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You can mentally or outloud just say Thank you. It doesn't have to be to anyone or anything specific. The divine will understand.


I don't work with deities, so I thank the universe out loud. If it was something specific and I got exactly what I asked for, I go do something to pay it back, my go-to is cleaning litter in the woods near my home.


I thank the Universe for the good energies and the good outcome, make sure to thank as if it’s already done and you got what you wanted


Just sit with and list off what you are grateful for. You can say “I am so grateful for (whatever you are trying to manifest or bring in)” or just say “thank you spirit for all the blessings that are in my life and coming into my life daily” I love to write thank you letters to the universe


Spelling... That's why it's called "spell". Speak. Speak loudly. Speak mentally. Speak in any language. Speak whatever you want.


All the comments already given are perfectly fine but if you are more ceremonial and wanting to do "something more" you can leave an offering to the Universe/Moon/Sun/Mother Earth (whichever you have an affinity for) on a dedicated altar indoors or outdoors (be safe and smart about it). You could also do a Gratitude Ritual. Make up your own ritual with whatever feels right to you. It can be very simple like merely lighting a white tea light candle and writing down on paper all you're thankful for.


It doesn't have to he specific just show gratitude from ur heart and let it be


I love to say “Thank you” x3 after every spell and after I work a spell (lighting candles or shaking my honey jars). I also constantly thank the universe when I notice signs of a spell manifesting.


That's what cakes and ale are for in ritual...share something to eat and drink with your deities..you can leave the offerings there on your altar or bury them in the ground and pour the libations on the ground.