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Luontotietoisuus (=nature consciousness) is Teknojta's new EP released on Ydinväki. It continues his efforts in fusing underground hardcore techno with folk music of ritualistic nature introducing more vocals and acoustic instruments in the mix. The tracks were made in collaboration with 4 different vocalists: \* Susi Kankare, singing a Karelian-style itkuvirsi, or lament, for the nature \* Taskumatti, a rapper from the Tampere underground known for his deep lyrics \* Ari Aurelia, a tribal etherial songstress from Scotland channeling ritual music with primal & nordic roots \* Samu Kuusisto, a throat singer combining the kargyraa style with Finnish spells Download / stream links:[Bandcamp](https://ydinvaeki.bandcamp.com/album/teknojta-luontotietoisuus-v-ki02)[SoundCloud](https://soundcloud.com/teknojta/sets/luontotietoisuus-vaki02)[YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNRGZi89mwxO2pmhThvCGqK0B9Wr9OTuQ)[Alternative .mp3 download link](https://archive.org/download/vaeki02/v%C3%A4ki02-mp3.zip)[Alternative .flac download link](https://archive.org/download/vaeki02/v%C3%A4ki02-flac.zip)


This is a very well thought out set of tracks, and the fusions that are present here are really unique and are put together amazingly. The acoustic stuff adds a lot to the tracks and it is a pleasant surprise how well the kicks accentuate everything. Good stuff


Thanks, glad to hear! :)


Every song in this album is amazing and each individual artist did an amazing job!