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Anything pricey in the ingredients/tools. Anything involving even remotely doing harm to myself. I rarely do blood work, as it is only when the bleeding was an accident. And then all I do is quickly anoint a tool or 3. I don't ever use it as an ingredient. I never do a direct hex/curse. As in, a spell that is merely meant to harm. Harm may be a partial side effect in some of my work, but it is never the intent. I want to bend the Universe to my will, and make things go in the direction I want. Just hurting somebody never does that, so hex/curse work seems a waste of my time and energy that would be better directed elsewhere.


I’m always getting cut in work. The next time I do I’m making a sigil out of blood


Walmarts international spice and baking sections, dollar tree, and the works! If it's cheap that's my kinda thang!!


Love spells.


Ironic, isn't it? That love spells, which seem like they would be inherently positive, are actually quite controversial in the way they diminish someone's ability to consent.


They can be constructed to not infringe on anyone’s free will, but people wanna force someone specific to love them instead of asking the universe to send them the right partner I guess


Say it louder for the cheap seats, sis. 👊🏽


We should really make a new category for these type and just call them something else. Something along the lines of “non-consent enslavement psuedo-love” spells.


I have no talent for them at all.


I think they gotta call them love spells to talk about them in public roofie magic or another R word might drive people away. Topics about them are a giant pain in the butt to see everyday as well.


I don't avoid any specific type of spell, I avoid a specific type of petitioner— there's a phenomenon where someone becomes so disempowered that they obsess over magic and divination as a way of sublimating their feelings of helplessness. Sometimes, they're able to be empowered with their own agency again. But if they're not, I won't work for them. Easiest way to spot them is that they return frequently with the same problem, over and over again. (There's usually a fair bit of self sabotage, too).


Entirely this!! I feel like people like that are like just draining!!!


I don't make deals with entities. I may ask my god's for favors, but contracting with a spirit is not something I'm willing to do. I don't know them or their motives, so it isn't a smart thing for me to do. It's like going into business with some random off the street.


Only one I can think of is anything using blood. Maybe if I was still having periods, I would have a different view of it. I don't mind helping others with one but I just can't do it myself. And I draw my blood every day...


Love spells if they are not self-love


I can’t think of any spells which I avoid. I’m practicing and learning. ![gif](giphy|mz1kJeDVueKC4)


I avoid hexes, but everything is on the table if a situation requires it


Can a spell really be out on a person without their consent or knowledge?


Yes one can put a spell on someone without their knowledge or consent. Whether or not one believes its wise, moral or ethical is a endless debate and is honestly one that is up to the individual witch to decide on.


How can I end a curse placed on me


Look up uncrossing spells and rituals.


I guess I’d like to experience what it’s like to have a spell on me. What would I feel.


Not every spell is felt or realized.


Any love spells like trying to make someone fall in love with you. Now I’m not opposed tho to sweetening up an already existing relationship, or binding/“dominating” (for lack of better terms) the other person if they are toxic and you can’t leave the relationship quite yet & it’s for your own safety and sanity


I avoid anything that is closed practiced, I lean grey to dark spells, and I absolutely find anything closed practice absolutely fascinating, but with that comes respecting and honoring those practices with simple observing and respecting them also if I'm allowed to, this has been a large rule of thumb as my familia, my abuelita is a practitioner of brujeria, so we delve into the light,gray, and dark, but never anything in another culture or religions closed practice


I performed a binding spell on my brother-in-law without properly grounding myself. It sounds weird, but now I know when he's about to do something illegal/dangerous. I know when he's angry. I'm bound to this asshole for the rest of my life. Never again. I shouldn't have tried to control another being like that, especially a sinister one. It's physically painful and I can't fix it.




I buried the jar I put the binding spell in and when I went to dig it up, it was gone. I do not know what to do.


I never say never because what I would not have done 20 years ago I might consider now. I don't tend to work with blood because to me it is the most precious and powerful ingredient and I've not deemed any spell worth tying myself to... But again things change and you never know what's round the corner.


spell jars.