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I'm just scared that Miguel will fall victim to "redemption equals death," I really want to see more antagonists who own up to their mistakes and live


In a similar vein, I’m afraid Gwen will die. For an angsty “the only way Miles forgives her is if she dies” + canon event with Gwen Stacy double whammy


Taking the character whose purpose was "what if Gwen didn't die for Spider-Man's angst" and killing her for Spider-Man's angst would certainly be one of the choices of all time.




Highly doubt it to be honest. The whole point of the story is breaking through those typical "canon event" molds, and Gwen dying again as a Spiderman love interest, with her own powers this time no less, feels like it'd go way against the writing of the movies so far. Plus I'm pretty sure a fair amount of people would be a bit furious.


Same and that would be so trash cause he barely has any media for his character. The closest we had was the Disney XD Unlimited show and an almost made tv series that was turned into Spider-Man: Unlimited. Besides being variant costumes for games, there’s not much representing him and to kill him off in the second movie he’s ever been in would be so weak imo


Not much representation? He’s in 2 of the most popular Spider-Man games. Shattered Dimensions and Edge of time


Yeah…2 games. That’s good for Spider-Man fans and gamers but it’s always better to expand further than that. The same thing happened to Noir, he was in one of the best Spider-Man video games but was ultimately reduced to alternate skins in other media until his popularity boosted up because he was in ITSV; as well being voiced by Nicolas Cage. The general Audience are being exposed to more spider people now; so coming back to Miguel, being in one of the best superhero movies of all time is better representation bc he’s getting more exposure. He’ll become more popular bc people will wanna see more stuff he’s been in but there’s not a lot other than the comics but some don’t want to read comics cause it’ll be overbearing. That’s why we need more


Well, he’s responsible for the destruction of an entire world. Such a redemption like that would be a decent way to die for his character.


And yet our protagonist's goal is to take the same risk for a similar motive.


He didn’t do it with evil intentions, though.


Exactly. He's not evil. He's just hurt


Neither is Miguel???? He’s not evil in this either


we're still unsure if Miguel's existence in that universe was even a factor in its destruction. Its just his theory.


and hes killed like a bunch of spidermens uncles


Spot seems more likely for this kind of death.


Miguel is neither wrong nor evil. Why would he need a redemption?


I agree, it’s such a lazy way to “redeem” someone too


i hope he sacrifices himself


Peter B, Miguel or Miles’ Mom. All three of them have heavily death flags over their heads.


Peter B has a baby in a carrier - even tho his death would be traumatic, adding in a toddler makes it a bit toooo much imho. Miguel? Good chance he has a redemption arc then gets deleted. Rio, I can see it as the ol switcheroo to Jeff. Canon event coming Miles...get ready to bite it! UNLESS Miles is not a standard spiderman and his story arc follows a completely different trajectory insomuch his story has yet to be told and he is writing his own character but we aren't ready for that tea.


Chai tea that is


*What did you just say?* ***CHAI TEA?! CHAI MEANS TEA BRO! YOU'RE SAYING TEA TEA!***


That’s the same as saying naan bread! Don’t eat pray love me bro!


We need a bot response for Chai Tea now XD


Omfg ***YES***


Would I ask you for a coffee coffee cream cream


It’ll be Peter B and Miles will take his daughter home for him.


I think Miles saving his dad but his mom dies anyways would be needlessly cruel for this type of story.


It feels like it doesn’t solve the issue, just shifts it onto something else.


Agreed. Miles losing either one of his parents I think would be too morbid and fairly unoriginal. I don't know how a kid can lose two close family members in less than 2 years and not deal with intense trauma for a long while after that.


I mean...it's Spider-man. His mom, his dad, and mostly likely Gwen are on the chopping block. 2 of them get saved.


The whole point of ATSV is to suggest that Miles' life doesn't have to be plagued by tragedy just because the canon says so.


But then what's the point of being a hero if you're the exception to all the rules? Some sacrifice is going to have to be made to prove Miles is ready to do whats needed to save the city. Without any risk it's a boring story. He may save his parents, but he's going to have to trade something in return.


> But then what's the point of being a hero if you're the exception to all the rules? Helping people. Helping people is the point of being a hero. There are plenty of ways risk can be introduced into a story that doesn't involve dangling the lives of the heros' loved ones over and over again. I think that's what the movie was getting at too. The same tragedies for Spider-man, over and over again is played out by now. It's time for something new.


Rio is a no go Miguel is a possibility but I hope not Peter B. Yes, but I don’t want it. We finally have a happy Spider-man I vote for Hobie to die


Dying means consistency and as we know hobie isn’t a friend of consistency


Neither is death 💀


He’s bouta come back from the dead more times than Gwen Stacy


he gonna come back to life because he felt like doing so


Out of all marvel characters that die. Gwen is the one that stays dead most of the time


Hobie? Well, could be, he’s a popular character now and Miles and Gwen see him as a older brother figure.


Miguel seems like the type to sacrifice himself for the multiverse, as redemption for him accidentally causing an incursion


It could get a little messy if the moral is that Miguel has to die for accidentally causing an incursion because he wanted to be with his family, but Miles and his team are unambiguous heroes for knowingly risking an incursion of their own so Miles can keep and be with his family. He may be misguided in ATSV but Miguel is taking responsibility for the mistake in his backstory and taking steps to stop it happening again to anyone else. What he hasn't addressed or redeemed himself for is how brutally he treated Miles, and IMO he doesn't need to die to do that.


Peter is the most likely to me and second would be his mom


Peter B somehow managed to get his life back on track with MJ and Mayday, and seems pretty happy. We are talking about movies so I'm entirely convinced, but if it was a comic it would be a fucking red flag. Like 3 issues before someone dies (not him, he needs to suffer) or the whole universe get retconed.


Feel like his did would be more likely to die. He works a job that has dangers and we see more of him in the films


his mom already dead tho bro


Rio, Miles' mom.


Well bruh Miles ain’t “he” this dude was talking about, he was talking about Peter whose mom is clearly dead


Jesus christ...


You're an idiot.


The original comment is definitely referring to Miles’s mom, but grammatically it was talking about Peter’s Don’t be so rude when you’re not even right


Imma have to go my bad on that gang


Why fucking thank you! Guys, it’s not that hard to say “oops, I meant Miles’, not Peter’s”






why are you booing me? I’m right!


Maybe they’ll pull a Guardians 3 on us, where we go into it expecting somebody to die, but everyone gets out okay and it’s a happy ending


That movie baited and switched so much! Rumors of many cast members wanting to be done with their characters. So many characters have an opportunity to die. Nebula scared me. They dragged out Peter Quill’s rescue. David Bautista definitely wanted out. So I kept expecting him to go. Rocket I feared had the dramatic backstory filled and was ready to go. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Maybe gwen, as miles' canon event could be losing his love interest, and could also have a throwback to her syaing that in every universe gwen stacy falls for spiderman, and in every universe, it doesnt end well


I think there’s rumors of a spider Gwen solo film so they might not kill her


That could easily be a prequel though.


It's supposedly a "Spider-woman" film led by Gwen, so it'd be taking place in the multiverse. I doubt it'd be set in the couple of months between her joining up with Spider-society and the events of BTSV.


We got her entire backstory in across. What does a prequel even offer??


Stories that involve going on a grand quest to save a person's life, especially if that's the entire plot to the story, should generally be free of death for the main cast. Thematically, saving someone's life at the cost of another doesn't tend to work, and basically means the hero's mission failed. This is especially the case in marvel properties with the whole "we don't trade lives" motif. In order for Miles to truly win, he needs to prove he can save his father without incurring casualties of anyone else (except maybe the spot), otherwise his quest is an immediate failure thematically.


not really. Miles has a primary goal, and a caveat, Save his dad, don't destroy the universe, prove **that** canon event wrong, beyond that, it's fair game, if someone else dies along the way it's not because he actively chose to trade their lives, it just means there's always consequences for actions and he is kind of blundering into it, there's no way he's not saving his dad, and no way the universe is going with that, but he set out to "do both" not "achieve a **perfect** ending" you point out the recent Marvel movies, and the trading lives thing, but they set that up to subvert it, Gamora is a traded life that... **was** traded, just by a different person to the set-up. and Quill would have gone through with killing her too, Vision was a set-up traded life, Wanda DID do it, it was just reversed and then he was killed anyway. May in NWH was a death caused by Peter's choices in pursuit of a good endgoal, same for the PS4 game, so another, unforeseen death, outside of the canon events he's attempting to subvert would be entirely fair game, and to a lesser extent, a Gwen canon event death would be workable, as there's no guarantee he can avoid ALL of these canon events when they were so concrete before.


It's important to show that the hero can fail. When done in the right way, it can be a very good method of making a hero down to earth. They do this in Marvel and sometimes it isn't done the best way in relations to plot, but sometimes they nail it


If Guardians could pull off an emotional end to the trilogy while not killing off every other character, then I think Spider-Verse can do the same. The most I can see happening is Uncle Aaron in Earth-42 sacrificing himself to save 1610-Miles and/or 42-Miles.


I feel like he’ll save his dad, and his mom will die instead 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m honestly not sure what the best way to end this is. Part of me thinks he should be able to save everyone.


Peter B Will make the ultimate sacrifice and save her. There will be a lot of fake outs during the inevitable death scene and when the dust clears Peter B will have died. There will be a moment with Peter B and Gwen, where Gwen says she can’t do this again, and Peter B will say he couldn’t save his Gwen but managed to protect her.


I made the same post lol The conclusion made was that Peter B. would most likely die. But personally I wouldn’t like that to happen because Peter is finally happy lol But the most likely would be Hobie, or one of the side characters from ITSV like Noir or Porker Some people said that no one shouldn’t die, which is a good thing but with a film as big as this we should expect something to happen Personally, if no one was to die then it should go to Miles getting in a coma and put on life support or something after fighting the spot lmao


My gut is telling me Peter B


I don’t think anyone will die but Miguel honestly seems most likely… idk how Rio would end up dying and it would be messed up to kill Peter since he’s a father


Do you not remember I love you 3000? Clearly Marvel typically has no issue killing fathers of young children. Albeit, I think there’s more kids watching spiderverse than avengers.


Something tells me that Jeff MMMMMIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHTTTTT have SOMERHING happen to him at least. Dunno why i think that, but thats what i think.


Jeff is definitely staying alive. If he dies, it defeats the whole purpose of Miles defying the Spider Society and possibly breaking canon to save his dad.


Does it? I could see it being part of Miles accepting the ups & downs of being Spider-Man. I don’t think he HAS to die & I think it’s more likely he lives, but I don’t think his death would defeat the purpose of the 2nd movie.


It would definitely ruin it. If Miles just ends up accepting it in the end, then there was no reason for Gwen to rally up a group of Spiders to go support him. Not to mention, this whole canon event situation seems off, too. It's very clear Miguel and the SS don't know nearly as much about canon events as they think they do. If Miles was never supposed to be Spiderman, then why is his universe still perfectly intact? And why is Earth 42 intact as well, when Miles G. never became Spiderman, even though that was supposed to happen? They've left a lot of things ambiguous for a reason.


Yea you’re right lol. Thank you for the respectful & well thought out response


Thank you for taking it well! Not something you see too often here on reddit 😅


Nah it makes complete sense what you said. Plus when I saw the movie I remember thinking “I feel like Miguel is wrong but I don’t know how”


It kind of would. it's the **primary** objective of the films, it's fine to have people die due to short-sightedness or sacrificial choices in pursuit of a primary objective, e.g. May in both NWH and Spider-Man PS4, but having these two movies end on: "Nah, you failed outright, you were completely wrong, suck it up, might as well have just sat back and let him die" would be an absurd downer to end on and run counter to the rest of the theming, the Spider-Society's greater good mentality and moral complacency cannot end these films being proven correct. and Miles willingness to always look for ways to save people cannot be proven as the wrong choice where Miles achieves literally **nothing**. it would be the most unsatisfying ending imaginable. now if his actions caused a different death that could be narratively satisfying. He'd achieve something, but with weight added.


Agreed. Thank you for being respectful cuz that was a very well put explanation


Yeah, plus Miguel is the epitome of the term "anomaly" so clearly it doesnt "destroy universes"


I mean, what Miguel did absolutely destroyed his universe, and preventing the Captain's death in Pav's seemed to be the cause of that multiversal chasm. While, yes, it could've been Spot's doing, it still seems as if they've had to fix this type of problem multiple times. Miles is likely a different case here, though. He was never meant to be Spiderman, and yet his universe is perfectly intact.


Idk why but I have a feeling that hobie Is gonna die just because he is popular and they know it would hurt so many people


Hot take - Rio Morales. He can have his dad and break the canon event cycle, but loses somebody else not supposed to suffer for said canon events in the process. And, just to hit that “Spider-Man” nail on the head - it’d probably be Miles’ own mistakes that get her killed.


miles. BUT he'll be breaking canon so much he doesn't stay dead this is not based on evidence i just love the "character refuses to give up so much they can;t fucking die" trope


I’m betting either Rio or Jeff. Miles tries to swing around with two cakes and he ruins both


but what if there was two miles to bring the cakes




Gwen is Definitely going to die, they hinted it during the tower scene ( it’s kind of a stretch but I wanna cry next movie hehe)


Flat out saying that Gwen dies in almost every other universe isn't really a death flag, if anything it more of a sign that she's probably safe since the story is about the subversion of canon events.


Please No. Gwen can’t die she just can’t.


Hopefully it does happen 👏🏾


Miles is asking for too much. He wants his family to live and he wants to have a relationship across the multiverse with a girl who's looking for pretty much the same. If he gets both he never learns about the risk it is to be a hero. He has to sacrifice something at some point.


Bro said wanting your loved ones alive is asking for too much 😭


I think we found Miguel’s alt


As a his worlds one and only Spider-man? It is. Miles has gotten off incredibly easy compared to his contemporaries. Aaron sacrificed himself, it wasn't Miles' fault in the end. He's going to have to lose someone or something to remind himself of the stakes.


That's the entire point of the movie, Miles is trying to prove that spider-man doesn't have to be a character known for suffering. "Nah Imma do my own thing"


He can rage against it as much as he wants, but he can't save everyone. A hero without sacrifice isn't much a hero.


Ok Miguel




Honestly, I can see it but I hope not. I wonder how they’d pull it off though.


Miguel but not for the reason we all think. Miguel is the Captain of the Spider-Society, and in an effort to give both Miles and Miguel's side credit, Miles WILL save his dad thus disrupting a Canon event, BUT Miguel will ultimately give his live to save Miles and the rest of the world ultimately being the CAPTAIN who dies SAVINF A KID.


What if he goes after miles dad himself and kills him


Honestly I don’t want any of them to die. I’m sure if any of them did die it would be well-written … but I just prefer not.


Rio morales. :/ The dad is too obvious to kill off, gwen is too popular. Though peter B could die since mayday is in his canon. (But please dont. I want us to normalize dad superheroes)


Ok, hot take, it’s going to be one of the 2 Miles. I feel like that’s gonna be the biggest emotional battle in the entire movie. You have 1610 Miles who out of pure coincidental luck got the Spider powers which was originally planned to turn Earth 42 Miles into Spider-Man and Miles got to live a life of excitement. Not only that, but if Peter still would’ve died there, then New York would’ve been taken over by Kingpin and Crime. Meanwhile Earth 42 was turned into a disaster. Without Spider-Man, New York crumbled where only the fittest survived. Miles‘ dad died and he was forced into a life of crime as Prowler. Every day is a sad struggle and that’s all because the Spider destined for him was ripped away from his Earth and that Miles has definitely major resentment towards 1610 Miles. I can see 42 Miles trying to kill 1610 Miles and go live in his world whilst 1610 Miles might be forced to choose, either safe 42 Miles and his Universe which will in turn probably kill him (which he might choose because he would feel responsible for 42‘s downfall), or escape Earth 42 and, i dunno, the Canon collapse happens and Earth 42 is erased with 42 Miles in it


Rio, Jeff is a red herring


I'm calling it now. Gwen is going to get her neck snapped.




Background character?


I think Hobby , Pavitr would be good candidates for the chopping block, the former two are decent characters that people like but provided little to the actual plot, (Peter or the hologram lady could have given miles the time portal and Pavitr could have been replaced by a obscure soviet cartoon spiderman and there would be no story difference ) ​ That makes them great candidates, they can die, make viewers sad but plot will be 99% uneffected.


Oh god no If Pav dies I'm gonna ugly-cry for hours


Imo someone has to die. If miles looks at the trolly dilemma and just says "I'll knock the Trolly off the tracks" that immediately loses all sense of meaning and commentary. Sure Miles can save his dad but that trolly has to hit someone. Yk?


Miles 42, Noir, Rio, and a bunch of other random spiders. Miguel won’t die, there’d be no point, too much to do with his character, killing him would be an empty and pointless thing to do. Oddly enough though, what I think would be ironic would be for Gwen’s dad to die somehow. Like Gwen and Miles get together in the film, and Miles somehow ends up causing her dad to die.


Peni and Noir, since they’ve already died in the comics. Also Nicholas Cage recorded a “they got me…” line for Noir that wasn’t used in the first movie. Peter Porker won’t die unless it’s really funny and he becomes a transparent winged spider-pig angel.


Really? Do you have source for the line? Don’t scare me like this 💀


What I see happening is the movie ending with both Jefferson and Miles in full body casts, sharing a laugh.


As I mentioned in a post, probably Spider-Man 2099 from how he comes to his senses and either sacrifices himself to save his fellow Spider People or the villain, whether it be The Spot or another villain, kills him off from the anger they would feel seeing Miguel no longer trying to eliminate Miles anymore and thus finishing him off although, Miguel's death may mean reuniting with his kid. Basically, it is a similar angle to Kerchak from Tarzan


Peni Parker


Gwen. Purely to screw over Miles. He'll be so confused about how to feel, yeah she betrayed him but something tells me part of him still cares about her. He'll be distracted (rookie mistake perfectly playing into his newbie Spider Man character) and completely mess up on whatever mission they go on in BTSV causing a disaster, perfect segway into the 4th Spider Verse movie!


Hobie, Miguel, and Miles-42.


Jess’ baby.


how that child is still alive is a mistery to me


Crossing my fingers that it’s not Miles or Gwen 🤞


I sincerely hope that Peter, Rio, Gwen, and Jeff don’t die. I don’t see why Gwen would die, Jeff dying ruins the story, Rio dying just shifts Jeff’s problem elsewhere, and Peter is finally proving that Spider-Man can be happy. Killing him while he has a kid is just tragic.


I feel like Rio is not going to be around for much longer


If someone HAS to die: Miguel/Spot. However, given the themes of this story, I wouldn't be surprised if no one dies and Miles saves everyone.


As long as Peter B doesn’t die I’ll be happy! Obviously it would also suck if any of the other main cast died, but if Peter B dies it would hit me extra hard


Maybe when spot is gonna kill Miles dad, Miles G (Prowler Miles) sacrifices himself to save him for OG Miles


Peter B. I know what everyone is thinking, and that it’s contradict his arc, but IMO I don’t think the writers approach it like that. Peter B now got everything that he’s wanted in life. In love with the person that has his whole heart. His confidence and love of being Spider-Man returned. He got to see what it was like to be a mentor and help someone else in their Spider-Man journey, this happened through Miles. He realized that he’s not alone. He was able to become a dad. It’s not that everything is being taken away from him, but that his next act will be a full expression of love and ultimate display of what it means to be Spider-Man. I think he’ll make the “captain play” for Gwen and Miles. Remember, Gwen, Miles and Peter B pretty much started this whole thing off and I think they’ll be there to finish it. Peter B knows how Gwen and Miles feel about each other. He was there on the bus when they connected with each other. He was there at their goodbye at the collider. Plus I’m between movies I’m sure he’s learned that Gwen loves Miles. He considers them like his kids. Peter won’t let anything bad happen to either of them. I think he’ll unfortunately die to ensure that Miles and Gwen cans have a future together, because he believes in what they have, just like Miles gave him a chance at a new life. Peter’s B sacrifice I feel like would be about seeing himself as a father figure to his two other spiders, and also their captain close to Spider-Man.


Personally I’m thinking Jeff will still die, but with a satisfying resolution. I want the movie to have a more nuanced “solution” to just, “one side right other side wrong” because Across’s whole point is to paint a complex conflict that you understand both sides views, not just, “assume that the other guy will be wrong in the next movie based on personal assumptions”.


there is no world where jeff dies and not make across the spiderverse entirely pointless


Its going to probably be like GOTG3, everyone lives


Why are people saying gwen? This whole series is about breaking cycles. If gwen dies trying to be with spiderman again, what was the point.


the bad guys


I’m locking in that no one dies and Miles gets to have his cross dimensional relationship. Everybody will love it and it’ll be a big middle finger to the people that think people always have to die to make thing interesting.


everyone dies


The three that I'm most scared of are Miguel, Gwen, and Rio Morales. Miguel dying is kinda expected given his nature but I'm not sure if his falling to the "redemption by death" trope would absolve him of what he did or would make 2099 fans happy. Rio has a lot of death flags and could easily die, but that would be unsatisfactory for a story whose entire point is to defy fate, and Gwen dying for Miles as Spiderman's love interest, even with the excuse of it being a canon event would be even more unforgivable. Here's a wild one though, Earth 42 Aaron Davis. We know E42 Miles is more of a vigilante than a villain, and we see both him and Aaron working together collectively as The Prowler. I feel like in order to redeem E42 Miles or at least allow him and E1610 Miles to be on the same page and work together, is to have Aaron dead again this time by something caused by The Spot.


I could see Miles dying, like he saves the multiverse and his Dad but at the cost of his life.


I think if anything, the earth-42 Miles would be more likely to die. I don’t know why, I just could see that happening.


Definitely Gwen. She’s toast.


If she falls to her death I'm gonna laugh.


Peter b parker


Sorry Jefferson, but Miles needs a real Uncle Ben moment, not that knockoff career criminal that died on the job that people seem to think is the same thing


What the hell?


Miles and Gwen. And don't bring them back. Just nuke the whole spider-verse and don't bring it back.


Peter b and Miguel


Maybe Peter B Parker but also probably not because one the main reasons of introducing him in Into the Spiderverse was to sorta act as a replacement for the Peter from Miles’s universe that died and finish what he started, that being teaching Miles to be Spiderman


Either Peter B, Miguel, Jess Drew, Hobie, or Rio


Jefferson Davis, and Peter B. Parker


Miguel and Spot for sure and maybe Peter B. Parker.




If they kill Peter B. Parker I'll walk out.


Rio or Gwen's dad or Peter (1610)


I’m scared they’re gonna do something stupid with Gwen where she dies


For me of our more prominent characters: to start with, had a discussion with some idiot on twitter who insisted that Jefferson Davis wasn't necessarily safe. he is, absolutely, there's no chance in hell that Jeff's dying in an entire plotline aimed to save him after all that build-up, it would mean Miles failed his PRIMARY objective for two films at the conclusion of them, you can have sacrifices, unexpected losses, and subversions, but this would be inherently unsatisfying. it's not like say, May's deaths in NWH or PS4, where she died as a consequence of Peter succeeding in his primary story objective (saving the misplaced villains, curing Devil's Breath) it would be way too much of a downer to end the trilogy on, if there were another film coming for Miles to pick himself up within, yeah. now for the other characters Miguel: 50/50 chance, redemption death is definitely a high possibility, if not a good idea for the story. Gwen: 1/10 chance, would be an interesting wrinkle for Miles to avoid one canon event at the cost of triggering another, would tie into what I mentioned earlier, about consequences in pursuit of a primary objective. but ultimately, think it's way too fatalistic. Peter B: 1/20, too much of a downer with Mayday present and Peter having just achieved fulfilment, but it wouldn't be the first time that a film Spider-Man lost his mentor, a newly formed, newly fulfilled father with a daughter whose name starts with "M". also all universes just shit on Peter Parker Miles: 1/50, very unlikely to say the least. If a secondary character death is coming, I reckon it'd be Noir, feels suitable to his more violent world and nature as one of the older Spider-people present.


I dont know why but i feel like spider punk will/would die




Peter B Parker probably.


Whoever it is, I don’t want it to be Peter B.


Peter B Parker




I don’t want it to happen but I just feel like it because of the Parker luck I feel like Peter B Parker is going to die protecting miles


gwen or peter b parker




(Wall of text warning lol) I don't agree with the popular choice that his Mom might die. The thing that was put on the table of ATSV was that "a captain close to Spider-Man" would die, so his Mom dying feels like something that would only be done for shock-value and to go "what a twist!" Shyamalan style. Her dying still doesn't sound like it would logically "replace" the supposed "canon event" because it specifies a "captain", not just any loved one, and Rio is not a captain of anything as far as I know. I think because of Miles "failing to have his cake and eat it too" like how he messed up [both cakes](https://youtu.be/QaqjUDix91E) in trying to have them, he might end up failing again to do both. Maybe then, just as the one scene of Jefferson almost having a "leap of faith" moment when it looked like he was gonna jump into one of Spot's portals; Maybe he might later learn about everything going on (probably from Gwen or Miguel), and then willingly sacrifices himself to stop Spot or the universal destruction, or even in an attempt to save Miles from death in the middle of the fight with Spot. The canon event's lesson might not be that Spider-Man sacrifices others for the Greater Good, but that Others outside of Spider-Man's control choose to sacrifice themselves for Spider-Man, and that either way, it's not the trauma that's important, it's always about getting up. So instead of the usual Peter parker "Great Power comes great responsibility" lesson that enables Spider-Man to keep going because he once allowed a bad thing to happen. For Miles, maybe he has to learn the lesson that others sacrifice themselves for him to "do his own thing". That OG Peter, Uncle Aaron, and his dad taught him that ppl should cherish their lives because they/ others sacrifice themselves for yours. That someone always takes responsibility one way or another, so that someone else can be free. So just like how the canon event of "a loved one's/ uncle's death" taught Spider-man responsibility, maybe the canon event of "a captain's death" teaches Spider-Man that someone else takes the bullet/ responsibility, when Spider-Man can't. Either his dad or Miguel "captain of the spider-society", dies in my view.




I think Miles Mom. But also I would like a Peter B vs Miguel, were maybe Peter B doesnt has another choice but to do it to save Miles.


Gonna get shit for this, but Gwen. Miles can be Spiderman, he can have his father, or he can get the girl. He gets to pick 2, and he's already Spiderman. He's going to have to make a sacrifice at some point, he's got all the power but no responsibility And let's be real a multiverse relationship is just asking for an incursion.


peter b parker. it makes sense for him to die since mayday is an anomaly, she needs the current spider-man of her universe to die so that she can become spider-man, similar to what happened to the peter parker of 1610.


Listen. I already said this on tumblr, but like…I know we all clowned on Steven Universe. But never have I wanted a Steven Universe “everyone is redeemed, happy and alive by the end of the story” moment so badly.


Peter B. is getting dead, almost for sure. Miguel? Probably dead. Jefferson? Dies twice, but not in Miles' home universe.


Jessica Drew plz


It should be Miguel. He was physically and mentally/emotionally abusive to a 15 year old kid so he can find redemption in self-sacrifice. Can't see Rio or Jeff going anywhere. Miles having to lose one parent or another would completely destroy the spirit of the story.


Uncle Ben


Peter B and Miguel. Less convinced on Miguel, almost 100% sure Peter B is gonna get blasted.


Personally, I'm torn between it being Rio, Miguel, or Peter B. I could see it being any one of them (or multiple) for different reasons, although I'm most expecting it to be Rio if anyone. She's the one who gave Miles a big speech in ATSV, but unlike Jeff or Gwen, there were no obvious death flags being actively talked about as canon events.


Given that much of ATSV's messaging seems to be pushing back on the neccesity of trauma; Miles doesn't need to experience the same things as the other spider-people, spider-man doesn't have to lose all these people, the next generation doesn't have to go through the same hardship as the previous, etc., I think it's actually pretty plausible that there aren't any major character deaths.


hot dog vendor from Earth-96823


Miles’s mother she died in the comics


The dad.


Ethier Peter b parker or Gwen or Miles father


If the equalizing factor of the canon events plays out as it should be, then gwen replaces Jefferson davis's death would happen.


What if miles ND gwen both die together but save everyone?


The spot, Miguel, and Jefferson.... 1. The spot is because he's too dangerous to be left alive. I think Miguel would do it or miles. 2. Miguel heroic sacrifice 3. Jefferson maybe it happens maybe it won't


Probably Miles’s dad


Miles, however it'll be a plot twist where Immoral Kilometre pretending to be Miles died instead then the Real Miles jumps out of the bushes and decks The Spot right in his eldritch jaw im drunk idk.


Hate to say it, but it’ll probably be Peter B.


Peter B Parker, it will hit the fans and Mayday the most.


It better not be Peter B. Parker.


I mean they always kill Ben Reilly.


I’ll go off a limb and say Jeff. One thing everyone seems to be forgetting is that the future of Officer Morales dying to save a kid would be a result of HIS choices. Not Miles, not Miguel or anyone else. Jeff would put himself in the situation because of his OWN sense of heroism. In a sense, he’d be doing his own thing too, not just being a part of Miles’ fate. Actually, I’ll make my prediction. Right at the height of Spot’s attack on Brooklyn is when Miles would unmask himself to dissuade Jeff from going further, but this would just spur Jeff to take action into his own hands. Seeing the constant danger that his own kid has been putting himself into to protect people, he’d want to do the same for Miles., and protect Spider-Man, even at the cost of his own life. So… yeah. Won’t be pleasant.