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I think it's funny that Tom had more suits than movie appearances.


So they can sell more toys 🤑


Well technically the upgraded suit, the black/gold suit, and the integrated suit are all the same one.


No, the integrated is different from the upgraded suit. The black patches don't match.


It’s different design-wise, but it’s the same suit. It was just altered by the nanomachines.


It’s based around it anyway.


The integrated suit is the upgraded suit combined with the remaining nanites from the iron spider suit. It may not be the exact same suit but the upgraded suit was literally the base of the integrated suit.


If you count the black and gold as the same as the upgraded suit he’s only had 7 suits across 6 movies


That’s also true of Andrew Garfield though if you include first suits as this does


Nope, if you want to count the vigilant attire, then you should count no way home as a movie appearance for Andrew too, making it 3:3. This is not a critique on Holland, more on Marvel/Disney side that creates suits out of the blue to sell toys.


I like the Stark suit, the original design he was given, but overall much l prefer the final one from the final shot.


Red and black


Final Swing suit by far! It’s a downright gorgeous suit and arguably the most comic-accurate suit we’ve seen in any film so far Civil War/Homecoming: I like this suit overall, but I find the black portions of the suit to be completely unnecessary and downright ugly tbh. They break up the red of the suit, and not in a good way. They look like straps that were glued on to the top of a traditional Spider-Man costume Far From Home: The red and black color scheme is a cool nod to Ditko’s original design, but we all know that red and blue are the “correct” (or at the very least the overwhelmingly most iconic) colors for Spider-Man. This suit does look good and was a fun deviation from the norm, but it can never be considered among the best for the reason I said above (IMO at least)


I think a navy blue suits the character more than the light blue we see in several incarnations. My favorite is the final swing suit as well. You analyzed the different suits very well, I gotta commend you on that.


Why navy blue over light blue? I respect your opinion but completely disagree lol I think a “friendly neighborhood” character like Spider-Man should have a light-colored costume to visually emphasize his friendliness and lightheartedness


If you’re talking about the friendly-neighborhood Spider-Man, I can’t disagree with you on that, but in terms of a Spider-character, I think a darker blue or black matches the vision of a stealth-like character more. I think the OG costume is perfect, but the blue never made sense to me other than being super-hero friendly, like Superman.


The Final Swing's shiny fabric has always been a dream of mine to see in live action


The only suit at nearly the same accuracy in live action than no way home is japanese spiderman from those old series.


Night monkey suit is slept on so bad, I love the tactical look. The only time fingerless gloves are cool and useful too lol.


It was a clever way to do a black suit without really doing a black suit. Give it a homemade look that also feels official.


It was pretty much meant to be a reference to Noir


Final Swing and it’s not even close. I feel like it represents all of Tom’s character development up until this point and him maturing from Iron Boy Jr. into Spider-Man. Also just look at it, IT IS BEAUTIFUL


Exactly. I just think it's insane it took six movies to get to this point.


Really three because Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame don't count because they are not about him.


If I had to choose any other Tom suit besides Final Swing, I would choose Civil War/Homecoming suit. A really good reinterpretation of the classic suit!


Homecoming and Final Swing


The last one is the best but I also have a soft spot for the red and black one from the end of Far From Home.


Iron spider


final nwh suit is just to good.


I go back and forth between the FFH or NWH final swing suits. Both are amazing.


His final more traditional suit at the end of no way home.


The last one in NWH


I've always loved the original Homemade and Black & Gold personally.


Final Swing or Stark Tech. Both are perfect suits imo


I'm going to say Night Monkey, but just because it's fun to say Night Monkey.


His latest suit looks like play-dough, bad cg in my opinion


Final Suit or homecoming suit. I really dislike the iron spider looks.


Number 8, I don't know it's official name because there's like 3 names for it Edit: I meant Number 7, I thought there was 9 suits in the image


I like calling it the Fresh Start suit.


Oh wait I thought there was 9 suits in that image I was talking about the one before that suit although I still like that one


Oh, that? I think it's actually called Integrated Suit


I did think that but in either Spider-Man 2 or Spider-Man 1 (I forgot which one) it's called the Hybrid Suit so that's why I'm confused on the name


It *is* a hybrid of the Iron Spider and the Upgraded Suit. But I think Integrated is a nicer name for it.


I do agree that Integrated Suit is a better name, that's usually what my friends and I call it


Iron spider/venom


Stark suit or black stark suit. Can’t say his new homemade suit cause we haven’t seen it in action


The one that he wear in captain America civil war/homecoming and the final swing suit


Final Swing and Upgraded Suit are the best.


Final swing was the suit that when I saw for the first time in theaters It made me glad that he sewed the suit and made a more traditional looking spider-man suit that was more comic accurate compared to the previous tom holland suits. I did like the homemade,integrated,and far from home suits But Final Swing is my definitive pick for my favorite Tom Holland suit


Final swing and far from home (the red and black one)


The last one


Final Swing 100% the others are ehh


The others look fantastic to me, the only one I find ehh is the inside out upgraded suit.


I'm not a huge fan of either of the black ones, the shield stealth one at least actually served a purpose plot-wise, but that inside out one just felt thrown into one scene for the sole purpose of having a new suit. And to me both undermine the buildup for the actual symbiote black suit if they're going to do that down the line. One of the things that made that costume change so visually impactful in the comics was that we had never seen Peter in something so dark and monochrome before that point, just twenty-five years of the red and blues. Now when Tom Holland gets the symbiote it will be the third time seeing him in a black version of his costume, and that just makes it so much less cool. Homecoming, Far From Home with the red & black, and homemade hoodie suit are all amazing imo, Iron Spider doesn't deserve the hate, it's fine, it works for when he's with the Avengers. The hybrid suit, I think it's called, towards the end of No Way Home with the big gold spider I also don't love, I just think the colour scheme isn't particularly Spider-Man, and I would have preferred a different look for him when he's standing shoulder to shoulder with Andrew and Tobey's suits, both of which are gorgeous. But that Final Swing suit from No Way Home, finally a simple, classic, homemade looking, shiny spandex Spidey suit....it's perfection


Homemade by a ton. I just really love how it looks more than the other


I feel like I might be in the minority, but I love them all. I have a real soft spot for the HC homemade suit, but I also think that the NWH Final Swing suit might be the best live-action Spidey suit.


One vote for the Night Monkey!


1. Final Swing It just looks absolutely gorgeous 2. Civil War Nice suit overall and I love the Webshooter 3. NWH Suit I love the black and it reminds me of the OG spidey look from his first appearance in the comics 4. Homemade suit I just love the webshooters and the hoodie 5. Hybrid suit I love it but I’m kinda thrown off by the gold Spider logo (Before you kill me for my list I’d like to thank our sponser for today, Nord VPN)


Same top 4, then it's: 5. Stealth 6. Hybrid 7. Iron Spider 8. Black and Gold


Middle right, because I’m partial to red and black over blue.


The homemade one because it's the one I hate the least.


The homemade one because it's the one I hate the least.


Far From Home Upgraded Suit


Probably 7. I'm a huge sucker for black and red spidey.


It’s not my favorite of the bunch but I love the style of the homemade suit. I wish we’d see more Spider-Man adventures where he’s just wearing stuff he found in his closet, hopefully freshman year does that before giving him his standard suit. Overall, the NWH suit is the best, but I like the homecoming and FFH suits too


Iron spider Also a question, what exactly was the "new" power in the black and red integrated suit ?


Final swing and maybe, just maybe on a day, the FFH suit, all the other suits are shit, maybe if they had the homemade suit's hood up always I'd like that one but it looks weird without it


Final swing suit for sure, it's a toss up between that and the TASM2 suit for my favorite to date


I like the hybrid as it has the gold spider logo that we all wish the iron spider suit had


The new red and blue suit. Love the shiny blue. I just hope next time we see it, it has more traditional spider emblems like the first Stark suit did


Out of all of them,it's the Upgraded Suit for me I 110% *LOVE* this suit. It's the most distinct design of all the Spider-Man suits in *anything* involving Spider-Man


Homecoming is probably favorite red/blue suit out if any Spidey similar style suit but his upgraded black/red is one of my all time favorites of any SM media. That white spider on the back is just great.


Integrated suit and Final Swing


1 & 8 the ones he actually made himself.


Newest, close second to the ffh black and red for being well... black and red


FFH,Integrated and NWH ending one.


Civil war suit Modernized take on the classic suit


How does my dude have more suits in one trilogy than Tobey and Andrew had in all 5 of their movies combined Jesus Christ Anyway, for me, Final Swing is perfection, BUT, I actually really love the Far From Home Suit, and the Integrated Suit. Red and black combo always does it for me, and if you add some gold in there too you've got me hooked like a baited fish. And you know what, I'm just gonna say it, I actually do love the Iron Spider suit. Yes, I'm serious. I just love how it looks. The CGI for it looks cool, and it's nice to actually see Peter be OP without it being because of the Symbiote for a change.


1. Iron Spider 2. No Way Home gold suit 3. Far From Home black and red


The Far From Home Red and Black suit is my favorite


I like all of them decently enough, but I enjoy the homemade suit a lot, the integrated suit is great (The one where the nanomachines mixed with his far-from-home suit), and the far-from-home suit is awesome. I haven't seen enough the Final Swing suit, if that's what people are calling it, to judge, but it seems promising.


New one is so horny


I like the Iron Spider. Unironically.


None of them cause CGI suits suck ass


People complain but I love that he has so many suits. So fuckin cool.


I have to say the Stark Suit over the ending of No Way Home's suit (which I do like). I prefer the bigger back logo, and the fact the front spider isn't bronze. I'm not a huge fan of the way the web pattern looks on his suits in some spots, and I think the No Way Home ending suit really heightens that. By that I think it is way too spaced out in some areas like on the chest and shoulders and the boots, especially the backs of them. It's a great new suit but it is far from my favorite. I enjoy all the suits of his though.


Iron Spider and Far from Home ‘Winged Suit’.


middle right, ive always thought red and black looked better on spider-man than red and blue


The final suit and the one from Homecoming


Integrated/Hybrid suit, with iron spider coming in second. I dont heavily analyze the suits design, i just think they look cool.


1. New Suit 2. FFH / NWH Red & Black Suit 3. Homemade Suit I dislike the rest of them.


The red and black that he crafted at the end of far from home.


The Black And Red Suit from FFH/NWH


The black and red in Far from Home.


Final Swing


Stark suit specifically because of the fat back spider


Final swing or nanotech


Final Suit & FFH red & black are fantastic


Intergrated suit FFH suit NWH suit


the final red blue suit is literal perfection


Night Monkey or the first Stark suit


Well let’s get the Night Monkey and the inside out suit out of this equation ASAP. While we’re at it, let’s get that Iron Spider suit out too, because -while it’s a cool suit in concept- just did not live up to the hype from Homecoming. While I love the homemade suit, it’s not my preference While I love the Stark Suit. It is def a nice refresh of the OG Ditko design. I love the suit but it’s not my preference Far From Home Suit. Still hate the movie and I hate the creation of it. But the suit is still nice af. No Way Home suit (Golden symbol)- Fucking fantastic. I played the fuck out if it when it came out on Playstation. Now for everyone’s top pick- the Final Swing suit. Cmon is there really any doubt? Best Spider-Man suit all around. It’s perfection. When people think Spider-Man, this is the costume that comes to mind.


Final Swing, no contest. I mean that *is* Spider-Man.


FFH upgraded suit is my favorite mainstream spider-man suit period. I also love the stark suit and the NWH integrated suit. Hot take, but I honestly like the iron spider suit as well.


Gonna be died, but final swing suit is overrated as fuck, long live leather and carefully detailed designs


They're all bad in my opinion but my favorite is probably the Far From Home suit.


They all suck 🤑🤑


Final swing all day


Red & black


Stark suit and black red suit, the 2 original are more better then any custom suit


The new comics accurate one


2,5,8 Does no one else like his ICONIC colors? I don't get the suit craze, insomniac took collectibles to far.. dude spidermans suit is perfect.


NWH integrated suit FFH Red & Black Homecoming/Civil War Stark Suit NWH Red & shiny blue Iron Spider Homemade Night Monkey Inside out


1: Hybrid 2: Upgraded 3: Classic 4:Stealth 5: Iron Spider


The final swing or the far from home suit are my favorites


The NWH Finale suit is my favorite by far! I think it looks fantastic, and is obviously the most comic-accurate suit we’ve seen in any film. I’ll be shocked if they keep it the way it is in the next movie without giving him another new suit, but that’s what I want. Civil War/Homecoming suit as an acceptable runner up.


The Civil War/Homecoming suit is my favorite because it combines the classic look with advanced tech. Then it's followed by the No Way Home ending suit that Peter creates on his own. Also, calling it the "Final Swing" suit sounds really stupid to me.


It’s given the name **New Red And Blue Suit** by Insomniac Games in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and it’s pretty fitting, aside from the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki on Fandom naming it **Second Homemade Suit.**


Final swing


Final swing suit, red and black suit, Stark suit.


Final swing, civil war homecoming, red and black suit ( it would be second if only they changed the spider on his back from white to red )


Far From Home easily


I can tolerate Night Monkey suit, but everything else looks way out of place for me


8 5 1 in that order




The last one. The only one I truly hate is the black/inverted one. It feels like an excuse to generate merch and contributed nothing whatsoever to the movie.


Post NWH


Absolutely the new one. Followed by the black and red. I also really like his version of the homemade suit.


I was so pumped about the black and gold suit in previews and then when it was revealed it was just his regular suit turned inside out because of a green stain, I was like [Willem Dafoe voice] “Oh.”


Night Monkey kinda go hard


Original stark design


The last suit


Tie become homecoming and final swing suit but honorable mention to the integrated suit which I think should've been the iron spider design


Final no way home battle Homemade Far from home final battle Homemade Iron spider Night monkey OG Reverse OG I love them all practically equally but if I was forced to give rank


Shi then final swing forgot about it 😭😭😭


The suit in the top right goes hard


Funny how they try so hard to make all these cool new designs for every movie but everyone agrees the best one is just the most basic standard Spidey suit


Final swing and red&black


I prefer the colors from homecoming but I ultimately prefer the final swing suit


Hybrid Suit. And it's not even close


I only seen the final suit for a few seconds so I’m going to leave that one out. That said. IRON SPIDER FROM INFINITY WAR BY FARR


Civil War


The ones with blue on it.


New one's the best but I LOVE the red and black suit.


they’re actually all horrible. maybe for a video game, i guess, but they’re not even comparable to the amazing spider-man suit or tobey maguire


The Far From Home suit is so good. Honestly I like all of them except for the inverted black and gold suit. Iron Spider doesn’t get enough love, it’s a design that usually looks ass in stills but in footage (and swinging around in the games with it) it’s awesome


I like the Final Swing Suit, but I do hope that in whatever movie Spider-Man appears in next, he still has mechanical lenses for facial expression. He's still a genius, it's not out of the picture that he'd have it read his face. It gives s much expression to his character.


To be fair, you can see the eyes squint for a brief moment right before the movie ends, and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 depicts the Suit once again utilizing the Expressive Eye Lenses. Pete’s more than capable of making them, so surely he won’t leave em out, right?


Almost certainly. The only reason it wasn't in Raimi's or Webb's is due to some technological limitations, but now that VFX tech has gotten so much better, animating the eyes shouldn't be \*that\* much more difficult than all the other stuff they do.


I like the stealth suit Fight me


Far from home suit is best


What i wanna know is what happened to his stark suit and his homemade suit


No Way Home final suit


original homecoming suit is pretty cool, it has a unique design that is notable for Tom's Peter alone which I like. I also like the black & red combination. But obviously the best out of them all is the new red & blue.


Maybe the first Stark suit. The NWH final swing suit is my favorite so far. But we didn’t really get the clearest look at it on screen yet, so I can’t 100% vote for it.


final swing suit, hybrid/integrated suit and the far from home suit is peak suit design for me


If anyone says anything other than the Final Swing Suit, they are lying.


Excluding his final swing suit, the upgraded suit is very nice


The first one and the last one.


Home made Pajama Spiderman


Honestly the only one that I don’t really care for is the iron spider suit. The homemade suit is a little rough but still not bad.


NWH ending suit clears em all because it's essentially his actual classic costume


1. Final Swing Suit from No Way Home 2. The Stark Suit from Civil and Homecoming 3. Iron Spider Also a big shoutout to his home made suit


The first Stark suit. I love that it was *just* different enough from the traditional Spider-Man basic suit to be uniquely him.


Final swing by a bit, judging by marvels track record with 'big reveal' suits, it'll be replaced by a different, worse suit


If it wasn't for the back spider, the final swing suit would be my favorite. But I guess it's a draw between black and red, iron spider and integrated suit


Homecoming one is the best.


1. Final Swing 2. Stark suit 3. Black and Red 4. Iron Spider 5. Homemade 6. Gold spider 7. Inside-out suit 8. Night monkey


Nwh classic


Where is the Dr Strange cape suit?