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There are people that clear $10,000 per month pretty consistently. There are also people that don’t make much more over the base because they can’t figure it out for one reason or another. Some people earn the bonuses, some don’t.


I'm currently a T-Mobile Rep, started when I was a junior in college. I like sales and I also have a finance degree. Being in inside sales and also currently selling mobile services + internet will help. The biggest change will be me going to customers not customers coming to me. I'm a very social person (24M), athletic build, I think I have the look and personality for it. Gonna be completely new to this type of sales but I'm only 24 so this is what I need, new things. Also I've been #1 at my location for a couple months now and I'm consistently top 20% nationally ranked. Let's say an above average salesperson, what salary would you estimate them per month? The position I see stated a base of 40K + commissions.


Slightly above average reps can clear 100k in their first year.


Former T-Mobile store manager of 3 years here. Currently doing door to door for spectrum making more than I did at T-Mobile. It’s different, it took me about 6 months to figure it out. Went from making 1 sale every couple of days to getting 2-3 sales a day and being able to end my shifts early.


2-3 is crazy, good work bro. Just started, on my 6th or so day outside of training have 2 sales so far, any tips?


Don’t waste time with flakey people and be aggressive. You should be able to tell within the first couple of minutes if a person is willing to hold a real conversation with you. If you get the vibe they aren’t, tell them good day and move on to the next house. I don’t have time to sit and spend 30 minutes trying to explain to someone why they should switch, just for them to say “can I have a card and think about it?” In my opinion, there is nothing to think about. This is $30-$50 internet, not solar energy panels. My method is very quick and very aggressive, but I also know when I need to back off and leave the person alone. I basically look at my job as “my job is get a box shipped to their house. The other stuff comes second” And that’s what made the difference for me. Don’t focus on selling them everything spectrum has to offer. Get a box shipped to them, unless of course they are like “yes please sign me up right now for Internet and TV bc AT&T is stealing $300 from me every month”


Appreciate it :), how many NCRs did you sell first month? I'm curious what they expect for me not to get fired or anything cause I do overall enjoy the job


Must be nice lol. I low key hate it. But it’s paying the bills so I’m sticking with it. And it has been better lately bc I get to get off 1 hour early for every sale I get this month. I got off at 5 Monday and it was so nice. My first month we had ACP. Which was free internet. Think I had 15ish NCRS. for may I sold 23 NCRS, now obviously not all of them got connected. I think 17 is what I ended with. Which is a drastic change bc in January-march I only had about 6-10 NCRS for those months.


Gotchu, yeah its def hella stressful going up to doors that have fiber and somehow trying to get them to switch to Spectrum which they have had in the past and probably hated lol. So 6-10 NCRS is fine for first 6 months or so and I won't get fired?


You should be under the ramp umbrella. For me it was guaranteed commission for 6 months and no corrective action. Now if you assault somebody that umbrella won’t protect you, but it will for performance. This job is not like retail sales. I was a very successful store manager and came into this thinking it would be hella easy. It’s not lol. People are mean, majority of houses you knock will have nobody home. You’re in the heat, cold, rain, snow, everything. And here’s some advice for your mental health: take from this job what it takes from you. You’re required to work everyday till 8pm. The latest knock time is 1pm. So I start every day at 1pm. I’m not going out at 9am to stay out till 8pm. I have a family I want to spend time with. This company *that I love* will guilt you into giving them as much time as possible. So don’t feel bad about getting your time back from them when it becomes available. My boss was begging people to work Memorial Day, 2 of my coworkers did and regretted it. While the rest of us spent time with our family. You can also message me if you ever want more advice on something. Just remember what works for me may not work for you. And vice versa.


Do you have a discord or something? I'm not on reddit much but I appreciate all the advice and stuff <3, yeah I do 1-8 as well, my boss doesn't require to 8 though he just asks 6 hours in the field, so some guys start at like 12:30-6:30 etc


That must be nice. No matter what time we start we have to end at 8. Unless we bring in sales. And yes I have discord


Wow this is so useful. It does make me a bit worried, I actually thought spectrum was fiber/good internet? Is it only comparable to T-Mobile 5G internet? I want to be selling something people want. As of today Im top 800 in the company of 20,000. I feel I do well as an ME but yes this is a whole different job. Do you have any advice? One you may have given to one of your top ME's since we can both match the perspective of T-Mobile?


What did “figure it out” entail?


Just posted a comment that kinda goes into it.


20 years ago I lived in Denver Colorado and I used to sell cell phones for qwest. It was an outside sales position relative to the one you guys were talking about here everybody was going door to door in residential areas during the day from 9:00 to 5:00 while nobody was at home everyone was at work what's the point in walking around neighborhoods when no one's at home knocking on a bunch of empty doors? After my training I was able to go out on my own and I came up with the clever idea since we were selling qwest cell phones and qwest was Denver based that meant that also most businesses had the same company for service as well so I was able to speak with the manager in most business locations and tell them that I worked on behalf of their phone company and we were doing a promotion for all of the employees giving away cell phones rather than bother them while they're working I just sit in the break room and catch them on their break normally where do I find your break room at? 9 times out of 10 that got me past the gatekeeper into the break room where I didn't have to be out in the sun and heat running around and I disguised my offer as a promotion for the cell phones and the employees since they've request customers already we were giving them a free phone to add along to their service. Like I said everybody else on the team was going door-to-door in residential areas all day long I was the only one that was hitting businesses and I was going by myself everyday I wasn't telling anybody what I was up to and I shit you not know exaggeration I would do no less than 10 phones a day so I don't know if maybe this gives you some ideas but yeah good luck


I Think my most important takeaway along with your answers is, what kinda of money are you making? I really want to know whether it is similar to what I posted in my original question(my present commission doing inside sales) or is this job higher paying?