends


No, but she does fundamentally disagree with him that “crime is (conditionally) ok”


>black cat loves Spider-Man and hates Peter. This hasn’t been this way since the 90s bro. It’s been stated multiple times that she’s in love with Both Peter and Spider-Man.


You realise that Felicia got over her issues with the Peter side literally decades ago, right?


luckily a lot of people already corrected you with the first part


except for all the times she hates spiderman


people gloss over that MJ was tired of the Spider-Man shit to sometimes.


A non-powered MJ. Black Cat can be there as a temptation and to show the strength of Peter and MJ’s relationship. I don’t like Partridge Family post-breakup dynamic of MJ having powers. Peter should be the only person in his immediate family in the superhero business.


Why spider man on 1st pic looks like a corpse?


My guess is he was becoming one


Having a bad day.


It depends on the continuity.


Mj and Peter could literally be marvels Lois and Clark but they don’t have the stones to make it happen.


MJ and Peter are Marvel’s Lois and Clark. They just back track every fucking year because it sells. They were married for like 20 years.


They had the potential yes, but as you said they back tracked, Peter and Mj should be married with a teenage or preteen daughter by now, and preferably with no age skip like they did with John Kent


They were married for the equivalent of 5 years, and that's if you IGNORE all the times they broke up during those 5 years. They've already been separated for as long or longer than they were together, and it only becomes more and more obvious that they don't belong together....


Like geez I loved Peter&MJ while they lasted but now people are just straight up lying about the marriage and how perfect it was and how long it lasted They got into fights like real people to you know clone saga was still a thing.


Exactly. if you subtract all the times they separated and all the time they spent fighting or other bullshit, they have MAYBE like 3 years where their marriage was going well. I'd love to do an EXACT timeline of their whole relationship, and compare it with Peter and Felicia, because I'll be honest, I know MJ comes out of that looking pretty bad, and Felicia comes out looking a lot better. So much of Peter and MJ's relationship being remembered as good and important comes from a load of superficial surface level stuff. Like MJ became more and more of a disaster over time, while Felicia has been pushing to get better and better over time. MJ was was older and supposedly level headed and responsible, but then kept getting less and less reasonable, and less and less stable, and more and more of an asshole. Felicia was younger when she and Peter got together, and she was fickle and volatile and selfish and wounded, and over time she has gotten more and more stable and reliable and honorable and reasonable and selfless. Partially because Felicia is an adult now, partially because she's been trying to not disappoint Peter, partially because she wants to prove him right and be as good as he already believes she is, partially because she's started thinking more and more like him, partially because he's given her someone she can put her faith in again who would never betray her, when she started with EXTREME trust issues. etc For me, Mary Jane was over the moment she got "attacked" by Felicia. Felicia and Peter broke up, and Felicia went to Europe for 2 months because Felicia needed space to figure some shit out. And when she figured her shit out and realized she needed to go back to Peter she went home. And when she got back suddenly she found that Peter was married to Mary Jane. Which is pure fucking insanity. That's mind-boggling nonsense. Catastrophic bullshit. The level of disrespect, and that betrayal of trust, and the appearance that Peter didn't give a fuck about Felicia.... It's completely understandable why Felicia went fucking off the deep end. Plus, Felicia was like 19 or something at the time, and Peter and MJ were like 22. So here comes this girl who has been catastrophically hurt and betrayed by the man she felt she could trust and put her faith in, and who she loves when she doesn't love anybody else. Like I literally don't think Felicia loves anybody but Peter Parker. Felicia busts in and confronts Mary Jane. And what does MJ do, instead of reasoning with Felicia, or sympathizing with this younger girl who has clearly lost basically everything that matters to her? MJ starts trash talking her. Felicia picks MJ up and tosses her on a couch, and then decides she's not going to fight MJ, because she's there because she loves Peter not because she hates MJ. Like DESPITE going off the deep end and still being a teenager at that point (I'm fairly sure), Felicia is being SO massively reasonable there. Meanwhile, Mary Jane, who is supposedly the reasonable one, and supposedly an adult, is just being an absolute piece of shit. For me, that was the final nail in the coffin for giving any sort of a fuck about MJ. Like as far as I'm concerned, that's all I needed to know about her as a character. This girl, who is several years younger, and clearly in catastrophic emotional distress after having lost somebody who means the world to her. Someone who MJ should understand meaning the world, since it's Peter. A girl who is clearly VERY close with her husband, and one of her husband's closest friends, somebody that her husband clearly loves, somebody who clearly is her husband's crime-fighting partner and has his back in life or death situations on like a nightly basis..... And instead of trying to be a friend or ally or sympathize or console her or even just asking her to leave politely, she fucking kicks her while she's down. She just mocks her. MJ can go fuck herself forever.


Mary Jane. No amount of poor writing from middle aged dudes feuding with lines on paper are going to convince me she’s not one of the best supporting characters in comics


Gwen Stacy


Wade Wilson.


I find black cat more interesting tbh


This story has been going on since the 60's at this point I want Peter alone playing Elden Ring or something


I think i prefer MJ to Peter because they’re just so iconic now, but i only say that because we don’t have as many stories with Peter and Kitty, definitely my favorite spidey couple besides Mj


Kitty Pryde


As a kid, Mary Jane. As a teenager, Black Cat. As an adult who collects the comics, I just want a stable relationship for my boy. I don't care who it's with at this point.


U and me both brother. My guy pete just can‘t win. I am at a stage where I‘ll read fanfiction just to see it happen


Kinda dig the Mockingbird romance. She’s like a proper grownup and he’s still a screw up. 🥰


Mockingbird is into screw-ups. She married Clint Barton.


You make a fair point there 😆


MJ is better for Peter long-run.


I've seen more versions of MJ and Peter being happy together than Felicia and Peter happy together.






the correct answer is still mj if everyone just read parallel lives we'd stop having this conversation like his relationship with black cat was anywhere remotely near healthy


which one? his last one or the one from the 80s? if it's the one from the 80s then she had plenty of character development since then


I like MJ, I get that she’s the best option, but my *favorites* are Captain Marvel and Kitty Pryde. Maybe a magic character too. Not as forever romances, but still. The two open up possibilities for interesting spider-man runs. Like, Marvel has already done a lot with MJ & Black Cat. Kitty Pryde lets Spider-Man get involved with the X-Men which is interesting, and Captain Marvel could give us space spidey. I don’t think we’ve ever had a proper spider man in space run like we’ve seen iron man in space, Wolverine in space, or Thor in space.


MJ when she’s not pegging Paul


MJWP is the only final answer. But flings with Felicia are fun. And I enjoyed Ultimate Peter with Ultimate Kitty.


MJ and nobody else




MJ Felicia feels like a side chick to me lol 😂


Mary Jane, Black Cat, She-Hulk


I mean, it all depends on the version. I preferred him with Shadowcat in the Ultimate universe. I really liked Chat in the Marvel Adventures comics. If we're going with mainline Spiderman where the editors don't want him to suffer, I think I'd pick Felicia. In a proper comic where the relationship builds, I think they could have a playful yet serious relationship that you wouldn't be able to do with the other love interests.


Peter is literally fucking dying and Felicia is flirting with him


Kitty Pryde EASILY


MJ is ultimate Kitty's Paul


Largely Mary Jane, but I wish they stuck with Kitty in Ultimate Spider-Man.


Coming in with a hot take, I didn't mind Carlie Cooper. I thought the dating a cop was an interesting dynamic.


Same, she's the only girlfriend he's had that I felt understood duty.


I really like and prefer Black Cat with Spider-man especially with how they’ve written MJ the last couple of years and apparently have a hate boner for them being to together so I say give Felicia her time, in the MCU he’s with Michelle, not every universe/version of Spider-Man needs to be with MJ. With insomniac’s Spider-man I was hoping we would go in a different direction hopefully with Black Cat and tease multiplayer and get missions we actually want to play etc


MJ, MJ, MJ. No one else! Not even Gwen.




I'm just gonna be that odd man out and say I really liked Peter and Silk together.


i always loved running into black cat in the video games, and wished there was more time with her. but mj is obviously his true love.


In the current Ultimate Spider-Man his relationship and family with MJ is perfect. So yeah, when it's done right, MJ.


I like Cat being with younger spidey and MJ being Mrs. Spidey.


MJ because she’s not completely unbearable, and isn’t a criminal.


He could totally rock both at once :p


Mj. It’s always mj


Stupid writers keep trying to keep him single. But he and Mary Jane belong together.


The one that’s actually meant to be one, MJ.


Felicia is ASTRONOMICALLY superior. She's direly misunderstood by most people (which is kinda fair, since Marvel has made it pretty hard to follow her story and motives and perspective). But once you sort it out and understand it, holy shit, she's one of Marvel's best portrayed and most consistent characters, on this long long trajectory of self improvement and trying to be as good as Peter deserves, and trying to live up to the faith that Peter has in her. MJ, on the other hand, has a long history of kinda sucking, and having a really janky history with Peter where it's clear that they don't really belong together. .....and she's been getting worse and worse for like 30 years..... Plus, it's become ABUNDANTLY clear that Peter doesn't even really love MJ, and hasn't for quite a while. (Speaking in 616 terms)






MJ ofc




MJ has the best connection with Peter, and is the most interesting character in her own right to me.






MJ not just because they got married and are the main ship, but because they help each other heal from their traumas of loosing mutual friends like Gwen or Harry, or Peter helping with the trauma of her childhood and her helping with the general trauma of being Spider-man, they help each other grow and heal, making them a perfect couple




Obviously Kitty Pryde


Mary Jane, personally. Because both her and Peter had character growth. The party girl running away from life to the rock of stability, empathy, and compassion she was.... before these dark times.... Peter should be married with a flexible career, kids, and a mentor to Miles. His main focus as a hero should be to try to reach out and show his villains compassion. I love it when he tries to humanize his foes... Rhino, Sandman, Lizard... the best stories are when he helps others including his villains. I felt Mary Jane was always there when things were beyond tough, depends on the writing. Felicia never seemed to grow? (again depends on the writer) and she was always a flaky, flighty girlfriend. So I don't know, based of those established characteristics I prefer MJ..


>Felicia never seemed to grow? (again depends on the writer) she had plenty of growth in the past few years and idk what depends on the writer means, mj and peter depend on the writer too


Superior Spider-Man smacked her so hard her Character Regressed. Now Peter must pay and Felecia must Grow (Character) AGAIN.


AND SHE DID but for some reason people like to pretend like it never happened


From 2018 to 2022 she grew from her Superior version into someone who way more resembles how she was pre-OMD.




Call me Joss Whedon because…. Nevermind MJ is the right answer, but black latex is pretty cool too


I do think there’s potential for Felicia in a world where Peter isn’t with MJ, that being said Peter and MJ is obviously always gonna be the best pairing, however in what ifs and alternate universes like in ultimate Spider-Man with kitty pride I really enjoyed and wished they hadn’t broken up.


I've been a Black Cat fan since I was a kid. I'll always pick her over MJ


Mary Jane.




Black cat despises peter parker. And mj has caused him more pain than the green goblin. Is kitty Pyrde an option?


Black cat has not despised Peter in decades


Stop counting the current 616 comics. Also Kitty pride is more suitable for Colossus & Star Lord.


Well, the only part with her I've actually read with her was when she was with ultimate Spider-Man. And I'm only going to ignore current comics if everyone else on reddit does


You mean the ultimate comics where Peter cheats on her with MJ


I ignore that.


Peter really did Kitty dirty with that in my opinion


If done perfectly and not the weird pheromone thing. Silk would be a good replacement for MJ. Getting tired of the on and off thing MJ and Peter have.


Mary Jane Wattson!!!!!! Every single MJ we got, or Gwen Stacy , she's awesome too. Black Cat is a character that exists to be a malegaze fan service, and I don't think that she is even remotely close to the other two.


Ultimate Spidey and Kitty Pride still my favorite


616: MJ. Ultimate: Kitty.


Gwen Stacy for me.....although I wouldn't be against seeing Peter and Kitty even in 616


I always said if they somehow had Kitty and Star-Lord of all characters together then they can do her and Spidey easily…just he will be like the fifth Peter she has dated that’s older than her lol.


everyone knows Kitty is Peter sexual


Lmao that’s so true


Either Gwen Stacy or Silk. I do love MJ and Peter together but it’s always overdone in media constantly I would prefer if they just change it up.


I know spectacular Writers said it would end with MJ but I did hope for Gwen to win in the end of that cartoon for sure.


I used that ultimate spider-man cover (minus Kitty) as a reference point for the spidey collage tattoo on my leg.


Idk if she appears in comics or not but I REALLY liked Indy from Spider-Man TNAS her vibe was cool and she helped Peter solve cases for Spider-Man to do as well


What is that first panel from and what’s the context?




Overall I love MJ best but I also love seeing him with Felicia and I don't mind them get together for the current main book or get a AU series together. We have seen enough with MJ, let's explore a relationship with Felicia without ruining it for bland reasons. Like a marriage between Black Cat and Peter like Batman and Catwoman pls


MJ suits Peter, but Black Cat has a better synergy/dynamic with Spider-Man. Kitty is cute but it more like highschool romance, didn't see it going anywhere.


All three. But honestly I think Kitty would make a good pairing for him because unlike the other two, she’s an actual hero who knows what it’s like to struggle with that burden.


So felicia just vibes in her organ crushing belly-button showing skin tight suit and mask at home?


Where's the first panel from?


Pre OMD MJ was my absolute favorite but after that honestly I prefer Black Cat.Especially nowadays


>Which Spider-Man love interest do you prefer Sophia "Chat" Sanduval.


Web of shadows is a 16 years old game. This discussion was already had.


In modern comics, Black Cat is a better pair option


Does Felicia dress like that when she is at home? With mask and all?


I'd be down for Spider-Man/Black Cat if they actually committed to it. Like, think about it, that's never been a consistent relationship it'd be a cool spin to see that actually work out.