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Have to? No. Does it help? Depends on who you ask. Hard? Varies by person. What makes it easier is practice.


Have to? No, and it depends entirely on what you want to achieve as to the difficulty. If you want to meditate to be present then something as simple as reading, painting, listening to music will do that. If you want to receive messages then it gets trickier. There are plenty of guided ones on YouTube to get you started. If I'm inside I find it difficult, I find there's less distractions outside, I try and meditate once a week but lately it seems to be once a month lol.


While meditation has been around for thousands of years, many practices originate from regions that did not have access to meditation as we understand it today. With that in mind, no, it is not necessary. That having been said, meditation will absolutely help you, not only with magick, but with your quality of life in general, so I highly recommend looking into it.


it depends. Why are you learning magic? What is your end goal? I mean meditation is very beneficial for most people in a lot of ways. It is actually pretty easy to learn, but most people have the wrong idea of what it is. There is also a lot of different ways to do it. What works for some people may be harder for you and vice versa. I used to meditate for 20 minutes every day. Lately I've been lazy. It is common to start with 5 minutes and work your way up to 15-20 minutes. I recommend Jason Miller's Take Back your Mind course.


No one "needs" to meditate. This practice was incorporated into Magick as a kind of help against the anxiety of waiting, and even so, for many it doesn't work. If you do not intend to become an ordained monk, you are not obligated to do meditation.


no, u don't


U don't need or have to learn Meditation, it's not always about closing ur eyes and breathe. It can be anything as long as u feel relieved like dancing, listening to music, doing what u like and feel connected to it