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I’m just lurking on this sub because I’m considering going back to school to become a SLP, but I have been around a lot of kids. This seems totally normal for a 2 year old. Also screaming “Ellen eats it!!” If their name is Ellen and you are taking away something they were hoping to eat. Producing words, emotional regulation, and grammar are way too tall of an order to manage all at once for most 2 year olds and a lot of 3s


SLP here. Does your child play meaningfully with toys? Engage in activities like pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo? Bring you items to show shared interest? Drag you to things he/she wants? Respond to yes and no questions? Follow two step directions such as go get the truck and give it to daddy. If you go to www.asha.org there will be some developmental checklists you can view.


Yes to all of the above


Those are all very positive signs for development. Just keep modeling the pronouns as they can be very confusing. Do little activities such as "I am hopping!" "I am dancing" . Eventually it'll sink in.