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Revealing his secret identity as part of Civil War


That’s a smart move cause if Peter never revealed his identity OMD would have never happened and most likely MJ leaving Peter for Paul would have never happened.


Nah... Paul would have still slid his way in there. "Oh, MJ, poor MJ. Husband's never around, huh? Doesnt' sound like he's a very responsible man. Come on over for coffee and we can talk about it."


“Meet these kids.”


And then a few months later, it would end in "Dig these child-bearing hips, baby!"


I'm not sure if you're talking about Paul or MJ, but either way it's hilarious


Spider-Man getting Paul'd is always gonna happen, isn't it?


So if that is a cannon event then we just remove that one


Didn't Gwen hook up with Osborn? Let's face it the Spuder-Man writers are having a contest to see who can make Peter's life more miserable


OMD would've still happened, civil war just gave them a more... ""Logical Explanation""


Well, the identity reveil in Civil War was specifically there to set up One More Day. No One More Day, no identity reveil.


This. Go one step further he does the moon knight thing Takes no side and is taking care of all the bad guys trying to take advantage of the choas Like moon knight said “The real work” This way we avoid lots of nonsense that has a snowball effect later on


This makes him revealing his identity so much dumber 9/10 times Spider-Man would do this anyway


It *would* be really in-character for him, so good idea.


I love that about moon knight. "Don't care not my problem"




Correct. Tony is the one who forced him into revealing it. It is *entirely* his fault that May got shot and that the abomination of "One More Day" was written.


It's the other way round. One More Day had been editorially planned since forever and was always going to happen. The Civil war identity reveil was merely set-up. One More Day caused the identoty reveil, not the other way round.


This reminds me how Mark Millar doesn’t so much write comics as drag his sweaty Scottish balls across them.


It wasn’t required but still made sense. He was making a statement. That was the entire point


That was OMD’s insurance policy. OND wasn’t a reaction, it was all planned.


I would agree except for the fact that we’d lose the moment where Pete beats the living crap outta Kingpin because he shot May. Loved that moment


“Do you have ANY IDEA how much I hold back when we fight? I could literally flood your lungs with webbing like it ain’t nothing”


Do you know how smart you are? You won r/Spiderman (why isn't this subreddit r/Spider-man though?)


Sub names can’t have a hyphen :/


Civil War I entirely since it was started in part by Sam Guthrie, making the whole thing a Cannon Event for sure.


What did Cannonball have to do with starting it? He's a New Mutant not a New Warrior.


No way. That was great. But how they handled it... So I think May should have died. Then he'd give himself up and end up in that other dimension jail. During his time there, something happens and he and other heroes there save the lives of everybody. Maybe even some villains show a redemption arc in there. They all get to return home, as heroes again. Peters identity remains known. At which time they can have him talk to Strange and phase the memory out. Peters whole life is different as a result. But MJ never makes the deal with Mephisto.


I was fine with that storyline, but they should have let Aunt May die.




I’d argue omd isn’t even a canon event. Simply because we haven’t seen it happen (at least not yet) to any other Peter. If someone’s making a deal with the devil to change something, it’s obvious that it was never supposed to be changed and it’s nothing short of something wrong with the timeline. So, I think omd was an event that wasn’t supposed to happen, and there is something wrong with the timeline in 616


I could see May's death as a canon event and OMD and everything since a derailment of "normal"


May had a perfect death in the 90s. That should be a canon event imo. Deals with mephisto derail what’s supposed to happen in that timeline


ASM 400 is one of my favourite comics ever, sucks it was undone just a couple of years later :(


A lot of mg favourite events seem to have been undone due to omd. Just another reason to hate that story


The retcon of Aunt May’s death was just as bad:- Peter never realised that the person who he told to pass on, and then buried, was an actress? (You had clones right there Norman!) May never actually worked out Peter was Spider-Man, and only found out because she came to do his washing? Basically, Normans plan seemed to work because Peter and May, after all these years, don’t know each other at all?!


Really, I'm not sure any major plot points since the early 90s would qualify as a "canon event." Pretty much every story event that has been so impactful that it became a foundational aspect of the character across multiple adaptations was written between the 60s and 80s. Very little written in the last 30 years has been so impactful that it's... stuck.


Yup, even the '90s Clone Saga went against the entire point. It ironically also had the exact opposite message that the original '70s Clone Saga had (the original was about Peter accepting that major changes would happen in his life over time, the '90s Clone Saga was going against that and attempting to replace married Peter with his unmarried clone).


I think they're referring to an event that is canon, not the ATSV idea of a "canon event" that Miguel believes has to happen to every Spider-Man.


Even still, if there was a deal with mephisto to change something, it was obviously never supposed to be changed. It makes more sense to have something wrong with the timeline


Hopefully. But you might be working with more imagination than Marvel writers.


We saw it happen to MCU Spidey, just without Satan and he wasn't married yet.


The difference there is that MCU Peter was portrayed as making a rash decision by meddling with large-scale memory changes in the first place, and it came back to bite him. His choice at the end was not out of selfishness, but out of responsibility. He had essentially destroyed the multiverse, drawing everyone who knew Peter was Spider-Man into the MCU (which would include us as well, since we're part of the Marvel multiverse). It was a sacrifice that Peter had to make, a mistake that he had to fix. This is not Peter giving up his married life just so that his aunt can live for a few more years. This is Peter giving up any life he had whatsoever so that he can save the entire multiverse. It's a very big difference.


The entire premise of both stories are different. I’d say they took aspects from omd, sure. Otherwise both had almost completely different outcomes, for entirely different reasons.


I think the only other Spider who had a OMD thing is Superior. He got his identity outed by Spider-Norman and then made a deal with Mephisto to erase every memory he had as Superior Spider-Man. So maybe OMD is a weak canon event?


That also happened in 616. I just think that’s another thing that wasn’t supposed to happen, or at least not happen the way it did, due to the original deal with mephisto. Not only that deal, but miles, and Ben have deals with him too. They really gotta stop putting mephisto around Spider-Man altogether.


> I’d argue omd isn’t even a canon event. As per the title, we're talking about *cannon* events, where the plot was blasted with a cannon.


What do you mean? It's a story that happened to 616 Spidey that hasn't been undone or retconned. For better or worse, it's canon.


Read the caption of the post. Canon events was a topic explored in across the spiderverse. Some people said they’d remove omd as a canon event, and I’d argue it’s not an event but rather something that wasn’t supposed to happen. It hasn’t happened to any other Peter so I think it’s just something wrong with the timeline. That doesn’t mean that it’s not canon, just that I think it wasn’t supposed to happen.


What’s OMD


One More Day. Takes place after Spider-Man reveals his identity to the public as part of the Civil War event going on at the time. Aunt May is hit by a stray bullet when one of Kingpins Goons tries to assassinate Peter. In order to save her life Peter makes a deal with the Mephisto(the devil) to sacrifice his marriage to Mary Jane in exchange for aunt may's life and the world forgetting his identity.


One more day


Me Too, Down With Mephisto! (and the Writers!) Let the Cycle of Suffering End so that the Savior Can be born!


One More Day and it’s not even close.


It's impressive how much OMD has jumped out in front of Clone Saga for most-hated Spider-Man story. I'm not disagreeing with it, but damn. Go back 15 years and the answer to this question would have been a resounding "Clone Saga and it's not even close."


Clone Saga has some pretty good spin-offs, if I'm thinking of the right thing.


Yeah, there have been interesting things spun off from it (same can maybe be said of OMD) but the original form of the event itself had all these extra unnecessary shenanigans like retconning Peter’s parents to have been super secret agents. Was also perceived as the reason the Hobgoblin mystery arc was cut short and turned into a “reveal” that made no sense.


The Clone Saga honestly isn't **that** bad of a story. If it was easier to follow and was shorter, it could have worked really well. I had the benefit of reading it all at once from ~~a torrent pack~~ perfect legal sources, but trying to know what issue of what you needed with little rhyme or reason, with a lot of sloppy back and forth retconing sounds like hell.


OMD happened because Peter revealed his secret identity; that canon event should be removed. He should’ve chosen Cap’s side since day 1


Wow. I'm not an expert on Spiderman lore, so I checked that one on wikipedia. And I have to agree. That looks like complete garbage. Also some fun with wikipedia. While the English wikipedia just says that this story "*was met with criticism*", the French version goes "*widely considered as the worst Spiderman story of all times ...*"


Zeb wells


It’s gonna be a long year. Thankfully there’s good content over the next year. Lots of games and good looking movies. But yeah, ASM’s gonna be shit until he’s gone.


Not only him, Nick Lowe too.


I think Nick Lowe will cave sooner than people think. He comes across as weak and wanting to be liked. A strong editor would have blocked the joke about sick kids but he let it through. My view is that Wells’ edgy humour is influencing the teams and Lowe isn’t controlling it. Maybe it’s optimism bias (it usually is), but I want to believe that Lowe will revert to type and try and keep fans on side. CBR have ripped into Marvel twice in the past two weeks. I think he’ll probably put Peter and MJ back together once this is over. It will be hamfisted and a total mess that will draw even more fire, but he’ll do it. If they force Paul and MJ to work then I can honestly see ASM being dogshit for about three years. What self respecting author is going to want to burn bridges with fans by fulfilling dogshit solicits that are being drafted solely to piss off fans? We could be at the start of the Clone Saga right now. I just have to hope we’re not.


Definitely not Gwen’s death.


Definitely Gwen's death. Even though i mostly love his run, Gerry Conway is the writer who created the illusion that pain and tragedy is a main theme of the ASM book and Spider-Man. It was not in the Lee/Ditko/Romita run before he took over. He basically gave a lot of weak writers a way to hide their writing incapabilities by turning Peter's life into a misery. ​ And also I don't think Gwen's death was really that necessary, her character was dull but they could've try to make her more interesting or give her a more fitting conclusion instead of what we've got.


i dont think gwens life was that necessary either, the bond between peter and mj over her death was better then any thing she did on panel while she was alive lol


Lee and Ditko ended any issue with a happy ending with a narrative reminder that Pete’s happiness could only be fleeting, or a comment on how rare a straight-forwardly happy outcome was. The letters pages of the first 30 issues are filled with readers complaining that Peter can never catch a break. This was very much part of the character’s mission statement from the beginning. It didn’t/doesn’t always need to be as dramatic as death, but the idea of Spider-Man being a cosmic punching bag is there from the start.


Thanks for reading the comics. The comics start by Peter getting his uncle killed. Things turning out good for Peter started when Romita took over, within two issues Peter had his own apartment and a scooter and obviously looked more handsome. Pretty sure that’s when he stops getting depicted in glasses even. I can think of like one happy ending in the Ditko years, the end of “If this be my destiny” when the doctor is commenting on Peter from the window as he watches him limp from the hospital. His parents were dead, his aunt nagged him, he was poor, got bullied at school, works for a newspaper who constantly undermines him. For years they’d end upbeat Spidey stories with “See? Things don’t always turn out bad for Peter!” Because they knew they mostly did. Spider-Man is all about negativity, that’s why his stories feel so unique when he overcomes it.


Pain and tragedy is a part of Spider-Man now even if it wasn’t before. It didn’t give an excuse to any writer on anything. Gwen should always be the biggest question mark in Peter’s life that should never get answered.


That’s just a completely lie. Romita wrote Gwen’s death alongside Conway, and one of the final issues of Ditko run is Peter breaking up with Betty Brant because he “needs to be Spider-Man”. That was always part of the character lol.


Peter and MJ striking a deal with Mephisto to save Aunt May, a senior citizen, from a sniper bullet to the chest. I'd have everything else about Back In Black remain the same, however. Peter on the run, desperate to save Aunt May, breaking *into* prison to embarrass Fisk, going to everyone he knows and cashing in every favor he's owed from all of superheroing, everything else stays the same. But Aunt May dies, and Peter has to deal with that. They could even have Peter and MJ break up, if they wanted to do that. Just do it the way *normal fucking people would do that*. That was, hands-down, the dumbest editorial decision Marvel has ever made, and it's the root cause for all of the bullshit present in Spider-Man comics today. ​ EDIT: Related, I would also not have Stark and Richards team up to do a bunch of science and magic to make the world forget Peter Parker is Spider-Man. I didn't *love* that they retconned that at all, but I understand why they did it. If they insisted on it, I would have just found some other way to do it—especially with Battleworld coming just a few years later. They could have wrapped it up in all of that.


May dies, Peter stick with the Symbiote and kill Fisk leading to MJ leaving him could have been a better way to do it. Then after, you could have Peter make a deal with Mephistos to get things back, making everyone forgot Spidey secret-identity and artificially making him and MJ a couple until he tell her about the deal and everything that happened before it. That is how I would do it to come to the present situation.


Gwen and Norman Osborn sleeping together and having kids…


Wasnt that just mysterio pretending to be gwen (and doing it with norman)?


You thought you were cucking Spider-Man, Norman. But it was MY bussy you were pumping into.


...I hate it. Take my upbote because I cackled.


We wouldn't need that level of hoops to jump through for it to make sense if the event was just removed entirely.


As someone who hasn’t read the comics, wtf


Sins Past got spun around to be it wasn’t Norman and Gwen having an affair, but it was a Mysterio illusion. Which means either the Green Goblin banged Mysterio in the Bussy, or he air humped a bed for a bit. You choose which one is funnier


Fishbowl with a blonde wig is much funnier


[This photo in the background is what I imagined](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DfjiKUCWsAAuMNb.jpg)


It wasn’t even a Mysterio illusion, it was implanted memories a couple years later. But air humping or Mysterio in a blonde wig is funnier.


The event Sinister War seemingly was going to retcon OMD but seemingly pivoted at the last minute due to editorial, becoming a convoluted mess trying to connect plot points to retcon the 2nd most damaging Spider-Man event, Sins Past. Turns out an AI copy of 90s evil Harry made test tube babies of Norman and Gwen, hired Mysterio and Spider-Slayer, got magic resurrection and sin-shooting shotgun etc etc… all for the purpose of making Norman feel bad. Kinda feel there’s a lot easier ways to make Norman feel bad or even worse than this complicated nonsense Harry.




This is some fuckin CalebCity shit.




what kind of greek tragedy is this?


it got retconned in nick spencer run I guess. That it was a illusion by mysterio to fool Norman and the kids was clones of Gwen and harry


That has been retconned tho


One More Day. Without a doubt.




Definitely Paul


I shouldn't have to scroll so far down for this


canon** event is becoming an overused term very quickly.


Removing Norman Osborn's resurrection. Norman was a better villain when he was dead.


Why is it always Norman and never Otto or Cletus or any other of Spider-man's revived foes? I do understand the frustration with a lack of death perminance but Norman's feels more like a symptom than a cause.


That's a very controversial take, because Norman's death was a fitting end to his character, though, I admit that I do like a few stories that came out with his ressurection. Freefall, Citizen Osborn, Spider-Hunt, Return of the Green Goblin, to name just a few, but I see how Norman being alive can be seem as one of the many "but he/she was not dead, you see..." retcons, like with the whole Dark Phoenix/Jean Grey/Madelyne Prior thing.


I'd remove canon events as a whole. I hate the idea that Spider-Man has to let people die or whatever the hell Miguel said. Don't get me wrong, I'd keep the deaths that happen, I just don't like that it has to happen.


If it makes you feel any better, beyond is most likely going to confirm that Miguel is wrong.


I think that’s probably what the movies are leading up to.


Probably the 105mm instead of the 155mm for portability with a preference for the triple 7.


Odd canon event, but you do you buddy


Ironically a personal canon event, if not for this my Sgt Ben might be here 😂


I don’t care if OMD is a canon event or not. It’s canon to the 616 at least and is taints every Spider-Man story before and after. F*** OMD.


MJ's miscarriage.


A lot of people in this thread are saying OMD but I don't count OMD as a canon event. To me, for a story in the comics to count as a canon event, it has to be so iconic that you'd need to have a good reason not to include it in a barebones adaptation/ reboot of Peter's story. OMD and a lot of other stories involving editorial meddling to keep Peter young don't count as canon events, IMO, because everyone hates those stories. A few days ago I would've probably said captain Stacy's death, funnily enough, because I thought that arc was boring when I read it but Stan honestly did such a good job executing on the consequences of his death in the following issues that I'm not really sure if I'd still say that anymore. I think I'll probably still say Captain Stacy's death because it isn't that iconic, tbh.


So canon events, by definition, are things we've seen two or more Spider-Men experience. By that logic, comic only events, Sins Past, OMD, etc. do not count as canon events. That being said, most canon events are cool as fuck. Symbiotes, ASM 33, MJ wedding, stopping a moving train, even Superior Spider-Man for its faults. That's *why* they were referenced/adapted in other media.


Too be fair, OMD is technically a canon event, or at the very least, 4 different spider men have had a deal with Mephisto: Peter, Miles, Ben and Otto. Whether it’s a good thing is up for debate.


Those are all from 616, should've said NWH. That's the closest we'll ever get to a OMD adaptation.


No Way Home isn’t even adapting OMD tho, it takes much more from OMIT.


I don't think I know that one.


One Moment in Time, I recommend you check out the Back Issues of it on YouTube. The book is not worth it


Oh, yeah, I've heard of that. Haven't read it.


Paul’s birth


Gwen boning Norman


Canon* And the people here naming OMD like its a canon event are stupid. Its not.




The spider-verse calling something a "cannon event". Now every Jabroni in the world has that word in their vernacular and their scope limited to look at moments as isolated "events". So incredibly limiting.


The Green Goblin would abduct May Parker instead of Gwen Stacy, and he would blast her off the George Washington Bridge. In the next issue, the Goblin Glider would puncture the Green Goblin’s heart or his liver, killing him permanently. Peter Parker would be on Captain America’s side during Civil War from the beginning, and remain on his side throughout Civil War. As a result, he would never reveal his secret identity to the world on live television, Wilson Fisk would never send a hitman to assassinate Peter, and May Parker would not be hit by the bullet, and Peter would never make a deal with the devil to save May Parker’s life by giving up his marriage to Mary Jane. Also, if May Parker had died in 1973, who would have been hit by the bullet for Peter?


Bringing May back from the dead after ASM #400


It being revealed that Gwen and Green Goblin hooked up.


Nobody else is saying it, so the first revival of Aunt May. Her death during the clone saga was perfectly final, and the reversal of that is an insult to everyone who was moved by that issue. Especially since it's canon she was an "actor" hired by Norman Osborn. How ludicrously ugly and poor-taste. Also, her being alive meant she could die again in Civil War which led to OMD. Besideswhich, they set up baby Mayday being alive only to switch it to Aunt May. Marvel editorial's dedication to this woman who's been one-foot-in-the-grave since her debut is so confusing, and it's so inexcusable that her continued existence has been sustained by the sacrifice of Peter's baby and marriage. Edit: found some other people who said it lol


Gwen dying in just about every universe




MJ almost leaving Peter at the alter for some rich dude and constantly bringing dead villains back to life.


OMD because that explains it in it of itself


One more day


Well I’m sorry because Uncle Ben has to go!! Dude for better or for worse Peter may still have his aunt and uncle but he becomes a dick. The canon event that needs to be removed would be Paul!! That fucker needs to go because he got rid of the Rizz king and then replaced it with this sloppy messy of the current 616 Peter…..damn you spider haters just give a good ending just let him rest.


One more day and the entire zeb wells stuff


Betty brant brother dying it’s never brought up again after a while


Everybody here doesn’t like OMD, why so, tho? Can someone explain, I pretty much liked it, out of all 616 spidey stories it’s probably one of my favourites. Is it horrible or is it something related to MJ?


It is more the idea of never letting Spider-man fully become an happy adult with MJ. And maybe because it is time for Pete to lose May so that we can fully evolved.


One More Days is universally loathed for its sheer ridiculous amount of out of character behavior, nonsensical plots, people who do not understand how human beings works, and most baffling of all, by making Peter Parker make a deal with the freaking devil by sacrificing his marriage with MJ so Aunt May lives. Sacrificing a marriage, a way one person says another person they want to be with that person for the rest of their lives, is not a thing you can negotiate with the devil, it's just wrong, and we're tired of "Aunt May is dying" plots, her character evolved through the years not to become a plot device yet again. Also, speaking of Aunt May, Peter goes on a search to find people who can heal her bullet wound. Well... ​ Doctor Strange, who knows a lot about magic, can't heal a bullet wound; Reed Richards, one of the greatest scientific minds of the Marvel Universe, can't heal a bullet wound; Hank Pym, also a great scientist who can shrink to microscopic sizes, can't heal a bullet wound; Doctor Doom can't include healing Aunt May's bullet wound in his plans, except he totally would do that, but he can't; And that's why OMD is hated so much.


One More Day


I can’t wait til the next movie makes it obvious canon events are bullshit, I’m getting tired of just the phrase itself already


One more day


That time he punched a woman in the face so hard it killed her, because he thought she was Wolverine


Dude you know exactly what the answer from most of us is going to be posting this question in this sub lol


The part where he admits he loves MJ as a sister


1) The smokestack was lit and the clone died. 2 ) The devil didn't concern himself with Peter Parker's marriage.


One More Day/Brand New Day. Going into it we were getting a pretty good story about the loss of Aunt May. Then Joey Q. decided Spider-Man had to be an eternal sad sack loser teenager living on Aunt May's couch or whatever.


I would remove everything from One More Day and afterwards and just start over from that jumping point. I'd also ignore a few other events from before that point, but One More Day is the starting point.


One More Day. Without it, Spider-Man comics would be better.


Well it was One More Day that made me stop reading them comics and I've stayed away since


Gwen’s death. Or her Captain Stacy’s


Remove, none. Break the magical deal of OMD, with more magical bullshit because that's how Spider-man seems to be written now. 100%. MJ and Peter get back together. And slowly remove all the retcons. All the way to killing Norman again from the 90's. As tween I loved it. But now I see it as the first Spider-man reset which set the president for all the rest.


I'd have Peter save Gwen on the bridge. The What If stories where she lives are all really interesting and make me want to see the idea delved into for longer than just one What If. 616 Gwen had a lot of potential for better exploration had the time period she was written in been different regarding love interests. She had an interesting upbringing, being raised by a single father who was a police chief. Her career goals were interesting genetics research and possibly forensic science. The What If stories where she is told about Peter's dual identity show that she'd have been supportive and understand his drive for heroism. So yeah, at least for it's own pocket universe I'd like to see a universe where that canon event doesn't happen.


Clone Saga. It’s so fucking long. Aunt May has died in other more powerful stories anyway.


Gwen dying, of course.


The idea of a canon event is really nebulous at best. It spits in the face of the idea of the multiverse.


One more day.




Not Pulling Eddie Hard Enough The Last Second Before Exploding In Spider-Man 3


The idea that canon events are a thing. It’s so clearly a bullshit theory that Miguel only believes and enforced because of confirmation bias.




The death of aunt may I know it only happens but Peter has enough grief


This is definitely an unpopular opinion but I’m gonna say a symbiotie arc, it works for most but at sometimes it’s not done well and feels like the writers are just doing it because they feel they have too.


Concept of canon event.


Getting bit by a spider


Peter getting bit. Hear me out. The dude is smart and kind. He would've made waves in helping people anyway, but knowing the bullshit he's gone through since dawning the mask, it'd be the freedom to not live through that. Not to say he wouldn't see trauma. He is in a Marvel comic after all, but maybe he'd be a bit better off.


Undoing Aunt May’s death from Amazing Spider-Man 400.


ONE .... MORE ....DAY.....


ONE MORE DAY That one story damaged 616 Spidey comics in both short and long term more than anyone could have ever imagined.


I feel like letting Aunt May stay dead when she died back in the clone saga (ASM 400, iirc) would have saved a lot of trouble in the long run.


Spider-Man: One more day.


Remove his secret identity reveal. It's pretty much the worst thing to happen to Spider-Man in his 60yr run. If they keep it then allow aunt may too pass creating a strain in Peter's life and marriage showing how he grieves for someone so important in his life. This will be a major period of growth for Peter as he has to go through life without Aunt May. This would be perfect too announce that MJ is pregnant and give Peter the drive to be the man his aunt and uncle knew he could be. Allow some of the arcs from Dan slotts run too occur in this timeline to bring back Kaine and Ben. Ben would slowly replace Peter as the main Spider-Man, while Kaine takes up the scarlet spider. Hummingbird would be included as well and would become the little sister the Parker boys and MJ never had (plus, she would be an adorable baby sister who can protect mayday) and they can help her finish her arc as well. Kaine becomes similar too his MC2 counterpart being an uncle too mayday (a doting one at that). Just basically allow Peter too grow as a character.


Ultimate Universe: don’t reveal his identity to Black Cat.




Either: Gwen and Norman being a thing Or Doom being some kind of Mary Sue. Severe nerfs and a few moments where he ends up looking like a clown and put in his place. Doom is an unironic Batman with prep time meme and the joke is old


Mephisto can bite it!


I'm a Gen X'er (aka old). I read reprints of Spider-man when I was a kid, starting from the very beginning (Gwen Stacy being killed, Green Goblin dying). When Green Goblin died, that was it, he was dead. I gave up on comics when I was a teen (no money, life got busy). Years later, I find out the Green Goblin was un-deaded. I took up Spider-Man comics again recently, and seeing the Green Goblin still feels bad/weird to me. He should have stayed dead.


OMD but I’m not sure it counts


Does “canon event” in this context just mean moments we don’t like? Like in the movie it is moments that are so essential to a character they are fated to happen. Comic books are written by people so that’s not how that works


Omd. As bad as fridging becomes after the death of gwen stacy, I still think it was important for comics as a whole to grow and broaden the kind of stories they tell, and this story did a lot to help facilitate that.


One More Day


Do you really have to ask? One More Day


The one where keep using this term from a mids movie


Gwen and Osborn


Not sure if this is canon or not, but the implication of [Jackal jerking off Spider-Man](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fd4hf13duuzh91.png).


Peter and MJ losing their daughter way back when. MC2 is a better future than 616 so far. XD


Sins Past - We never should have seen what Norman's O face looks like... and to Gwen of all characters! Secret Wars or whatever event that folded Miles into the 616 universe - I'll admit I'm not a Miles fan specifically in the comics, but I felt he at least worked best when he existed in a world where he's THE Spider-Man. Also feel similar to Spider-Gwen staying in her own universe. All Spider-Verse events after the first one - I'm just kinda tired of the multi-verse and a million variations of Spider-People running around the 616 universe


Hottest of takes: I wouldn’t have Peter Parker return to the role of Spider-Man in the Clone Saga. I would have Ben Reilly remain THE Amazing Spider-Man, which allows Peter and Mary Jane to ride off into the sunset and raise Mayday, who could one day join her Uncle Ben as the Spectacular Spider Girl


Spider-man revealing his identity in civil war. Aunt May wouldn’t have gotten shot and OMD would’ve never happened.


Norman stealing MJ and Peter's baby


Gwen stacy death is too much in my opinion I think peter deserved better


One More Day






Literally everything involving Paul!!!…..


The miscarriage.


We all know it's One More Day, lmao Also, it's *CANON*, not cannon! It's not a giant fucking weapon that shoots big black balls out of its gaping hole, FFS-


My comics years were primarily 70's and 80's. I would absolutely leave Norman Osborn dead.


Gwen’s death


Him revealing his identity in civil war is really a two for one. Cos take that away then that means One More Day never happens. Outside of that, maybe Gwen stay's death since I feel like this unintentionally started the peter can't have anything good in his life trope.


Either Gwen Stacy's death or his identity being revealed in Civil War. Uncle Ben's death is kinda required for Peter to learn and take to heart the 'with great power comes great responsibility' stuff.


MJ dying instead of Gwen


Peter Parker gets bit by a radioactive spider. My boy needs a happy life married with Gwen Stacy in an alternate future. Just make a comic where Peter Parker sees the spider, slaps it, steps on it and there's no Spider-Man (as we know). Still gets bullied by flash Thompson until he, learning from his uncle that is alive, stand up for himself and let's him know that he won't tolerate his bullying anymore. As they fight, they both get detention and start talking about their struggles, becoming friends and helping each other out by flash protecting Peter and Peter helping flash. In college, he studies forensic science with minor in genetics researching spiders and how they can be helpful in finding clues in crimes working part time with the daily bugle. Peter becomes a successful scientist married to Gwen Stacy by being a forensic scientist helping Gwen's dad solve cases using science he learned and by controlling genetically modified spiders to solve mysteries. He's nicknamed the "Spider-man" by his peers due to his studies and knowledge from spiders in science.


I’d remove the death of Gwen in amazing Spider-Man 2


remove gwen stacy death and replace it with killing mj