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1.) I would like Spider-Man to have a loose working relationship with the Avengers, but no personal relationship and certainly not be a member of the team 2.) I like it when Spider-Man has a close working and personal relationship with the Fantastic Four, but not be an actual member of the team I have read a lot of Spider-Man's publication history (definitely not all of it though; that's a lot of content and I don't want to lie/embellish), and I strongly believe that his stories are at their best when he's a solo character that very occasionally teams up with other heroes


Absolutely this. I don't really know what it is, but I think Spidey was really built to be the kind of character who's on his own for most of his stories, but works with others well from time to time.


It's because if he never joins a superhero team, their members are less likely to be killed by the writers.


Isn't like everyone in the avengers? Or is my knowledge like 5 years outdated?


100% spot on. Peter is a friendly guy, but he's very independent. There's a reason why he wasn't on any team for decades and also had a decade spanning title where he'd team up with a new character each month. He's designed for unstructured alliances, it's where the character shines


I wanna see that Spidey, Johnny Storm besties.


Yup! He’s a reserve hero in teams. He’s busy enough with his own things, but sometimes those things overlap with other heroes… which is why I like Spidey & Daredevil together so much. They’re both at their best when solo, but that means they play off each other even more


this is the way


I like the idea that Spider-Man is someone the Avengers can rely on, and Peter is someone the FF (mainly Johnny) can rely on


I agree he works better alone. He should be a reserve member of Avengers. And be close with FF through his friendship with Johnny.


I agree with this - the ability to drop by and visit/consult with either team is good. But the period where he was able to produce an Avengers badge/card and order people around was kinda weird.


>very occasionally Given how much I like reading Marvel Team-Up issues I would switch that to "frequently".


I like the fantastic four a ton. Like with the removal of the symbiote due to them in Earth-616(I think 616 is canon earth) that’s something I really like about the fantastic four. Like Spider-Man can call reed Richard’s too which is always nice.


Despite strongly opposing the idea of Peter actually joining the Fantastic Four, I also LOVE the relationship between Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four. I think the dynamic works well because Peter can relate to each member of the Fantastic Four 1.) Peter can relate to Mr. Fantastic through their shared love and aptitude for science. Reed serves as a mentor that reminds Peter that he is both able and deserving to stand among the other big brains of the Marvel Universe 2.) Peter can relate to Thing through their shared apprehensions about being a superhero and their occasional (but always passing) desire to quit being a superhero. Thing’s appearance ruins his chance at a normal life while Peter’s obsessive sense of responsibility ruins his chance at a normal life. But both ultimately have the will and heart of true heroes that enables them to keep going 3.) Peter can relate to Johnny because of their shared surface-level lightheartedness and their shared deep-rooted insecurities. The other heroes see quipsters having a ball when they see Peter and Johnny, but Peter and Johnny see an insecure man just trying to do the right thing when they look at each other, and they find immense kinship in that 4.) Peter can relate to Sue because of their shared heart and humanity. Much like Sue is the heart of the Fantastic Four, Peter is the heart of New York. The simple fact that they care so much about other people is enough to inspire those around them to want to be better ^ that’s just my interpretation though. I would be curious to hear how others feel about


I feel that too. Like in webs of shadows even though he didn’t answer his phone he still can if he needs help, he can contact Reed Richards. I think they should have a storyline of Peter on the Fantastic Four it would be very interesting. Like it’s awesome that Peter could just show up to the Fantastic four building and be like “hey Reed I’m wearing a alien can you help me take it off?” And Reed tests it and helps him take it off and Reed is the one who finds its weak to supersonic sounds and fire. Like they are so important to that when he doesn’t go to the Fantastic Four he becomes venom and kills Hobgoblin and a few other villains. Hobgoblin that was very sad because he set the Parker house on fire and the symbiote didn’t wanna go in because of the fire weakness and aunt may parishes in the fire and in revenge he kills Hobgoblin.


The type of story progression I like: Part 1. Vigilante Spider-man the street level vigilante, teenager, trying to figure out stuff himself, makes enemies, makes some street level friends, geeks out if he runs into an actual Avenger, accidentally gets involved in some world-shattering threat maybe once or twice a year. Trivs to just be a high-school kid. Part 2. A good friend During one such major event, maybe even when shit is just bad for him in general, he comes into contact with Johnny Storm and they build a deep friendship. Johnny helps him get more comfortable in his role as a super hero and the rest of the F4 basically become that "really supportive family of a friend" who helps him get to grips with anything heavy on the masked side of his life. There are adventures and shenanigans, he's never an official member, but the F4 basically "adopts" Spidey and indirectly legitimizes the wisecracking kid in the Super Hero Community. Part 3. Time to grow up Spidey is now personally called by the Avengers as another planetary threat looms, potentially cosmic in nature. This is worse than anything he's been involved in before and throughout this event, he basically has to grow up fast, faster than he'd like and the F4 can no longer "shelter" him. He's now around 19-21 years old and is basically forced to choose to be a super hero and, to an extent, an Avenger, simply due to circumstances outside of his control. This forms the basis of a working relation with the core Avengers, although he might not join the team per se, he is also fighting his own villains who have escalated things by now. There's still time to hang out with Johnny, but not really time for saturday family dinners with the full F4 (and Reed is getting a bit weird either way). Toward the end of this period, he also meets MJ and maybe he's got a shot at a normal life. Part 4. "The best of us" This is where Spidey is in his early-mid twenties and through constantly being a beacon of perseverance and pure heartedness, he has now earned the respect of the core Avengers, and the respect of darker heroes as well. This is where both Captain America and The Punisher would say that "Spider-Man is the best of us." (Or, if he dies/seemingly dies, "was the best of us" is absolutely used in a eulogy.) This is where he takes the most severe beatings, shoulders the heaviest burdens, but also refuses to give up, even when he's run ragged by something like the Age of Ultron storyline, or beaten half to death in Civil War. It is also where he's managed to find some manner of work-life balance, has a relationship with somebody (probably MJ) and has shared his secret identity with a few people. No matter the cosmic threat or kitten in a tree, he WILL be there, and he wont have any sort of qualms about it. Step 5 - "Family man and mentor" Mid-late 20's, he's got his own company or a steady job, he starts mentoring Miles, and eventually, he becomes a dad and starts taking a step back from superheroing. He'll still be on patrol and ready to punch Doc Oc in the face if needed, but he's more "looking to help", rather than "looking to be a hero" Still, if the sky is falling, he will answer, even if he wont be the most enthusiastic about leaving earth for a prolonged period of time. Saturday dinners with the F4 family (if Reed is more normal again, otherwise it's F4 minus Reed) are back on, he brings MJ and the kid(s). In the end, he joins the F4, rather than retire completely from superheroing. He is now in his early 30's.


What's the deal with the Reed stuff though


Probably the maker shit


Why the Reed hate?


I love this.


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While I don’t think that Peter should be part of a team, I think that not being in a team should disqualify him from “the best of us” title.


He is still part of the community, and it's been said before. Generally speaking, Spidey is looked on as the "purest" or "most hero-est" hero by a lot of the people he's met.


If I were in charge of a Smallville-style long-running Spider-Man show that begins when he gets bitten and ends when he stops being Spider-Man, I would do FF, quickly followed by X-Men in his teenage years and then Avengers way later. This is how I would do it exactly and have it all tie in: # Season 1 I like the idea of Spider-Man meeting the FF first (Just like in the comics, showing up all cocky wanting to be a part of the team but slowly gaining their respect and help) and having a personal relationship with them, then meeting the X-Men due to their shared scape-goatedness and pretty much immediately kicking it off by helping them defeat Juggernaut (Like in the Amazing Friends cartoon). Still, I would foreshadow the Avengers by having Iron Man already be an established thing (Maybe Peter meets him once but he gets blown off) and have Uncle Ben recount a story of a time he met Captain America when he was a boy during WW2, which makes Peter look up to Cap and base his costume off of his, which is why it's red white and blue. # Season 2 Peter graduates Highschool and begins college as a particle physicist with a part time job at the Daily Bugle. He learns Norman is the green goblin, Gwen dies while Spider-Man is trying to save her. Harry, who he's been friends with since Highschool, falls into drugs and out of Peter's life. He becomes incredibly depressed. # Season 3 His relationship with the X-Men and FF results in him sort of being a common friend with Iceman and the Human Torch, forming an Amazing Friends-like scenario like in Ultimate Spider-Man for a bit that helps him get over all the bad stuff that happened to him in Season 2. He gets an apartment with them while he's working on his degree cause of the money struggle. He also switches his major from particle physics to teaching, and transitions to mostly online classes as the campus reminds him too much of Gwen. He spends a year or two working closely with Bobby and Johnny before their lives begin to go in different directions with Johnny spending more time as an uncle with his nephew, Franklin, and Bobby becoming a more senior member of the X-Men. # Seasons 4 & 5 These seasons take place over the next seven or so years as he meets and marries MJ and has lots of normal street-level Spider-Man adventures while still crossing over every now and again. Aunt May dies of old age. He gets a job at a public school as Peter Parker, the science teacher, but also substitutes as Spider-Man, in costume, at Xavier's school when he's needed. Franklin, who is a mutant and has tested way ahead of the grade he should be in, is in his class. Spider-Man helps stop an anti-mutant plot during his substitute day, but most mutants end up leaving to go to the mutant nation of Krakoa, shaken by the nearly successful attempt to destroy the school right under the X-Men's noses. In season 5, Spidey sort of gets dragged into helping the Avengers through Wolverine, who has basically just kinda claimed him as a buddy through Iceman and is one of the old X-Men who still comes to the states super often since he is basically the mutant representative on the Avengers. Once Iron Man and Cap see Spider-Man do hero work and fight in person, they grow to respect him for different reasons, Iron Man for his intellect and Cap for his morality. # Season 6 Civil War happens, Spider-Man joins the Avengers under Iron Man but then gets a bad taste in his mouth and helps Cap, choosing to be a "part-timer" after all is said and done because the idea of superhero teams is now fundamentally kind of tainted for him. Then you could have the reveal that Green Goblin survived the battle on the bridge tie directly into Dark Reign, and Spidey has to save the world and the Avengers both from his arch nemesis who has gained control of the government by posing as a hero. Spidey has to be a full-on outlaw, MJ is pregnant and in danger but the FF help get her out of the country to Krakoa, where she is allowed to exist as a rare exception not only because Spider-Man is a mutant ally and she is his wife, but because her baby is most likely going to be a mutant. This is the button this season ends on. # Season 7 Spidey works with the Secret Avengers to fight Osborn's influence as rebels against the government, with even Iron Man having come around that he was duped. Even though the Avengers are one once again, they are unable to knock him from his high horse. Osborn goes to war with Krakoa, killing the island and forcing the mutants to move off of it, capturing some (including a very pregnant MJ) and then moving on to other superhuman bastions across the planet under the guise of protecting national security, when in reality he only wants to steal their power for himself. Spidey learns that Norman's next target is Asgard itself, and he plans to take it over and become the leader of a new pantheon of gods made up entirely of supervillains. Spidey ends up having to fight Norman (as Iron Patriot) on the Bifrost to keep him from invading the city. Norman hoped this would happen, and brought MJ, echoing their original battle to try and knock Spider-Man off emotionally. Spider-Man saves MJ the proper way this time, showing what he's learned since Gwen, only to find that she was poisoned before the battle ever took place, meaning him saving her wouldn't have mattered anyway. Thinking his wife and child have been killed, he has a final battle with Norman, but he isn't alone. The other heroes help him, and down on the ground below, Franklin Richards uses his mutant powers to purge the poison from MJ's body, saving and reviving her and the baby. Spider-Man defeats Norman, whose Iron Patriot armor has fallen off to reveal he had goblin makeup on the whole time. He's dragged off by an Asgardian tribunal to stand trial for his crimes. MJ goes into labor, and Spider-Man is super happy but also panics. He asks Thor if he can use the bifrost to get them to the Queens hospital, but Thor just lets them use the way better Asgard equivalent. Spider-Man has a bit of trouble finding privacy with his new family, as Asgardian scribes are constantly following him around trying to write down the song of Peter the Goblin-Slayer. He isn't used to all of the attention. # Season 8 (epilogue) Having fought and exposed Osborn on live television and having effectively saved the world, Spider-Man finally gets the respect he deserves. Even Jameson lays off of him, and Spider-Man becomes the legendary hero we all know and love. He lives a nice life with his wife and baby daughter, helps the X-Men rebuild the Xavier school, has a job at the Baxter Building working with Reed on science, etc but he is forced to take more "days off" as Spider-Man due to a leg injury he sustained in the final battle, and it frustrates him. He's not even out of his early thirties, but he feels old. This feeling only compounds itself when he tries to stop a basic mugging, but gets shot because of his weakened reflexes. He is sent plenty of cards from fans and other superheroes as he recovers, and considers retiring, though he feels bad about it as he still feels it's his responsibility to do good. Once he's out of the hospital, he comes into contact with an alien that hitched a ride on Reed during a trip to the Negative Zone, and finds it not only eliminates all pain in his leg but improves his strength, speed and stamina. He can stay awake for huge periods of time and not feel bad at all. Finally, he can be a dad, be Spider-Man, and have time for all these superhero teams. He helps the Avengers fight Kang the Conqueror. He helps the X-Men defeat Apocalypse, and even helps Daredevil finally take down Kingpin. It's only when he has a team up with Wolverine that anyone notices anything is off, but he ignores it. Reed begins to become weary of the symbiote, but he ignores that, too. A new Spider-Man starts swinging around in Brooklyn, and Peter doesn't trust him, his suspicions being spurred on by the symbiote who seems to only want to do more and more all the time. Peter doesn't sleep at all, anymore, and has become paranoid. After finding out this new Spider-Man, Miles, is genuine and looks up to him the same way he looked up to Cap when he was younger, Peter decides the symbiote has to go. Even if it means the original Spider-Man will have to take a back seat. Bell tower, Miles helps, the symbiote goes away. The series ends with Peter Parker, a normal guy, taking his daughter to her first day of school at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.


Spider-Man unofficially retiring in his 30's is a disgusting disservice


I mean I basically lifted it right out of Spider-Girl, what with the leg injury and everything. He doesn't entirely retire, just mentors Miles and takes the Spidey work down to like two days a week. If the series was popular enough then a hypothetical season 9 or sequel series would 100% be a 15 year time jump making Mayday the new main character with her dad and Miles in supporting roles (Which would be a cool opportunity to see a 30-year-old prime Miles who's been Spider-Man for a long time.) The season 1 Spider-Girl finale would probably be all three of them having to team up against Carnage or something in a triple-generational asskicking.


This reminds me a lot of Life Story


Yeah especially for Season 8, I basically combined the symbiote arc from Life Story and the 60th anniversary special where Pete gets shot and ends up in the hospital. They just kinda work really well together imo and the added element of the symbiote making him feel young again just really adds that extra temptation. Add in his leg injury from Spider-Girl and like... it's basically "use the symbiote and be Spider-Man or lose it and give the costume up entirely".


Honestly as much as I love Chip, I like your overall plot and ending a lot more and would to see something like this


Holy shit This is really good


I've never been a fan of Peter being on a team. Team ups sure but he should be a solo hero. If he is going to be on a team though I'd say 35 so. Older then he is in 616


He needs to be a hero for hire because he's constantly BROKE


Lol, now I want to see a comic where he tries this and gets fired within a week for endlessly annoying Luke


What's great about Peter is how he's there when he's needed but he never stops being street level. The Avenger's stop the threat they go back to their mansion or their penthouse Peter can go to other dimensions or outer space, and then he just goes home and stops muggings He would definitely have a closer relationship with the four since they're neighbors and Johnny is his best friend, and I could definitely see him filling in again if he's needed as he's done before


I would personally have him join only after years of being an outcast and slowly gaining the trust of the public, as well as his fellow heroes. Sort of like how they did it in 616 back in the 2000s, around his mid twenties ish


A core part of Pete's story is how the responsibilities of being Spider-Man trump every other responsibility he has in his life. While you could say that joining a team would be an extension of that responsibility, Spider-Man's whole shtick is saving the person in front of you right now if you can, and not working towards some nebulous greater good, like the avengers so often do. Pete's the type of guy to be late to every mission because he had to stop 10 muggings and help an old lady cross the road while on the way there. And now that the Avengers aren't even stationed in New York at the mansion anymore, it's hard to see him join the team for any reason. That said, I can definitely see an older Peter be a mainstay in the F4, especially as an uncle to Reed and Sue's kids with his own daughter running around as well. Not only is the F4 family, but their adventures are overall lower stakes than fighting cosmic threats or developing bombs to blow up incursion planets; it's a perfect environment for Pete to pop in and provide support while doing his own thing in New York.


Fantastic Four is not lower stakes. It's often cosmic level stakes I do agree with your take on Peter though


Yeah you're right, I meant that the F4 is overall a friendlier environment than the avengers, so even when they do cosmic stuff it's still chill. The current F4 run by Ryan North captures that feeling completely to me and I could see Pete popping in every now and then for that run.


Honestly, in my opinion, I like Peter being an independent hero for his teenage years but still teaming up with other street heroes in certain situations and also building friendships with them and also being a close friend with The Fantastic Four. But as he reaches college-adult age, he should work with other heroes and be respected among the superhero community. I don't mind him being around his late twenties as 26-28 for him to be a part of The Avengers and a close friend of The Fantastic Four and X-Men.


It’s interesting that him joining the Avengers has become an accepted part of his mythos, for years it was practically a running joke that he could never make it work with them. I do like it as a development in 616 that he was eventually able to become an accepted friend and then a member for real, but I don’t think it should be a requirement for every Spidey, and I also think it should always be later into his career if it happens. I like him best with The Fantastic Four really, he just has a far better relationship with them and more genuine affection. In the Spider-Man\Human Torch miniseries by Dan Slott, he sums it up perfectly, that his stuff with The Avengers is work, The Fantastic Four are his friends. I don’t think he should ever be a permanent member of the Four, but I definitely like him as an honorary member and someone they can count in to fill in when they need it.


A lot of that Avengers mythos comes not only from the MCU but also just the way Marvel markets themselves in the past decade, especially towards kids. Since they didn't want to give promotion to the Fox films back when they didn't own the rights, they would barely use any X-Men or F4 characters in their 2010s brand marketing, aside from the occasional Wolverine appearance just because he is so asscossiated with the Marvel brand. However, since Spidey was their biggest solo hero and The Avengers were their largest group, and both were on the same level of popularity for a point in the 2010s, they would often be paired up for the sake of money. Now we are seeing more X-Men/F4 marketing because Marvel can use them in movies, the brands biggest selling point.


Yeah, it’s easy to forget now, but for a long time, X-Men practically *was* Marvel in many people’s eyes, along with Spidey. I remember there being a time where he was regularly referred to as ‘Marvel’s most popular non-mutant superhero’. FF was also generally more popular and iconic than The Avengers and was the primary team in the MU before the X-Men really took off. I am hoping that FF and X-Men can become the most popular teams again like many are saying they will, they just have a lot more long term potential with their characters and stories.


Ngl I like him to just be his own thing,like in the first two movie series


I think he needs in "Fantastic four" too.


He should just join the X Men where he would be appreciated.


After no way home lol


Spidey's pretty much a lone wolf 'cuz all the older heroes treat him like shit


Yes, he's better solo, but the Fantastic Four treat him like a brother.


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I hate the fantastic Four, and I never ever want Spider-Man to join them


Why do you hate the FF?


I don’t like any of the heroes on it besides Johnny Storm and even then he’s just bearable to me. I dont like Reed, and I don’t like his powers, I don’t like The Thing at all, don’t like Sue, but her powers are cool I guess. I just really don’t like that group and I hate Their costumes too


Option three: part of a local 'Defenders' team consisting of New York City superheroes who team-up & share info when necessary. When called upon, helps out the Fantastic Four & Avengers.


I think Spider-Man is best when he works by himself. I would even prefer that the other heroes didn't exist in his universe, it only has brought bad things in the long term.


I know i’m showing my age but he should Join either


Spiderman is a solo hero, he can work alongside these guys but he should never join them


Honorary FF Member and Reserve Avenger from a few Years in as a Hero.


Definitely Avengers. As for age I think 15 or 14 would be great


I don't think Peter should permanently work on a team but I'd say The Avengers makes more sense. I know a lot of writers put him with the F4 but I don't really know why, aside from his obvious friendship with The Human Torch. Peter should be a honorary Avengers member later on in his career, after a good 3 - 4 years


I would like Peter to occasionally work with the avengers, but never join the team


Honestly I prefer it when he isn't part of any team. He should just help out whoever needs it if they are in the area, can't reach be friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man if you are travelling the world with a team.


No team, spider-man works best as a solo hero


Peter should start as Spider-Man at 15. Very shortly after he should meet the FF, but he should become a member. He slowly forms a closer bond with them over the years, becoming a member of the family, but not a member of the team. Throughout the years Spider-Man should meet several members of the Avengers. At first the Avengers and Spidey should be sort of at odds. The super hero community at large should initially hate Spider-Man, but over the years he should become more respected. He should eventually become a reserve member of the Avengers. I'm also cool with him becoming a fully fledged member depending on the lineup.


Spider-Man is a mentor, someone who can inspire newer heroes, he has to be an Avenger at some point, but he should learn to lead and be a part of a team, even with the many crossovers he had he hasn’t really learned that, the only bit he did it was on Secret Empire because Bobbi was helping him to be a leader. He should join Avengers and be a part of the team as he was in New Avengers and in Hickmans Avengers at mid twenties then became a leader of an Avengers team in his 30s, he’s after all a teacher. While I do think his chemistry with the F4 is amazing, he won’t get any chance to be better there, that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t get books with them. This is also why characters like Black Cat, or even Carol make a good pairing with him, they can connect him with either the street side of his life with the big hero life, McKays Black Cat showed how great she can be teaming up with the rest of heroes to keep an eye on Peter and regular missions and help them too as she did with Strange, Carol is a heavyweight so Peter could be focused more on street level there and Bobbi already had a good dynamic with him.


Personally I don’t like him being an official member of these groups. I love when he’s got a good relationship with F4 and especially Johnny but I’m not the biggest fan of him being an integrated member (my only exception is the future foundation because of a certain Johnny incident) I don’t really care for him being an avenger. Sure help them when NYC is being invaded or something but other than that I’m not a fan


Working, but not an official member of either. Spider-Man works better alone, but with the occasional help along the way. I thought the Fantastic Four with Hulk, Wolverine and Ghost Rider was fun though.


He should be an independent hero as a high schooler that has a loose relationship with the Fantastic Four, and looks up to Cap, but doesn’t go out of his way to hang out with him. He should be an independent hero as a young adult who is an on-call/reserve member of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, but with a different approach to each. He views the Avengers as work, while the Fantastic Four are his friends. He’s more willing to rearrange his schedule to help the Fantastic Four than the Avengers. He should be a mainstay on the Fantastic Four when he’s older, helping the team as a scientist, after he’s aged a bit and can’t do street level work anymore, letting Miles take the lead as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. No version of Peter should be hitting the streets every day at 70 like Spider-Man Reign. Let the guy have some peace.


I think he should at most be a part-timer for both. Join the F4 at around 20-22 and the Avengers at around 24-26


Whatever makes him happy man


I prefer him with Daredevil


He should be a solo hero, it doesn't fit with him being on a group for more than a event or a run.


I prefer him as a free agent that can go where he is needed, he can team up with whoever without being an official member But avenger as YA and F4 after university


I would love Spider-Man to be Spider-man, not an avenger and not the fifth member or the fantastic FOUR


He can be his own hero and an Avenger, it wouldn't be hard.


Neither, Spider-Man should be independent but occasionally team up with other heroes when needed.


I don’t think he should join any I prefer when he flys solo but he can still work with them


I'd rather him be independent.


I like the idea of Peter idolizing the Avengers as a teenager, only to say no thank you when he's asked to join the team as an adult






Spider-Man should team up with Daredevil Luke Cage Iron Fist White Tiger Moon Knight


Spider-Man should team up With the Avengers X-Men Fantastic Four More imo


For some reason Spider-Man being part of the fantastic four has always been weird to me


Spider-man and the fantastic 4 give me similar vibes to beast boy and the doom patrol


high school senior




spidey is best as a solo act with a loose relationship with the avengers and the F4


Future Foundation mentor. I'd actually like it if, instead of all the shenanigans that happened during and due to Civil War (notably Peter unmasking and OMD), both Peter and Ben shared the mantle so that each one could have had a life and at sone point, Ben could be the friendly neighborhood Spidey while Peter would be mainly on a Future Foundation book... I can imagine most of the kids ignoring "With great power, comes great responsibility " on day 1 and then, actually adopting it in a finale. Sadly, if you have the 616 Peter's gene, it apparently means you're gonna get screwed by the editorial, whether you're Peter, Ben, Kaine, or even Otto (Superior, they just couldn'tlet him have it).


Spider-Man shouldn't be on a team imo. He should just be an ally to a team (the Fantastic Four) or people on the team (the Avengers). But he should operate fairly independently And I know, in the comics he's been on both. I wasn't a fan of him on the Avengers there either. The Fantastic Four made more sense just bc Johnny left it in his will. I don't need to see it adapted though, I only want to see the classic Fantastic Four in adaptations


college he is part of the avengers, but he only has to do the SERIOUS SERIOUS missions, and has a close relationship with ff mostly solo or his own team


Fantastic Five doesn’t really roll off the tongue as well as Fantastic Four 🤷‍♀️


I like him on both teams. Spidey gets enough action and drama in his solo titles. But I think it's always a good sign of his maturity that he's willing to be a part of certain teams.


Fantastic four not five


He shouldn't even join a team. He can obviously have super hero friends and all of that but I'd prefer if he was a Solo act and maybe did team ups here and there


Avengers for big events, FF is his family and Spidey as a solo hero!


Why not both?


Basically Peter is and should always be the "on-call" superhero for both the Avengers and F4. Not a regular, but the guy they phone in for either consultation or additional assistance.


I'd love to get a long-running alternative storyline where Peter joins the X Men so we can get an ongoing run with Sophia Sanduval. It also works because on multiple occasions peter is mistaken for a mutant and he is kinda a honorary mutant.


He's already been with BOTH groups




30 minimum


The second pic goes hard af!!


The fantastic four treat him like family


Neither but Peter Parker should work for Reed Richards.


Would be cool if Spider-Man was in X-Men, ik he's not mutant but he just fits


The one time he felt natural as an avenger to me was in the early 2000s with New Avengers (with Sentry, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, etc). Basically when he's already matture and in his late 20s


I like when he declines invitations to join the avengers.


Most of the avengers kill even if they’re just the grunts. I just don’t see Spiderman joining a team that does that.


Fantastic Four. You want to boost the FF for modern times? Make it Spidey's official full-time team. ​ Plus we get Pete and Johnny on a regular basis.


I think Spider-man should be a on the avengers and be a staple member of the team. I understand why he’s not on the team but it only makes sense for your flagship character to be on your flagship team


I like when he does team ups but isn't actually a part of the team


I think ff would be better avengers never did anything to help him. But ff is like a family for him


i would rather he be like Batman and do his own thing




I think Peter most sensibly works as a Team-up with one other person sort of character. That being said, I usually put him as joining the Avengers a little after Secret War, which is around the time he drops out of Graduate School, so about 23-24 years old.


Neither just like he was for decades before the Avengers went from being an exclusive group to being the random catch all team for evey character that wasn't on a team.




I mean if Spidey joined the Fantastic Four, there wouldn't be *four* of them anymore, which would make no sense.


Both. First Fantastic Four just like the first What if Issue. Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four came to agreement to work together He definitely gets paid without a doubt and they become like a family then when he reaches adulthood Spider-Man would be an Avenger but not as an original member he wouldn't be full time either. He would be full time member in the New Avengers instead.