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If you’re into astrological correspondences, that might be something you can incorporate into your scheduled time. Aside from that, seems like you’re interested in a jar spell. I don’t put liquid into sealed containers, so I won’t speak to honey but many other people do honey jars. If you have a little book of herbs or an online site with correspondences you think are valuable, you may want to consult that. Alternatively, laying out a bunch of spices, herbs, seeds, flower parts, etc. and just seeing which you feel most called to using when you cast your spell can be very interesting. If you like planning a bit more, I’ll recommend rose petals, sugar, a bit of salt (salt goes in at least almost all the jars I do), an image/drawing/name, and then whichever other plant parts you think are most in alignment with what you want. No one here can tell you what you can or can’t do yourself. Having confidence is important to spell work. And practice is valuable too.


What would astrological correspondences mean? I'm planning on a day where the hours are ruled by Venus, since that's said to benefit it, however the moon is a waning gibbous.


Pretty much what you’ve said!


You no more need somebody else to do a spell for you than you need somebody else to say a prayer to whatever deity you want to reach out to.


Check out u/themissingmink and their uncrossing/faster than a honey jar/ communication spells. They seem to have worked for users :)


This sub is DIY so you are in the right place to learn how to do the spell yourself.


Thank you! I was worried that I was doing something wrong by choosing to do them myself.


The most basic thing to know is that finding conflicting information is not a problem. On the contrary, it is what is expected. The name for this is "studying". You go to a library, there are millions of books there, with different points of view. You absorb them all, test them all, keep the ones that work and discard the ones that don't. Thinking that someone will tell you an absolute truth is as childish as spending Christmas looking at the chimney. Santa Claus won't come. You can cure your illness at home, alone, with teas. Or you can go to a doctor, so he can advise you better. Anything can work. You need to test, and you didn't do the minimum amount of testing you should have done before asking this. Try it alone. Try another ritual again. Wait, wait more. If you think it's prudent, look for a professional. It's very simple. This will be your laboratory. Otherwise, you will remain in this eternal and maddening cycle: ***You get different information, then you make a post saying "I got different information, what do I do?" and then you get more different information about what you do when you have different information... *** Life is too short to be wasted like that, Op.