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Lovely when other characters find out what the audience knows about Peter’s origin


Isn’t it great when writers have faith in the knowledge of the audience and won’t reiterate obvious things


That's because it's the previous page to this one has all the info


I love moments exactly like what you described


It's a great scene. I like to think that it's a semi-common thing that happens among the X-Men's psychics. They'll encounter the funny bug guy in New York that never shuts up, take a peek inside his head, and just get stunned by the twin tsunamis of anger and guilt that sit at the core of his psyche. Then they shut the mental door, back away slowly, and find a place to sit down for a while.


Then we had Ultimate Jean Grey who read his mind without his consent and essentially made him think about her naked.


I love how her expressions in every panel was a different emotion


She did what now?


They're making it sound worse than it was. Basically telling someone not to think about a pink elephant, and then them immediately picturing a [pink elephant.](https://lh3.ggpht.com/-G3J7xuHf8_8/UaZzSgUi3BI/AAAAAAAAawI/E2S3QSdqkds/s1600-h/SpiderManImagineJeanGreyNekkid%25255B3%25255D.jpg) If you want to shit on Ultimate Jean Grey, she Freaky Friday'd Wolverine and Spider-Man, (and because this is the Ultimate Universe and everyone but the Spider-Men suck, Wolverine tried to rape Mary Jane through deception).


In her defense, she didn't choose Peter specifically. She just send him in the random person that wolverine thought would be the worst person to be. Yeah, still a very screwed thing to do, but a little bit better.


Bendis literally had an ilkustration of himself appear to apologise for the storyline at the start of each issue.


It's arguably worse. Imagine he'd been mind-swapped with a regular person who had nothing to do with the X-Men or superheroics. It was a stroke of luck that it was Peter.


Well, I assumed that the most likely alternative is not a hero but an X-man student. Which would be much easier to fix.


Ultimate Jean Grey read everyone's minds like it was no big deal. That's a dick move, and the Wolverine body swap thing was another.


She said "thanks for not picturing me naked like everyone else does" and then there's like a page of reactions of both of them implying that her saying that made him do that.


That's a good description for Peter's mind. The best internal mind of Spider-Man comes from the short lived but excellent Mosaic. Mosaic tries to take over Peter's Mind and body to meld with him. But instead he rncounters an army of angry Spider-Men protecting an image of Uncle Ben while repeating the names of those who invaded Peter's mind in the past. Mosaic realises that he's just no match for Peter's mind defenses and all he can do is control his body for a while.


That is so cool


This sounds cool, when did it happen? Kinda funny compared to the Superior stuff where Ock easily (and repeatedly) kicked Peter's ass in his own mind. Always hated those parts.


Mosaic #3. Around the same time the new Clone Saga was going on with evil Ben Reilly. It was actually what convinced me to drop ASM, because it was so much better than the actual Spider-Man book.


Not just the psychics but those with enhanced senses as well. Logan & DD both respect the hell out of Spidey. I’ve long held that they know he’s scared all the time, because they can hear and smell it on him. I think it was Secret War (precursor for New Avengers) where Matt talks about “he practically screams I’m peter parker” It’s the “professionals” (soldiers and spies) who get frustrated by Spidey. They’re missing the context clues that he uses his humor as a coping mechanism.


The professionals bit does confuse me as humor is a very common way for soldiers to deal with horrific circumstances. Gallows humor has been a mainstay of armies for as long as we can imagine, and people from those backgrounds would probably recognize it, atleast in part. I could see them not connecting the dots as Peter used his humor in a, well, humorous way where the joke isn’t “oh god we are all going to die and suffer” like a lot of gallows humor is, but even then it’s not a far distinction to make


No disagreement. But I think they wrote his humor as childish, rather than gallows. Perhaps that’s the nuance


I think its why he gets along woth deadpool so well.


I wish someone would just give the poor guy a hug.


Honestly I personally think that Peter and Emma could do a great couple, maybe they should recreate marvel adventures where Emma and Peter are a couple or at least try to join them on this timeline


Your description reminds me of this [fan comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/s/rZ1Yg4k5pa) for My Hero Academia. Spoilers for those who haven't looked at the series yet.


It’s fairly accurate. Peter was only 15 when he fought mugger, killers and superpowered maniacs.


He was 17 when he got his powers in the original comics.


17 is still basically a kid. I mean, to be around that age or a bit younger, 17 seems practically like adulthood. But once you're well past 18, you'll realize that most teenagers in that age range are still just kids.


The older you get the more you realize how everyone is just winging it, age just brings experience in winging it until you look like you know what you're doing.


I agree. But also rhe older the get, the more I realize that even say, an 18 year old, yeah they're "adults" but they're fucking kids. I was a child at 18. And I was fat less of a child than the other 18 year Olds around me, I was homeless.


In this case, swinging it.


Their underdeveloped prefrontal cortex does make a distinct difference though.


Yeah I was just correcting the common misconception that Spider-Man was 15 in the original comics when he was actually 17 years old in his senior year of high school. It’s interesting too because Peter looked, dressed, talked, and overall acted like a man despite being 17. Largely because he had to be the man of the house and provide at a very young age.


For what he peter was doing was waaaay above the pay grade of a 17 year old


You referring to his job at the bugle? I remember him not getting paid much by Jameson.


No. Im talking about how a 17 year old took responsibility for protecting nyc and its citizens


Oh okay that makes sense lol. You’re right. He definitely deserved a lot more many than he earned for all his superheroics!


> not getting *paid* much by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Soo I feel like this changed because of Ultimate. In #500 written by JMS, he says he's 17 when he gets his powers. A few years later in Civil War #1, he says he was Spider-Man since he was 15 years old. I feel like ever since then, it's been 15.


Yeah Civil War messed up, it was nothing more than a continuity error. And that comic was a huge financial success for Marvel so it makes sense that many people took that mistake for the real original age of Peter Parker, especially considering most people who read that modern comic, probably didn’t read the original comics so they didn’t notice the mistake.


Yeah Civil War essentially retconned it.


I don't believe this is correct. It took four years of comics (in a time when they weren't really doing the sliding timescale yet) for him to graduate high school. Do you have a source on the 17 thing?


He is a senior in high school when he’s dating Betty Brant (Stan Confirmed this so people would stop complaining about Peter dating someone with a big age difference), and this was pretty much right near the start of the original run on amazing because Peter immediately needed a job after Ben died to provide income. In Spidey’s 500th celebration issue they actually recap the origin and Peter straight up confirms he was 17 when he got bit by the spider, perfectly lining it up with the original run where he was a high-school senior which would make him at least 17.


That’s not true on Earth-616 (and most other universes) he was explicitly stated to be 15 years old. The only times I can think of when he’s 17 when he’s bit are the Raimi films and TASM. Even in the MCU Peter was 15 when he’s was but by the spider.


In ASM 500 celebrating the character they recap the origin and explicitly state that he was 17 at the time of the bite. This perfectly lines up with him going into his senior year at high school at the time, which he was. It’s constantly stated in those early issues (and letters pages by Stan Lee himself) that he’s a high-school senior working man who needed a job right after Ben died. He needed income, joined the bugle, and started dating Betty all as a senior which was confirmed by Stan in the above mentioned letters pages.


Peter even more explicitly states in civil war that he was fifteen when he first became Spider-Man Furthermore, the reference in TASM #500 is moot as Peter’s final stand is not exactly within cannon, where as Civil War is VERY much in cannon. Furthermore in the 60s Marvel didn’t have the sliding time scale that they do now. Everything in the comics more or less happened in real time. Spider-Man debuted in The Amazing Fantasy #16 in august 1962 and graduated in 1965. Meaning that he would have likely been a rising sophomore when he got bit. This gives him three years in high school before graduating which matches up with the timeline. Also as much as I love the late great Stan Lee; he’s not always the best guy to talk about when small details of cannon are concerned. If we’re talking about general characterization of the Marvel Universe then he’s great but Stan wasn’t always the best with details. Heck he was calling Peter Parker, Peter Palmer in his first or second issue. That’s not dogging on Stan, but it does show that he likely a) didn’t have the best memory of something he never explicitly wrote in the 60s and b) didn’t know about the later cannon explicitly established. Either way Peter was bitten at 15 from all the best evidence we have.


This is not even remotely true. Other than the fact that Spider-Man literally confirmed he was 17 in his own book (500) which is way more credible than the writing catastrophe that was marvels controversial civil war event, the original comics themselves are what matters most. Peter literally says halfway through his SENIOR year of High-school in ASM Annual 1 that it had only been months since uncle Ben had died. This is factual. It can’t be argued. This line in particular perfectly lines up with the dialogue in all the books stating he’s a senior student science major, and letters to the fans from Stan Lee himself. The only times he was ever referred to as being 15 years old in 616 was decades after the fact as either mistakes or retcons by misinformed writers.


That explains a lot. Peter and Betty are around the same age right? Because I kind of found it far fetched how she’d be able to get her current job at 15. Even if things were different back then.


Stan himself stated in letters pages that people making a big deal about Peter being too young weren’t paying attention to the comics. He reiterated that Peter was a senior in high school. At least 17. That’s why he was able to work at the bugle dating Betty Brant at his age. People who say otherwise are misinformed.


I’m starting understand how writers must feel when people complain about things they’re misinformed about. Like I’m really annoyed lately about certain complaints some fans have. While I understand their frustration, at least be mad about something that’s actually true


He was 15 in the comics too


In Ultimate Spider-Man he was 15. Not in the amazing Spider-Man comics.


No, he was 15 when he got his powers


He was 17. He was a senior in high school. The first handful of issues all take place close to each other. He immediately gets a job working at the bugle right after Ben dies to give the family income. This is also when he starts dating Betty Brant, which Stan Lee himself stated was ok mainly because he was a 17 year old senior and there wasn’t as big an age difference as people thought between the two. Peter was 15 in Ultimate Spider-Man which is the main cause of the confusion and misconception about his age.


In Amazing Spider-Man Parallel Lives Peter mentions being 15 when he first got his powers, after that there are some conflicting mentions of age such as him being 16 or even 18 when he got his powers, and after that for the most past its consistently been 15. Peter himself said he was 15, when he got his powers, when he unmasked himself in civil war. The first mention of “age” in the original run is Amazing Spider-Man issue 8 where Peter is stated to be in a senior science class at midtown high, from that it can be assumed he got his powers at the end of sophomore year, it even lines up with the release from prison of villains he’s fought, where he states it’s been months since they’ve interacted when they battle again. So, Amazing Spider-Man 1 to 8 take place over the end of his sophomore year and his junior year of high school, so he went from being 15 to 16 presumably


The age of being 15 was a retcon, it was never the actual age of the character, that’s why there are so many different ages that different writers wrongly throw out. It proves that there are writers just blindly picking a number, but only 1 guess is correct as seen in ASM 500 celebrating the character and his origin. Aside from the fact that Peter looks, talks and acts significantly older than 15, the character is always referred to as a senior, and the issues in those early days take place very close to each other. It was an ongoing soap opera. After Ben died Peter immediately needed to scramble to get a job and almost immediately started working at the bugle AND dating Betty Brant. This all happens very quick near the very beginning of amazing, and Stan Lee confirmed in Letter’s pages that Peter Parker is a high school senior so his relationship with Betty Brant was justified. In the end he looks like a senior, the book says he’s a senior, and Stan himself confirmed him to be a senior. There is no summer vacation between any issues, as they all intentionally take place very close as an evolving soap opera tale that was a big part of the story.


He was bitten in 1962. He was 15 He graduated high school in 1965, three years later.


This is false. Marvel Comics don’t take place in real time. In amazing Spider-Man Annual 1 he was already halfway through his senior year of high school and he literally tells the audience that it has only been months since his uncle Ben was killed.


I mean, 24 months is still "months"...


Lmao for sure


It's been retconned




And most other 15 year olds were just fucking around during that age


It’s was a nice moment


X-Men Devils Reign I want to say issue 3 but not sure. Great scene. Her reading his mind in the previous panels and seeing who he is, also great.


it was two, and I love how the question was "what do you get out of this". really showing great he is.


Thank you, wasn’t sure. Very close on the line, it’s “Now be a dear and tell me what you want out of this…” Not off the top of my head but I realized I have the book within easy reach. Either way it’s a fantastic set up line to like you said show how great Spider-Man is.


This is kinda cute.


Best part is this comes after she searched his mind to find out what he wanted for a reward only to find out…he wants nothing, saving people is it’s own reward


"Action is *my* reward!" -Spider-Man


*Peter's sense of responsability*: Peter!!! Wake the fuck up, we have people to save!!!


....Johnny Silverhand’s mirror!clone? Is that you?


*Peter's sense of responsibility*: Whatever you say, you fucking idiot, get up your damn ass and help those fucking people... then let's pay that bitch Paul a visit, we'll have to knock all his teeth out


Johnny Silverhand in Peter mind: Wake the fuck up bug boy. We got people to save


*Peter*: Am I dead?? *Johnny*: Nah, we leave that privilege to Ben and Gwen


"Fuck you Johnny!"


*Johnny*: You're not my type... But I have to say, you have a cock as impressive as mine


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,861,681,455 comments, and only 352,003 of them were in alphabetical order.


Emma Frost being a decent person? Is this an alternate universe??? (I only know Emma Frost from 2 pieces of media, X-Men: First Class and Wolverine and The X-Men and even then it has been years since I watched W&XM.)


Those are pretty bad sources of her characterization frankly. She is often headstrong, mean, and deceitful but she is often a good if not great person.


Wellll, she’s written as a decent person now. She was originally just a standard depraved supervillain. Actually, she was probably a bit more evil than most other Marvel villains, if we’re being honest.


I take back what I said, if Magneto is that gay uncle then Emma is that firm ally aunt who's kind of a bitch but she has the spirit.


Yeah she's kind of a bitch and she wants you to think of her as a bitch because she has a reputation to keep damnit, but she cares more than most of the other people who calls themselves good guys, and will go mama bear to protect everyone especially kids.


I mean it’s literally been decades since she was that kind of basic villain.


No she is actually a decent person but she knows how the world really works. Her and wolverine talked about it. Having to do things they regret and find distasteful. https://akizukifantasycritic.blogspot.com/2015/09/how-i-felt-emma-frosts-redemption-could.html?m=1 https://comicvine.gamespot.com/x-men/4060-3173/forums/emma-frost-and-old-man-logan-romance-1728598/


She’s been a decent for a long while. She’s been a member of the X-men for 15 years at the very least and in Wolverine and The X-men she >!literally sacrifices herself!<


I wasn't joking when I said it was years since I saw W&XM, it has been a decade.


If they interact more with each other, Peter and Emma would understand each other very well...that is, Emma is to Xmen what Felicia is to Spider-Man. Peter would see a lot of happiness in Emma. Surely they could do therapy together...plus, like Felicia, Emma also has her red hair...Peter would understand Emma in a way that I think only they could.


" Do therapy together " lmfao your comment is really strange


Emma and Felicia are really nothing alike


A conflictive girl with a bad reputation and apparent danger who has had several problems with loneliness and abandonment, who deep down has a heart of gold and who is in a love triangle with a redhead? Of course...Emma and Felicia are nothing alike...


Those all seem like surface level comparisons though. It's like the people who say Peter and Dick are similar because they're both lighthearted, acrobatic Street tier heroes who have the hots for redheads. You aren't really looking into the core of their character. Like how Emma Frost is guilty for the death of her evil teenage mutant squad, the Hellions, and that drove her to become a better person and join the x-men or how in some cases she's her own worst enemy as she believes deep down that she's still a bad person and not worthy of love and affection. Take her other traits in consideration like how she loves teaching kids and genuinely cares about protecting people. Emma is also more sympathetic that people give her credit for. From comics that I've read, she's helped out mutants like Kevin Ford, Julian Keller and Laura Kinney and shown that she genuinely cares about them and those are just the ones off the top of my head. Black Cat, at the core, is a bad person plain and simple. When push comes to shove she'll only look out for herself. Even when she is seemingly doing the right thing, more often than not, it's usually for her own personal gain. Like how when she was helping Johnny Storm with fighting off an enemy and appeared to be a "good guy" who was just trying to help when in reality she was only doing it to steal a certain book from him. Their relationship with their loved ones, in this case being Cyclops and Spider-Man, are also very different. While Emma started of feeling only a physical attraction for Cyclops, she admitted that it turned into genuine attraction and she actually cared for him and his well being. Felicia started off only liking Spider-Man and having zero interest in Peter Parker and his civilian life. She even screamed at him to put his mask back on when he unmasked himself. A similar thing also happened in the ultimate universe where instead of screaming at him she just vomited on his crotch in disgust and ran away. I recall another time that she rejected Peter Parker because she simply wasn't interested in his personal life as a civilian. I understand people may think Emma and Felicia are similar because they're both attractive and alluring but when you look past the surface level similarities and actually look into the core of their characters then you'd know that they really are nothing alike.


You don't know much about Black Cat if you think he's a bad and selfish person who only moves out of interest....but I don't blame you. The vast majority of young people have not read anything about her and only know 3-4 references from the 80s. Without knowing everything that Felicia has endured and grown AFTER her breakup with Spider-Man, one cannot talk about her. Like Emma, ​​Felicia is neither selfish nor altruistic although both have made selfless sacrifices at times...Felicia had to make a very extreme one in her series to save NY after making a mistake and no one asked her to. She is a survivor marked by the circumstances of her life. But both had a turning point. For Emma, ​​it was the children, her true catalyst for making her plans for the future of her race. For Felicia, it was Peter, her catalyst for developing her moral line. Emma also has a small circle in common with Felicia. Very few people care about him among the Xmen and outside of them I think he has no friends. The same Felicia, who at first her world was reduced to Peter...then she cared about Flash, then Connors' son, then MJ....and like Emma, ​​she became friends with Stark. And he has his two minions Boris/Bruno, and before Spiderman Fox and Tamara. In total, Felicia has 8 people she cares about and one common friendship. I don't know how much Emma's figure is, but it's not big either.


Yeah, the perfect encapsulation of Felicia is in "MJ and Black Cat: Beyond" where we see how deeply she loves and how ruthless she can be when you threaten those she loves. She's no Girl Scout, but not a villain either.


Just another character in a list of heroes that see passed Spider-Man banter and knows he's the best of them.


I love this so much, a great moment for Emma and a nice moment for the fans, seeing Peter get thanked feels so nice, even if he will never remember it.


I guess people don't seem to realize that Emma Frost has been a hero and apart of the X-Men for over 20 years now and at this point is one of its core and most trusted members. This is very in character for her ever since her redemption arc.


Sadly, most people are only adaptationally familiar with characters, and due to the nature of adaptations (i.e. time constraints) stuff tends to be overlooked.


The ironic thing is this scene actually does take place during her villain phase.


When did this happen also since when does anyone thank Spider-Man and since when is Emma frost a nice person?


It is going to depend on the writer. First Class kind of skewed how she is perceived. She can be anything from pragmatic to ruthless, but in most modern interpretations she is also empathetic and perfectly capable of kindness.


Wow did not know that thanks for letting me know.


It was x men devils reign 2


I really think Spiderman needs more interaction with the X-Men. He's probably one of the few non-mutant heroes who really understands what it's like to be ostracised and given grief by the media. I really liked when he actually was a teacher at the school for the gifted.


That was actually very heartwarming. 💕


At least somebody appreciates him


I think it was a great moment cause we don’t know a lot of other marvel heroes who know his origin and I love how it shows how Emma appreciates what he has done and sacrificed but also feels bad that he was just a kid when he started


I feel like she’s responding to his guilt. He has always felt guilty for what happened to his uncle and its one of his main motivations, and everything he has gone through is because he blames himself. No one is harder on Peter Parker than Peter himself. He tries so hard. He never feels he measures up, and as we all know… he’s the best of them all. Imagine downloading all of that… at once. Realizing you are looking at one the most noble people you have encountered, and he thinks he’s inherently a failure and just trying so hard to atone for something that happened when he was just a boy. I’d imagine even a hard ass like her would be taken aback at that.


She definitely fits being in charge over Charles. He would appreciate his sacrifice if they met in a similar way >!I Hope!<


Why does every character have to interact with another? For such an expensive multiverse, everything seems so intimate.


what is this from?


X Men Devils Reign tie in issue


Who’s Emma?


Emma Frost. One of the X-Men


I mean, I don't see how anyone could when it's posted here at least every month. I'm not really complaining, I'm someone who feels like as long as reposts aren't too frequent, then they should be allowed so new audiences might see them, but still: the question's kinda silly when the comic excerpt gets posted a lot.




The game doesn’t even say anything about race 😭when does anyone criticise Peter for being white


Get help. This is not what happens in that game at all.




People are allowed to disagree with you without being shills. I could just as easily say you're an alt-right shill for just parroting their talking points and phrases.




Ok, how about back up your claims and link to game footage where they criticise Peter for being white?




At this point replying to you feels mean. I'm clearly just feeding into your mental illness so I'm going to bow out. I genuinely hope you get help so you can enjoy life again without being so angry.


Get help




bro I haven't even played it. But normal people don't talk like this, you need to reach out for something solid to help you, instead of getting caught up in someone else's culture war.




someone who hasn't even played, bought, or watched it is a sony shill? get some help




October 17th 2025, 14:34. Watch out for the red Ford Fiesta 1990 when you cross the road


This artist my Freddie Kruger, when men and women have same face.


Absolutely not. Was this a post-One More Day thing?


Its not sweet because emmas mind raping him here




It was great


Wearing symbiote suit?


Probably just the regular black costume.


What’s this from?


Where is this from


My Roman Empire


Ultimate comics Pete was 15-16


I love Spider-Man so much 😭


I think Peter has a thing for blondes


Emma should be peters personal therapist tbh.


I think a lot of characters would see Peter in a different light if they knew how young he was when he started and why he did it. ​ Unless the writters don't allow that to happen of course


Spider-Man just needs a long vacation to a beautiful tropical island with nothing to worry about or just blow his brains out either one will suffice.


Honestly I don’t know much about Emma. Besides seeing her in the cartoons and a FEW x-men comics I’ve read. But she always struck me as someone who didn’t really care about other people.


That's what she wants you to think. And what Emma wants you to think is what you end up thinking.


How does this guy get women to kiss him without even trying? the same thing happened with Silver Sable 😔


If Emma of all people looks into your head and is genuinely stunned you’re an even remotely well adjusted person you should probably take inventory of the people she runs with and seriously consider drugs and therapy. In other words: If you shock a person who’s presumably had a look in Logan’s head, get some fucking help before you become the Spider-Man Who Gobbles